Magic Chef CGR1330BDC Owner's Manual

Owner's Guide
For Freestanding and Slide-in Ranges
IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-4 Roastingtips ................................ 12
CLOCKAND TIMER, ifequipped................. 5
MAINTENANCE ............................ 14-17
USINGTHE COOKTOP ....................... 6-7 Cooktop .................................... 14
Ignitionsystem ............................... 6 Burnergrates................................ 14
Howto lightsurfaceburner ..................... 6 Conventionalsurface burners,ifequipped ....... 15
Selectingflamesize ........................... 7 Sealedsurfaceburners,ifequipped ............ 15
Aboutthesurfaceburnerflame ................. 7 Proportionalvalveadjustment,if equipped ...... 16
Adjustingtheflame ............................ 7 Ovenwindow, ifequipped ..................... 16
Cookwareconsiderations ...................... 7 Ovendoor .................................. 16
Canning ..................................... 7 Ovenlight,if equipped ........................ 16
Ovenbottom ................................ 17
USINGTHE OVEN ........................... 8-13 Storagedrawer .............................. 17
Ignitionsystem ............................... 8 Lowerpanel,if equipped ...................... 17
Ovenvent .................................... 8
Levelinglegs ................................ 17
Coolingfan, if equipped........................ 8 Electricalconnection ......................... 17
Useof aluminumfoil ........................... 8
Ovencharacteristics........................... 9 CAREANDCLEANINGCHART .............. 18-20
Oventemperatureknob ........................ 9
Howto setovento bake or roast ................ 9 SERVICEINFORMATION.................... 21-22
Preheating ................................... 9 Troubleshootingchart ..................... 21-22
Ovenracks.................................. 10 How to removerangefor cleaningandservicing . 22
Bakingtips .................................. 12 WARRANTY .................................. 23
The modelandserialnumbersarefoundonthe ratingplate locatedon the
lowerrange front frame behindthe broilerdoor or lower panel. Use these
INSTALLERF_easeleave Jestingservice.
CONSU SerialNumber: _,
and/0r your cancelled check as proof of
reference. ,servicebe needed.Storethese documentswith
this booklet.
FOR CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE CALL 1-800-688-1120 8113P195-6o
qqOO 7
Readall instructionsbeforeusingthis appliance.
Thank You., for purchasingour cooking
appliance.Tohelpyou obtainthe maximumincooking WARNING: If the information in this satisfaction,we offerthese suggestions: manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property
[]E_Readthismanualbeforeusingthe appliance, damage, personal injuryor death.
[_ Reviewallsafetyandcautioninstructions. - Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
I_ Reviewthe TroubleshootingCharton
pages21and22 ifservicebecomesnecessary, vicinityof this or any other appliance.
0_=Includethemodelandserialnumbersofyour - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS:
Proofofpurchasesuchassalesreceipt Do not try to light any appliance.
willbeneededforwarrantyservice. Do not touch anyelectricalswitch; do
Youcan contactusat: not use any phone in your building.
MaytagAppliances SalesCompany Immediately call your gas supplier
Attn: CAIRsMCenter from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
P.o. Box 2370 gas supplier's instructions.
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
1-800-688-1120 If yOU cannot reach your gas supplier,
In our continuingeffortto improvethe quality and call the fire department. performanceofour cookingappliances,itmay be
necessaryto makechangesto theappliancewithout - Installation and service must be revisingthis manual, performed by a qualified installer, service
agency or the gas supplier,
A, WARNI WARNING: To reducethe riskoftipping ofthe
__. ) NG appliancefromabnormalusageor byexcessiveloading
of the oven door,the appliancemust besecuredby a
i properly anti-tip
installed device.
CAUSEINJURIESTOPERSONS, Iftherangeismovedfromthewall,be suretheanti-tip
_i INSTALLANTI-TIPDEVICES underneathrangeto verifythat oneof the rear leveling
PACKEDWITHRANGE. legsis properlyengagedinthe bracketslot.
FOLLOWALLINSTALLATION The anti-tipdevicesecurestherearlevelinglegto the
INSTRUCTIONS. floorwhen properlyengaged.Also,be suretherangeis
The followinginstructionsare based onsafety Turnoffapplianceand ventilatinghoodto avoidspreading
considerationsand must be strictlyfollowedto eliminate the flame.Extinguishflamethenturn on hoodto remove
the potentialrisksof fire, electricshock,or personalinjury, smokeandodor.
