Makita 4329 KX 1 User Manual [ru]

Jig Saw
Instruction Manual
Piła włośnica
Instrukcja obsługi
Инструкция по эксплуатации
7 6 12
11 12
7 6
13 14
15 16
17 18
19 20
21 22
25 20
23 24
25 26
27 28
The followings show the symbols used for the tool. Be sure that you understand their meaning before use.
Die folgenden Symbole werde n für die Masch ine verwendet. Mache n Sie sich vor der Benutzung unbe dingt mit ihrer Bedeutung vertraut.
Poniższe symbole używane są do opisu urządzenia. Przed użyciem należy upewnić się, że rozumie się ich znaczenie.
Следующие объяснения показывают символы, используемые для инструмента. Убедитесь перед использованием, что Вы понимаете их значение.
Read instruction manual. Bitte Bedienungsanleitung lesen.Przeczytaj instrukcję obsługi.Прочитайте инструкцию по эксплуатации.
Only for EU countries
Do not dispose of electric equipment together with household waste material! In observance of European Di rective 2002/96/EC on waste elec trical an d electron ic equipment and
its implementation in accorda nce with national law, electric eq uipmen t that have reache d the end of their life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility.
Nur für EU-Länder
Werfen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in den Hausmüll! Gemäß Europäischer Richtlinie 2002/96/EG über Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte und Umsetzung in
nationales Recht mü ssen verbrau c ht e E le ktrowe r kzeuge g etr en nt ge sam mel t u nd ei n er um wel tge re­chten Wiederverwertung zugeführt werden.
Dotyczy tylko państw UE
Nie wyrzucaj urządzeń elektrycznych wraz z odpadami z gospodarstwa domowego! Zgodnie z Europejską Dyrektywą 2002/96/WE w sprawie zużytego sprzętu elektrotechnicznego i
elektronicznego oraz dostosowaniem jej do prawa krajowego, zużyte urządzenia elektryczne należy posegregować i zutylizować w sposób przyjazny dla środowiska.
Только для стран ЕС
Не выкидывайте электрическое оборудование вместе с бытовым мусором! В соответствии с европейской директивой 2002/96/EC об утилизацияи старого
электрического и электронного оборудования и её применения в соответствии с местными законами электрическое оборудование, бывшее в эксплуатации, должно утилизовываться отдельно безопасным для окружающей среды способом.
Explanation of general view
1 Cutting action changing lever 2 Switch trigger 3 Lock button 4 Speed adjusting dial 5 Blade holder 6Bolt 7Hex wrench 8Blade 9 Roller 10 Hook
Model 4326 4327 4328 4329
Length of stroke 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm Blade type B type
Max. cutting capacities
Strokes per minute (min
Overall length
Net weig ht
Safety class /II
• Due to our continuing programme of research and development, the specifications herein are subject to change without notice.
• Note: Specifications may differ from country to country.
Intended use
The tool is intende d for the sawing of wood, pla stic and metal materials. As a result of the extensive accessor y and saw blade program, the tool can be used for many purposes and is very well suite d for curved or circular cuts.
Power suppl y
The tool should be connected only to a power supply of the same voltage as indicated on the nameplate, and can only be operated on single-phase AC supply. They are double-insulated in accor dance with European Standard and can, therefore, also be us ed from sockets without earth wire.
Wood 65 mm 65 mm 65 mm 65 mm Mild steel 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm
) 3,100 500 – 3,100 500 – 3,100 500 – 3,100
General Power Tool Safety Warnings
WARNING! Read all safety warnings and all instruc­tions. Failure to follo w the warnings and instructions may
result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
11 Retainer 12 Base 13 Dust cover 14 Cutting line 15 Edge 16 Graduation 17 S ta rting hole 18 Hose 19 Steel base type 20 Rip fence (Guide rule)
217 mm
(Steel base type)
223 mm
(Aluminum base type)
1,8 kg
(Steel base type)
1,9 kg
(Aluminum base type)
21 Aluminum base type 22 Guide facing 23 Fence guide 24 Threaded knob 25 Pin 26 Anti-splintering device 27 Protrusions 28 Aluminum base 29 Cover plate
217 mm
(Steel base type)
223 mm
(Aluminum base type)
1,8 kg
(Steel base type)
1,9 kg
(Aluminum base type)
Work area safety
1. Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered a nd
dark areas invite accidents.
2. Do not operat e power tools in explosive atmo­spheres, such as i n the presence of fl ammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks
which may ignite the dust or fumes.
3. Keep children and bystanders away while o per­ating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to
lose control.
Electrical safety
4. Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will
reduce risk of electric shock.
5. Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators. The re is an increased r isk of electr ic
shock if your body is earthed or grounded.
6. Do not expose power tools to rain or wet condi­tions. Water entering a power tool will increase the
risk of electric shock.
7. Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edg es or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords
increase the risk of electric shock.
217 mm 223 mm
1,8 kg 1,9 kg
8. When operating a power tool outdoors, use an
extension cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a
cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.
9. If operating a power tool in a damp location is unavoidable, use a ground fault circuit inter­rupter (GFCI) protected supply. Use of an GFCI
reduces the risk of electric shock.
