Magic Chef CER3725ACW, CER3725AAW, CER3725AAS, CER3725AAQ, CER3725AAB Owner’s Manual

S_oothtop E|ec_ric Range
Form No B/1!/04 Part No. 8113P474-60 _L'2004 Maytag Appliances Sales Co. Litho USA.
mnstamler:Please leavethis guide with this appfiance. Consumer: Pleaseread and keep this guide for future refer-
ence. Keep sales receipt and/or canceled check as proot of purchase.
Model Number Serial Number
if you nave questions, calk
1-800-688-1 ] 20 {U.S.A.and Canada} 1-800-688-2080 ( U.S.TrY for hearing or speech impaired}
(Mon.-FrL 8 am-8 pm Eastern Time}
in our continuing effortto improvethequality and peMormance of ourcooking products, it mad benecessaryto makechanges
to the appliance without revising this guide.
For service infermade#, see page 23.
To ensure proper and safe operation: Appliance must be properly installed and grounded by a qualified techni- cian. Do not attempt to adjust, repair, service, or replace
any part of your appliance unless it is specifically recom- mended in this guide. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified servicer.
Always disconnect power to appliance before servicing.
tipping of the appliance from .
abnormal usage or b_
loading of the oven door, the appliance must
be secured by a properly installed anti,tip
Warning and Important Safety Instructions appearing in this guide are not meant to cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. Common sense, caution, and care must be exercised when installing, maintaining, or operating the appliance.
Always contact the manufacturer about problems or conditions you do not understand.
Recognize Safety Symbols, Words, Labels
COULD resu!t in severe persona! injury or death.
To check if device is properly installed, look underneath
range with a flashlight to make sure one of the rear
leveling legs is properly engaged in the bracket slot. The anti-tip device secures the rear leveling leg to the floor when properly engaged. You should check this anytime the range has been move&
To Prevent Fire or Smoke
Be sure allpacking materials are removed from the
appliance before operating it.
Keep area around appliance clear and free from combus-
tibb materiab. Flammabb materials should not be stored
in an oven.
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plastics away
from parts of the appliance that may become warm or
To prevent grease fires, do not let cooking grease or other fiammabb materials accumulate in or near the appliance.
COULD result in minor personal injury.
Read and follow aiI instrections before using this appmiance to prevent the potential risk of fire, electric shock, personal injury or damage to the appliance as a result of improper usage of the appliance. Use appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this guide.
In Case of Fire
Use dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher or baking
soda to smother fire or flame. Never use water on a grease fire.
1. Turn off appliance to avoid spreading the flame.
2. NEVER pick up or move a flaming pan.
3. Smother oven fire or flame by dosing the oven door.
Chi dSafety
Do not touch a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth as the bulb could break Should the bulb break, disconnect
power to the appliance before removing bulb to avoid electrical shock
above an appliance, Children cJjmbing On the appliance
or on the appliance door to reach items cou!d be
seriously injured,
NEVER leave children alone or unsupervised near the appliance when it is in use or is still hot. Children should
never be allowed to sit or stand on any part of the appli- ance as they could be injured or burned.
Children must be taught that the appliance and utensils in it can be hot. Let hot utensils cool in a safe place, out of reach of small children. Children should be taught that an
appliance is not a toy. Children should not be allowed to play with controls or other parts of the appliance.
About Your Appliance
NEVER use an app!!ance as a step to teach cabinets
tean!ng Or sitting On the door, may resu!t in p0ssib!e
tipping of the appliance, breakage of door, and serious
NEVER use aluminum foil to cover an oven rack or oven bottom. Misuse could result in risk of electric shock, fire, or damage to the appliance. Use foil only as directed in
this guide.
Cooking Safety
Never heat an unopened food container in the oven. Pressure build-up may cause container to burst resulting in serious personal injury or damage to the appliance.
Use dry, sturdy potholders. Damp potholders may cause burns from steam. Dish towels or other substitutes should
never be used as potholders because they can trail across hot elements and ignite or get caught on appliance parts.
Wear proper apparel. Loose fitting or long hanging- sleeved apparel should not be worn while cooking. Cloth- ing may ignite and cause burns if garment comes in contact with heating elements.
Always place oven racks in the desired positions while oven is cool. Slide oven rack out to add or remove food, using dry, sturdy potholders. Always avoid reaching into
the oven to add or remove food. If a rack must be moved while hot, use a dry potholder. Do not let potholder contact
hot element in oven.
To prevent potential hazard to the user and damage to the
appliance, do not use appliance as a space heater to heat or warm a room. Also, do not use the oven as a storage area for food or cooking utensils.
Do not obstruct the flow of air by blocking the oven vent. DO NOT TOUCH HEATING ELEMENTS OR iNTERiOR
SURFACES OF OVEN. Heating elements may be hot even
though they are dark in color, interior surfaces of any
oven become hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact heating elements or interior surfaces of oven until they have had sufficient time to cool. Other surfaces of the appliance may become hot enough to cause burns - among these surfaces are: oven vent opening, surfaces near this opening, oven door, and
window of oven door.
Use racks only in the oven in which they were shipped/ purchased.
Use care when opening the oven door. Let hot air or steam escape before removing or replacing food.
PREPARED FOOD WARNUNG: Follow food manufacturer's instructions. If a plastic frozen food con-
tainer and/or its cover distorts, warps, or is otherwise damaged during cooking, immediately discard the food
and its container. The food could be contaminated. Do not allow aluminum foil or meat probe to contact
heating element. Always turn off all controls when cooking is completed.
Utensim Safety
Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven cooking bags.
This appliance has been tested for safe performance
using conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or accessories that are not specifically recommended in
this manual. Do not use stove top grills or add-on oven
convection systems. The use of devices or accessories
that are not expressly recommended in this manual can
create serious safety hazards, result in performance problems, and reduce the life of the components of this appliance.
Be sure utensil is large enough to properly contain food and avoid boilovers. Pan size is particularly important in deep fat frying. Be sure pan will accommodate the
volume of food that is to be added as well as the bubble
action of fat. Never let a pan boll dry as this could damage the utensil
and the appliance. If pan is smaller than element, a portion of the element
will be exposed to direct contact and could ignite cloth-
ing or potholder.
Deep Fat Fryers
Use extreme caution when moving the grease pan or disposing of hot grease. Allow grease to cool before attempting to move pan.
Ventimating Hoods
Clean range hood and filters frequently to prevent grease or other flammable materials from accumulating on hood or filter and to avoid grease fires.
When flaming foods under the hood, turn the fan on.
Cleaning Safety
Clean cooktop with caution. Turn off all controls and walt for appliance parts to cool before touching or cleaning. Clean with caution. Use care to avoid steam burns if a wet
sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot surface. Some cleaners can produce noxious fumes if applied to a
hot surface. Clean only parts listed in this guide.