Haveyour applianceinstalledand properlygroundedbya Usedry chemicalor foam-typeextinguisherorbaking
qualifiedinstaller accordingtothe installationinstructions, sodato smotherfire or flame. Neveruse water on a Havethe installershowyou the location ofthe gas shut off greasefire. valveand howto shut it off in an emergency.
If fire is in the oven or broiler pan,smother by closing
Alwaysdisconnectpowerto appliancebeforeservicing, ovendoor.
Iffire is in a pan onthe surface burner,cover pan.Never
Toensureproperoperationand avoid possibleinjuryor damageto unit do not attemptto adjust,repair,service,or attemptto pick up or movea flamingpan.
replaceanypartof yourapplianceunlessitis specifically recommendedinthis book.All other servicingshould be referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer. C_LD _ .
NEVERleave childrenalone or unsupervisednearthe appliancewhen it isinuseor isstill hot. NEVERallow
childrento sit or standonany part of theappliance.
Besure allpackingmaterialsare removedfrom the Childrenmustbetaughtthat the L----JL L_ appliancebeforeoperatingit. applianceand utensils in it can be
hot.Let hot utensilscoolin a safe
Keeparea aroundapplianceclear andfree from place,out of reachof smallchildren.._-_,, _ ,
combustiblematerials,gasoline,and otherflammable Childrenshouldbe taughtthat an ' ,
vaporsand materials, applianceis not atoy. Children _,_i
shouldnot be allowedto playwith
If applianceis installednear awindow, properprecautions controlsor other parts ofthe unit. shouldbetaken to preventcurtainsfrom blowingover
burners. CAUTION: NEVERstore itemsof
interestto childrenin cabinets above
NEVERleave any itemson the cooktop.The hot air from an applianceor on the backguardof
theventmayigniteflammableitemsand may increase a range.Childrenclimbingon the _._- pressureinclosedcontainerswhich may causethemto applianceor on the appliancedoor
burst, to reach itemscould be seriouslyinjured. Manyplasticsare vulnerableto heat. Keepplasticsaway
from partsoftheappliancethat maybecomewarm or hot. AB_ YOURAPP_..E' '
Do notleaveplasticitemsonthe cooktopas they may ....
meltor softeniflefttoo closeto the vent or a lighted NEVERuse applianceas \
surface burner, a spaceheater to heat or
warm a roomto prevent Many aerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEwhen potentialhazardto the exposedto heat and may behighlyflammable.Avoid their userand damageto the useorstoragenear anappliance, appliance. Also, do not
usethe cooktopor oven
Toeliminatethe hazard ofreachingover hotsurface as a storage area for food burners,cabinetstorageshouldnotbe provideddirectly orcooking utensils.
abovea unit.Ifsuchstorageis provided,itshouldbe / limitedto items whichare used infrequentlyandwhich are Donotobstructthe flow of combustionand ventilationair
safelystoredinan areasubjectedto heatfrom an by blockingthe ovenvent or airintakes. Restrictionofair appliance.Temperaturesmay beunsafefor someitems, flowto the burnerprevents proper performanceand suchasvolatileliquids,cleanersor aerosol sprays, increasescarbonmonoxideemissionto unsafe levels.
Avoidtouchingovenvent areawhileoven isonand for NEVERheat an unopenedcontaineron the surface severalminutesafter oven is turnedoff.Someparts of the burner or in the oven. Pressurebuild-upmaycause ventandsurroundingarea becomehot enoughto cause containerto burst resultingin seriouspersonal injuryor
burns.Afteroven isturnedoff, do not touchthe oven vent damageto the appliance. orsurroundingareasuntilthey havehadsufficienttime to
cool. Usedry,sturdypotholders. Damppot holdersmaycause
burnsfrom steam.Dishtowelsorothersubstitutesshould
WARNING:NEVERuse r--_u___.l_ ._r--_u_ j never be usedas pot holdersbecausetheycan trail
acrosshot surface burnersand igniteor getcaught on
appliancedoorordrawer,if applianceparts. equipped,as a step stoolor
seatas this may result in Alwayslet quantitiesof hotfat usedfor deepfat frying
possibletippingof the coolbefore attemptingto moveor handle.
appliance,damageto the appliance,and serious Do not letcookinggrease or other flammablematerials
injury, accumulateinorneartheappliance,hoodor vent fan.
