Gemini EM/XPS Dual-Scanning Microplate Spectrofluorometer User Guide — 0112-0128 Rev. A
Molecular Devices Corporation
Gemini EM/XPS Manual
© Copyright 2006, Molecular Devices Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
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The Gemini EM, Gemini XPS, and methods have U.S. and International patents pending.
Gemini EM Patents
6,097,025, 6,232,608, 6,236,456, 6,313,471, 6,316,774, and 6,693,709.
Gemini XPS Patents 6,097,025, 6,232,608, 6,236,456, 6,313,471, and 6,316,774.
SpectraPlate and Automix are trademarks and SoftMax are registered trademarks of Molecular Devices
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Emerald II is a trademark of Applera Corp.
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