Use a reliable recipe andaccuratelymeasurefresh Roastingisthemethodforcookinglarge,tendercutsof
ingredients.Carefullyfollowdirectionsforoven meatuncovered,withoutaddingmoisture.Mostmeatsar
temperatureand cookingtime.Preheatovenif roastedat325°F.It isnot necessaryto preheatthe oven.
recommended. Placethe roastingpan on either ofthetwo lowest rack
positionsor on the specialroastingposition (see page8).
Usethe correct rack position. Bakingresultsmay be
affectedif the wrong rack positionis used. Usetender cuts of meatweighingthree poundsor more.
Top browning may be darker if food is located Somegood choicesare: Beefrib, ribeye, top round,high
qualitytip and rump roast, porkloin roast, legof lamb,
towardthetopofthe oven. veal shoulderroastand curedor smoked hams.
Bottom browningmay be darker if food is located
towardthebottomof the oven. Seasonmeat,ifdesired, eitherbeforeor afterroasting.
When usingtwo racksfor baking, allow enough Rub intothesurfaceofthe roastifaddedbeforecooking.
space betweenthe racksfor properair circulation. Placethe meatfat-side-upon a rack in a shallowroastin(
Browningand cookingresultswill be affected if air pan.Placingthe meatona rack holds it out ofthe
flow is blocked, drippings,thusallowing betterheat circulationfor even
Cookwarematerialplays animportantpart in baking cooking.As thefat ontopof the roast melts,themeatis
results.Alwaysusethetypeandsize of pancalledfor in bastednaturally,eliminatingthe needfor additional
the recipe.Cookingtimes or cookingresultsmay be basting.
affectedif the wrongsizeis used.
Shiny metal panreflectsheatawayfrom the food, The cookingtime isdeterminedbytheweightof the mea
produceslighterbrowninganda softer crust. Use andthe desired doneness.Formoreaccurateresults, us,
shinypansforbakingcakes or cookies. For optimum a meatthermometer.Insert it sothe tipis inthe center of
bakingresults,bake cookiesand biscuitsona flat the thickest part ofthe meat.Itshould nottouch fat or
cookiesheet.If the pan has sides,suchas ajelly roll bone.
pan,browningmaynotbe even. Removethe roastfrom the ovenwhen the thermometer
Darkmetal panor a panwith ananodized(dull) registersthedesired doneness.
a crispercrust.Usethistype ofpanfor pies,pie NOTE:Formoreinformationaboutfoodsafety,call
crustsor bread. USDA'sMeat& PoultryHotlineat1-800-535-4555.For
Ifusingoven-proofglassware,ordark panssuch cookinginformationwritetothe NationalLiveStockand
asBaker's Secretreducetheoventemperatureby MeatBoard,444 NorthMichiganAvenue,Chicago,
25°Fexceptwhenbakingpiesorbread.Usethe Illinois60611.
samebakingtimeas calledfor inthe recipe.
Allow hotair to flow freely throughthe ovenfor
optimumbakingresults.Improperplacementof pans in
theovenwill blockairflowand may result in uneven
browning.For optimum browningandeven cooking
Do not crowda rackwithpans. Neverplace more
thanone cookiesheet, one 13x9x2-inchcakepan or
two9-inch roundcakepans onone rack.
Staggerpanswhen bakingon two racks so onepan
is notdirectly overanother pan.
Allowoneto two inchesbetweenthe panandthe
Checkthecookingprogressat the minimumtime
recommendedin the recipe. If necessary,continue
checkingat intervals untilthe food isdone. Ifthe oven
doorisopened too frequently,heatwill escapefrom the
oven;this canaffectbakingresults and wastes energy.
If you addadditional ingredientsor altertherecipe,
expectcookingtimesto increaseordecreaseslightly.