Cleanhoodfrequently to preventgreasefrom
accumulatingon hoodorfilter. Whenflamingfoods under
Do nottouch a hot ovenlight bulbwith a damp cloth as the hoodturn thefanon.
the bulbcould break.Shouldthe bulb break,disconnect
powertothe appliancebefore removingbulbto avoid NEVERweargarments _ _
electricalshock, madeofflammable material
orloosefittingorlong hanging-sleevedapparel while cooking.Clothingmay
Alwaysplace a panon a surfaceburner beforeturningit igniteor catch utensil on.Besure you knowwhich knobcontrolswhich surface handles.
burner.Makesure thecorrect burneristurnedon andthat the burnerhas ignited.Whencookingis completed,turn Alwaysplace oven racks inthe desiredpositionswhile
burneroffbeforeremovingpanto preventexposureto oven iscool.Slide oven rack outto addor removefood, burnerflame, usingdrysturdypot holders.Alwaysavoidreachinginto
the ovento add or remove food. Ifa rackmustbe moved
Alwaysadjust surfaceburnerflameso that it does not whilehot, usea dry pot holder.Always turntheoven offat extendbeyondthebottomedgeofthe pan. An excessive theend ofcooking.
flame is hazardous,wastes energyandmaydamagethe appliance,pan or cabinetsabovetheappliance. Use carewhenopeningthe oven door.Let hot air or
NEVERleavea surface _ steam escapebeforeremovingor replacingfood. cookingoperationunattended _ I PREPAREDFOODWARNING: Followfood
especiallywhen using a high _ manufacturer'sinstructions.Ifa plasticfrozenfood
heatsettingorwhendeepfat containerand/orits cover distorts,warps, or isotherwise
frying. Boiloverscause damagedduringcooking,immediatelydiscardthe food
smokingandgreasyspillovers and its container.The food could be contaminated. mayignite.Cleanupgreasy
spillsassoon as possible.Do
notusehighheatfor extended cookingoperations.
Use panswith flat bottomsand handlesthat areeasily Turnoff all controlsand wait for appliancepartsto cool graspedandstaycool. Avoid using unstable,warped, beforetouchingor cleaningthem. Donot touch the burner easilytippedorloosehandledpans.Also avoid using grates or surroundingareas untilthey havehadsufficient smallpans,especiallysmallpans with heavyhandles,as time to cool. theycanbeunstableand easilytip. Pansthat are heavy to movewhenfilled withfood may alsobe hazardous. Cleanappliancewithcaution.Usecareto avoid steam
burnsifa wet spongeor cloth is used towipespillson a
Besure utensilis largeenoughto properly containfood
hotsurface.Some cleanerscanproducenoxiousfumes if
andavoid boilovers.Pansize is particularlyimportantin appliedto a hot surface.
deepfat frying. Besure panwill accommodatethe volume offoodthat is to beaddedas wellas the bubbleaction of
Tominimizeburns,ignitionof flammablematerialsand WARNING ....
spillagedue to unintentionalcontactwith the utensil,do
TheCalifornia Safe DrinkingWaterandToxic Enforcement
over adjacentsurface _ R Actof1986(Proposition65) requirestheGovernorof
Californiato publisha listof substancesknownto the
burners.Alwaysturn _ Stateof Californiato causecanceror reproductiveharm,
thesideor backofthe and requiresbusinessesto warn customersof potential appliance,not out into exposuresto such substances. theroomwherethey Usersofthis applianceare herebywarned thatthe
are easilyhitor burningof gas canresult Jnlow-levelexposureto someof reachedby small thelistedsubstances,includingbenzene,formaldehyde
children, and soot,due primarilyto the incompletecombustionof
Neverlet a pan boildry as this could damagethe utensil naturalgas or liquid petroleum(LP)fuels.Properly andthe appliance, adjustedburnerswill minimizeincompletecombustion.
Exposuretothese substancescanalso be minimizedby
Followthe manufacturer'sdirectionswhen using oven properlyventingtheburnersto the outdoors. cookingbags.
