Magic Chef CGW3330ADB, CGW3330ADW Use & Care Guide

Owner's Guide
_ _ 30-inchGasWallOven
_ with
t I Self-CleaningOven
IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-3 OvenParts............................... 15-18
OvenVent .............................. 15
ABOUTYOUR WALLOVEN .................. 7-18
PilotlessIgnition .............................. 7
AboutTheOven .............................. 7
OvenCharacteristics.......................... 7 CAREAND CLEANINGCHART .............. 19-20
OvenTemperatureAdjustment.................. 7
GeneralInformation............................ 8 SELF-CLEANOVEN ........................ 21-22
AluminumFoil Usage .......................... 8 SERVICEINFORMATION.................... 23-26
Preheating ................................... 8 TroubleshootingChart ..................... 23-25
HowToSet The Oven ...................... 9-14 HowTo RemoveWallOven For
ToBake Or Roast ........................ 9 CleaningAnd Servicing ................... 26
ToTimed Bake .......................... 10 ElectricalConnection ......................... 26
Baking/RoastingTips ................. 11-12
ToBroil ............................. 13-14 WARRANTY .................................. 27
........... - OvenDoor/Window..................... 16
OvenRacks ........................... 17
OvenBottom ........................... 18
FOR CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE CALL 1-800-688-1120 8113P160-60
Readall instructions before using this appliance.
Thank You for purchasingourcooking I
appliance.Tohelpyouobtainthemaximumincooking WARNING: If the information in this satisfaction,we offerthesesuggestions: manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property
[]ETReadthismanualbeforeusingthe appliance, damage,personalinjuryor death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other
[]ETReviewtheTroubleshootingCharton flammable vapors and liquids in the
pages23 to25 ifservicebecomesnecessary, vicinity of this or any other appliance.
[_ Includethe modelandserialnumbersof your - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:
Proofof purchasesuchas sales receipt Do not try to lightany appliance.
will be neededforwarrantyservice. Do nottouch any electrical switch.
[ET'Youcancontactusat: Do not useany phoneinyour building.
MaytagAppliances Sales Company Immediately call your gas supplier
P.O. Box2370 from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370 gas supplier's instructions. 1-800-688-1120
If you cannot reachyour gas supplier,
In our continuingeffortto improvethe qualityand callthe fire department. performanceofour cookingappliances,it may be
necessaryto make changesto the appliancewithout revisingthis manual. - Installation and service must be
performedbya qualifiedinstaller,service
agency or the gas supplier.
Thefollowinginstructionsarebasedonsafety NEVERleavechildrenalone or unsupervisednear the considerationsandmustbe strictlyfollowedtoeliminate appliancewhenitisinuseor isstillhot.NEVER allow
thepotentialrisksoffire,electricshock,orpersonalinjury, childrento sitor standonany partoftheappliance.
Haveyourapplianceinstalledandproperlygroundedbya Childrenmustbetaughtthatthe qualifiedinstalleraccordingtotheinstallationinstructions, applianceandutensilsinit canbe hot.
Havetheinstallershowyouthelocationofthegasshutoff Lethotutensilscoolina safeplace, valveand howtoshutJtoffin an emergency, outof reachofsmallchildren.
Alwaysdisconnectpowerto appliancebeforeservicing, applianceisnota toy. Childrenshould Toensureproperoperationandavoid possibleinjuryor otherpartsof the unit.
damageto unit do not attemptto adjust,repair,service,or replaceanypartof yourapplianceunlessitis specifically CAUTION: NEVERstoreitems of recommendedinthis book.Allotherservicingshouldbe interestto childrenin cabinetsabove referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer, an appliance.Childrenclimbingon
Besure all packingmaterialsareremovedfromthe appliancebeforeoperatingit. NEVERuse applianceas a _ /'E;TC_/
Keepareaaround applianceclearandfree from a room to prevent potential "
combustiblematerials, gasoline,andotherflammable hazardto the user and
Childrenshouldbe taughtthatan notbeallowedto playwith controls or
theapplianceto reach items could be seriouslyinjured.
space heaterto heatorwarm
vaporsand materials, damageto the appliance. !"_]_ _ Manyplasticsarevulnerable to heat.Keepplasticsaway a storageareafor foodor __
from partsofthe appliancethat may becomewarm or hot. cookingutensils.
Manyaerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen Do not obstructtheflowof exposedto heatand may behighlyflammable.Avoidtheir combustionandventilation
useorstorage nearan appliance, airby blockingthe oven vent or air intakes.Restrictionof
1. Turnoffappliance. Avoidtouching ovenvent areawhile oven is onandfor
2. Use dry chemicalorfoam-typeextinguisheror baking ventand surroundingareabecome hot enough tocause sodato smotherfire or flame. Neveruse water ona burns.Afterovenisturned off, donottouchthe ovenvent
greasefire. orsurroundingareas untiltheyhave hadsufficienttime to
3. If fire is in the oven or broilerpan, smotherby closing cool. ovendoor.
Also,do notusetheoven as _1_/. _ _:_:_..._.
airflowtothe burner preventsproperperformanceand increasescarbonmonoxide emissionto unsafelevels.
severalminutesafter oven is turned off. Someparts ofthe
appliancedoor,as a stepstool / orseatas this mayresult in
possibletipping ofthe appliance,damage tothe appliance,and serious
injury. Do nottouch a hot oven light
bulbwith a dampclothas the bulbcould break. Shouldthe bulb break,disconnect
powerto the appliance beforeremovingbulb to avoid electricalshock.
NEVERheat an unopenedcontainerintheoven. Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitfor appliancepartsto cool Pressurebuild-upmaycausecontainertoburstresulting beforetouchingorcleaningthem.
inseriouspersonalinjuryordamagetotheappliance. Usedry,sturdypotholders.Damppotholdersmay cause burnsif a wetspongeorclothisusedtowipespillsona
burnsfromsteam.Dishtowelsor othersubstitutesshould hotsurface.Somecleanerscanproducenoxiousfumesif neverbe usedas potholdersbecausetheycantrail appliedtoa hotsurface.
acrosshotburnersandigniteorget caughton appliance
parts. NEVERweargarmentsmadeof flammablematerialor
loosefittingorlonghanging-sleevedapparelwhile Cleanonlypartslistedinthismanual.Donotcleandoor
cooking.Clothingmayigniteor catchutensilhandles, gasket.Thedoorgasketisessentialfora goodseal.Care Alwaysplace oven racksinthe desired positionswhile Donotuseovencleanersof any kindin or aroundany
oven iscool.Slideovenrack outto addor removefood, partoftheself-cleanoven. usingdry sturdypot holders.Always avoid reachinginto theovento add or removefood. Ifa rack must bemoved Beforeself-cleaningthe oven, removebroiler pan,oven
while hot, use a dry pot holder.Alwaysturnthe oven off at racks,andother utensils,and wipe off excessive theend ofcooking, spilloversto preventexcessivesmokeor flare ups.
Use carewhenopeningtheovendoor. Let hot airor theoven duringtheself-clean cycle. steamescapebefore removingor replacingfood.
PREPAREDFOODWARNING:Followfood manufacturer'sinstructions,Ifa plasticfrozenfood
containerand/orits coverdistorts,warps,or isotherwise damagedduring cooking, immediatelydiscardthefood The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWaterand ToxicEnforcement and its container.The food couldbecontaminated. Act of 1986 (Proposition65) requiresthe Governorof
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhen usingoven exposuresto suchsubstances.
cookingbags. Users ofthis applianceare herebywarnedthat the Onlycertaintypesof glass,glassceramic,ceramic,or burningof gascanresult inlow-levelexposureto someof
glazed utensilsare suitableforcooktopor oven usage without breakingdue tothe suddenchange in and soot,due primarilyto the incompletecombustionof
temperature, naturalgas or liquid petroleum(LP)fuels.Properly Thisappliancehas beentestedforsafe performance Exposuretothese substancescanalso be minimizedby
usingconventionalcookware.Do not use any devicesor properlyventingthe burnersto the outdoors. accessoriesthatare not specificallyrecommendedin this
manual.Do not useadd-onoven convectionsystems.The useof devices or accessoriesthat are not expressly
recommendedinthis manualcan createserious safety hazards,result in performanceproblems,and reducethe life ofthe componentsofthe appliance.
shouldbe takennotto rub,damage,ormovethegasket.
CAUTION: Do not leavefood or cooking utensils,etc. m
Californiatopublish a list of substancesknownto the Stateof Californiato cause canceror reproductiveharm, and requiresbusinessesto warn customersof potential
the listedsubstances,includingbenzene,formaldehyde
adjustedburnerswill minimizeincompletecombustion.