Self-Clean Oven
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop or oven service without breaking due to the sudden change in temperature. Follow utensil
manufacturer's instructions when using glass.
Turn pan handle toward center of cooktop, not out into the room or over another surface element. This reduces
the risk of burns, ignition of flammable materials, or
spillage if pan is accldently bumped or reached by small children.
NEVER leave surface units unattended especially when using high heat. An unattended bollover could cause
smoking and a greasy spillover can cause a fire.
This appliance is equipped with different size surface
elements. Select pans with flat bottoms large enough to cover element. Fitting pan size to element will improve
cooking efficiency. GLASS_CERAMUC SURFACE: NEVER cook on broken
cooktop. If cooktop should break, cleaning solutions and splllovers may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric shock Contact a qualified technician immediately.
Do not leave racks, broiling pan, food or cooking utensils, etc. in the oven during the self-clean cycle.
Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good seal Care should be taken not to rub, damage, or move the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners or oven liners of any kind in or around any part of the self-clean oven.
Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven racks and other utensils, and wipe off excessive spillovers to prevent excessive smoke or flare ups.
It is normal for the cooktop of the range to become hot during a self-clean cycle. Therefore, touching the cooktop during a clean cycle should be avoided.
l pottant Safety Notice and
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforce-
ment Act of 1986 (Proposition 65} requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposures to such substances.
Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when the oven is engaged in the self-clean cycle, there may be some low-level exposure to some of the listed sub- stances, including carbon monoxide. Exposure to these
substances can be minimized by properly venting the oven to the outdoors by opening the window's and/or door in the room where the appliance is located during the self-clean cycle.
UMPORTANT NOTUCE REGARDUNG PET BURDS: Never keep pet birds in the kitchen or in rooms where the
fumes from the kitchen could reach. Birds have a very sensitive respiratory system. Fumes released during an oven self-cleaning cycle may be harmful or fatal to birds. Fumes released due to overheated cooking oil, fat, margarine and overheated non-stick cookware may be equafly harmful
Save These instructions for Future Reference
Surface ControJs
Use to turn on the surface elements. An infinite choice of heat settings is available from Lew to High. The knobs can
be set on or between any of the settings.
Suggested Heat Settiogs
The size, type of cookware and cooking operation will affect the heat setting. For information on cookware and other
factors affecting heat settings, refer to Cookware Recommen- dations on page 7 and "Cooking Made Simple" booklet.
Setting the ControJs
1. Place pan on surface dement.
2. Push in and turn the knob in either direction to the desired
, The control panel is marked to identify' which
element the knob controls. For example, the graphic at right indicates left front element.
3. There is an element "ON" indicator light on the control panel. When any surface control knob is turned on, the
light will turn on. The light will turn off when all the
surface elements areturned off.
4. After cooking, turn knob to OFF. Remove pan.
Dua Elemeot [select models)
The cooking surface has a dual element
located in the right front position of the smoothtop. This allows you to change the
size of this ebment.
1. Press the switch to the left to use the
large element or to the right to use
the small elemenL
Push in and turn knob in either direction
to the desired heat setting.
Low (2}: Use to keep foods warm and melt chocolate
and butter.
Medo Low (3-4): Use to continue
cooking covered foods or steam
Medium (5-7}: Use to maintain slow boil for
large amounts of liquids and for most frying
High (10): Use to bring liquid to a boil. Always
reduce setting to a lower heat when liquids begin to
boil or foods begin to cook.
o_ l (Styling may
vary depending
on model]
Medo High (8-9): Use
to brown meat, heat oil for deep fat frying or
sauteing. Maintain fast
boil for large amounts
of liquids.
, Always place a pan on the surface unit before you turn it Make sure surface unit is turned off
on. To prevent damage to range, never operate surface
unit without a pan in place. NEVIEFIuse the cooktop as a storage area for food or
Be sure you know which knob controls which surface
unit. Make sure } ou turned on the correct surface unit .... cleaners or aerosol sprays
Begin cooking on a higher heat setting then reduce to a Ni£VER leave any items, especially plastic items, on the lower setting to complete the operation. Never use a cooktop. The hot air from the vent may ignite flammable
high heat setting for ex_ended cooking, items, melt or soften plastics, or increase pressure in NEVER allow a pan to boil dry. This could damage the dosed contaiuuers causing them to burst.
pan and the appliance, o NEVER allow aluminum foil. meat probes or an} other NEVER touch cooktop until it has cooled. Expect some metal object, other than a pan on a surface element, to
parts of the cooktop, especiall} around the surface units .... contact heating dements.
to become warm or hot during cooking. Use potholders o NEVER store hear} items above the cooktop that could fall _o protect hands, and damage it.
- Clean up mess_spills assoon aspossible. OTHER TiPS
- tf cabinet storage is provided directly above cooking surface limit it to items that are infrequently used and can
be safely stored in an area subjected to heat. Tempera- tures may be unsafe for items such asvolatile liquids.
S oothtop Surface
Tips to Protect the
Smoothtop Surface Notes:
, Cooktop may emit mightsmoke and odor the first few
times the cooktop is used. This is normal
, Smoothtop cooktops retain heat for a period of time
after the element is turned off. Turn the dements off a few minutes before food is compHeteHycooked and use
the retained heat to compHetecooking. When the hot surface Hightturns off, the cooking area wiHHbe cooH
enough to touch. Because of the way they retain heat, the smoothtop dements wiHHnot respond to changes in
settings as quickHyas coiHdements.
° In the event of a potentiaHboiHover,remove the pan from
the cooking surface. , Never attempt to miftthe cooktopo ° The smoothtop surface mayappear discoHoredwhen it is
hot=This is normaHand wiHHdisappear when the surface
Cooking Areas
The cooking areas on your range are identified by permanent
circHeson the smoothtop surface. For most efficient cooking, fit the pan size to the dement size.
Pans should not extend more than t-inch beyond the cooking area.
When a controHis turned on, a gHowcan be seen through the
smoothtop surface. The element will cycmeon and off to maintain the preset heat setting, even on Hi.
For more information on cookware, refer to Cookware Recommendations on page 7 and "Cooking Made SimpHe"
bookHetincHudedwith your range.
Smoothtop Surface
CJeaning (see page 18 for more information} ° Before first use,clean the cooktop.
° Clean your cooktop daily or after each use. This wiil keep
your cooktop Hookinggood and can prevent damage.
° If a spiiiover occurs while cooking, immediately clean the
spill from the cooking area while it is hot to prevent a tough cleaning chore Hater.Using extreme care, wipe spill with a
clean dry towel
° Do not allow spills to remain on the cooking area or the
cooktop trim for a long period of time.