Only certaintypes of glass,glass/ceramic,ceramic,or glazedutensilsare suitablefor cooktop or oven usage withoutbreakingduetothe suddenchangein temperature.
Thisappliancehasbeentested for safe performance usingconventionalcookware.Donot useanydevicesor
accessoriesthat arenotspecificallyrecommendedinthis manual.Donot use eyelidcoversfor the surface units,
stovetopgrills,or add-on ovenconvectionsystems.The
useof devicesor accessoriesthatare notexpressly
recommendedinthis manualcan create serioussafety hazards,resultin performanceproblems,andreducethe
life of the componentsofthe appliance.
The electronic clock and timer display will flash when the appliance is first connected to power or if power is interrupted. The display will stop flashing once the time-of-day clock
has been set.
1. Press the CLOCK pad. 1. Press the TIMER pad. 0:59, or one hour, will appear in the display.
2. Press and hold the HOUR pad to set the correct hours. The timer will automatically begin counting down in
Tap the pad once to change the time by a single hour.
increments of one minute.
3. Press and hold the MINUTE pad to set the correct 2. To set the timer for less than one hour: Press the
minutes. Tap the pad once to change the time by a TIMER pad then press and hold the MINUTE pad until single minute, the desired time appears in the display. To change the
time by a single minute, tap the pad once.
For example: To set the clock for 3:15, press and hold the HOUR pad until 3 appears in the hours display. Then 3. To set the timer for more than one hour: Press the
press and hold the MINUTE pad until 15 appears inthe TIMER pad then - minutes display. ° Press the HOUR pad, 1:59, or two hours, will appear
in the display.
Press the MINUTE pad until the desired minutes
appear in the display.
NOTE: Two hours is the maximum time that can be
4. When the time has elapsed, 0:00 will appear in the
display and continuousbeeps will sound to indicatethe end ofthe timing operation,
5. Press the CLOCK pad to cancel the beeps. The current time of day will reappear inthe display.
To cancel the timer: Press the CLOCK pad and the display will return to the current time of day.
i !;ii iii _[,
Yourcooktopwillfeatureeitherpilotignitionorpilotless Topreventdamagetothecooktoporpan,never ignition.Ifthegassupplytotherangeisturnedoff,be operatethe surfaceburnerwithoutapaninplace,neve sure all controlsare set inthe OFFpositionbefore allowa panto boildry and never operatea surface
re-supplying gasto the appliance, burneronHIGHfor extendedperiodsoftime. Pilot Ignition 1. Placea pan on the burnergrate.
Whenthe rangeis first installed,thestanding pilots may NOTE:Theburner flamemaylift offtheburnerhead
bedifficultto light due to airin the gas line.Tobleed off air
and a "roaring"sound may beheardif a pan is not
fromthe line,holda lightedmatch nextto the burnerand placedon the grate beforelightingthe burner.
turnthe knobon.Whenthe burnerlights, turn the knoboff and proceedasdirected below. 2. Pushinandturnthe knobto the LITE position.
To light pilot: Raisethe cooktopandhold a lightedmatch
Pilotlessignitionmodelsonly:A clickingsoundwill
nearthe pilotports.There aretwopilotports,one onthe beheardandtheburnerwilllight.Whenone burneri_
rightsideandone onthe leftside. turnedon,allignitorswillspark.
/ MED Ii
Pilotless Ignition
Pilotlessignitionusesa sparkfromtheignitorto lightthe 3. Aftertheburnerlights,turntheknobtothe desired burner.Therearetwoignitorsforconventionalsurface flamesize.
Pilotlessignitionmodelsonly:The ignitorswill
burnerlights,turnthe knobto the desired setting.The
continueto spark untilthe knob is turnedfrom the LIT
clickingsoundwill notstopuntilthe knob isturned from
theLITEposition. NOTE:Thesurfaceburnerwillnotlight ifthe ignitoris CAUTION:Ifthe flame shouldgo out during a cooking
damaged,broken, soiledorwet. Also, the burnerwill not operation,turn the burner off. If gashasaccumulated lightif the small portbeneaththe ignitor isblocked.See anda stronggas odor isdetected,open a window and page20 for cleaning instructions, wait 5 minutesfor the gas odor to disappearbefore
relightingthe burner.
