Magic Chef CLY1612BDH User Manual

INSTALLER Please leave this manual with this
appliance. Congratulationson your choice of this Magic Chef RV
appreciate the many features that provide excellent CONSgMERTosaveyoutime, energyandmoney, performance, ease of cleaning, convenience and readandkeepthismanualforfuturereference, dependability.
appliancesand the way we cook. It is thereforevery importantto understandhowyournewapplianceoperates
The modelandserialnumbersarefoundonthe rating BEFOREyouuseitforthefirsttime. platelocatedunderthe cooktop.Use these numbers
whenrequestingservice. In thisOwner'sGuide,youwillfinda wealthof information
regardingall aspectsof your RV cooktopor range. By
ModelNumber: carefullyfollowingthe instructions,youwillbe ableto fully
' enjoy and properlymaintain your new appliance. NOTE:
Your appliance may not be equipped with some of the
SerialNumber: featuresreferredto inthis manual.
Dateof Purchase: Shouldyouhaveany questionsaboutusing your new gas
appliance,pleasecall orwrite to us atthisaddress:
Please keep your sales receiptand/or your cancelled
checkas proofofpurchaseshouldwarrantyservicebe MagicChef needed.Storethesedocumentswiththisbooklet. CustomerAssistance
P.O.Box2370 Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
Be sureto includethe modeland serialnumbersof your appliance.Foryourconvenience,wehaveprovidedspace
onthefrontcoverto recordthisinformation.
Inourcontinuingefforttoimprovethequalityandcustomer satisfactionof ourcookingproducts,it maybenecessaryto . makechangesto ourlineofRV applianceswithoutrevising
Read all instructions beforeusingthis appliance.
The foliowing instructions are based on safety
considerationsandmustbestrictlyfollowedtoeliminatethe potentialrisksoffire,electricshock,orpersonalinjury. Turnoffapplianceandventilatinghoodtoavoidspreading
the flame. Extinguishflamethenturnon hoodto remove Haveyourapplianceinstalledandproperlygroundedby a smokeandodor. qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions.
Havethe installershowyouthe locationofthe gas shutoff Usedrychemicalorfoam-typeextinguisherorbakingsoda valveandhowtoshutitoffinan emergency, tosmotherfireorflame.Neverusewaterona greasefire.
Alwaysdisconnectpowertoappliancebeforeservicing, door. To ensureproperoperationandavoidpossibleinjuryor If fire isina pan onthe surfaceburner,coverpan.Never
damageto unitdonot attemptto adjust,repair,service,or attempttopickupormovea flamingpan. replaceanypartof yourapplianceunlessitisspecifically
recommendedin this book.All other servicing shouldbe referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer.
Never leave children alone or unsupervised near the appliance when it is in use or is still hot. Children should neverbeallowedto sitor standon anypartofthe appliance.
Be sure all packing materials are removed from the appliancebeforeoperatingit. Childrenmust betaughtthat the applianceandutensils in
itcan behot.Let hot utensilscool
Keepareaaroundapplianceclearandfreefromcombustible in a safe place, out of reach of _-'_ t_--- materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and small children.Childrenshouldbe
materials, taught that an applianceis not a _,.,k'_ ,/
toy.Childrenshouldnotbeallowed _, __'_,
If appliance is installedneara window,properprecautions to play with controlsor otherparts should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over of the unit. " _, _
CAUTION: Never store items of
Neverleave any items unattendedon the cook"top.The hot interest to children in cabinets air from the vent may ignite flammable items and may above an appliance or on the
increasepressure in closed containerswhichmay cause backguardof a range. Children themto burst, climbingonthe applianceoronthe
Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when appliance door to reach items exposedto heatandmay be highlyflammable. Avoid their couldbeseriously injured.
useorstoragenearanappliance. Many plastics are vulnerableto heat. Keep plasticsaway
frompartsof the appliancethat maybecomewarm or hot. Do not leaveplasticitemsonthecooktopas they may melt
or soften if left too close to the vent or a lighted surface burner.
Toeliminatethe hazardofreachingoverhotsurfaceburners, cabinetstorageshouldnotbeprovideddirectlyabovea unit. Ifsuchstorageisprovided,itshouldbelimitedtoitemswhich
areusedinfrequentlyandwhicharesafelystoredin anarea subjectedto heatfrom an appliance.Temperaturesmaybe
unsafefor someitems_suchas volatileliquids,cleanersor aerosolsprays.