° Never use abrasive cleansing powders or scouring pads
which wiil scratch the cooktop.
° Never use chlorine bleach, ammonia or other cleansers not
specifically recommended for use on glass-ceramic.
To Prevent lViarks and Scratches
° Do not use glass pans. They may scratch the surface. ° Never place a trivet or wok ring between the surface and
pan. These items can mark or etch the top.
° Do not slide aluminum pans across a hot surface. The pans
may Heavemarks which need to be removed promptly. (See Cleaning, page 18=}
° Make sure the surface and the pan bottom are clean before
turning on to prevent scratches.
° To prevent scratching or damage to the glass-ceramic top,
do not leave sugar, salt or fats on the cooking area. Wipe the cooktop surface with a clean cloth or paper towel before using.
° Never slide heavy metal pans across the surface since
these may scratch.
Hot Surface Light
The Hot Surface indicator Hightis Hocatedon
the controHpanel The HightwiHHbe iHHuminated
when any cooking area is hot= It wiHHremain
on, even after the controHis turned off, untiHthe area has cooHed=
hof surface
To Prevent Stains
, Never use a seineddish cloth or sponge to dean the
cooktop surface. A fiim will remain which may cause stains on the cooking surface after the area is heated.
, Condnuousiy cooking on a seinedsurface may/will resuit in
a permanent stain.
To Prevent Other Damage
° Do not allow piasdc, sugar or foods with high sugar content
to meit onto the hot cooktop. ShouM this happen, dean immediatdy. (See Cbaning, page 18.}
° Never Neta pan boii dry as this will damage the surface and
pan. , Never use cooktop as awork surface or cutting board. ° Never cook food directly on the surface. ° Do not use a small pan on a large element. Not only does
this waste energy, but it can also result in spillovers burning
onto the cooking area which requires extra cleaning. ° Do not use non-fiat specialty items that are oversized or
uneven such as round bottom woks, rippled bottom and/or
oversized canners and griddles. ° Do not use foil or foiPtype containers. Foil may melt onto
the glass. If metal melts on the cooktop, do not use. Call an
authorized Servicer.
The Bubble Test:
1. Put 1 inch of water in the pan. Placeon cooktop and turn control to High,
2. Watch the formation of the bubbles as the water heats. Uniform bubbles mean good performance, and uneven
bubbles indicate hot spots and uneven cooking.
See "Cooking Made Simpie" bookiet for more information.
Select Avoid
Flat,smooth-bottom Panswith grooved or warped bottoms.
)ans. Panswith uneven bottoms do not cook
efficiently and sometimes may not
boil liquid. Heavy-gauge pans, Verythin-gauge metal or glass pans, Pansthat are the Panssmaller or larger than the
same size as the element by'1 inch. dement.
Secure handles. Cookware with loose or broken handles.
Heavyhandles that tilt the pan.
Loose-fitting lids. Hat bottom woks. Woks with a ring-stand bottom.
Canning and Oversize
Cookware Recommendations
Using the right cookware can prevent many problems, such as food taking longer to cook or achieving inconsistent
results. Proper pans will reduce cooking times, use less energy, and cook food more evenly.
Nat Pan Tests
See if your pans are flat.
The Ruiner Test:
1. Place aruler across the bottom of the pan.
2. Hold it up to the light.
3. Little or no light should bevisible under the ruler.
AImcanners and large pots must have fiat bottoms and must be made from heavy-gauge materials. This is critical
on smoothtop surfaces. The base must not be more than
1 inch larger than the element.
When canners and pots do not meet these standards, cooking times may be longer, and cooktops may be damaged.
Some canners are designed with smaller bases for use on smoothtop surfaces.
When canning, use the High heat setting only until the water comes to a boil or pressure is reached in the canner.
Reduce to the lowest heat setting that maintains the boil or pressure. [f the heat is not turned down, the cooktop may be
damaged. See "Cooking Made Simple" booklet for more information.
Control Panel
cooK_ ...... ..... ..... KEEP
E F G H 1 J
The controi pand is designed for ease in programming. Thedispiaywindow on the controi shows timeof day,timer and oven functions.
Controi pand shown inciudes modal specific features. (Styiing may vary depending on modeL]
B ¸
Cook & Hold
i i
H |
Keep Warm CANCEL
Use for broiling andtop browning. Use for baking and roasting. Enters or changes time, oven
temperature. Sets HI or LO broil Sets Timer.
Bakes for apreset time, then hoids food warm for 1 hour.
Use to set seif-ciean cycle. Programs the oven to start baking at
a later time. Use to set time-of-day clock.
Use to keep cooked food warm in oven. Cancels all operations except Timer
and Clock.
The clock can be set to display time in a 12-hour or 24-hour format. The clock is set at the factory for the 12-hour format.
To change the clock to 2a-hour format:
1. Pressand hold the CANCEL and Delay pads for three seconds.
2. Pressthe A or _' pad to select 12 or 24 hour.
3. Set the time of day following the directions below.
To set the Ctock:
1. Pressthe Clock pad. , Time of day and the colon flash in the
2. Pressthe A or Y" pad to set the time of day. , Colon continues flashing.
Using the Touchpads
3. Pressthe Clock pad again or wait four
Pressthe desired pad. Pressthe A or V pad to enter time or temperature.
° A beep will sound when any pad is touched. ° A double beep will sound if a programming error occurs.
Note: Fourseconds after pressing the A or V pad, the time or temperature will automatically be entered. If more
than 30 seconds elapse between touching a function pad and the A or V pad, the function will becanceled and the
display will return to the previous display.
When electrical power is supplied or after a power interrup- tion, the last clock time before power was interrupted will flash.
To recall the time of day when another time function is showing, press the Clock pad.
Clock time cannot be changed when the oven has been programmed for cook or clean Delay or Cook & Hold.
To cancel the Clock display:
If you do not want the time of day to dispHay: Press and hoH the CANCEL and CHock
pads for three seconds. The time of day will disappear from the dispHay
When the chockdispHayis cancelled, press
the CHockpad to briefly dispHaythe time of day. CLOCK
To restore the CJock display: .......
Press and hoHdthe CANCEL and CHockpads for three sec- onds. The time of day will reappear in the dispHay.
The timer can be set from one minute (00:01] up to 99 hours
and 59 minutes (99:59].
The timer can be used independentHyof any other oven
activity. It can aHsobe set whiHeanother oven function is operating.
The Timer does not control the oven. It only controls a
To set the Timer:
1. Press the Timer pad.
,0:00 lights in the display. , The colon flashes in the display.
2. Press the A or V pad until the correct time appears in the display.
, The colon will continue to flash.
Locking the Controm
The touchpad controls can be locked for safety, cleaning, or to prevent unwanted use. They will not function when locked.