Personal safety
10. Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influenc e of drugs, alc ohol or medi cation. A
moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in serious personal injury.
11. Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eye protection. Protective equ ipment such as dus t
mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or heari ng protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.
12. Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is in the off-position before con n ect ing to power source and/ or batt ery pa ck, pickin g up or carrying the tool. Carrying power tools with your
finger on the switch or energising power too ls that have the switch on invites accidents.
13. Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left
attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal injury.
14. Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and bal­ance at all times. T his enabl es bette r contr ol of the
power tool in unexpected situations.
15. Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing, and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery
or long hair can be caught i n moving parts.
16. If devices are provided for the connection of dust extraction and c ollection facilities, ensure these are conne cted and properly used. Use o f
dust collection can reduce dust-related hazards.
Power tool use and care
17. Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power
tool will do the j ob better and safer at the rate for which it was designed.
18. Do not use th e powe r to ol if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be
controlled with the switch is da ngerou s and mu st be repaired.
19. Disconnect the plug from the power source and/ or the battery pack from the power tool before making any adjustm ents, chan ging ac cessor ies, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety
measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.
20. Store idle power tools out of the reach of chil­dren and do not allow p ersons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the
hands of untrained users.
21. Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired befo re us e. Many accidents are caused by
poorly maintained power tools.
22. Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.
23. Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordanc e with these instructions, t ak­ing into account t he working c onditions and the work to be performed. Use of the power tool for
operations different from th ose i nte nde d co uld r esu lt in a hazardous situation.
24. Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensu re that the safety of the power
tool is maintained.
25. Follow instruction for lubrica ting and changing accessories.
26. Keep handles dry, clean and free from oil and grease.
DO NOT let comfort or familiarity with product (gained from repeated use) replace strict adher­ence to jig saw safety rules. If you use this tool unsafely or incorrectly, you can suffer serious personal injury.
1. Hold power tools by insulated gripping sur­faces when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact hidden wiring or its own cord.
exposed metal par ts of th e tool "li ve" and shock the operator.
2. Use clamps or another practical way to secure and support the workpiece to a stable platform.
body leaves it unstable and may lead to loss of con­trol.
3. Always use safety glasses or goggles. Ordi­nary eye or sun glasses are NOT safety glasses.
4. Avoid cutt ing nails. Inspect workpiece for any nails and remove them before operation.
5. Do not cut oversize workpiece.
6. Check for the proper clearance beyond the workpiece before cutting so that the blade will not strike the floor, workbench, etc.
7. Hold the tool firml y.
8. Make sure the blade is not contacting the workpiece before th e swit ch is tu r n ed on.
9. Keep hands away from moving parts.
10. Do not leave the tool running. Operate the tool only when hand-held.
11. Always switch off and wait for the blade to come to a complete stop before removing the blade from the workpiece.
12. Do not touch the blade or the workpiece immediately after operation; they may be extremely hot and could burn your skin.
13. Do not operate the tool at no-load unneces­sarily.
Contact with a "live" wire will make
Holding the work by han d o r ag ainst your
14. Some material contains chemi cals w hic h m a y be toxic. Take caution to prevent dust inhala­tion and skin contact. Follow material sup­plier safety data.
WARNING: MISUSE or failure to follow the safety rules stated in this instruction manual may cause serious personal injury.
15. Always use the correct dust mask/respirator for the material and appl ication you are work­ing with.
• Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before adjusting or checking function on the tool.
Selecting the cutting action (For models 4328/4329 ) (F ig. 1)
This tool can be operated with an orbital or a straight line (up and down) cutting actio n. The orbital cutting action thrusts the blade forward on the cutting stroke and greatly increases cutting speed. To change the cutting action, just turn the cutting action changing lever to the d esired cutti ng action position. Refer to the table to select the appropriate cutting action.
Position Cutting action Applications
0 Straight line cutting action
I Small orbit cutting action For cutting mild steel, aluminum and hard wood.
II Medium orbit cutting action
III Large orbit cutting action For fa st cutting in wood and plywood.
Switch action (Fig. 2)
• Before plugging in the tool , always check to see that
the switch trigger actu ates properly a nd returns to the “OFF” position when released.
To start the tool, simply pull the switch trigg er. Release the switch trigger to stop. For continuous operation, pull the switch trigger and then push in the lock button. To stop the tool from the locked position, pull the switch trigger fully, then release it.
Speed adjusting dial (F or models 4327/432 8/4329) (Fig. 3)
The tool speed can be inf initely adjusted between 500 and 3,100 strokes per minute by turning the adjusting dial. Higher speed is ob tained when th e dial is turn ed in the direction of number 6; lower speed is obtained when it is turned in the direction of number 1. Refer to the table to select the proper speed for the work­piece to be cut. However, the appropriate sp eed m ay dif­fer with the type or thickness of the workpiece. In general, higher speeds w ill allow you to cut workpieces faster but the service life of the blade will be reduced.
For cutting mild steel, stainless steel and plastics. For clean cuts in wood and plywood.
For cutting wood and plywood. For fast cutting in aluminum and mild steel.
