Maquet Blueline User manual

Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
BLUELINE NT 0136201 EN Ed1A 01/08
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical lighting
QUALITY STANDARDS COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................................3
SYMBOLS USED IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................4
1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................5
2 CLEANING / DISINFECTION / STERILISATION ................................................................................6
2.1 Cleaning and disinfecting the surgical light ....................................................................................6
2.2 Cleaning and sterilising the handles ...............................................................................................6
3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................8
3.1 Preventive maintenance .................................................................................................................8
3.2 First level maintenance ..................................................................................................................8
3.3 Changing the bulb ........................................................................................................................11
3.4 Adjusting the balance ...................................................................................................................15
3.5 Adjusting the top limit stop of the BLUE 80 lighthead
3.6 Adjusting the lighthead brake .......................................................................................................17
3.7 Removing and installing the BLUE 30 lighthead ..........................................................................19
3.8 Removing and installing the BLUE 80 lighthead ..........................................................................21
3.9 Checking the BLUE 30/80 HOSPITAL .........................................................................................22
4 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................24
4.1 BLUE 30 .......................................................................................................................................24
4.2 BLUE 80 .......................................................................................................................................27
5 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE KITS ....................................................................................34
5.1 BLUE 30 .......................................................................................................................................34
5.2 BLUE 80 .......................................................................................................................................36
6 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................38
6.1 Suggested electrical installation ...................................................................................................38
6.2 Ceiling-mounted BLUE 30 ...........................................................................................................40
6.3 Ceiling-mounted BLUE 80 ...........................................................................................................41
6.4 BLUE 30 MOBILE ........................................................................................................................42
6.5 BLUE 80 MOBILE ........................................................................................................................43
6.6 BLUE 30 HOSPITAL ....................................................................................................................44
6.7 BLUE 80 HOSPITAL ....................................................................................................................45
7 DIAGRAMS AND PARTS LISTS .......................................................................................................47
7.1 Ceiling-mounted BLUELINE .........................................................................................................47
7.2 Wall-mounted BLUELINE .............................................................................................................67
7.3 BLUELINE MOBILE .....................................................................................................................79
7.4 BLUELINE HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................87
7.5 Lightheads ....................................................................................................................................99
7.6 Power supply boxes ...................................................................................................................105
8 TROUBLESHOOTING .....................................................................................................................111
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Certication of MAQUET SA’s quality system
LNE/G-MED certies that the quality system developed by MAQUET SA for design, implementation, sales, installation and after-sales service of surgical lights complies with the requirements of the following interna-
tional standards:
• ISO 9001:2000
• NF EN ISO 13485:2004
Reference standards
The BLUE 30/80 surgical light was designed to comply with the following standards:
• EN ISO 14971:2000 Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices (ISO 14971:2000)
• EN ISO 14971:2000/A1:2003
• EN 60601-1:1990 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for safety
Amendment A1:1993 to EN 60601-1:1990 Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60601-1:1990 Amendment A13:1996 to EN 60601-1:1990
• EN 60601-1-2:2001 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for safety ­Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and tests
• EN 60601-1-4:1996 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-4: General requirements for safety -
Collateral standard: Programmable electrical medical systems
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60601-1-4:1996
• EN 60601-1-6:2004 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-6: General requirements for safety -
Collateral standard: Usability
• EN 60601-2-41:2000 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for the safety of
surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis
This product has been veried for compliance with the following additional standards: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90 (R2005) (includes national differences for Canada), EN 60601-1:1990 + A1:1993 + A2:1995 + A13:1996, UL 60601-1, rst edition, 2006-04-26 (includes national differences for the USA).
This product only meets FCC/UL requirements when equipped with a MAQUET SA power supply.
CE labelling/intended use
Compliance with the requirements of Directive 93/42/EEC on medical devices has been assessed and
approved by LNE/G-MED. BLUE 30/80 surgical lights belong to Class I as described in Annex IX of Directive 93/42/EEC.
This range includes single or dual ceiling-mounted, single wall-mounted and mobile light units with or without
battery-backed power supply.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Symbol Meaning
may affect patient or user safety
risk of damage to device or accessories
CE mark: The device complies with the requirements of
European Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical Devices.
