......,......,.-.....,.-,...,,......,,......,....,.,,-.....,......., ....., ,...-,........-..-.-,......,......,................,,................._...,.....,.............,.
• .. , ...., . ......., . .......................... , .........., . .. , ......., . ......., . ............... ,......, . ..
': ••-: • %-: •..': • %': ...:...:•..-:...,:....: •-.':..,:• ..': •.,-:. %.;...-: •..': • ..: •..-: •,': , ..': •..-: • %':...: •-.-:• %';...: • %,:• %': °..:• %': •..-:..,; •.,: •-.-: ,_
_i_i_".:_,:' :_:_•!."L:-::,ii:.-_L:•;_•_"L_-__'::_;L_":L:._-:;L_",iL_:::L:_-:_•_".|_:: _.::L:":L_Li:L_-.,:IL::.::e- :,_,•:-:._:::- '-::.;::..::--.._:::.:,":: "-:': " ,,_;-...:"-_!-9,:-:;_i,:._::,: :. ::,_,:._.." :.,.":::.:,-:-3
ili!'i llyf" iiiii2ii:ii:ilZiliiiiiill:ii:iiiiiii:ii:i:illilililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill:iiiiiiii:iiiiiilliiiiilliii iiiiiiiil)i:i:iiiiiiiill:iiiiiiiiii:i)iii:iiiii:iiii:iiiiilliiiiii:iii!iiiii:i:!:illiiiiiiiill
IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-4 Roastingandchart........................... 16
Automaticovencookingfeature............. 17-18
CLOCKAND OVEN CONTROL .................. 5 Broilingandchart ............................ 19
Controlknobs ................................ 6 (ChateauRange) ............................ 20
Cookingtips .................................. 6
Cookware.................................... 6 SELF-CLEAN OVEN ........................ 21-22
Heatsettingguide ............................. 6
SMOOTHTOPCOOKTOP ..................... 7-8
COIL ELEMENTCOOKTOP ..................... 9 Cooktoplight ................................ 25
OVENUSE ................................. 10-19 Backpanel light(Chateau Range).............. 25
Ovenlight .............................. ..... 10 Upperoven light (ChateauRange) ............. 25
Ovenvent ................................... 10 Cooktop .................................... 26
Ovencharacteristics..... i .................... 10 Oven door .................................. 26
Fan ........................................ 10 Storagedrawer .............................. 26
Ovenracks................................... 11 Levelinglegs ................................ 26
Howto set oven .... .......................... 12
Preheating ...... :........... :............... 12 SERVICEINFORMATION.................... 27-29
Useof aluminumfoil .......................... 12 Explanationoffaultcodes..................... 27
Upperoven(ChateauRange) ................. 13 Adjustingoventemperature ................... 27
Generalbakingtips .......................... 14 Beforeyoucallforservicechart ................ 28
Commonbakingproblemschart ............... 15 Howtoobtainservice......................... 29
CARE AND CLEANING CHART .............. 23-24
MAINTENANCE ............................ 25-26
Ovenlight ................................... 25
Themodelandserial numbersarefoundonthe ratingplatelocated
INSTALLE R Please leave this onthe rangefrontframe.Openthe storagedraweror ovendoorto
manualwiththis appliance.
Besureappliancehas beenproperly
installed. Serial Number:
seethe rating plate.
CONSUMERTosaveyoutime, Dateof Purchase:
energyand money,read and keep Pleasekeep yoursales receiptand/oryourcancelledcheckas
thismanualforfuturereference, proofofpurchaseshouldwarrantyservicebeneeded.Storethese
/ _ L .,

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
Congratulationson your choiceof this range. As you use Instructionson the followingpages are based on safety
your new range, we knowyou will appreciatethe many considerationsand mustbestrictlyfollowedto eliminatethe
features that provide excellent performance, ease of potentialrisks offire, electricshock,or personalinjury.
cleaning,convenienceand dependability.
Newfeatures have dramaticallychanged today's cooking WARNING
appliancesand the way we cook. It is therefore very Ap'- _k
important to understand how your new electric range
operatesBEFOREyouuseitforthe firsttime. I " ALL RANGES CAN TIP AND
InthisOwner'sGuide,youwillfind a wealthof information CAUSEINJURIESTO PERSONS.
regardingallaspectsofyourappliance. Byfollowing the
properlymaintainyour new range. NOTE:Yourappliance PACKEDWITH RANGE.
thismanual. I
Shouldyou have any questionsabout using your new INSTRUCTIONS.
electricappliance,pleasewritetous atthis address:
instructi°nscarefully, y°uwillbeablet°fullyenj°yand I _ • INSTALL ANTI-TIP DEVICES
c/oMaytagCustomerService WARNING: Toreducethe riskoftippingof theappliance
P.O.Box2370 fromabnormalusageor by excessiveloadingofthe oven
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370 door,theappliancemustbesecuredbya properlyinstalled
Be sureto includethe modeland serialnumbersofyour
appliance.For yourconvenience,wehaveprovidedspace Iftherangeismovedfromthe wallforcleaning,besurethe
onthefrontcovertorecordthisinformation, anti-tip deviceis engagedwhen the range is replaced.
Inourcontinuingeffortto improvethequalityofour cooking rangeto verify that oneof the rearlevelinglegsis properly
products,it may be necessaryto make changesto the engagedinthebracketslot.Theanti-tipdevicesecuresthe
appliancewithoutrevisingthismanual, rearlevelingleg tothe floorwhen properlyengaged.
Removestoragedrawer,ifequipped,and lookunderneath