Inthe event ofa powerfailure, the surface burnercan bemanuallylighted.Besure all controlsare inthe OFF
position.Holda lightedmatchto the desired surface burnerheadthen push inand turnthe knobto the LITE position.Whenthe burner lights, adjustthe flameto the
desiredflame size.
_i_ ii_ IL i_ !!:i _ _i; "'iI ,_ 'i! ili' _!_ i_"
Usea HIGH flamesettingto quicklybring liquidsto a boil Adjustthe flamesize so it /_
orto begin acooking or canningoperation.Then reduce doesnotextend beyond to a lower settingto continuecooking. Neverleavefood the edge ofthe cooking
unattendedwhenusing a HIGHflame setting, utensil.This isfor _--,_-,i __
personalsafetyandto preventpossibledamage
to the appliance,pan,or
_,_._ "- cabinetsabovethe
__ appliance.This alsoimprovescookingefficiency.
Anintermediateflame size is usedto continuea cooking morethan two inchesbeyondthe grate, restson two
grates,or touches the cooktopwill causea build upof operation.Foodwill notcook anyfaster when a higher heatandmayresult in damageto the the burner grate, flame setting is usedthan neededto maintaina gentle burnerand cook-top.
boil. Remember,waterboilsatthesametemperature whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously. Cookware,suchas a wokwitha supportring,which
restrictsaircirculationaroundtheburnerwillcauseheat Use LOto simmerorkeepfoodsatservingtemperatures, to buildupandmayresultindamagetothe burnergrate,
I Foodscookfasterwhenthe cookwareiscovered because
__, more heat is retained. Lowerthe flame size when
_- cookware iscovered.Thisalso improvescooking
efficiency. Thecooking performanceisgreatlyaffectedbythe type of
cookwareused. Propercookwarewill reduce cooking times, uselessenergy and producemore even cooking
results.For best resultsusea heavy gauge metalpan If a knob isturnedveryquicklyfromtheHIto the LO witha smoothflat bottom, straightsidesand a tightfitting setting,the flame may goout, particularlyifthe burneris lid.Selecta material,suchas aluminumorcopper,that cold. Ifthis occurs,turnthe knobto the OFF position.Wait conductsheat quicklyand evenly.
severalseconds,thenlightthe burneragain.
ABOUT THE SURFACEBURNERFME Whencanning,usethe HI settingjustuntilthe water
comesto a boilor pressureis reachedina pressure
A properlyadjustedburnerwithcleanportswilllightwithin canner,then reducetoa settingthatmaintainsthe a fewseconds.You may heara "popping" soundon pressureora boil.
sometypesof gaswhenthe surface burneristurned off. Thisis a normaloperating soundof the burner. Prolongeduseofthe HI setting,theuseof incorrect
canningutensils,orthe useofimpropercanning
On naturalgas, theflamewillbebluewitha deeperblue techniquesmayproduceexcessiveheatandresultin core;thereshouldbenotraceofyellowintheflame.A permanentdamagetothe appliance.
yellowflame indicatesanimpropermixtureofair/gas. Havea servicemanadjustthemixtureifa yellowflame NOTE:Foradditionalcanninginformationcontactyour occurs.(NOTE:Adjustmentsarenotcoveredbythe localCountyExtensionOffice.Or,contactAIItrista warranty.) ConsumerProductsCompany,marketerofBallbrand
homecanningproductsat800-240-3340or write:
On LPgas, someyellowtippingmayoccur.This isnormal AIItristaCorp.,ConsumerAffairsDept.,P.O.Box2729, and adjustmentisnotnecessary. Muncie,IN47307-0729.
' I '111('[1'11"
, ........ I . :,. '
....... ' I) 1 .
I , , , , ,,i , , ,, , , ,, , ,,, _,' i,, _ ,,, ;,
Yourovenwillfeatureeitherpilot ignitionorpilotless Theovenventislocatedatthebase ofthe backguardon
ignition, ifthe gas supplytotherangeisturnedoff,be freestandingrangesandacrossthebackof theoooktop sureallcontrolsare set intheOFF positionbefore onslide-inranges.Whentheovenisinuse,thisarea ma_ re-supplyinggasto theappliance, feelwarmor hottothetouch.