This device complies with Canadian and US safety
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Specications Unit BLUE 30 BLUE 80
Nominal illumination*
Nominal voltage V DC 22.8 22.8
Maximum power W 40 80
Colour temperature
Colour rendering index >85 >85
Illumination depth cm (inch) 175 (69) 140 (67)
Diameter d10
Diameter d50
With one mask % 0 % 6 %
+/- 10%
cm (inch)
+/- 10%
cm (inch)
+/- 10%
35,000 90,000
4600 4600
17 (6.7) 16 (6.3)
10 (3.9) 10 (3.9)
With two masks % 62% 49 %
At base of tube % 100 % 100 %
Shadow dilution
With one mask, at base of tube % 0 % 6 %
With two masks, at base of tube % 62 % 49 %
Irradiance (Ee)* W/m
* Values measured during certication:
BLUE 30: 38.400 lx / 139 W/m BLUE 80: 85.500 lx / 305 W/m
140 360
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Users must contact their hospital's sanitary specialists. The recommended products and procedures must
be applied. Should there be any doubt concerning the compatibility of active agents to be used, contact the local Maquet customer service department.
2.1 Cleaning and disinfecting the surgical light
2.1.1 General instructions concerning cleaning, disinfection and safety
Remove the sterilisable handles.
Clean the system using a cloth soaked in surface detergent, in line with the manufacturer's recom-
Use a cloth to rinse the unit with clean water and wipe dry.
Disinfect uniformly using a cloth soaked in a disinfectant, in line with the manufacturer’s recommenda-
Use a cloth to rinse with clean water in order to remove residues (in particular products containing al-
Wipe with a dry cloth.
2.1.2 Examples of recommended products Getinge USA product: TEC-QUAT 256 Anios products: SURFA’SAFE, 0.5% HEXANIOS G + R (ammonium IV, polyhexanide); ANIOSYME P.L.A
(quaternary ammonium, enzymes); SALVANIOS pH10 (quaternary ammonium, guanidinium); ANIOS DDSH (quaternary ammonium, guanidinium).
Schülke & Mayr products: Antifect Plus (Glyoxal), Terralin (Benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl ammonium, phe- noxypropan and phenoxypropanol).
2.1.3 Examples of prohibited products
Check that the power is switched off and the light is cool before cleaning.
mended dilution, application time and temperature.
dehydes, quaternary ammonium or surfactants).
Solutions containing glutaraldehyde, phenol, iodine, bleach, alcohol or chloride ions must not be
Fumigation methods are unsuitable for disinfecting the unit and must not be used.
2.2 Cleaning and sterilising the handles
2.2.1 Before cleaning
Use a soft cloth immediately after use to wipe away soiling from the handle surface.
Store handles in a place that keeps them moist to make further cleaning easier.
Take care to store them in such a way that the inside does not get soiled.
2.2.2 Cleaning
Soak the handles in a detergent solution.
Soak for 15 minutes to allow the solution to act, then clean by hand with a soft brush and a lint-free
During cleaning, check regularly that the handles are fully clean and that no soiling remains on the
inside or outside.
If any soiling remains, repeat cleaning or use an ultrasonic cleaning process.
Rinsing: Rinse thoroughly in clean water to completely eliminate the detergent solution.
Drying: Wipe with a clean lint-free cloth.
Never soak the handles in enzyme-based detergents as they may damage the material used; rinse thoroughly if
these detergents are used.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
2.2.3 Washing and disinfection
Handles may be disinfected by machine (Clean Maquet) and rinsed at a maximum temperature of 93°C.
Typical recommended cycles:
2.2.4 Sterilisation
Step Temperature Time
Pre-wash 18 - 35°C 60 sec
Wash 46 - 50°C 300 sec
Neutralisation 41 - 43°C 30 sec
Wash 2 24 - 28°C 30 sec
Rinse 92 - 93°C 600 sec
Dry 20 min
After cleaning, the handles must be steam sterilised as set out below:
USA & Canada Prevacuum
Other countries Prevacuum Comply with national regulations
Sterilisation cycle
ATNC (Prion) (Prevacuum)
Temperature [°C] Time [min] Drying [min]
132 - 135 10 16
134 18
Check that each handle is clean before continuing the process.