(page 15)
DOORLOCK LEVER (self-cleanoven-pages 21
BROIL BURNER (pages 13and 14)
OVENRACKS (page 17)
(page 15) I
(locatedon bottom sideof trim)
OVENDOOR (page 16) OVENBOTTOM(page 18)
DOORGASKET (ovenburnerislocated
under the ovenbottom)
to cancel all _ _ and holdthese
operations padsto enter exceptthe time, oven
TIMER.The temperatureor timeofdaywill to select HI or
reappearin the LO broil. display.
A beepwillsoundwhen these pads are pressed: 1. PressCLOCKpad. BAKE,BROIL,SELF-CLEAN,TIMER, CLOCK, I_
COOKTIME, STOPTIME, and CANCELpads. 2. Pressorpress andhold l CloCkI then
Allfunctionpads exceptthe _ LIGHT
CANCELpadfeature an indicator timeof day appearsin
light, l BakeJ display.
Whenthe BAKEor BROIL pad _ Displaywill flash when powerissupplied to unit.
ispressed,the indicatorlightwill I n_"_'._I
turn onto letyou knowthatthe Clocktimecannotbechangedif ovenis setfor timed
ovenis setfor this operation. _ bake or delayed clean operation.Cancelthe Indicatorlights on SELF-CLEAN,TIMER,
CLOCK,COOKTIME and STOPTIMEpadswill Iftimer isin use, pressCLOCKpadonce to recall
flash when the pad ispressed.These indicatorlights thetimeof dayortwice to resetthe time of day.
will stopflashing butwill remainlitonce the function Torecall time of day when another function is displayed, starts, pressCLOCK pad.
If an indicatorlight on a functionpad islit andyou set a second operation:
- Eitherthe controlwill not acceptthe operationor
- The indicatorlightonthefirst padwill "dim" slightly Ifyou preferthat thetime of day isnotdisplayed:
and the indicatorlight on the padyoujust pressed will be "fullon."This lets youknowthatyouhave 1. Pressand hold both _
setthe controlfor two operations. CLOCKand CANCEL
INDICATOR or pad until correct
operationbeforesettingthe clock.
padsfor several and
2. Repeatstep1toreactivate clockfeature.
torecalltimeofdayfor4 seconds.Displaywillthen blank.
Ifa powerfailureoccurswhentheclockhasbeen
disabled,thedisplayremainsblankandwillnot flashwhenpowerisrestored.
1. PressTIMERpad. _ Youhavea choiceof three"endof timed cook"reminder
time appearsin display, then
or pad untilcorrect I TinierJ Option 1: Fourbeepsthen onebeep every 30seconds
2. Pressor pressand hold _ l_71 beeps for theAutomaticOvenTimerfeature.
Thetimerfeature does notoperate the oven.
The timercanbe set from 1 minute[0:01]upto 9 the next 12hours oruntilCANCELpad is pressed. hoursand 50 minutes[9:50].
The timerwillstartautomatically. Howto select the desiredoption:
The TIMER indicatorontheTIMERpad willlight 1. Pressand holdboth
wheneverthe timeris inuse. COOKTIME and CLOCK J P"_L,I I_W_I
Onelong beepand "End"will bebrieflydisplayedto padsfor 3 seconds. [ _/n_; 1 andt,oo.j
signaltheend of thetimer operation. A single beepwill sound.
To cancel timer: Press and hold TIMERpad for 3 Displaywill showcurrent seconds. Time of daywill reappear in the display, option.
The 12Hour EnergySaver feature automaticallyturnsoff The currenttime of day theoven if itwas accidentlyleft on after 12 hours, will reappearin the display
Todeactivatethis featuresothe ovenwill NOT turn off automaticallyat the end of 12hours:
1. Pressand hold CLOCKpad
for the next 5 minutes or until CANCELpad is pressed. (Defaultoption.)
Option 2: Four beeps.There areno otherbeeps.
Option 3: Fourbeepsthen one beep every minutefor
2. Press• or•padto selecttheoptionnumber
after4 seconds.
2. Press or paduntil8:88 l Clockl then beingturnedon.Thisisespeciallyhelpfulwhencleaning
appearsinthedisplay, thecontrolpanel.
