Wire/Heat Exchange Removal Instructions
1. Disconnect power to reach-in.
2. Remove L1 and L2 (N) (black and white) wire leads from L and 1 current relay terminals.
3. Recover refrigerant from the reach-in in accordance with local and national governing laws (some repiping will be
4. Remove heat exchanger. CAUTION
a. Remove the insulation from the suction line liquid heat exchanger assembly. You will see the liquid line
soldered to the suction line for approximately 15”. You must remove this soldered length.
b. Remove the liquid line from the suction line. Starting at the evaporator end, use a pliers and a low flame torch to
carefully separate the liquid line from the suction line.
c. Reinsulate the suction line. Run the removed liquid line outside the suction line insulation.
5. Evacuate and recharge system with nameplate charge using ONLY HP81.
6. Pull L1 and L2 (N) (black and white) wire leads through rear 1/2” knockout hole of start component electrical box.
Tighten 1/2” conduit nut to conduit fitting.
7. Screw start component electrical box to refrigeration platform close to compressor.
8. Wire-nut L1 (black) wire lead to wire lead #78 and L2 (white) wire lead to wire lead #77.
9. Break out bottom knockout of compressor electrical box and attach common, run, and start wire leads to compressor
terminals, per new wiring diagram.
10. Peel backing off new wiring diagram and place over existing wiring diagram.
! Remove entire system charge before proceeding.
To Compressor
Suction Line
From Condenser
From Evaporator
Liquid Line
To Expansion
Filter Drier
Do Not Reinsulate
After Unsoldering
Reinsulate After
(Unsolder Entire Heat
Exchanger Approx. 15.00”)
Manitowoc Ice, Inc.
2110 South 26 Street, P.O. Box 1720, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1720 USA
Telephone 920-682-0161, Fax - Sales: 920-683-7589, Service/Parts: 920-683-7585, Other: 920-683-7879 8010523
Web Site - www.manitowocice.com Rev. 05/21/99