Topreventpotentialhazardto the userand damagetothe Alwaysplacea pan ona surfaceburnerbeforeturningiton. appliance,never use ap- Besureyouknow which knobcontrolswhichsurfaceburner.
plianceasaspaceheater F\ II_ "_dl/_ _ Makesurethecorrectburneristurnedonandthattheburner
I _('_/" .,i has ignited. When cookingis completed, turn burner off
to heat or warm a room. , Also, do not use the I "_'_"'j _/ before removingpanto preventexposureto burnerflame.
cooktop or oven as a _ AIwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflamesothat itdoesnotextend
storage area for food or beyondthe bottom edgeof the pan. An excessiveflame is cookingutensils, hazardous,wastes energyand may damagetheappliance,
Do not obstruct the flow panor cabinetsabovethe appliance. of combustion and ven- Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended tilationairbyblockingthe especiallywhen using a I-_r- _ /]
ovenventor air intakes.Restrictionofair flowto the burner highheatsettingorwhen
prevents proper performance and increases carbon deepfatfrying. Boilovers monoxideemissionto unsafelevels, cause smoking and
greasy spillovers may Avoid touching oven vent area while oven is on and for ignite. Clean up greasy severalminutesafteroven isturned off.Someparts ofthe spills as soon as vent and surrounding area become hot enough to cause possible.Donotusehigh
burns.Afterovenisturnedoff,do not touchtheovenventor heat for extended surroundingareasuntiltheyhavehadsufficienttimetocool. cookingoperations.
CAUTION: Never use an Neverheatan unopenedcontaineronthesurfaceburneror
applianceas a step stoolto _'_(_' i (==_ / intheoven.Pressurebuild-upmaycausecontainertoburst
cabinetsabove. Misuse of resultingin serious personal injury or damage to the
appliancedoorsor drawers, _ __ appliance.
suchas stepping,leaningor Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damp potholdersmaycause sittingonthe doorordrawer, _ burnsfromsteam.Dishtowelsor othersubstitutesshould
mayresultinpossibletipping / neverbe usedas potholdersbecausetheycantrailacross
oftheappliance,breakageof hotsurface burnersandigniteor get caughton appliance door,andseriousinjuries, parts.
Alwaysletquantitiesof hotfat usedfordeepfatfryingcool
Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwitha dampclothas the beforeattemptingto moveor handle. bulbcouldbreak.Shouldthe bulbbreak,disconnectpower Do not let cookinggrease or otherflammablematerials to the appliancebeforeremovingbulbto avoidelectrical accumulateinorneartheappliance,hoodorventfan.Clean shock, hood frequentlyto prevent grease from accumulatingon
hoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunderthehoodturnthefan offas thefan mayspreadtheflame.
Usecautionwhenwearinggarmentsmade offlammable
material to avoid clothing -_. __
fires. Loose fitting or long
hanging-sleeved apparel
should not be worn while
Alwaysplaceoven racks inthedesiredpositionswhileoven iscool.Slideovenrackoutto add orremovefood,usingdry sturdy potholders. Always avoid reaching into the oven to
add or removefood. If a rackmustbe movedwhilehot, use a dry pot holder. Always turn the oven off at the end of
cooking. Use carewhenopeningthe oven door.Lethot airorsteam
escapebeforeremovingor replacingfood.
instructions.Ifaplasticfrozenfoodcontainerand/oritscover distorts,warps,or is otherwisedamagedduringcooking, Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitforappliancepartstocoolbefore
immediatelydiscardthefood and itscontainer.The food touchingorcleaningthem.Donottouchtheburnergratesor couldbecontaminated, surroundingareasuntiltheyhavehadsufficienttimetocool.
Cleanappliancewithcaution.Usecaretoavoidsteamburns ifawetspongeorclothisusedtowipespillsonahotsurface.
Use pans with fiat bottomsand handlesthat are easily Somecleanerscanproducenoxiousfumesifappliedtoahot graspedandstaycool.Avoidusingunstable,warped,easily surface. tippedorloosehandledpans.Pansthatareheavytomove whenfilledwithfoodmayalsobehazardous.
Besureutensilislargeenoughtoproperlycontainfoodand avoidboilovers.Pansizeisparticularlyimportantindeepfat
frying.Besurepanwillaccommodatethevolumeoffoodthat The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater and Toxic Enforcement isto be addedas wellas the bubble actionof fat. Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materialsand Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the State spillageduetounintentionalcontactwiththeutensil,do not of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
extend handles over requires businesses to warn customers of potential
burners.adjacentAIwaysSUrfaCeturn__ _ exposuresto such substances.
panhandlestowardthe Usersof this appliance are hereby warnedthatthe burning side or back of the of gas can resultinlow-levelexposureto some of the listed
appliance,notout into substances,includingbenzene,formaldehydeandsoot,due the room where they primarilytotheincompletecombustionofnaturalgasor liquid are easily hit or petroleum(LP)fuels.Properlyadjustedburnerswillminimize reached by small incompletecombustion.Exposureto these substancescan
children, also be minimized by properlyventing the burners to the
outdoorsby openingthe windows and/or door in the room
Neverleta panboildryasthiscoulddamagetheutensiland wherethe applianceislocated. theappliance.
Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven cookingbags.
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, or glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop or oven usage
withoutbreakingdueto thesudden changein temperature. Thisappliancehas beentestedfor safeperformanceusing
conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or accessoriesthat are not specifically recommendedin this manual.Do notuseeyelidcoversforthesurfaceunits,stove top grills, or add-on ovenconvection systems.The use of devicesoraccessoriesthatarenotexpresslyrecommended in this manualcan createserious safety hazards, result in performance problems, and reduce the life of the componentsof the appliance.