Topreventbakingproblems,do not blockthe vent
Pilot Ignition openingin any way.Also,do not placeplasticsnear the
ventopeningas heatfromthe ventcould distortor melt
cool,openthebroilerdoor ....." _ theplastic,
and removethe broilerrack and broilerpan.On models
without a broiling COOLING FAN, if equipped = compartment,removethe Slide-inrangesfeaturea coolingfanwhichautomatically
lowerpanel.Seepage 17 turnsonwhenevertheovenis setforabroilingor
forinstructionsonremoving " cleaningoperation.Thefan willalsoturnonduringsome thepanel, bakingoperations.Whenthe ovenisturnedoffand has
WiththeOvenTampknobintheOFF position,holda lightedmatchtothe pilotlocatedatthe backoftheoven
burner.Oncethepilotlights,replacethe broilerrackand =USE OF ALUMINUM FOIL ....
panorthe lowerpanel.(NOTE:Theovenburnerisshown withthemetalflamespreaderremovedfromthe oven Do notcoverthe ovenbottomor an entirerackwith
burner.) foil or placefoil directlyunder cookware.To catch
spillovers,placea piece offoil a littlelargerthan thepan ontherackbelowthe pan. For rangeswith one rack, it
Pilotless Ignition benecessaryto placethe foil directly underthe utensil.
Withthistypeofignitionsystem,a globarwilllightthe Cuta small openinginthe foiltoallowheattothebotton
ovenburner.Theovenwillnot operateduringa power ofthepan.Thisis especiallyimportantwhenbakingpie,,
NOTE:A lightedmatch willnot lightthe burner.No
attemptshouldbe madeto operateovenduringa powerfailure.
IO¸¸¸...............= ...."r,,.....' ='i.....i, ii.... ::1
Becauseeachovenhasitsownpersonalbaking 1. Whencool,positiontherackintheoven.
characteristics,do notexpectthatyournewovenwill
performexactlylikeyourpreviousoven,Youmayfindthat 2. PushinandturntheOvenTemperatureknobtothe thecookingtimes,oven temperatures,and cooking desiredtemperature.
resultsdiffer somewhatfrom your previousrange.Allowa Selecting a temperature higher than desired will NOT period ofadjustment,ifyou havequestionsconcerning preheat the oven any faster and may have a negative
bakingresults, pleasereferto pages 11,12 and21 for additionalinformation, effecton bakingresults.
3. Placethe food inthe centerof the oven, allowinga minimumof 1to 2-inches betweenthe utensilandthe
TheOven Temperatureknobis usedto select and Whenthe oven is in use,the ovenventarea at the rear maintainthe oventemperature.Pushin andturnthis knob ofthe cooktopmay feel warm or hot to the touch. Do justto the desiredtemperature.To provideaccurateoven not blockthis areaortheventopeningas this may
temperatures,do not turntheknobto a higher affectbakingresults.
temperatureandthen back tothe desiredtemperature. Turnthis knob toOFF wheneverthe oven is not in use. 4. Checkthefood for doneness atthe minimumtime in
the recipe.Cook longerifnecessary.Cookingtime may
Aftertheoventemperaturehas OFF
B_O_L varyfrom ovento oven.
beenset, there will be about a _
45seconddelay beforethe _._/ ' I "_,.._" 5. Removethe foodfromthe ovenand turn the Oven
burnerignites.This is WARM S00 Temperatureknob to OFF.
normaland no gas
escapesduringthis 200,\\ _ 4so delay.
250 I | _ 400
Theoventemperatureis 30o 35o Preheatingisnecessaryforbaking,Topreheattheoven,
turntheOvenTemperatureknobtothe desired
maintainedbycyclingthe OVENTEMPERATURE
oven burneronand off. KNOB temperatureandallow 10to 15 minutesfor the oven to
preheat. Selectinga highertemperaturewill not shortenthe
preheattimeand may affectbakingresults. Itis not necessaryto preheatfor roastingor broiling.
!i¸ i ili!! ......ii ' ..............................