Currenttimeofdaywill To activate:
for 3 seconds. _ 17l The ControlLock-Outfeaturepreventsthe ovenfrom
reappearinthedisplayafter4 seconds. 1. Pressandholdboth _
3. Repeatsteps 1 and 2to reactivatethe 12 Hour STOPTIMEand [ _'_PeJ and
EnergySaverfeature. CANCELpadsfor 3
12:00willappearin displayto indicatethe Energy 2. "OFF"willappearin displaywhenthisfeature is Saverfeatureis restored, activated.
Onlythe clockand timer functionswill operate whenControlLock-Outfeatureis activated.
3. Repeatstep 1to deactivatethis feature.
Besureovencontrolisset inthe OFF positionpriorto You can adjust the oven temperature if you feel the
supplyinggastothe appliance, temperatureistoo hotortoo cool.
Yourappliancefeaturespilotlessignition.A globarwill Toadjust the oven temperature:
lightthe ovenburner.
Withthistype of ignitionsystem,the ovenwill not 1. PressBAKEpad. _-_-_,,_ operateduringa powerfailureor ifthe oven is 2. Press pad until550°is
No attemptshould be madeto operateovenduring
disconnectedfromthe wall outlet, displayed, l Bake] then
a powerfailure. 3. PressandholdBAKEpad
The oventemperature ismaintainedby cyclingthe orV padto select the oven burneron and off. temperaturechange _ then
Aftertheoventemperaturehas beenset,there will be you wish. abouta 45 seconddelay beforethe burner ignites.This Theoven temperature is normaland no gasescapesduring this delay, can be increasedor decreased
Duringthe clean cycle,and someextendedoven cookingoperations,you may hear a "popping"sound Ifthe oventemperaturewas previouslyadjusted,
whenthe burnercyclesoff.Thisis a normaloperating thechangewill be displayed.
for3 secondsuntil00° appearsindisplay.
4. Pressor pressand holdthe I AI
by 5°to35°F.
soundof the burner. I Forexampleilftheoventem_ratuiewasreducedby I
Becauseeachovenhasitsown personalbaking 5.Timeofdaywillautomaticallyreappearindisplay.
characteristics,do not expectthat yournewovenwill performexactly like your previousoven.
Youmay find that the cooking times,oven temperatures,and cookingresultsdiffersomewhatfrom Broilingand cleaningtemperaturescannotbe adjusted. your previousrange.
Allowa periodof adjustment.
If you havequestionsconcerningbakingresults,please referto pages8, 11and12for additionalinformation.
lo: ;
I !the d!spayw show
It is not necessaryto readjustthe oventemperature if
there is a power failure or interruption.
Do not lock ovendoorduringacooking operation. Do notcoveran entire oven rackor oven bottomwith
- Ifthe door is lockedthe LOCK aluminumfoil. This will reduceheat circulation,resultin indicatorwill lightand the _'_Ovenon poorbakingand maydamagethe oven bottom.
operationwillbe canceled, i_lPrebeat A smallpieceoffoilmaybe usedtocatchspillovers.
Unlockthe doorthen resetthe
__JLock Placeit on a lower rack severalinchesbelowthefood.
- If oventemperatureis above400°F,the internal ,_ lockingmechanismwill engageandthe doorcan not ___
beunlockeduntilthe oven hascooled. _ _'__._
Ifyou pressBAKE or BROIL padanddo notset an
oventemperatureor broil setting within30seconds: /_ \\
- The programwillautomaticallycancel. ,// \\
- Thetimeof daywillreappearinthe display. Do notcoverthe broiler insertwithaluminumfoil. This
preventsfat from draininginto the panbelowand
Tochange oventemperatureorbroilsettingduring increasesflare-upsand smoke.However,the broiler cooking: pan may be lined withfoil for easier clean-up.
- If temperatureisdisplayed, press
or pad to selectthe new
temperature. Preheatingis necessaryfor baking.
- If anotherfunctionisdisplayed, press It is not necessaryto preheatfor roasting.
BAKEor BROILpadthen press To preheat,setthe oven tothe desiredtemperature
or pad to selectnewtemperature, andallowabout 8 to 15 minutesfor the ovento preheat.A singlebeepwillindicatethat theoven is preheated.
Selectinga temperaturehigherthan desiredwill NOT preheatthe oven any faster,and may have a negative
effecton baking results.
BAKE indicatoron the BAKEpad willlight. LIGHT
000will light in display.
2. Pressor pressand hold or padto select oven i-_ temperature.
350° will lightwheneitherpadis pressed.
