Magic Chef CES1110AAH Owner's Manual

Owner's Guide
.m ManualClean
For Freestanding, and Drop-in Ranges
Oven Light ................................. 11
CLOCKAND TIMER, selectedmodels............. 4
OvenRack ................................ 11
Leveling Legs ............................. 12
ABOUTYOUR COOK'FOP...................... 6-8
Cooktop .................................. 6-7 CLEANINGCHART ......................... 13-15
Coil Elements,selectmodels ................. 7 ABOUT COOKING.......................... 16-21
SmoothtopCooktop,select models ........... 8 SurfaceCooking........................ 16-17
AboutTheControl .......................... 9 Baking& Roasting ......................... 19
Broiling ....... 21
How ToSet Oven ........................... 9 ............................
ABOUTSERVICE ........ 22-23
ABOUTYOUR RANGE ...................... 10-12
° TroubleshootingChart................... 22-23
OvenVent ................................ 10
OvenDoor................................ 10 WARRANTY .................................. 24
FOR CUSTOMERASSISTANCE CALL 1-800-688-1120 8113P198.6o
z/y o 0V._"7(_
Thank You... for purchasingourcooking 1__)
appliance.Tohelp youobtainthe maximumincooking ,_ WARNING satisfaction,we offerthesesuggestions: d
Readthismanualbefore using the appliance. ALL RANGESCANTIP AND
Reviewall safetyand cautioninstructions.
ET' Reviewthe TroubleshootingCharton A PACKEDWITH RANGE.
pages22 and23 if service becomesnecessary. I
ET' Includethe modelandserial numbersofyour FOLLOWALLINSTALLATION
appliancewhen requestJngservice. INSTRUCTIONS.
Proofofpurchasesuch assales receipt willbe neededfor warranty service.
WARNING: To reducerisk oftipping ofthe appliance
E7 Youcancontact us at: fromabnormalusageorby excessive loadingof theoven
MaytagAppliancesSalesCompany door,the appliancemust besecured bya properly
Attn: CAIRs" Center installedanti-tip device.
P.O. Box 2370 Check if deviceis properlyinstalled. Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
1-800-688-1120 Formodelswith a storagedrawer,removedrawer.
Formodels without drawer:Removethe four screws
In our continuingeffort to improvethe quality and that securethe lower paneltothe range. performanceof our cooking appliances, it may be
necessaryto make changesto the appliancewithout Look underneath rangeto make sure one of the rear revisingthis manual, levelinglegs is properlyengaged in the bracket slot.The
anti-tipdevice securesthe rear levelingleg to the floor
Readandfollow all instructionsbeforeusingthis when properlyengaged. You shouldcheck this anytime
appliancetopreventthepotentialriskoffire,electric the rangehasbeen moved. shock,personalinjuryordamagetothe applianceasa
resultof improperusageofthe appliance.Useappliance
onlyforitsintendedpurposeas describedinthismanual. Toensureproper andsafe operation:Appliancemust
be properlyinstalledandgroundedbya qualified NEVERleavechildrenaloneor ._.,_m_ technician, unsupervisedin area where
applianceisinuseor isstillhot.
........ _, _ ._ NEVERallowchildrento sit or stand
CASE _ F_E !' ii ,_ ': on any partof the applianceas they
Turnoff applianceand ventilatinghoodto avoid spreading couldbe injuredor burned. theflame.Extinguishflamethenturn on hood to remove CAUTION:NEVER storeitemsof 51,,,_,_
smokeand odor. interestto children in cabinets
Cooktop: Smotherfire or flame in a _ above an applianceor on backguard panwith a lidor cookiesheet. _ of a range.Childrenclimbingon
appliance,door ordrawerto reach
NEVERpick up or movea itemscould damagethe appliance
flamingpan. orbe burnedor seriouslyinjured.
Oven: Smotherfire or flame byclosing the oven door. Childrenmust betaughtthat the appliance and utensilsin
or on itcan behot. Lethot utensilscoolin a safe place,
Do not usewateron greasefires. Usebakingsoda, a dry out of reach ofsmall children.Childrenshouldbetaught chemicalorfoam-type extinguisherto smotherfire or thatan appliance isnot a toy. Childrenshouldnot be
flame, allowedto playwith controlsor other partsof the unit.
WARNING:NEVERuseappliance _ NEVERleavesurfaceunits _'_
door,ordrawer,if equipped,as a unattendedespeciallywhenusing f_... m
stepstoolor seat asthis mayresult highheat settings.An unattended _-'
inpossibletipping ofthe appliance, boilovercouldcausesmoking and a damagetothe appliance,and greasyspillovercan cause a fire. _ j ._seriousinjuries.
