WARNING:NEVERuseappliance _ NEVERleavesurfaceunits _'_
door,ordrawer,if equipped,as a unattendedespeciallywhenusing f_... m
stepstoolor seat asthis mayresult highheat settings.An unattended _-'
inpossibletipping ofthe appliance, boilovercouldcausesmoking and a
damagetothe appliance,and greasyspillovercan cause a fire. _ j ._seriousinjuries.
Ifappliance isinstalledneara window,proper Thisappliance isequippedwithdifferentsize surface
precautionsshouldbetakento prevent curtainsfrom elements.Select panshavingflat bottomslarge enoughto
blowingoversurface elements. _'_ coverelement.Properrelationshipof pan to elementwil_
NEVERuse applianceto warmor _ improvecookingefficiency.
heatthe room. Failureto followthis _"
instructioncan lead to possible If panis smallerthan element,a
burns,injury,fire, ordamage to the portionof theelementwill be
appliance, exposedto directcontactand
NEVERwear loose-fittingor =l_ couldigniteclothingor potholder.
hanginggarmentswhile usingthe
appliance.Clothingcouldcatch Onlycertaintypesof glass, glassceramic, ceramic,
utensilhandlesor igniteand cause earthenware,orotherglazedutensilsare suitablefor
burnsif garmentcomesin contact cooktopor oven servicewithout breakingdue to the
with hot heatingelements, suddenchange in temperature.Follow utensil
manufacturer'sinstructionswhen usingglass.
To ensureproper operationand to avoiddamage tothe
applianceor possibleinjury,do not adjust,service,repair Turnpan handletoward centerof .,_=m_t_.
or replaceanypartof the applianceunless specifically cooktop,not out intothe room or
recommendedin this manual.Referall other servicingto a overanothersurfaceelement.This
qualifiedtechnician, reducesthe risk of burns, ignitionof
flammablematerials,or spillage if
NEVERstore or usegasolineor othercombustibleor pan is accidentlybumped or
flammablematerialsinthe oven,near surfaceunits orin reachedbysmall children.
thevicinityof thisapplianceas fumescould createafire
hazardor anexplosion. Topreventdamageto removableheatingelements,do not
immerse,soakor clean in a dishwasheror self-clean
Topreventgreasefires, donot let cookinggreaseor other oven. A damaged elementcould shortresultingina fireor
flammablematerialsaccumulatein or near the appliance, shockhazard.
Use only dry potholders.Moistor Makesure drip bowlsare in placeas absenceofthese
damppotholdersonhot surfaces bowlsduringcookingcoulddamagewiringor parts.
mayresult ina steam burn.Donot
letpotholdertouchhot heating
elements.Do notuse a towelor
other bulkyclothwhichcould NEVER cook on brokencooktop.Ifcooktop shouldbreak,
easilytouch hotheatingelements cleaningsolutionsand spilloversmay penetratethe
and ignite, brokencooktopand createa risk of electricshock.
Alwaysturn offallcontrolswhen cookingiscompleted. Contacta qualifiedtechnicianimmediately.
NEVERheat unopenedcontainersonthe surface unit or Clean cooktopwith caution. Somecleanerscan produce
noxiousfumes if appliedto a hot surface. If awet sponge,
inthe oven.Pressurebuild-upin the container maycause
containerto burstresultingin burns,injury or damage to cloth, or papertowel is usedto wipespillson a hot
theappliance, cookingarea, be careful to avoidsteam burn.
NEVERuse aluminumfoilto linedrip bowls, or to cover
anoven rackoroven bottom.Misusecould resultin riskof
electricshock,fire,or damage tothe appliance.Usefoil
onlyas directedin this manual.