Oventemperaturecan be setfrom 170° to 550°.
3.Therewill bea 4 seconddelaybeforethe oventurns on.Whenthe oventurns on: i,_0_ on
PREHEATindicatorwilllight. Lock
OVENONindicatorwilllight. _Preheat
Thepreselectedtemperaturewill remain in display.
4.Allow8 to 15 minutesfor the ovento preheat.
A single beepwill indicatethat theovenhas IO)0v_on
preheated. IUIPreheat
TheOVENON indicatorwill remainlit. L.U_JLock
ThePREHEATindicatorwillturn off.
5. Placefood inthe oven. NOTE:The oventemperaturecan be changed at anytime. Ifthe temperatureischanged,the
PREHEATindicatorwillturn backon untilthe new temperatureisreached.A beep will signalthat the
newtemperaturehas been reached.
6. Check cookingprogressat the minimumcooking NOTE:Seepages 11and 12for additional
time. Cooklongerif needed, informationon baking and roasting.
The BAKEindicatoronthe BAKEpadwillturnoff.
7. PressCANCELpad and removefood from the oven. [_
TheOVENON indicatorwillturnoff. NOTE: If you forget to turn off the oven, it will
Timeof day will reappearin display, automaticallyturn off at the end of 12 hours. If you wishto deactivatethis energy saving feature, see page6.
The clockmustbe functioningand correctlyset.
Immediate start: Followsteps 1-4 and 6-8. Oven turnson immediatelyand automaticallyturnoff ata
Highlyperishablefoodssuchas dairy products, pork,poultry,seafoodorstuffingare not Delayedstart: Followsteps1-8. Delaysthe startof
recommendedfora delayedcookingoperation, cookingorcleaningandautomaticallyturnsoffat a
Bakingis notrecommendedbecausepreheatng s required. Cooktimecanonlybe setforupto 11hoursand59
1. PressCOOKTIME pad.
COOKTIME indicatoronthe COOKTIME padwill I _, I __
0:00 willlightindisplay, then flash.
2. Pressor pressand hold orV pad to entercooking time.
3. PressBAKEpad.
4. Pressor pressandhold orv pad to enteroven
000 willlight indisplay, i, j temperature.
BAKEindicatoron BAKEpadwill light. /_ then [_
NOTE: Beepswill soundand 000 willflash in display iftheBAKE padis not pressedwithin4 seconds.
5. IFYOU WISH TO DELAYTHESTARTOF NOTE:If you wishto delay the startof cookingfollow all
COOKING(ifnot,skipto#6): 8 steps.Ifyouwishtobegincookingimmediately,follow a. PressSTOP TIME pad. allstepsexceptstep5 - skipstep5.
b. Pressor pressand hold•or V pad to entertime IS_oo I
c. PressCLOCKpad.
flash.STOPTIME indicatoron STOPTIME padwill _"rinte] then I_1_ then [_
6. Whenthe oventurnson,the OVEN ON indicatorwill _ NOTE:Itisnotnecessarytosetastarttime. light.The oventemperaturewillappearinthedisplay. _OmO;J Controlwilldeterminewhentoturntheoven
PresstheCOOKTIME padtorecalltheremaining onbasedonthe cooktimeyouset.
7. Oven willautomaticallyturn off, Four beepswill sound NOTE:Seepage6 if you wishto changethe end of and "End"will light indisplay.A beepwill sound every cooking reminderbeeps.
30secondsforthe next 5 minutes.
8. Press CANCELpadandbeeps will stop. Remove foodfrom oven.
Usea reliablerecipeandaccuratelymeasurefresh Roastingisthemethodforcookinglarge,tendercutsof ingredients.Carefullyfollow directionsforoven meatuncovered,withoutaddingmoisture.Mostmeatsare
temperatureandcookingtime.Preheatovenif roastedat325°F.Itisnotnecessarytopreheattheoven.
recommended. Usethe correct rackposition. Bakingresultsmay be ormore.
affectedifthe wrongrackpositionis used.
Top browning may be darker if food is located Somegoodchoicesare: Beef rib,ribeye, top round, towardthetop of the oven. highqualitytip and rump roast, pork loinroast, leg of
Bottom browningmay be darker if food is located lamb,veal shoulderroast and cured or smoked hams. towardthebottomof the oven. Placethe meat fat-side-upon a rack in a shallow
Bakewarematerialplaysan importantpartin baking results.Alwaysusethetypeandsizeof pancalledfor in the drippings,thusallowingbetter heatcirculationfor
therecipe.Cookingtimesor cookingresultsmay be evencooking.As thefatontopofthe roastmelts,the affectedifthewrongsizeisused. additionalbasting.