If the oven is currently in use, the controls cannot be locked. The current time of day will remain in the display when the
controls are locked.
To tock:
Press and hold the CANCEL and Cook & Hold pads for three seconds.
LOCKflashes in the display.
To unlock:
Press and hold the CANCEL and Cook & Hold pads for three seconds.
LOCKdisappears from the display.
Faumt Codes
BAKE or LOCK may flash rapidly in the display to alert you if there is an error or a problem. If BAKE or LOCKflash in the
display, press CANCEL pad. If BAKE or LOCK continue to flash, disconnect power to the appliance. Wait a few minutes,
and then reconnect power=If the flashing still continues, disconnect power to the appliance and call an authorized
3. PressTimer pad again or wait four seconds.
, The colon continues flashing and the time begins
counting down.
, The last minute of the timer countdown will bedisplayed
as seconds.
4. At the end of the set time, one long beep will sound.
To cancel the Timer:
1. Press and hold the Timer pad for three seconds. OR
2. Press the Timer pad and set the time to 00:00.
To set Bake:
1. Press the Bake pad. , BAKEwill flash+
, 000 will Hightin the dispiay.
2. Sebct the oven temperature+ The oven tempera- ture can be set from 170° to 550°+Pressor press
and hoid the A or V pads.
, 350°will Hightwhen either pad is first pressed. , Press the A pad to increase the temperature.
, Press the V pad to decrease the temperature.
3. Press Bake pad again or wait four seconds.
, BAKEwill stop flashing and Hightin the dispiay.
, 100° or the actua] oven temperature will dispiay. The
temperature will rise in 5° increments und] the preset temperature is reached.
4. Allow the oven to preheat for 8-15 minutes.
, When the set oven temperature is reached, one long
beep will sound.
, To recall the set temperature during preheat, press the
Bake pad.
5. Place food in center of oven, allowing a minimum of two
inches between utensil and oven walls.
Baking Differences Between Your O_d
and New Oven
It is normal to notice some baking time differences between a new ovenand an old one. See"Adjusting the OvenTemperature"
on page 13.
Cook & Hold
Cook & HomdaUbws you to bake for a preset amount of time+ followed by a one-hour Keep Warm cycle.
To set Cook & Hold:
1= Pressthe Cook & Hold pad=
, BAKE and HOLD flash+ , 000 lights in the display+
2. Select the oven temperature. The oven tempera- ture can be set from 170° to 550°. Pressor press
and hold the A or V pad. , Pressthe A pad to increase the temperature. , Pressthe V pad to decrease the temperature.
3. Press Cook & Hold again ORwait four seconds. , HOLD flashes.
, 00:00 flashes in the display.
4. Enter the amount of time you want to bake by pressing the A or V pad. Bake time can be set from ten minutes
(00:10} to 11 hours, 59 minutes (11:59}. , BAKE and HOLD light in the display. , The baking time will light in the display.
, The baking time will start counting down.
8. Check cooking progress. Cook longer if needed.
7. When cooking is finished, press CANCEL.
8. Remove food from the oven.
Bak+ng Notes:
To change oven temperatare during cooking, press
the Bake pad, then press the A or V pad until the desired temperature is displayed+
To change oven temperature during preheat, press
the Bake pad twice, then press the A or V pad until the desired temperature is displayed.
, If you forget to turn off the oven, it will automatically turn
off at the end of 12hours. If you wish to deactivate this feature, see page 13.
, Foradditional baking and roasting tips, see "Cooking
Made Simpb" booklet+
When the cooking time has elapsed:
, Four beeps will sound. , BAKE will turn off.
, HOLD and WARM will light+ , 170°will display+
After one hour in HOLD WARM:
° "End" will display+ ° The time of day reappears in the display.
To cancel Cook & HeJd at any time:
Press the CANCEL pad. Remove food from oven,
Delay Bake
as dairy products, pork, poultry, or seafood,
When using Delay, the oven begins to cook later in the day.
Set the amount of time that you want to delay before the oven turns on and how long you want to cook. The oven begins to
heat at the selected time and cooks for the specified length of time, then keeps food warm for up to one hour.
Delay time can be set from 10 minutes (00:10} to 11hours, 59 minutes {11:59}.
To set a Delayed Baking eyrie:
1. Pressthe Delay pad. ° DELAY flashes. DELAY
° 00:00 flashes in the display.
2. Press the A or V pad to set the delay time.
While DELAY is still flashing:
3. Pressthe Cook & Hold pad.
° 000 lights in the display. .........
° BAKE and HOLD flash.
4. Press A pad to set the baking temperature. HOLD
° 00:00 and "HOLD" flash. .........
° BAKE stays lit.
5. Press A pad to set the baking time. ° The Delay time, DELAY, BAKE and HOLD light in
the display.
When the Delay time has expired:
° DELAYwill turn off. ° Baking time is displayed.
° BAKE and HOLD are displayed.
To set a Delay when Cook & Hold has already
been programmed:
1. Pressthe Delay pad. DE_¥ ° DELAY flashes.
° 00:00 appears in the display.
2. Pressthe A or V pad to set the delay time. ° After four seconds, DELAY will
stay lit to remind you that a delayed cooking cycle has been set.
When the Delay time has expired and the oven
° The baking time will be displayed. ° DELAYwill turn off.
° BAKE and HOLD will remain lit.
To cancel:
Press tile CANCEL pad.
° All timed and untimed cooking functions will be
° The time of day will reappear in the display.
Do not use delayed baking for items that require a
preheated oven, such as cakes, cookies, and breads.
Do not use delayed baking if oven is already hot.
Keep War
ForsafeHykeeping foods warm or for warming breads and pHates.
To set Keep Warm: ........................
, WARM flashes. ..............
,000 appears in the dispHay.
2. SeHectthe KeepWarm temperature. The Keep Warm temperature can be set from 145° to 190°.
Press or press and hoHdthe A or V pad. ° 170°wiHHHightwhen either pad is first pressed.
° Press the A pad to increase the temperature. ° Press the V pad to decrease the temperature.
WARM and the temperature wiHHbe dispHayedwhiHeKeep Warm is active.
To cancel Keep Warm:
1. Pressthe CANCEL pad.
2. Removefood from the oven.
Keep Warm Notes:
° ForoptimaHfoodquaHity,oven cooked foods shouHdbe kept
warm for no Hongerthan 1 to 2 hours.
° To keep foods from drying, cover HooseHywith foiHor a Hid. , To warm dinner rolls:
- cover roHHsHooseHywith foiHand pHacein oven.
- press KeepWarm and A pads to set 170° F.
- warm for 12-15 minutes.
, To warm plates:
- pHace2 stacks of up to four pHateseach in the oven.
