INSTALLATION Your model is equipped with wheels. |
Therefore, the rear levelers must be remov- ,............... _ G _: E ]
ed. If the floor beneath the rear wheels is not
level from side to side, you should place a !
LOCATION shim on the floor so the rear wheels will roll
If you have agreed to install your new re- onto a level base. When the model is posi-
frigerator yourself, please follow these help- tioned as desired, level the front to lock the L
ful suggestions, cabinet in place. '5 4 3 2J ...............
| , TURN...,., _o*,.ol,o _,, NIG_m,_,_.,
1. Remove base skids and replace front GROUNDING
levelers. This appliance is designed to operate on a IMPORTANT: In a day or so you may de-
nominal 115 volt, 15 amp., 60 cycle line. cide that one or both compartments should
2. Remove all exterior and interior tape There should be a separate, grounded cir- be colder or warmer. DO NOT change either
carefully and retain old tape. Make a cult, serving this appliance only. DO NOT control more than one letter or one number
small pad of this tape to pick off any re- use an extension cord. at a time. Allow 24 hours for temperature to
maining tape residues. This will elimi- stabilize before resetting, This does not ap-
nate the need to use dangerous solvents ply when you first start your refrigerator.
of any kind. POWER SUPPLY CORD
WITH 3- PRONG _ To turn off your refrigerator, set the refrig-
3. Remove and discard cantilever shelf GROUNDINGPLUG* erator control on off.
packing clips located just above each
shelf where it hooks onto the frame. To WARM CABINET SURFACES
remove a metal clip, push the tab at the _)
top, grasp at the bottom and pull straight At times, the front surfaces of your refrig-
out. To remove a plastic clip, wiggle _ erator cabinet may be warm to the touch.
sideways and pull straight out. This is a normal function of your refrigerator.
This feature prevents moisture from con-
L _ densing on the outside of your refrigerator
during humid weather. This condition may
-_" be noticeable when you first start your refrig-
_ erator, during hot weather, and excessive or
._ GROUNDING TYPE lengthy door openings.
This appliance is equipped with a three-
pronged grounding plug for your protection FEATURES
against possible electrical shock hazards. It
must be plugged into a grounding recepta-
4, Select a location for your new refrigera- cle. Where a standard two prong wall recep- To maintain the natural flavor, moisture
tor away from any heat sources. Allow a tacle is encountered, it is the personal re- and nutrition of fresh foods, we recommend
free flow of air through the front base sponsibility and obligation of the customer that all dishes, trays, and containers of food
grille, to have it replaced with a properly grounded be covered.
three-prong wall receptacle. DO NOT, under
5. Your model should not be installed any circumstances, cut or remove the third SHELVES
where the temperature will go below (ground) prong from the power cord. ADJUSTABLE CANTILEVER SHELVES
55°F because it will not run frequently can be positioned to suit your special needs.
enough to maintain proper temperature DO NOT use an adapter plug. To remove a shelf, lift the rear straight up a
fraction of an inch and pull straight out. To
in the freezer. All U.L. listed refrigerators and freezers are lock the shelf into another position, tilt shelf
6. For ease of installation, you should leave equipped with this type plug. with the front up. Insert hooks into desired
a space of about one-half inch between frame openings and let the shelf settle into
your refrigerator and adjacent walls or place.
cabinets. SAFETY REMINDER "3 IJ_
If you are not going to use your old refrige- j__ -"
rator, be sure to REMOVE THE DOORS so a - ]
child won't be accidentally trapped inside
IMPORTANT LEVELING and suffocate. This is required by law in
INFORMATION many communities.
A refrigerator will not operate properly un-
less it is level and rests firmly on all four cur- MEAT KEEPER
ners. There is a leveling screw at each corner OPERATION
of the cabinet that can be turned in or out as A sliding drawer is provided for short term
storage of fresh meats. This meat keeper is
required. SETTING CONTROLS suspended from rails at the bottom of the
i Your new refrigerator has two controls, compartment. It slides out to the front so
• i .... - " - One for regulating the temperature in the re- you can easily reach all items stored within.
frigerator compartment and one for the Your meat keeper has a control lever
i freezer compartment. Both controls are Io- As control lever is
the left side, the
cated at the upper rear of the refrigerator moved from the "COOL" setting toward the
compartment, just below the light shield. "COLD" setting, the meat keeper tempera-
ture will get colder. Select the control posi-
To start your refrigerator, set the refrigera- tion which suits your needs the best. Quality
tor control on "F" and set the freezer control meats should keep for several days but
on "4". Let the refrigerator run at least two ground meats and poultry should be used
hours before loading it with food. sooner.