Wrap the handles with sterilisation wrapper material (double wrapper or equivalent).
Handles may also be placed in paper or plastic sterilisation bags3, for easier identication and reuse.
Place the handles on steriliser trays with the opening downwards.
Package with biological and/or chemical indicators for monitoring the sterilisation process, in accord-
ance with applicable regulations.
Run the sterilisation cycle according to the steriliser manufacturer's instructions.
Dispose of sterilisable handles in the same way as other hazardous products in a hospital environ-
To ensure correct sterilisation do not allow any soiling to penetrate inside the handle. Handles are not guaranteed beyond 350 sterilisation cycles with the above sterilisation param-
This handle is made of a porous material.
Possible sterilisation bag suppliers: Medical Action Industries SBW Medical Baxter International
For air removal and faster drying.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Isolate the surgical light from all electrical power sources and/or check that it is connected to an isolating transformer at very low voltage.
If the spring arm is not disabled when dismantling the lighthead, the arm may spring up abruptly and present a hazard. The rst step is therefore to disable the spring arm.
The light unit becomes hot during operation. Allow it to cool down before any maintenance or repair work.
3.1 Preventive maintenance
To preserve your surgical light’s original performance and reliability, annual maintenance and inspections
should be performed as follows:
By a Maquet technician or Maquet-approved distributor during the guarantee period.
By a Maquet technician or Maquet-approved distributor or by the hospital's technical maintenance de-
partment outside the guarantee period (contact your dealer to arrange the required technical training).
3.2 First level maintenance
3.2.1 Daily inspection (user)
Check that the bulbs operate correctly.
Check that the sterilisable handle locks correctly in place, and replace it if not.
Check the arm position.
If a backup power supply is installed, check that the light would operate correctly if a power cut were to
Check the overall condition of the unit: paintwork in good condition, screws fastened tightly, bezels and
covers in position.
3.2.2 Annual inspection (must be performed by an authorised technician)
Check that the limit stops are in place and in good condition.
Check and tighten the brakes.
Check the bulb holder and replace if necessary.
Check that the lighthead limit stops are in place and in good condition.
For the BLUE HOSPITAL, check the battery autonomy and the backup supply changeover system (see
section 5.4).
Check that the underside is in good condition and replace it if necessary.
Safety items
Check the following points:
Attachment screws on suspension tube correctly tightened, seals in position.
Arm(s) correctly mounted.
All covers and caps installed.
Other checks
Nominal illumination: see technical data.
Earth continuity: 0.1 Ohm maximum.
Suspension tube vertical.
Balancing system adjusted correctly.
Sterilisable handle locking mechanism.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Dismantling certain elements may affect operation and safety. For example:
• Servicing the electrical power supply.
• Servicing the suspension arm and balance system.
• Servicing the optical system of lightheads equipped with lters designed to eliminate radiation not visible to the patient. Surgical lights must never be used without these lters.
Contact the authorised Maquet after-sales service department for this type of inspection.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 6
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
3.3 Changing the bulb
BLUE 30 lighthead
Figures 1 and 2
Press the locking tab (1) and raise the casing of the failed bulb (2).
Figure 3
Remove the bulb holder (3), taking care not to knock the hot bulb against any surfaces.
Figure 4
Take the failed bulb (4) and remove it from the holder.
Take the new bulb and remove it from its packaging.
Figure 5
Insert the bulb pins into the bulb holder as far as they can go.
Check that the bulb is correctly seated.
Figure 6
Replace the bulb holder (3) and check that the locking tab clicks audibly into place.
Figure 7
Close the cover and check that the locking tab clicks audibly into place.
When changing a blown bulb:
• Switch off the power supply and leave the lighthead to cool for 25 minutes.
• Only use MAQUET bulbs.
• Handle bulbs carefully through a cloth or wearing gloves.