Shinymetal pan reflectsheataway from the food,
produceslighterbrowningand a softercrust.Use shiny The cookingtime isdeterminedbythe weight of the
pansfor baking cakesor cookies, meatandthe desireddoneness.
Darkmetalpan ora pan with an anodized (dull) Formoreaccurateresults,usea meatthermometer.
bottomabsorbsheat,producesdarkerbrowninganda Insertitsothe tipis inthe centerofthethickestpartof
crispercrust.Usethistypeofpanfor pies,piecrustsor the meat.Itshould nottouchfat orbone. bread. Removethe meatfromtheovenwhenthethermometer
Foroptimumbakingresults,bakecookiesandbiscuits registersthedesiredaloneness. onaflat cookiesheet. Ifthepanhassides,suchasa
jellyrollpan,browningmaynotbe even. NOTE:Formoreinformationaboutfoodsafety,call
Ifusingoven-proofglassware,ordarkpanssuch as USDA'sMeat& PoultryHotlineat 1-800-535-4555. Baker's Secretreducetheoventemperatureby25°F
exceptwhenbakingpiesor bread.Usethesame Forcookinginformation,writetothe NationalCattle- bakingtime as calledfor inthe recipe, men'sBeefAssociation,444 North MichiganAvenue,
If using insulatedbakeware,expectcookingtimesto Chicago, Illinois60611,or call 1-800-368-3138. increaseslightly.Itis not necessaryto adjustthe oven temperature.
Checkthe cookingprogressatthe minimumtime
recommendedin the recipe.If necessary,continue checkingatintervals untilthe food isdone. Ifthe oven
dooris openedtoo frequently,heatwill escapefromthe oven;this canaffectbaking resultsandwastesenergy.
If you add additionalingredientsoraltertherecipe, expectcookingtimesto increaseor decreaseslightly.
roastingpan.Placingthe meat on a rackholds it out of
meatis bastednaturally,eliminatingtheneedfor
Cakesare uneven. Panstoocloseortouchingeachotherorovenwalls. Batteruneveninpans.
Temperaturesettooloworbakingtimetooshort. Ovennotlevel., Undermixing.
Cake high in middle,, Temper=areset toohgh Bakingt me t:o ong, Overmixing, Too muchflour
;Panstouchingeachotherorovenwails, incorrect rackposition.
Cake falls. Toomuchshorteningorsugar. Toomuchortoolittleliquid. Temperaturesettoo
low. Oldor toolittlebakingpowder. Pantoosmall. Ovendooropenedfrequently.
Addedincorrecttypeof oiltocakemix.=Addedadditionalingredientstocake mixor
!i i i ¸ i : i ¸
FO_optimumresui_ibake°n one rack:If bakingcakeson_o racks,placepanstoward
the_ont oftheoVen;Onthe upperrackandtowardthe backoftheovenonthe !ower
Cakes, cookies, biscuits Ovennotpreheated. Panstouchingeachotheror ovenwalls. Incorrectrack too brown on bottom, position. Incorrectuseofaluminumfoil. Placed2 cookiesheetsononerack. Used
glass,dark,stained,warpedordullfinishmetalpans.(Usea shinycookiesheet.) Followcookwaremanufacturer'sinstructionsfor oventemperature.Glasswareanddark
cookwaresuchasEcko'sBaker'sSecretmayrequireloweringthe oventemperatureby 25°R
Excessive shrinkage. Toolittleleavening. Overmixing. Pantoo large. Temperaturesettoohigh.
Uneven texture. *Toomuchliquid, Undermixing, Temperatureset tooIowi,Baking timetooshorti Cakeshave tunnels. Notenoughshortening. Toomuchbakingpowder. Overmixingorat toohigha
Pie crust edges too Temperaturesettoohigh. Panstouchingeachotherorovenwalls. Edgesofcrust brown, toothin;shieldwithfoil.
Bakingtimetoolong.° Panstooclosetoeachotheror ovenwalls.
speed. Temperaturesettoohigh.
Pies have soaked crusL Temperaturetoo low atstart of baking. Fillingtoojuicy. Usedshinymetalpans.
+ 28 hidden pages