- press KeepWarm and A pads to set 170° F.
- warm for five minutes, turn off the oven and HeavepHates in the oven for 15 minutes more.
- use onHyoven-safe pHates,check with the manufacturer.
- do not set warm dishes on a coHdsurface as rapid temperature changes couHdcause crazing or breakage.
Automatic Shut-Off/Sabbath
The oven will automatically turn off after 12 hours if you
accidentally Heaveit on. This safety feature can be turned off.
TO cancel the 12-hour shut-off and run the
oven continuously for 72 hours: ...............................
1. Set the oven to bake _seepage 10]. CkOCK
2. Press and hoHdthe CHockpad for five seconds. ..................................
, SAb will be dispHayedand flash for five seconds. , SAb will then be dispHayedcontinuousHyuntiHturned off
or untiHthe 72-hour time Himitis reached.
, BAKEwill also be displayed if a bake cycle is in use
while the oven is in Sabbath Mode.
All other functions EXCEPTBAKE (Timer. Keep Warm.
Clean. etc._)are locked out during the Sabbath Mode.
To eaaeei Bake when ia Sabbath Mode:
, BAKEwill turn off in the display. , No beeps will sound.
TO cancel the Sabbath Mode:
1. Press the Clock pad for five seconds. OR
2. After 72 hours, the Sabbath Mode will end. ° SAb will flash for five seconds.
Adjusting the Oven Temperature
Oven temperatures are carefully tested for accuracy at the factory. It is normal to notice some baking or browning
differences between a new oven and an old one. As ranges get older, the oven temperature can shift.
You may adjust the oven temperature if you think the oven is not baking or browning correctly. To decide how much to
change the temperature, set the temperature 25° higher or lower than your recipe recommends, then bake. The results
of the "test" should give you an idea of how much to adjust the temperature.
To adjust the oven temperature:
1. Press Bake.
2. Enter 550° by pressing the A pad.
3 Pressandho,dtheBakepadforseverd
seconds or until 0° appears in the display.
If the oven temperature was previously adjusted, the
change will be displayed. Forexample, if the oven tem- perature was reduced by 15° the display will show "-15°''.
4. Pressthe A or V pad to adjust the temperature. Eachtime a pad is pressed, the temperature changes by
5°. The oven temperature can be increased or decreased by 5° to 35°.
5. The time of day will automatically reappear in the display.
You do not need to readjust the oven temperature if there is a power failure or interruption. Broiling and cleaning
temperatures cannot be adjusted.
° The time of day will return to the display.
Sabbath Mode Notes:
° Sabbath Mode can be turned on at any time with or
without the oven on.
° Sabbath Mode cannot be turned on if the touchpads are
locked out or when the door is locked.
, If the oven is baking when Sabbath Mode is set. "BAKE"
will go out at the end of the baking cycle. There will be
no audible beeps.
, When the Sabbath Mode is started, no preheat beep will
, All prompts, messages and beeps are deactivated when
Sabbath Mode is active.
, Pressing CANCEL will cancel a Bake cycle, however the
control will stay in the Sabbath Mode.
, If power fails, the oven will power up in Sabbath Mode with
72 hours remaining and no cycle active.
To set Broil:
1. Press the Broil pad. , BROIL flashes.
, SETis displayed.
2. Press the A pad to set HIbroil or press the V pad to set LO broil.
, Hi or LO will be displayed. , Sebct HI broil (550° F} for normal broiling. Sebct
LO broil (450° F}for low-temperature broiling of longer cooking foods such as poultry.
3. After four seconds, the oven will start. , BROIL will remain lit.
4. Foroptimum browning, preheat broil dement for 3-4 minutes before adding food.
5. Placefood in the oven. Leave oven door open about four inches (the first stop}.
Turn meat once about halfway through cooking.
When food is cooked, press the CANCEL pad.
Removefood and broiler pan from the oven.
° The time of day wiii reappear in the
Broil Notes:
, For best results when broiling, use a pan designed for
° Expect broil times to increase and browning to be
slightly lighter if appliance is installed on a 208-volt circuit.
, Hi is used for most broiling. Use LO broil when broiling
longer cooking foods. The lower temperature allows food to cook to the well done stage without excessive browning.
, Broil times may be longer when the lower broiling
temperature is selected. ° Food should be turned halfway through broiling time. ° For additional broiling tips and temperatures, refer to the
"Cooking Made Simple" booklet.
Broiling Chart
Beef Steak, 1" thick
Hamburgers, 3/4" thick
4 4 4
Bacon Chops, 1"
Ham - precooked slice, 1/2" thick
4 4
Chicken Pieces
3 or 4 Weii Done 28 - 38 minutes
Seafood Fish Steaks, buttered, 1" thick
The top rack position is #5.
Note: This chart is a suggested guide. The times may vary with the food being cooked.
Weii Done Weii Done
Weii Done Weii Done
Flaky Flaky
15 - 18 minutes 19 - 23 minutes
15 - 18 minutes
6 - 10 minutes
22 - 26 minutes
8 - 12 minutes
LO Broii
10- 15 minutes
8 - 12 minutes
Oven Vent
When the oven is h use the area near the vent may become
hot enough to cause burns. Never Mock the vent opening.
The oven vent is located below the backgaard vent
shield on your range.
Do not pHace
pHasticsnear the vent opening as
heat from the vent couHddistort or
Oven Light
Press the Oven Light switch on the controHpand to turn the oven Highton and off.
oven might
Oven Bottom
Protect oven bottom agahst spiHovers,especially acidic or sugary spills, as they may discolor the porceNn enamel. Use
the correct pan size to avoid spillovers and boilovers. Do not place utensils or amaminam foil directly on the oven
Oven Racks
To replace:
1= Place rack on the rack support in the oven
2= Tilt the front end up slightly. Slide rack back until it clears
the lock-stop position.
3= Lower front and slide back into the oven. Do not cover an entire rack with aiaminam foil or place foil
on the oven bottom. Baking resalts will be affected and damage may occar to the oven bottom.
Rack Positions
RACK 5 Chighest position_):Used for
toasting bread or broiling thin, non-fatty
foods. RACK 4: Used for
most broiling. RACK 3: Used for most
baked goods on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan, layer cakes, fruit pies,or frozen
convenience foods. RACK 2: Used for roasting small cuts of meat, casseroles,
baking loaves of bread, bundt cakes or custard pies. RACK 1: Used for roasting large cuts of meat and poultry,
frozen pies, dessert souffles or angel food cake. MULTIPLE RACK COOKING:
Two rack: Use rack positions 2 and 4, or 1and 4.
- Do not use the even for storing food or cookware,
The oven has two racks. All racks are designed with a lock-
stop edge.