• Never touch bulbs with bare hands. Grease on bulbs can shorten their life.
Do not change bulbs during an operation.
The unit is designed to operate with the cover closed. When conducting maintenance, take pre­cautions to avoid touching surfaces marked as hot with the following symbol:
To avoid failures during operations, we recommend changing the bulbs on a preventive basis
every 600 hours.
If the bulb cannot be inserted fully, do not force it beyond the limit stop.
Check that the cover is correctly in place.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Spare bulb
Figure 1
Figure 2
Main bulb
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 4
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
BLUE 80 lighthead
Figures 1 and 2
Push the cover in slightly (1) and slide it sideways.
Figures 3 and 4
First remove the main bulb holder (3), then the spare bulb holder (4), taking care not to knock the hot
Figure 5
Take the failed bulb (5) and remove it from the holder.
Take the new bulb and remove it from its packaging.
Insert the bulb pins into the bulb holder as far as they can go.
Figure 6
Check that the bulb is correctly seated.
Figure 7
Replace the spare bulb holder rst, then the main bulb holder, checking that the locking tab clicks audi-
Figure 8
Close the cover (1) and check that it is correctly in place.
When changing a blown bulb:
• Switch off the power supply and leave the lighthead to cool for 20 minutes.
• Only use MAQUET bulbs.
• Handle bulbs carefully through a cloth or wearing gloves.
• Never touch bulbs with bare hands. Grease on bulbs can shorten their life.
Do not change bulbs during an operation.
The unit is designed to operate with the cover closed. When conducting maintenance, take pre­cautions to avoid touching surfaces marked as hot with the following symbol:
To avoid failures during operations, we recommend changing the main and spare bulbs on a pre­ventive basis every 750 hours.
The yellow indicator on the underside of the BLUE 80 lighthead is lit if the spare bulb is activated. To avoid a total failure of the surgical light, change the main bulb as soon as possible. We recom­mended changing the spare bulb at the same time.
bulb against any surfaces.
If the bulb cannot be inserted fully, do not force it beyond the limit stop.
bly into place in each case.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
1 Bezel on mobile arm of spring arm
2 Bezel on xed arm of spring arm 3 Adjustment nut
Figure 33
1 Bezel on mobile arm of spring arm 2 Set screw
Figure 34
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
3.4 Adjusting the balance
Figure 33
Remove the bezel from the mobile arm of the spring arm (1) and, for the BLUE 80, the bezel from the
Turn the adjustment nut (3) by no more than half a turn, holding the hexagon socket screw on the op-
• If the lighthead goes down, turn to the right.
• If the lighthead goes up, turn to the left.
Check that the spring arm remains steady in each position.
Replace the bezel(s).
3.5 Adjusting the lighthead top limit stop
Figure 34
Carefully remove the bezel from the mobile arm of the spring arm (1).
Position the lighthead at the maximum desired height.
Tighten the two socket screws (2) until resistance is felt.
If the spring arm does not remain steady in all positions, the force of the spring in the arm can be
increased or decreased.
xed arm (2).
posite side in position for the BLUE 80.
BLUE 80 lightheads can be adjusted so that the travel cannot exceed the ceiling height.
The spring arm may be damaged if the socket screws are not tightened evenly. Tighten the socket screws uniformly.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
1 Locking tab 2 Brake screw 3 Retaining screw (do not loosen)
Figure 35
Figure 36
1 Brake screw 2 Lighthead fork
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
3.6 Adjusting the lighthead brake
The lighthead brakes are adjusted during installation. Brakes, like all mechanical parts, are subject
to wear. If the lighthead no longer remains steady in all positions the brake must be readjusted. The light unit becomes hot during operation. Allow it to cool down before adjusting the brake.
BLUE 30 lighthead
Figure 35
Turn off the BLUE 30 lighthead and allow it to cool down.
Press the locking tab (1) to remove the bezel.
Adjust the lighthead braking by tightening or loosening the brake screw (2). The retaining screw (3)
holds the lighthead in place and must not be loosened.
Close the cover and check that the locking tab clicks audibly into place.
Check that the cover is correctly in place.