Yourrangewill featureoneortwoovenracks.Theoven To replace:Placetherackonthe racksupportsandtilt rackisdesignedwitha safetylock-stoppositionto keep thefrontendoftherackupslightly.Slideitbackuntilit therackfromaccidentlycomingcompletelyoutofthe clearsthelock-stopposition.Lowerthefrontandslidet ovenwhenpullingtherackouttoaddor removefood. rackstraightin.Pulltherackouttothelock-stoppositio
tobesureit ispositionedcorrectlyandthenreturnittoi
CAUTION:DonotattempttochangetherackpositionsI normalposition.
whentheovenis hot. I Foroptimumbakingresultsof cakes,cookiesorbiscu
useonerack.Positiontheracksothefoodisinthecente theoven.Useeitherrackposition2 or3.
Toremove:Besurethe rackiscool.Pulltherackstraight outuntilitstopsat thelock-stopposition.Tiltthefrontend Ifcookingontworacks,userackpositions2 and4 for
oftherackupandcontinuepullingthe rackoutof the cakesandrackpositions1 and4whenusingcookie oven. sheets.Neverplacetwo cookiesheetsononerack.
RACK5 Fortwo-rackcooking.Usethe upperrack
(highest positionfor side disheswhen roastingaturkey position) on the lower rack. 5
RACK4 Usedfor mosttwo-rackbaking. RACK3 Usedformostbakedgoodsonacookiesheetor
RACK2 Usedforroastingsmallcutsofmeat,large
casseroles,bakingloavesof bread,cakes(in eithertube,bundt,orlayerpans)ortwo-rack
baking. Roasting -'- //,P7) _'_
RACK 1 Usedfor roastinglargecutsof meatand large Position - j i
poultry,pies,souffles,or angelfood cake, or for
two-rack baking.
ROASTING Ifyourrangefeaturestwo racks,placeboth POSITION ovenracks,oneabovetheother,onthe raised
sidesoftheovenbottom.Usethispositionwhen roastingtallercutsofmeatora largeturkey.
Cakesare uneven. Panstoo closeor touchingeach other or ovenwalls. Batteruneveninpans.
Temperaturesettoo low or bakingtimetooshort. Ovennot level. Undermixing. Too muchliquid.
Cakehigh in middle. Temperaturesettoo high. Bakingtimetoolong. Overmixing. Too muchflour.* Pans
touching eachother or oven walls. Incorrectrackposition.
Cakefalls. Toomuchshorteningor sugar. Too muchortoolittleliquid. Temperaturesettoo low.
Oldortoo little bakingpowder. Pantoo small. Ovendooropenedfrequently. Added incorrecttype of oil to cakemix. Addedadditionalingredientsto cake mixor recipe.
Cakes,cookies,biscuits =Incorrectrackposition.=Ovendoornotclosed properly.=Doorgasketnotsealingproperly don'tbrown evenly, or properlyattachedtodoor. Incorrectuseof aluminumfoil. Ovennotpreheated. Pans
darkened,dentedor warped. Foroptimumresults,bakeon onerack.Ifbakingcakesontworacks,staggerpanssooneis
Cakes,cookies,biscuits Oven notpreheated. Panstouchingeachotherorovenwalls. Incorrectrackposition.
toobrownon bottom. Incorrectuseofaluminumfoil. Placed2 cookiesheetsononerack. Used glass,dark,
stainedwarpedordullfinishmetal pans.(Usea shinycookiesheet.) Followcookwaremanufacturer's instructionsfor oventemperature. Glasswareand dark
cookwaresuchas Ecko's Baker's Secret may require loweringthe oven temperature by 25OF.
Cakesdon't brown on Incorrectrackposition.Temperaturesettoolow. Overmixing. Toomuchliquid. Pan top. sizetoo large or too little batter in pan. Ovendooropenedtoo often.
Excessiveshrinkage. Too little leavening. Overmixing. Pantoo large. Temperaturesettoo high. Baking
timetoo long.° Panstoocloseto each otheror ovenwalls.
Uneventexture. Toomuchliquid. Undermixing. Temperaturesettoo low. Bakingtime too short.
Cakeshave tunnels. Notenoughshortening. Toomuchbakingpowder. Overmixingorat too high aspeed.
Temperatureset too high.
Cakenot donein Temperaturesettoo high. Pantoo small. Bakingtimetooshort. middle.
tfadditionalingredientswere addedto mix or recipe,expectcooking time to increase.