To remove:
1. Pull rack straight out until it stops at the lock-stop posi-
2, Lift up on the front of the rack
and pull out,
Haft Rack Accessory
A half rack, to increase oven capacity, is available as an accesser},.
It fits in the left, upper portion of the oven and provides space for a
vegetable dish when a large roaster is on the lower rack. Contact your
dealer for the "HALFRACK" Accessory Kit or call 1-877-232-8771
USA or 1-800-888-8408 Canada.
Seff-C ean Oven
o It is normal for parts of the range to become hot during a
* To prevent persouai injury and damage to the oven door
do not attempt to open door when "'LOCK"is displayed
, Avoid touching cooktop, dooB window or oven vent area
during a clean cycle.
, Do not use commercial oven cleaners on the oven finish
or around any part of the oven. The} wiii damage the finish o_ parts.
The self-clean cycle uses above-normal cooking temperatures to automatically clean the oven interior. Do not force the oven
door or lock lever open. This may result in exposure to high temperatures and be a burn hazard.
It is normal for flare-ups, smoking, or flaming to occur during
cleaning if the oven is heavily soiled. It is better to clean the oven regularly rather than to wait until there is a heavy build-
up of soil in the oven.
During the cleaning process, the kitchen should be well
ventilated to get rid of normal odors associated with cleaning.
Before Seff-CJeaning
1. Turn off the oven light before cleaning. The light may burn out during the clean cycle.
2. Remove broiler pan, all pans, and oven racks from the oven. The oven racks will discolor and may not slide easily after a self-clean cycle if they are not removed.
3. Clean oven frame, door frame, area outside of gasket, and around the opening in the door gasket with a nonabrasive
cleaner such as Bon Ami* or detergent and water. The self-cleaning process does not clean these areas. They
should be cleaned to prevent soil from baking on during the clean cycle. (The gasket is the
seal around the oven door and window.[)
4. To prevent damage, do not clean or
rub the gasket around the oven
door. The gasket is designed to seal in heat during the clean cycle.
5. Wipe up excess grease or spillovers from the oven bottom. This prevents excessive smoking, flare-ups or flaming
during the clean cycle.
6. Wipe up sugary and acidic spillovers such as sweet potatoes, tomato, or milk-based sauces. Porcelain enamel
is acid-resistant, not acid-proof. The porcelain finish may discolor if acidic spills are not wiped up before a self-clean
To set Self-Clean:
Note: Oven temperature must be below 400° Fto programa clean cycle.
1. Close the oven door.
2. Move door lock lever right to the locked position.
Pressthe Clean pad. ° CLEAN flashes in the display. If the door is not closed, beeps will sound and "DOOR" will
display. Jfthe door is not closed within 45 seconds, the self-cleaning operation will becanceled and the display
will return to the time of day.
4. Pressthe A or V pad.
° CL-M (Medium Soil,3 hours} isdisplayed.
5. Pressthe A or V pad to scroll through the self-cleaning settings.
CL-H (Heavy Soil, 4 hours} CL-M (Medium soil, 3 hours}
CL-L (Light Soil, 2 hours} Choosing the soil level of the oven automatically programs
the self-cleaning time.
6. After four seconds, the oven will start cleaning.
° The cleaning time will start counting down in the display. ° LOCKwill appear in the display.
° CLEAN will appear in the display.
To Delay a SeJf-Olean Cycle: .......................................
1. Pressthe Delay pad. DE_Y
, DELAY flashes. ..................................
° 00:00will appear in the display.
2. Pressthe A or V pad to set the amount of time you want to delay the cycle. Delay time can be
set from ten minutes (00:10} to 11 hours, 59
minutes (11:59}.
Brand names for cleaning products are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
3. Press the CHeanpad. , "CLEAN" wiii flash. CLEAN
4. Press the A or V pad. ..................................
, "CL-M" (Medium Soil 3 hours:)
is dispHayed.
5. Press the A or V pad to scroll through
the self-cleaning settings.
CL-H" (Heavy Soil, 4 hours:) CL-M" (Medium soil 3 hours:)
CL-L" (Light Soil 2 hours:) Choosing the soiHHeveHof the oven automaticaHHyprograms
the seHf-cHeaningtime.
6. After four seconds, CLEAN, DELAY and LOCK wiHHappear in the dispHayto show that the oven is set for adeHayed
dean operation. The deHaytime is dispHayed.
If the oven has amready been set for a clean cycle and you wish to set a delay:
1. Press the Dday pad. ° "DELAY" flashes.
° 00:00will appear in the dispHay.
2. Press the A or V pad to set the amount of time you want to dday the cycle.
After four seconds, CLEAN, DELAY and LOCK will appear in the display to show that the oven
is set for a delayed clean operation. The delay
time is displayed.
When the Self-Clean cycme starts:
° "DELAY" will turn off.
During the Self-C ean Cycle
When LOCK shows in the display, the door cannot be opened. To prevent damage to the door, do not force the door open
when LOCK is displayed.
Smoke and Smells
You may see some smoke and smell an odor the first few times the oven is cleaned. This is normal and will lessen in
time. Smoke may also occur if the oven is heavily soiled or if a
broiler pan was left in the oven.
As the oven heats, you may hear sounds of metal parts expanding and contracting. This is normal and will not
damage the oven.
After Se f-Cleaning
About one hour after the end of the self-clean cycle, LOCK will turn off. The door can then be opened. Move door lock
lever to the left to unlock. Some soil may leave a light gray, powdery ash. Remove
it with a damp cloth. If soil remains after wiping, that means the clean cycle was not long enough. The soil will be re-
moved during the next clean cycle. mfoven racks were left in the oven and do not slide
smoothly after a clean cycle, wipe racks and rack supports with a small amount of vegetaMe oil to make them easier to move.
Fine lines may appear in the porcelain because it went through heating and cooling. This is normal and will not
affect performance. A white discoloration may appear after cleaning if acidic
or sugary foods were not wiped up before the self=clean cycle, This discoloration is normal and will not affect perfor- mance.
° The clean time will appear in the display.
To cance! the Self-Clean cycle:
Press the CANCEL pad.
° All words disappear from the display. ° All functions are canceled.
° The time of day appears in the display.
If the oven door is left open, "DOOR" will flash in the
display and a signal will beep until the door is closed and the Clean pad is pressed again.
If more than five seconds elapse between pressing the Clean pad and the A or V pad, the program will
automatically return to the previous display. The oven door will be damaged if the oven door is
forced to open when "LOCK" is still displayed.
Cleaning Procedures
if a part is removed, be sure it is correctly repUaced.
* Brand [)ames are registered trademarks of the
respective manufacturers.
** To order call 1-877-232-6771 USAand
1-800-688-8408 Canada.