Ifappliance isinstalledneara window,proper Thisappliance isequippedwithdifferentsize surface
precautionsshouldbetakento prevent curtainsfrom elements.Select panshavingflat bottomslarge enoughto blowingoversurface elements. _'_ coverelement.Properrelationshipof pan to elementwil_
NEVERuse applianceto warmor _ improvecookingefficiency.
heatthe room. Failureto followthis _" instructioncan lead to possible If panis smallerthan element,a
burns,injury,fire, ordamage to the portionof theelementwill be
appliance, exposedto directcontactand
NEVERwear loose-fittingor =l_ couldigniteclothingor potholder. hanginggarmentswhile usingthe appliance.Clothingcouldcatch Onlycertaintypesof glass, glassceramic, ceramic, utensilhandlesor igniteand cause earthenware,orotherglazedutensilsare suitablefor
burnsif garmentcomesin contact cooktopor oven servicewithout breakingdue to the with hot heatingelements, suddenchange in temperature.Follow utensil
manufacturer'sinstructionswhen usingglass.
To ensureproper operationand to avoiddamage tothe
applianceor possibleinjury,do not adjust,service,repair Turnpan handletoward centerof .,_=m_t_.
or replaceanypartof the applianceunless specifically cooktop,not out intothe room or
recommendedin this manual.Referall other servicingto a overanothersurfaceelement.This
qualifiedtechnician, reducesthe risk of burns, ignitionof
flammablematerials,or spillage if
NEVERstore or usegasolineor othercombustibleor pan is accidentlybumped or
flammablematerialsinthe oven,near surfaceunits orin reachedbysmall children. thevicinityof thisapplianceas fumescould createafire
hazardor anexplosion. Topreventdamageto removableheatingelements,do not
immerse,soakor clean in a dishwasheror self-clean
Topreventgreasefires, donot let cookinggreaseor other oven. A damaged elementcould shortresultingina fireor flammablematerialsaccumulatein or near the appliance, shockhazard.
Use only dry potholders.Moistor Makesure drip bowlsare in placeas absenceofthese damppotholdersonhot surfaces bowlsduringcookingcoulddamagewiringor parts. mayresult ina steam burn.Donot letpotholdertouchhot heating
elements.Do notuse a towelor other bulkyclothwhichcould NEVER cook on brokencooktop.Ifcooktop shouldbreak,
easilytouch hotheatingelements cleaningsolutionsand spilloversmay penetratethe and ignite, brokencooktopand createa risk of electricshock.
Alwaysturn offallcontrolswhen cookingiscompleted. Contacta qualifiedtechnicianimmediately.
NEVERheat unopenedcontainersonthe surface unit or Clean cooktopwith caution. Somecleanerscan produce
noxiousfumes if appliedto a hot surface. If awet sponge,
inthe oven.Pressurebuild-upin the container maycause
containerto burstresultingin burns,injury or damage to cloth, or papertowel is usedto wipespillson a hot theappliance, cookingarea, be careful to avoidsteam burn.
NEVERuse aluminumfoilto linedrip bowls, or to cover anoven rackoroven bottom.Misusecould resultin riskof
electricshock,fire,or damage tothe appliance.Usefoil onlyas directedin this manual.
iii ii!ii!!¸ Jl;i;ii
"!i!_ i_i
Usecare whenopeningdoor.Lethot _ I_j { 8EOO_ _ I
airorsteamescapebefore removing orreplacingfood.
Forproperoven operationand I(_ (_
performance,de not blockorobstruct
ovenvent duct.
Alwaysplace ovenracksindesiredlocationswhileoven is Theelectronicdisplaywillflash when rangeisfirst
cool.If rackmustbe movedwhileovenis hot,do notlet connectedtopoweror ifpoweris interrupted.The
potholdercontacthotheatingelementin oven. displaywillstopflashingoncethetime-of-dayclockhas
.... ........... 1. PressCLOCKpad.
Cleanrange hoodandfilters frequentlyto preventgrease 2. Pressand holdor tap HOUR or otherflammablematerialsfromaccumulatingon hood pad to setcorrect hours. _
orfilter and to avoidgrease fires.
3. Pressand hold or tap MINUTE
Turnthe fan onwhenflamb_ingfoods (suchas Cherry padtoset correctminutes. Jubilee)underthe hood.
1. PressTIMERpad.0:59, oronehour, willappear in the display. I_ IMER/I
Use extremecaution when movingthe greasekettle or NOTE:Thetimer willautomatically disposingof hot grease.Allow greaseto cool before begincountingdown in incrementsof attemptingto move pan. one minute.
