Topreventpotentialhazardto the userand damagetothe Alwaysplacea pan ona surfaceburnerbeforeturningiton.
appliance,never use ap- Besureyouknow which knobcontrolswhichsurfaceburner.
plianceasaspaceheater F\ II_ "_dl/_ _ Makesurethecorrectburneristurnedonandthattheburner
I _('_/" .,i has ignited. When cookingis completed, turn burner off
to heat or warm a room. ,
Also, do not use the I "_'_"'j _/ before removingpanto preventexposureto burnerflame.
cooktop or oven as a _ AIwaysadjustsurfaceburnerflamesothat itdoesnotextend
storage area for food or beyondthe bottom edgeof the pan. An excessiveflame is
cookingutensils, hazardous,wastes energyand may damagetheappliance,
Do not obstruct the flow panor cabinetsabovethe appliance.
of combustion and ven- Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
tilationairbyblockingthe especiallywhen using a I-_r- _ /]
ovenventor air intakes.Restrictionofair flowto the burner highheatsettingorwhen
prevents proper performance and increases carbon deepfatfrying. Boilovers
monoxideemissionto unsafelevels, cause smoking and
greasy spillovers may
Avoid touching oven vent area while oven is on and for ignite. Clean up greasy
severalminutesafteroven isturned off.Someparts ofthe spills as soon as
vent and surrounding area become hot enough to cause possible.Donotusehigh
burns.Afterovenisturnedoff,do not touchtheovenventor heat for extended
surroundingareasuntiltheyhavehadsufficienttimetocool. cookingoperations.
CAUTION: Never use an Neverheatan unopenedcontaineronthesurfaceburneror
applianceas a step stoolto _'_(_' i (==_ / intheoven.Pressurebuild-upmaycausecontainertoburst
cabinetsabove. Misuse of resultingin serious personal injury or damage to the
appliancedoorsor drawers, _ __ appliance.
suchas stepping,leaningor Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damp potholdersmaycause
sittingonthe doorordrawer, _ burnsfromsteam.Dishtowelsor othersubstitutesshould
mayresultinpossibletipping / neverbe usedas potholdersbecausetheycantrailacross
oftheappliance,breakageof hotsurface burnersandigniteor get caughton appliance
door,andseriousinjuries, parts.
Alwaysletquantitiesof hotfat usedfordeepfatfryingcool
Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwitha dampclothas the beforeattemptingto moveor handle.
bulbcouldbreak.Shouldthe bulbbreak,disconnectpower Do not let cookinggrease or otherflammablematerials
to the appliancebeforeremovingbulbto avoidelectrical accumulateinorneartheappliance,hoodorventfan.Clean
shock, hood frequentlyto prevent grease from accumulatingon
offas thefan mayspreadtheflame.
Usecautionwhenwearinggarmentsmade offlammable
material to avoid clothing -_. __
fires. Loose fitting or long
hanging-sleeved apparel
should not be worn while
Alwaysplaceoven racks inthedesiredpositionswhileoven
iscool.Slideovenrackoutto add orremovefood,usingdry
sturdy potholders. Always avoid reaching into the oven to
add or removefood. If a rackmustbe movedwhilehot, use
a dry pot holder. Always turn the oven off at the end of
Use carewhenopeningthe oven door.Lethot airorsteam
escapebeforeremovingor replacingfood.