Backgaard and Cooktop - Porcelain Enamel
Broiler Pan and mnsert
Clock and Control Pad
Control Knobs
Cooktop - Gmass-Ceramic
PorceHainenameHis gHassfused on metaHand may crack or chip with misuse. It is acid resistant, not acid proof. All spillovers, especially acidic orsugary spillovers, should be wiped up immediately with a dry cloth.
, When cool, wash with soapy water, rinse and dry. , Never wipe off awarm or hot surface with a damp cloth. This may cause cracking or chipping. , Never use oven cleaners, abrasive or caustic cleaning agents on exterior finish of range.
Never cover insert with aluminum foil as this prevents the fat from draining to the pan below.
, Place soapy cloth over insert and pan; let soak to loosen soil. , Wash in warm soapy water. Use scouring pad to remove stubborn soil. , Broiler pan and insert can be cleaned in dishwasher.
, To activate "Control Lock" for cleaning, seepage 9. , Wipe with a damp cloth and dry. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents as they may scratch the surface. , Glass cleaners may be used if sprayed on a cloth first. DO NOTspray directly on eontrolpad and
display area.
, Remove knobs in the OFFposition by pulling forward. , Wash, rinse and dry. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents as they may scratch the finish. , Turn on each element to be sure the knobs have been correctly replaced.
Never use even cleaners, chlorine bleach, ammonia or glass cleaners with ammonia. NOTE: Call an authorized servicer if the glass=ceramic top should crack, break or if metal or aluminum foil should melt on the cooktop.
, Allow the eooktop to cool before cleaning= , General - Cleancooktop after each use,orwhen needed,with a damp paper towd and Cooktop Cleaning
Creme* (Part No. 20000001:)**.Then, buff with a clean dry cloth.
NO TE:Permanent stainswill developffsoilis ah'owedto cook on by repeatedly usingthe eooktop whensoiled,
, Heavy Soils or Metal Marks - Dampen a "scratchless" or "never scratch" scrubber sponge. Apply
Cooktop Cleaning Creme* (Part No. 20000001:)** and scrub to remove as much soil as possible. Apply a thin layer of the creme over the soil, cover with a damp paper towel and let stand 30 to 45 minutes (2-3 hours for very heavy soil). Keep moist by covering the paper towel with plastic wrap. Scrub again, then buff with a clean dry cloth.
NOTE: Only useaCLEAN,DAMP Uscratchless"pad that issafe for non-stick eookware, Thepattern and glass
will be damaged ff the pad is not damp, ff the pad is soiled, or ff another type of pad is used,
, Barned=on or Crusty Soils - Scrub with a "scratchless" or "never scratch" scouring pad and Cooktop
Cleaning Creme*.
Oven Window and Door - Glass
, Avoid using excessive amounts of water which may seep under or behind gHasscausing staining. ° Wash with soap and water. Rinsewith dear water and dry. GHasscHeanercan be used ifsprayed on a cHoth
° Do not use abrasive materiaHssuch asscouring pads, steeHwooHor powdered cHeanersasthey wiHHscratch
Oven interior , FoHHowinstructions on pages 16-17 to set a seHf-cHeancycHe.
Oven Racks
Stainmess Steel (seHectmodeHs)
Brushed Chrome (seHectmodeHs)
° CHeanwith soapy water. ° Remove stubborn soiHwith cHeansingpowder or soap-fiHHedscouring pad. Rinse and dry.
° RackswiHHpermanentHydiscoHorand maynotsHide smoothHyifHeftintheoven during aseHf-cHeanoperation.
If this occurs, wipe the rack edge and rack support with a smaHHamount of vegetabHeoiHto restore ease of movement, then wipe off excess oil
° Daily Cleaning/Light Soil -- Wipe with one of the foHHowing- soapy water, white vinegar/water soHution,
FormuHa409GHassand Surface CHeaner*or a simiHargHasscHeaner- using a sponge or soft cHoth.Rinse and dry. To poHishand heHpprevent fingerprints, foHHowwith StainHessSteeHMagic Spray (Part No.
° JVioderate/Heavy Soil -- Wipe with one of the foHHowing- Ben Ami, Smart CHeanser,or Soft Scrub* -
using a damp sponge or soft cHoth.Rinse and dry. Stubborn soiHsmay be removed with a damp muHti- purpose Scotch-Brite* pad; rub evenHywith the grain. Rinseand dry'.To restore Husterand remove streaks, foHHowwith StainHessSteeHMagic Spray*.
° Discoloration -- Using a damp sponge or soft cHoth,wipe with Cameo StainHessSteeHCHeaner*=Rinse
immediateHyand dry=To remove streaks and restore Huster,foHHowwith StainHessSteeHMagic Spray*.
, When cool wash with soapy water, rinse and buff the surface. , For heavier soil use a miHdabrasive cHeanersuch as baking soda or Ben Ami_,rubbing with the grain to
avoid streaking the surface. Rinse and buff. , To prevent scratching, do not use abrasive cHeaners= , To restore Husterand remove streaks, foHHowwith StainHessSteeHMagic Spray* (Part #20000008)_=
Chrome will perma#endy discolor if soil is allowed to bake ono
, When cooH,wash with warm soapy water, rinse and dry'.Never wipe awarm or hot surface with a damp
Door Handle, Side Panems -
Painted Enamem
cHothas this may damage the surface and may cause a steam burn. , Forstubborn soil use miHdHyabrasive cHeaningagents such asbaking soda paste or Ben Ami.* Do not use
abrasive, caustic or harsh cHeaningagents such as steeHwooHpads or oven cHeaners.These products wiHH
scratch or permanentHydamage the surface.
NOTE: Use a dry towel or cloth to wipe up spills, especially acidic or sugary spills° Surface may
discolor or dull if soil is notimmediately removed. This is especially important for white surfaceso
* Brand names for cHeaning products are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers. ** To order direct, caHH1-877-232-6771 USA and 1-800-688-8408 Canada.
Oven Door
Leveling Legs
Do not place excessive weight on er stand on an open oven door.This could causethe range to tip over, break the door,
injure the user,
Do [lot attempt to open or Close door or operate oven unti
/ door iSpropedy replaced,
Nevei place fingers between hinge and fron t oven frame, Hinge arms are Spring mounted. If accidentally hit, the hinge
win Slam Shut against oven frame and Could injure Your
when it is closed. This is normal and win decrease with use.
Note: The oven door on a new range may feel "spongy"
To remove:
1. When cool, open the oven door to the first stop position (opened about four inches}.
2. Grasp door at each side. Do not use the door handle to lift door.
3. Lift up evenly until door clears hinge arms.
To replace:
1. Grasp door at each side.
2. Align slots in the door with the hinge arms on the range.
3. Slide the door down onto the hinge arms until the door is completely seated on the hinges. Push down on the top
corners of the door to completely seat door on hinges. Door should not appear crooked.