BLUE 80 lighthead
Figure 36
Turn off the BLUE 80 lighthead and allow it to cool down.
Adjust the lighthead braking by tightening or loosening the brake screw (1) above the lighthead fork
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Figure 4
4 65
Figure 5
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
3.7 Removing and installing the BLUE 80 lighthead
If the spring arm is not disabled when removing the lighthead, the arm may spring up abruptly and present a hazard.
• Lower the spring arm and lock it in a safe position when installing the lighthead.
• Assemble in the correct order: rst install the lighthead then enable the arm.
• Place the arm in the topmost position when removing the lighthead.
• Keep clear of the spring arm when enabling it.
Removing the BLUE 30 lighthead
Figure 4
Place the spring arm (2) in the top position.
Remove the two taper-head hex socket screws (1) to disable the spring arm.
Figure 5
Unscrew the hexagon socket screw (5).
Unscrew the brake screw (7).
Remove the fork (6) from the spring arm and separate the connectors (4).
The hex socket screw (5) is a safety screw* that must be replaced each time the unit is reassembled.
Reinstalling the BLUE 30 lighthead
Figure 4
To disable the spring arm, unscrew the two taper-head hex socket screws (1).
Figure 5
Secure the connectors (4).
Insert the fork (6) in the spring arm (2) such that the hole in the spring arm lines up with the hole in the
Lock the fork in place with the hex socket safety screw (5).
Use a at screwdriver to tighten the brake screw (7).
Figure 4
To enable the spring arm, tilt the lighthead and spring arm (2) upwards until the holes (3) line up with
Install the two taper-head hex socket screws (1).
* Safety screws are available in packs of 5 (3 690 51 555).
The spring arm must be disabled before installing the BLUE 30 lighthead.
The hex socket screw (5) is a safety screw that must be replaced each time the unit is reassembled.
the tappings (3).
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Figure 9
Figure 10
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
3.8 Removing and installing the BLUE 80 lighthead
The order of disassembly is important:
If the spring arm is not disabled when disassembling the BLUE 80 lighthead, the arm may spring up abruptly and present a hazard. The rst step is therefore to disable the spring arm.
Disabling the BLUE 80 spring arm
Figure 9
Remove the bezel (1) from the mobile side of the spring arm (2).
Pivot the spring arm down to the oor and insert the locking pin (3) in hole (4).
If the locking pin is not inserted deeply enough in the hole the spring arm may spring up abruptly
and present a hazard.
Check that the spring arm correctly locked in place before releasing it. Only use the supplied locking pin.
Removing the BLUE 80 lighthead
Figure 10
Unscrew the hexagon socket screw (5).
Unscrew the brake screw (6).
Remove the fork (7) from the spring arm and separate the connectors (8).
Reinstalling the BLUE 80 lighthead
Figure 10
Secure the connectors (8).
Insert the fork in the spring arm such that the hole in the fork lines up with the hole in the ring.
Lock the fork in place using the shakeproof hex socket screw (5) and the brake screw (6).
Enabling the BLUE 80 spring arm
Figure 9
Lower the spring arm (2) and lighthead slightly by pressing on it.
Remove the locking pin (3).
Install the bezel (1) and check that it is correctly in place.
The hex socket screw (5) is a safety screw that must be replaced each time the unit is reassem­bled.
The hex socket screw (5) is a safety screw* that must be replaced each time the unit is reassembled.
* Safety screws are available in packs of 5 (3 690 52 555).
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
3.9 Checking the BLUE 30/80 HOSPITAL
To ensure that the surgical light will operate correctly in the event of a power failure it must be checked before each use.
Check Mains
Plug the light into the power outlet and turn it on
Disconnect the power outlet (the light should remain on)
Testing the autonomy of the batteries in the BLUE 30/80 HOSPITAL light
To guarantee that the light will operate correctly in the event of a power cut, the battery autonomy must be checked at least once a year, as part of preventive maintenance work.