2. To set the timer forless than one hour:
HEATING ELEMENTS _ PressTIMER padthen press _
....... : and holdor tap MINUTE pad
NEVERtouch surface or oven inthe display. heating elements,areas near
elementsor interiorsurfacesof 3. Tosetthe timer for morethan one hour: oven. Pressthe TIMER padthen-
Heatingelementsmaybe hoteven PressHOURpad.1:59,or
thoughtheyaredarkincolor.Areas two hours,willappearin
nearsurfaceelementsand interior thedisplay. _ surfacesofan oven may becomehot enoughto cause PressMINUTE pad until
burns.Duringand afteruse, do not touchor letclothing the desired minutes appear
or otherflammablematerialscontactheating elements, inthe display. areasnear elements, or interiorsurfacesof oven until NOTE:Two hoursisthemaximumtime that can be
theyhave had sufficienttime to cool. set.
Otherpotentiallyhot surfaces include:Cooktop,areas 4. Whenthe time has elapsed,0:00will appear inthe facingthe cooktop,ovenvent opening,surfaces nearthe displayand continuousbeepswill sound. ventopening,ovendoor, areas aroundthedoor,and oven
window. 5. PressCLOCK padto cancel
thebeeps. Thecurrenttime t/mnr_'_t of daywill reappearinthe display.
Tocancel the timer: Press CLOCK padand thedisplay will returnto the currenttime ofday.
OVENLIGHT SWITCH(page 11) (page9)
_KG ))
OVENVENT (page 10)
on smoothtoprange
(page6) on coil elementrange
(pages7and 8) BROIL ELEMENT (not shown)
(page 12) _ OVENRACKS
(page 11)
STORAGEDRAWER(selectmode/s) / OVENDOOR OVEN WINDOW (page 12) (page 10)
Forslide-inanddrop-in ranges:The surfacecontrolknobsandelectroniccontrolareonthe manifold
panelwhichislocated above the oven door.
c_ oF_ or_ oP_ OFF
_. .e ;. -e
tlo oo oo oe
Beforecooking... Othertips,..
Alwaysplacea panonthesurfaceunitbefore you Toeliminatethehazardofreachingoverhotsurface
turniton.Topreventdamageto range,never elementsdonotinstallcabinetstoragedirectly operatesurfaceunitwithouta paninplace, abovea unit.
NEVERusethecooktopasa storageareaforfood orcookware. Ifstorageis provided,limititto itemsthat are
infrequentlyusedand can besafelystoredinan areasubjectedto heat.
unit,Makesureyouturnedonthecorrectsurface Temperaturesmaybe unsafefor itemssuchas unit. volatileliquids,cleanersor aerosolsprays.
Begincookingona higherheatsettingthenreduce
Aerosol-typespraycansare EXPLOSIVEorhighly
toa lowersettingto completetheoperation.Never
flammablewhenexposedto heat,Avoidtheiruseor
usea highheatsettingforextendedcooking.
storagenearan appliance.
NEVERallowa pantoboildry.Thiscoulddamage
the panandtheappliance, NEVER leaveany items,especiallyplasticitems,
NEVERtouchcooktopuntilithascooled.Expect unattendedonthecooktop.The hotairfromthevent
somepartsofthe cooktop,especiallyaroundthe ................................. plastics,
surfaceunits,tobecomewarmorhotduring orincreasepressureinclosedcontainerscausing cooking.Use potholderstoprotecthands, themtoburst.
Aftercooking... * NEVERallowaluminumfoil,meatprobesorany
Besuresurfaceelementisoffaftercooking, othermetalobject,otherthana utensilon a surface Cleanupgreasyspillsassoonas possible, element,tocontactheatingelements.
1. Placepan onsurface unit. A SURFACEindicatorlight(locatedon the backguardfor
2. Pushin and turnknobto desired LOW/_-_IGH freestandingrangesand onthe manifoldpanelfor slide-in
and drop-in ranges)will turn onwhenevera surfaceunit is
setting, ll_/" [| I _"_9 turnedon. Light willturn offwhen surface unit is turned
Eachknob is identified by _ off.
internationalsymbolslocated beloweach knob. o_F o_r
* direction.Kn°bcan be turnedineither s @_ i_
00 _ INTERNATIONAL i oe oo
* Knobcan beset onany number O0 SYMBOLS SURFACE oo oe
or betweenany numbers. ,,_,_REAR INDICATOR
3. Aftercooking,turn knobto OFF then removepan.
To raisethe cooktop:
1,When cool,graspthefront edgeofthe cooktop.