Wor kpiece to be cut Number on adjusting dial
Wood 5 – 6
Mild steel 3 – 6
Stainless steel 3 – 4
Aluminum 3 – 6
Plastics 1 – 4
• If the tool is o perated con tinuously at l ow speeds for a long time, the motor will get overloaded and heated up.
• The speed adjusting dial can be turned only as far as 6 and back to 1. Do not force i t past 6 or 1, or the speed adjusting function may no longer work.
• Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before carrying out any work on the tool.
Installing or r em ovi ng saw blade (Fig. 4 & 5)
• Always clean out all chips or foreign matter adh er in g to the blade and/or blade holder. Failure to do so may cause insufficient tighte ning of the blad e, resulting in a serious personal injury.
• Do not touch th e blade or the workpiece immedi ately after operation; they may be extremely h ot and could burn your skin.
• Alway s se c ur e the blade firmly. In s uff i c ie nt t igh t en i ng of the blade may cause blade bre akage or serious per­sonal injury.
• Use only B type blades. Using blades other than B type blades causes insufficient tightening of the blade, resulting in a serious personal injury.
To install the blade, lo osen the bo lt counterclockwis e on the blade holder with the hex wrench. With the blade teeth facing forward, insert the blade into the blade holder as far as it will go. Make sure that the back edge of the blade fits into the roller. Then tighten the bolt clockwise to secure the blade. To remove the blade, follow the installation procedure in reverse.
• Occasionally lubricate the roller.
Hex wrench storage (Fig . 6)
When not in use, store the h ex wrench as shown in the figure to keep it from being lost.
Adjusting roller (For models 4326/4327) (Fig.7)
Loosen the bolt on th e ba ck of the too l base w ith the hex wrench. Move the retai ner so t hat the roller c ontacts the blade lightly. Then tighten the bolt to secure the tool base and the retainer.
• Occasionally lubricate the roller.
Dust cover (Fig.8)
• Always wear safety goggles even when operating the tool with the dust cover lowered.
Lower the dust cover to prevent chips from flying. How­ever, when making bevel cuts, raise it all the way.
• Always hold the base flush with the wor kpiece. Failure to do so may cause blade breakage, resulting in a ser i ­ous injury.
• Advance the tool very slowly w hen cutting curves or scrolling. Forcing the tool may cause a slanted cutting surface and blade breakage.
Turn the tool on without the blade making any contact and wait until the blade attains ful l speed. Then rest the tool base flat on the w orkpiece and gentl y move the tool forward along the previously marked cutting line. (Fig. 9)
Bevel cutting
• Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before tilting the tool base.
• Raise the dust cover all the way before making bevel cuts.
With the base tilted, you can make bevel cuts at any angle between 0° and 45° (left or right). (Fig. 10) Loosen the bolt on t he back of the base with the hex wrench. Move the tool base so that the bolt is positioned in the center of the cross-shaped slot in the base.
(Fig. 11)
Tilt the base until the desired bevel angle is obtained. The edge of the moto r housi ng in dicates th e bevel angle by graduations. Then tig hte n the bo lt to secure the b ase.
(Fig. 12)
Front flush cuts (Fig. 13)
Loosen the bolt on the back of the tool base with the hex wrench, and slide the base all the way back. Then tighten the bolt to secure the tool base.
Cutouts can be made with either of two methods A or B.
A) Boring a starting hole
For internal cutouts without a lead-in cut from an edge, pre-drill a starting hole 12 mm or more in diam­eter. Insert the blade int o this hole to star t your cut.
(Fig. 14)
B) Plunge cutting
You need not bore a starting h ole or make a lead- in cut if you carefully do as follows.
1. Tilt the tool up on the front edge of th e base with the blade point positioned just above the work­piece surface. (Fig. 15)
2. Apply pressure to the tool so that the fron t ed ge o f the base will not move when you switch on the tool and gently lower the back end of the tool slowly.
3. As the blade pierces the workpiece, slowly lower the base of the tool d own ont o the workp iece sur­face.
4. Complete the cut in the normal manner.
Finishing edges (Fig. 16)
To trim edges or make dimensional adjustments, run the blade lightly along the cut edges.
Metal cutting
Always use a suitable coolant (cutting oil) when cutting metal. Failure to do so will cause significant blade wear. The underside of th e workpiece c an be greased ins tead of using a coolant.
Dust extraction (Fig.17)
Clean cutting operations can be performed by connecting this tool to a Makita vacuum cleaner. Insert the hose of the vacuum cleaner int o the hole at the r ear of the tool. Lower the dust cover before operation.
• Dust extraction cannot be performed when making bevel cuts.
Rip fence (optional ac cessory)
• Always be sure that the tool is switched off and unplugged before installing or removing accessories.
1) Straight cuts (Fig. 18, 19, 20 & 21)
When repeatedly cut ting widths of 160 mm or less, use of the rip fence will assure fast, clean, straight cuts. To install, insert the rip fence into the rectangular hole on the side of the tool base with the fence guide fac­ing down. Slide the rip fence to the desir ed cutting width position, then tighten the bolt to secure it.
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