Check Mains
Turn off the light and charge the batteries for at least 14 hours
Turning on the light LED green LED off LEDs 3 to 8
Disconnect the power outlet (the light should remain on)
BLUE 30: After 1 hour's bat­tery operation
BLUE 80: After 4 hours' bat­tery operation
Connect the power outlet
LED green LED off LEDs 3 to 8
LED off LED yellow One of LEDs 3 to
LED green LED off LEDs 3 to 8
LED off LED yellow One of LEDs 3 to
LED off LED yellow One of LEDs 3 to
LED green LED off LEDs 3 to 8
Batteries LED 2
Charging LEDs 3 to 8
scrolling LED 8 ashes Batteries
8 lit (battery charge level)
Charging LEDs 3 to 8
scrolling LED 8 ashes Batteries
scrolling LED 8 ashes Batteries
8 lit (battery charge level)
8 lit (battery charge level)
LEDs 3 to 8
Batteries charging
completely charged
Operation on batteries
Batteries charging
completely charged
Batteries charging
completely charged
Operation on batteries
Operation on batteries
Batteries charging
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Operation Anomaly Likely cause Corrective action
On power outlet (light on)
On batteries (light on)
LED 1 not lit green Electronic fault Call Maquet technical
LED 2 lit yellow Mains fuse missing or
LED 1 ashes red Charging circuit safety
fuse fault
LEDs 3 to 8 not scrolling;
LED 8 not lit
LED 2 not lit yellow Electronic fault Call Maquet technical
None of LEDs 3 to 8 lit Electronic fault Call Maquet technical
The light goes out when the power outlet is disconnected
LED 4 ashes Batteries discharged Recharge batteries
Electronic fault Call Maquet technical
Batteries faulty or incorrectly connected
Charging circuit safety fuse fault
Electronic fault (charger board)
Change the fuse
Change the fuse
(quick-blow automotive type, 7.5 A/32 V)
department Check the connections
and change the batteries if necessary
Change the fuse
(quick-blow automotive type, 7.5 A/32 V)
Call Maquet technical
LED 3 lit red LED 1 lit red
No warning is provided if the batteries are completely discharged or out of order. The fault may be checked by disconnecting the power outlet. No indicators are lit in this case.
Batteries close to deep discharge
Recharge batteries urgently
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
Required tools
Cross-head screwdriver
Torx screwdriver
Allen wrench
4.1 BLUE 30
4.1.1 Removing the BLUE 30 lighthead cover
Press the tab.
Lift the cover.
4.1.2 Reinstalling the BLUE 30 lighthead cover
Proceed in reverse order.
Check that the tab is correctly located.
4.1.3 Replacing the reector subassembly
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Disconnect and remove the lamp bracket.
Unscrew and remove the four screws and wash-
Remove the reector subassembly.
The spacers (and lens) may adhere to the
reector slightly.
Install the new reector subassembly on the
Put the screws in place.
Tighten the screws.
Connect and position the lamp bracket.
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
4.1.4 Replacing the lens
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Remove the lens.
Remove the four spacers from the lens.
Take the new lens and place the four spacers 90°
Place this assembly on the base of the BLUE 30
Reinstall the reector subassembly.
Reinstall the lamp bracket.
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
4.1.5 Replacing the spacers
Always change the four spacers at the same time.
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Remove the lens.
Remove the four spacers.
Place the four new spacers 90° apart on the lens.
Place this assembly on the base of the BLUE 30
Reinstall the reector subassembly.
Reinstall the lamp bracket.
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
4.1.6 Replacing the underside
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Loosen the brake screw.
Loosen the screw to allow the fork to slide.
Unscrew the screw.
Remove the sterilisable handle bracket.
The handle bracket may fall.
Remove the screw.
Remove the underside (with plastic washer and clip).
The underside may fall.
Put the new underside in place.
Re-attach the side with the clip.
Install the sterilisable handle bracket.
Tighten the screw holding the sterilisable handle bracket.
Reposition the fork in the base of the BLUE 30 lighthead.
Tighten the limit stop screw.
Check that it is correctly in place.
Tighten the brake screw.
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
4.1.7 Replacing the switch
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Remove the switch, separating the pivoting head
from the rest of the switch.