Thesurfaceburnerswillfeatureeither matchlit ignitionor To light surfaceburnerwith Piezoignition:
Piezo pilotlessignition.Besureallcontrolknobsareinthe 1. Placea pan onthe burner grate.
gassupplytoapplianceisonbeforelightingburner. 2. Pushinandturnthesurfaceburner __/_
controlknobto theLITEposition.
IMPORTANT:Only lightone
Iftheappliancehasnotbeenoperatedfora periodoftime, surfaceburnerata time.
line.Tobleedoffairfromtheline, holda lightedmatchnextto 3. Immediately,rotatethe TopBurner the burner and turn the surface burner control knobto the Ignitorknobtotheright (clockwise) ON position.Whenthe burnerlights,turn theknob back to severalclicksuntiltheburnerlights.
the OFFpositionand proceedas directedbelow. The burner should light within 6
clicks or one full rotation of the
Topreventdamagetothecooktopor pan,neveroperatethe knob. surface burnerwithouta pan inplace,never allowa panto
boil dry, and never operate a surfaceburner on HIGH for 4. When the burner lights, adjust the surface burner extendedperiodsoftime. controlknobbetweenOFFand HIto select thedesired
CAUTION: If the burner doesnot light within about 4
5. After cooking,turnthe surfaceburnercontrol knobtothe
secondsorfftheflameshouldgooutduringcooking,turn OFFposition. theburner off. Ifgas hasaccumulatedanda stronggas
odorisdetected,open a windowandwait5 minutesfor Tooperate burnerif the Piezoignitorisnot functionah thegas odortodisappearbeforerelightingthe burner. 1. Be sureall controlsare inthe OFFposition.
2. Holda lightedmatchto the desiredsurfaceburnerhead.
To lightsurface burnerwith matchlit Ignition:
1. Placea panonthe burnergrate. CAUTION:Donotturnthecontrolknobonandallowgas
to escapebeforelightingthe match.
2. Holda lighted matchnextto the desired surfaceburner
head. 3. Push in and turnthe surface burnercontrol knob to the
CAUTION:Donotturnthecontrolknobon andallowgas 4.Whentheburnerlights,adjusttheknobbetweenOFFand
to escapebeforelightingthe match. HI toselectthe desiredflamesize.
3. Push in and turn the surface _ 5. After cooking,turnthe knobto the OFF position. burnercontrol knob to the LITE
4. When the burner lights, adjust Whentherecreationalvehicleisnotinuseorwhiletraveling,
theknobbetweenOFF andHIto selectthedesiredflamesize. turnall knobstothe OFFpositionand turnoffthe maingas
5. Aftercooking,turnthe surface burnercontrolknobtothe OFFposition.
Usea HIGHflame settingtoquicklybringliquidsto a boilor Adjusttheflamesize so it to beginacookingoperation.Thenreduceto alowersetting does not extend beyond to continuecooking.Neverleave food unattended when the edge of the cooking
usinga HIGHflamesetting, utensil. This is for _"t_
personal safety and to
% I -. prevent possible damage
_"_)J .__ to the appliance, pan, or
cabinets above the
___._______jj j _----/ appliance.Thisalsoimprovescookingefficiency.
Cookwarewhich extends more than one inch beyondthe An intermediateflame size is used to continue a cooking grate,restsontwo grates,ortouchesthe cooktopwillcause operation.Foodwill not cook any fasterwhen a higher a buildupof heatandresultin damageto the the burner
flamesetting isusedthan neededto maintaina gentle grate,burnerandco0ktop. boil. Remember, water boils at the same temperature
whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously. CAUTION:Topreventdamagetothecooktop,donotuse
cannersoroversizedcookware.The panshouldnotbe
UseLOtosimmeror keepfoodsat servingtemperatures, morethanoneinchlargerthantheburnergrate.
I Themaximumpansizeis a lO-inchskillet.
__ _(_-_ _'-_ Cookware,suchasawokwitha supportring,whichrestricts
aircirculationaroundthe burnerwillcauseheattobuildup and may resultin damageto the burnergrate,burneror cooktop.
Foodscookfaster whenthe cookwareis covered because
more heatisretained.Lowerthe flamesizewhencookware
Ifaknobisturnedvery quicklyfrom theHI totheLOsetting, is covered.Thisalso improvescookingefficiency.
theflame maygoout,particularlyifthe burneriscold.Ifthis occurs, turn the knob to the OFF position. Wait several The cookingperformanceis greatlyaffected bythe type of
seconds,then lightthe burneragain, cookwareused.Propercookwarewillreducecookingtimes,
uselessenergyandproducemoreevencookingresults.For bestresultsusea heavygaugemetalpanwithasmoothflat
bottom,straightsidesandatightfitting lid.Selecta material, suchasaluminumorcopper,thatconductsheatquicklyand evenly.
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