Freestandingrangeswithacoilelementcooktopwillfeature 2. Gently lift up until the two supportrods,at the front of a lift-upcooktop, the cooktop, snap into place.
Thecooktopdoesnot lift upon these models:
Smoothopcooktop _ I
Slide-inor drop-in range
Topreventstaining or discolorationof cooktop:
Cleancooktopafter each use. _ ) I\
Wipeacid or sugarstains as soon as they occur as thesestains may discolor or etchthe porcelain.
ToDowerthe cooktop:
1. Holdthefront edge ofthecooktop and carefully push backoneach supportrodto releasethe notched
2. Thengently lowerthe top intoplace. Thesupportrods will slide intothe rangeframe.
When an elementisturned on, itwill cycle on andoff Besuredrip bowl is properly to maintainthe heatsetting, installedand inplace.
Coilsurfaceelementsare self-cleaning, Drip bowlwill not"rock" when
Do notimmerseelementsin water, installedproperly,Notch above openingon bowlshouldbe S,,___
centeredover screwthat secures
Toremoveelement: ,_ _ /
receptacleto the cooktop.
1.Whencoolraisee,ement.f l / Absenceof thesebowls duringcooking
2. Carefullypull outand _ maysubjectwiringor componentparts underneath
awayfrom receptacle. __j thecooktopto damage.
Topreventrisk ofelectricshock orfire, never linedrip
Toreplaceelement: bowlswith aluminumfoil.
1. Insert terminalsonthe element _ Yourrangewill beequippedwith eitherchromeplatedor
intoreceptacle. _ porcelaincoatedsteel drip bowls.
2. Gently lift up on outer edge of Chrome drip bowlswill turn blue or gold overtime or
elementwhile insertingterminals ifoverheated.This type of discolorationis normaland intoreceptacle. TERMINALS
permanent.Itwill notaffect cookingperformance.
3. Gently press downon outer edge of elementuntil To protectthe chrome or porcelain finish:
elementsits level ondrip bowl.
Avoid usinghigh settingsfor long periods oftime.
NOTE: When replacingelement, be sure supportleg on element is inserted into the slot in the front of the Reduceto a lowersetting oncefood begins
drip bowl. cooking.
Do not useoversizedcookware.Pan shouldnot
extend morethan 1 inchfromthe element.
Cleanbowlsaftereach use.
Cooktopmayemita lightsmokeandodor thefirst few HOT SURFACElightwillturn on whensmoothtopcooktep times cooktopis used,This is normal, is hot. Lightwill turn off when top cools. Hotsurface light
is locatedeitheron the backguardor atthe backcenterof
* Elementundersmoothtopcycleson andoff to maintain thecooktop.
the presetheatsetting. Elementwill glow redwhenit
cyclesON........ _' _'
HOTSURFACEuGHTON :_ "__'3" ',_ ,
, SmoothtopRETAINSheatfor a periodof time afterthe BACKGUARO ,o_0=o.
unitisturnedoff. When the HOT SURFACElightturns i off,cooktopwill becool enoughto touch. ,_,_, 8_o_ i
Beforeusingcooktopfor thefirst time, clean it thoroughlyas directedin the cleaningcharton page15.
Thiswill protectthe smoothtopand will guaranteea HOTSURFACE cleancooktopwhen the elementsareturned on. LIGHTONCO_
Aluminum foil will damage thesmoothtopifit meltsonto thetop. Never usealuminumfoil or foil-type disposable containerssuch aspopcornpoppers.They may leave
metalmarksormay permanentlymelt ontothe
Important: Watchsugaryor starchysolutionscarefullyto avoidbelievers.If a sugar solution(jam,jelly,candy)or a
starchsolution(potatoes,rice)boilsover,it maypit or discolorthe smoothtop.Turnelementto LOW andclean believerimmediately. See page 15 for cleaning
TO PROTECTSMOOTHTOPfromscratching,chipping,etching,or metal marks:
Cleansmoothtopafter eachuse. Never placeplasticsonwarmor hot smoothtop.
Neverlet panboil dry asthis will permanently Plasticmaymelt ontotop.Top maychipor pit in damagetop. attemptingto removeplastic.
Neveruse smoothtopas a worksurfaceor cutting Neverleave sugar,salt,sand, soil, shortening,or fat
board, onsmoothtop.They may scratchor damagetop.
Nevercookfood directlyonsmoothtop. Onlyuseflat-bottompansthatare freeof soil,rough
Never placetrivetorwok ring betweentop and pan. areas,nicksor scratchesas these maysoil or These itemscan mark or etchthe top. scratchthe top.
+ 16 hidden pages