Pie crustedges too Temperaturesettoohigh. Panstouchingeachotherorovenwalls.° Edgesof crusttoo brown, thin; shield withfoil.
Piesdon't brownon Used shiny metalpans. Temperatureset too low. Incorrectrackposition. bottom. Somefrozen piesshouldbe placedon a cookie sheet,check packagedirections.
Pieshave soaked crust. ° Temperaturetoo low at start of baking. Fillingtoo juicy. Usedshinymetal pans.
Use a reliable recipe andaccuratelymeasurefresh Roastingisthemethodforcookinglarge,tendercutsof ingredients.Carefullyfollowdirectionsforoven meatuncovered,withoutaddingmoisture.Mostmeatsar
temperatureand cookingtime.Preheatovenif roastedat325°F.It isnot necessaryto preheatthe oven.
recommended. Placethe roastingpan on either ofthetwo lowest rack
positionsor on the specialroastingposition (see page8).
Usethe correct rack position. Bakingresultsmay be
affectedif the wrong rack positionis used. Usetender cuts of meatweighingthree poundsor more.
Top browning may be darker if food is located Somegood choicesare: Beefrib, ribeye, top round,high
qualitytip and rump roast, porkloin roast, legof lamb,
towardthetopofthe oven. veal shoulderroastand curedor smoked hams.
Bottom browningmay be darker if food is located
towardthebottomof the oven. Seasonmeat,ifdesired, eitherbeforeor afterroasting. When usingtwo racksfor baking, allow enough Rub intothesurfaceofthe roastifaddedbeforecooking.
space betweenthe racksfor properair circulation. Placethe meatfat-side-upon a rack in a shallowroastin(
Browningand cookingresultswill be affected if air pan.Placingthe meatona rack holds it out ofthe
flow is blocked, drippings,thusallowing betterheat circulationfor even
Cookwarematerialplays animportantpart in baking cooking.As thefat ontopof the roast melts,themeatis
results.Alwaysusethetypeandsize of pancalledfor in bastednaturally,eliminatingthe needfor additional
the recipe.Cookingtimes or cookingresultsmay be basting. affectedif the wrongsizeis used.
Shiny metal panreflectsheatawayfrom the food, The cookingtime isdeterminedbytheweightof the mea produceslighterbrowninganda softer crust. Use andthe desired doneness.Formoreaccurateresults, us,
shinypansforbakingcakes or cookies. For optimum a meatthermometer.Insert it sothe tipis inthe center of bakingresults,bake cookiesand biscuitsona flat the thickest part ofthe meat.Itshould nottouch fat or cookiesheet.If the pan has sides,suchas ajelly roll bone.
pan,browningmaynotbe even. Removethe roastfrom the ovenwhen the thermometer
Darkmetal panor a panwith ananodized(dull) registersthedesired doneness. bottomabsorbsheat,producesdarkerbrowningand
a crispercrust.Usethistype ofpanfor pies,pie NOTE:Formoreinformationaboutfoodsafety,call crustsor bread. USDA'sMeat& PoultryHotlineat1-800-535-4555.For Ifusingoven-proofglassware,ordark panssuch cookinginformationwritetothe NationalLiveStockand
asBaker's Secretreducetheoventemperatureby MeatBoard,444 NorthMichiganAvenue,Chicago, 25°Fexceptwhenbakingpiesorbread.Usethe Illinois60611. samebakingtimeas calledfor inthe recipe.
Allow hotair to flow freely throughthe ovenfor
optimumbakingresults.Improperplacementof pans in theovenwill blockairflowand may result in uneven
browning.For optimum browningandeven cooking results:
Do not crowda rackwithpans. Neverplace more thanone cookiesheet, one 13x9x2-inchcakepan or two9-inch roundcakepans onone rack.
Staggerpanswhen bakingon two racks so onepan is notdirectly overanother pan.
Allowoneto two inchesbetweenthe panandthe ovenwalls.
Checkthecookingprogressat the minimumtime
recommendedin the recipe. If necessary,continue checkingat intervals untilthe food isdone. Ifthe oven
doorisopened too frequently,heatwill escapefrom the oven;this canaffectbakingresults and wastes energy.
If you addadditional ingredientsor altertherecipe,
expectcookingtimesto increaseordecreaseslightly.
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