Oven Window
Be sure the anti-tip bracket secures one of the rear leveling legs to the floor. This bracket pro- /_
vents the range from accidentally tipping
The range should be leveled when nstalled. If the range is not level turn the plastic _ .A_
leveling legs. located at each corner of the range, until range is level aNti-rip
Oven Light
Be sure bulb is cool before touching bulb.
the bulb to break.
To Replace Oven Light Bulb:
1. When oven is cool, hold bulb cover in place, then slide wire retainer off cover=NOTE:Bulb cover will fall if not held in place
while removing wire retainer.
2. Removebulb coverand light bulb=
3. Replacewith a 40-wattappli- ance bulb.
4. Replace bulb cover and se- cure with wire retainer.
5. Reconnect power to range. Reset clock.
To protect the oven door window:
1. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents such as steel wool scouring pads or powdered cleansers as they may scratch
the glass.
2. Do not hit the glass with pots, pans, furniture, toys, or other objects.
3. Do not close the oven door until the oven racks are in place.
Scratching, hitting, jarring or stressing the glass may weaken its structure causing an increased risk of breakage at a later
Convenience Outlet
(Canadian models only}
The convenience outlet is located on the ............................
lower left side of the backguard. Be sure appliance cords do not rest on or near
the surface elemenL If the surface element is turned on, the cord and outlet win be damaged.
The convenience outlet circuit breaker may trip if the small appliance plugged _
into it exceeds 10amps. To reset the ...........................................L,..............................
circuit breaker, press the switch located C/RCU/TBREAKER on the lower edge of the backguard.
Storage Drawer
To remove."
1. Empty'drawer and pull out to the first stop position.
2. Lift up the front of the drawer.
3. Pull out to the second stop position.
matedab in tMs drawer. The drawer may become too warm for these items when the oven is in use.
The storage drawer can be removed to allow you to dean
° Check if oven controb have been properly seL
try these first. " Check to besure plug is securely inserted into receptacle.
, Check or re-set circuit breaker. Check or replace fuse. , Check power supply.
4. Grasp sides and Hiltdrawer up and out.
To replace:
1. Fit the ends of the drawer giides into the raib in the range.
2. Lift up the front of the drawer and gendy push in to the first stop position.
3. Lift drawer up again and push untii drawer is dosed.
Part or all of appliance does not work.
but oven does not heat.
Baking results are not as expected or differ from
previous oven.
Food is not broiming properly or smokes
if surface and/or oven controls have been properly set. See pages 5-15.
if oven door is unlocked after self-dean cycle. See page 17.
if oven is set for a delayed cook or clean program. See pages 11& 16.
if Control Lock is activated. See page 9.
if control is in Sabbath Mode. Seepage 13.
, Oven may be set for a Cook & Hold or Delay function. , The Control Lock may have been set. See page 9.
, Make sure the oven vent has not been blocked. See page 15 for location. , Check to make sure range is level.
, Temperatures often vary between a new oven and an old one. As ovens age. the oven
temperature often "drifts" and may become hotter or cooler. Seepage 13for instructions on adjusting the oven temperature. NOTE: It is not recommended to adjust the temperature if
only one or two recipes are in question.
, See "Cooking Made Simple" booklet for more information on bakeware and baking.
, Check oven rack positions. Foodmay be too close to dement. , Broil dement was not preheated.
, Aluminum foil was incorrectly used. Never line the broiler insert with foil. , Ovendoor was closed during broiling. Leave the door open to the first stop position (about
4 inches}.
, Trim excess fat from meat before broiling. , A soiled broiler pan was used.
, Voltage in house may be low.
:21 co nt.
Oven will not seif-cieano
Oven did not clean properiyo
Oven door will not unlock after self=clean cycle.
Smoothtop surface shows wear.
, Check to make sure the cycle is not set for a ddayed start. See page 16= ° Check if door is dosed.
, Check if controi is in Sabbath Mode. See page 13. , Oven maybe over a00° R Oven temperature must be bdow a00° F to program a dean cycle.
, Longer cleaning time may be needed. , Excessivespillovers, especially sugary and/or acidic foods, were not removed prior to the
self-dean cycle.
, Oven interior is still hot. Allow about one hour for the oven to cool after the compbtion of
self-dean cycle. The door can be opened when the LOCK indicator word is not displayed.
° The control and door may be locked. See pages 9 and 17 to unlock.
1.Tiny scratches or abrasions. , Make sure cooktop and pan bottom are clean. Do not slide glass or metal pans across top.
Make sum pan bottom is not rough. Use the recommended cleaning agents. See page 18.
2.Metal marks. , Do not slide metal pans across top. When cool, clean with Cooktop Cleaning Creme.
See page 18.
3. Brown streaks and specks. , Remove spills promptly. Never wipe with asoiled cloth or sponge. Make sure cooktop and
pan bottom are clean.
4.Areas with a metallic sheen. , Mineral deposits from water and food. Use recommended cleaning agents. See page 18.
5. Pitting or flaking. , Remove sugary boilovers promptly. See page 18.
Moisture collects on oven
window or steam comes from oven vent.
There is a strong odor or light smoke when
oven is turned on.
Fault Codes
Noises may be heard.
There are no beeps and
° This is normal when cooking foods high in moisture. ° Excessivemoisture was used when cleaning the window.
° This is normal for a new range and wii[ disappear after a few uses. Initiating a dean cycle
will "burn off" the odors more quickly.
° Turning on a ventilation fan will help remove the smoke and/or odor. ° Excessivefood soils on the oven bottom. Use a self-clean cycle.
, BAKE or LOCK may flash rapidly in the display to alert you if there is an error or a problem.
If BAKE or LOCK appear in the display, press CANCEL pad. If BAKE or LOCK continue to
flash, disconnect power to the appliance. Wait a few minutes, and then reconnect power.
Ifthe flashing still continues, disconnect power to theappliance and call an authorized servicer.
, Ifthe oven is heavily soiled, excessive fiareups may result in a fault code during cleaning. Press
the CANCEL pad and allow the oven to cool completely, wipe out excess soil, then reset the clean cycle. If the fault code reappears, contact an authorized servicer.
, The oven makes several low level noises. You may hear the oven relays as they go on and off.
This is normal.
, As the oven heats and cools, you mayhear sounds of metal parts expanding and contracting.
This is normal and wiii not damage your appliance.
, Oven may be in Sabbath Mode. See page 13.
"SAb" flashing and then dispJayed continuousiyo
° Oven is in Sabbath Mode. To cancel, press and hold the Ciock pad for five
+ 53 hidden pages