Disconnect the switch from the connectors.
Connect the new switch.
The wires are colour-coded.
Separate the pivoting head to put the switch in
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
4.1.8 Replacing the fork
Remove the lighthead from the spring arm.
Remove the lighthead from the spring arm.
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Disconnect the connector connected to the lamp
Disconnect the connectors from the switch.
Unscrew the brake screw to release the fork.
Unscrew the limit stop screw.
Remove the fork from the base of the BLUE 30
Slide the wiring through rst.
Position the fork in the base of the BLUE 30
Tighten the limit stop screw.
Tighten and adjust the brake screw.
Connect the connectors to the switch.
The spring arm may spring up sharply.
lighthead along with the wiring.
Check that it is correctly in place.
The wires are colour-coded.
Connect the connector to the lamp bracket.
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
4.1.9 Replacing the lamp bracket
Remove the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Disconnect the lamp bracket.
Remove the lamp bracket from the reector
Connect the new lamp bracket.
Place the lamp bracket on the reector.
Reinstall the BLUE 30 lighthead cover.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
4.2 BLUE 80
4.2.1 Removing the BLUE 80 lighthead cover
Remove the four central screws from the underside.
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
4.2.2 Reinstalling the BLUE 80 lighthead cover
Put the BLUE 80 cover in place.
Tighten the four screws.
4.2.3 Replacing the reector subassembly
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
Remove the lamp brackets from the reector.
Unscrew and remove the four screws and washers.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Avoid touching the inside of the reector.
Install the new reector subassembly on the spacers.
Ensure that it is correctly oriented relative to the fork.
Put the screws in place and tighten them.
Put the lamp brackets back in position.
Reinstall the BLUE 80 cover.
4.2.4 Replacing the lens
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Remove the lens.
Remove the four spacers from the lens.
Take the new lens and put the four spacers in place.
Place the assembly on the base of the BLUE 80.
Reinstall the reector subassembly.
Reinstall the lamp brackets.
Reinstall the BLUE 80 cover.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or mobile surgical light
Technical manual
4.2.5 Replacing the spacers
Always change the four spacers at the same time.
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Remove the lens.
Remove the four spacers from the lens.
Put the four new spacers in place.
Place the assembly on the base of the BLUE 80.
Reinstall the reector subassembly.
Reinstall the lamp brackets.
Reinstall the BLUE 80 cover.
4.2.6 Replacing the underside
Remove the six visible screws from the under­side.
Four of these six screws hold the cover in place. It may fall after they are removed.
Remove the two screws from the sterilisable han­dle bracket.
The underside may fall.
Put the new underside in place.
Install the sterilisable handle bracket.
Tighten the screws holding the sterilisable han-
Tighten the six visible screws on the underside.
Ensure that the two short screws are placed at
the join with the ends of the fork.
Reinstall the BLUE 80 cover.
4.2.7 Replacing the switch
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
Remove the switch, separating the pivoting head
from the rest of the switch.
Disconnect the connectors from the switch.
Connect the new switch.
Separate the pivoting head to put the switch in
Reinstall the BLUE 80 cover.
Ceiling, wall-mounted or
mobile surgical light
Technical manual
4.2.8 Replacing the ap
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Take care not to let the lens fall.
Unscrew the two screws holding the ap.
Check the ap.
Put the new ap in place.
Tighten the two screws holding the ap.
Reinstall the reector subassembly.
Reinstall the BLUE 80 cover.
4.2.9 Replacing the fork bracket
Remove the BLUE 80 cover.
Remove the reector subassembly.
Remove the ap.
Remove the lens to avoid it falling by ac­cident.
Remove the underside.
If both fork brackets are to be replaced, remove
and reinstall one fork at a time.
Left side:
Unscrew (but do not remove) the screw from the
limit stop.
Remove the four screws.
Remove the fork bracket from the base and from
the fork.
Install the new fork bracket.
Check that the limit stop screw, brake
screw and nut are in place on the new fork bracket.
Tighten the four screws holding the fork bracket
to the base.
Position the fork bracket correctly in the fork.
Tighten the limit stop screw.
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