Besure applianceis properly installedand groundedby a
Turn off applianceand ventilating hoodto avoidspreading
Locateand mark circuit breaker or fuse. Never replacea
blown fuse or reset a circuit breaker until you know what smokeand odor.
causedthe problem.Always replacea blown fusewithone Use drychemicalor foam-type extinguisheror bakingsoda
ofthe correctamperage,do not usea substitute, to smotherfire or flame. Neveruse water on a greasefire.
To ensure proper operationand avoid possible injury or door.
damageto unit do notattempt to adjust, repair,service, or Iffire is in a pan on the surface element,cover pan. Never
replace any part of your applianceunless it is specifically attemptto pickup or movea flaming pan.
recommendedin this book. All other servicing should be
powerto unitbefore anyservicingbytrippingcircuit breaker
tothe OFF positionor removingthe fuse.
Besureallpackingmaterialsare removedfromtheappliance cool in a safe place,out of reachof
beforeoperatingit. small children. Children should be
Do notstore or use gasolineor other flammablematerials, Children should not be allowed to
vaporsand liquidsin the oven, near surface units or in the play with controls or otherparts of
vicinityof this or anyotherappliance.Thefumes cancreate the unit.
afire hazardor explosion. CAUTION: Do not store items of
If appliance is installedneara window,proper precautions anapplianceor onthe backguardof
should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over a range. Children climbing on the
surfaceelements, appliance or on the appliance door
Do notleaveany itemsonthe cooktop.The hot air from the injured.
in closedcontainerswhich maycausethemto burst.
the flame. Extinguish flame then turn on hood to remove
If fire is inthe oven or broiler pan, smotherby closing oven
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the
appliancewhenitisinuseorisstill hot.Childrenshouldnever
beallowedto sit or standon anypartofthe appliance.
Childrenmust betaught that the applianceand utensilsin
or on it can be hot. Let hot utensils
taughtthat an applianceisnotatoy.
to reach items could be seriously
Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when To preventinjury or dama(e to the appliance,do not use
exposedto heat and may be highlyflammable. Avoidtheir appliance as a space \
useor storagenearan appliance, heaterto heator warm a
room. Also, do not use
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plastics away the cooktopor oven as a
frompartsoftheappliancethat maybecomewarmorhot.Do storage area for foodor
notleaveplastic itemson the cooktopasthey may melt or cookingutensils.
soften if lefttoo close to the vent or surface element.
To eliminate the hazard of reaching over hot surface or at the right rear ele- /
elements,cabinet storage should not be provideddirectly ment. Keepovenventduct unobstructed.Blockageof the
abovea unit. Ifsuchstorageis provided,itshould belimited vent prevents proper oven air circulation and will affect
to items which are used infrequentlyand which are safely oven performance.Avoidtouchingvent areawhileoven is
. stored in an area subjected to heat from an appliance, on and for severalminutes after oven isturned off. Some
Temperatures may be unsafe for some items, such as partsof the ventandsurroundingareas may becomehot
volatileliquids,cleanersor aerosolsprays, enoughto causeburns.
The oven vent is located
atthe rearofthe cooktop

Donottouchsurfaceor ovenelements,areasnearelements cooking on a higher heat settingthen reduce to a lower
or interior surface of oven. Heating elements may be hot setting to continue cooking. For smoothtops: To prevent
even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface believers,reduceto thedesiredheatsettingjustas thefood
elementsand interiorsurfacesof an oven may becomehot beginsto cookor waterbeginsto boil.
enoughto causeburns.Duringand after use, donottouch,
or let clothingor otherflammablematerialscontactheating Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
elements,areas near elements,or interiorsurfacesof oven especially when using a r,_ _ .t1
untiltheyhavehad sufficienttime tocool. highheatsettingor when
Othersurfacesofthe appliancemaybecomehot enoughto cause smoking and
cause burns - among these surfaces are the cooktop, greasy spillovers may
surfacesfacingthecooktop,ovenventopeningandsurfaces ignite. Clean up greasy
neartheventopening,ovendoor,andoven window, spills as soon as
Do notallowaluminumfoil, meat probesor any other metal heat for extended
object,otherthan a utensilona surfaceelement,to contact cookingoperations.
Do nottouch a hotoven lightbulb with a damp clothas the Alwayslet quantitiesof hot fat used for deepfat fryingcool
bulb could break.If bulb breaks, disconnect powerto the beforeattemptingto moveor handle.
applianceto avoidelectricalshockthenremovebulb. Never heat an unopened container as pressure build-up
CAUTION:Donotusean _ _ / injuryordamageto theappliance.
applianceasa stepstool
to cabinets above. . Usedry,sturdypotholders.Moistordamppotholderson hot
Misuse of appliance surfacesmaycauseburnsfromsteam. Donotletpotholders
doors or drawers, such touchhotheatingelements.Donotuseatowelor otherbulky
as stepping, leaning or _ cloth.
sitting on the door or
deepfat frying. Believers
possible.Donotuse high
may cause containerto burst resulting in serious personal
possible tipping of the accumulatein or near theappliance,vent hoodor vent fan.
appliance, breakage of Cleanhoodfrequentlyto preventgreasefrom accumulating
drawer, may result in / , Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
door,and seriousinjuries, onhoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoods underthehoodturnthe
Alwaysturnoffsurfaceelementor theovenwhen cookingis fires. Loose fitting or long
completed, hanging-sleeved apparel
It is normalfor some partsof the cooktop,especiallyareas cooking. Clothingmayignite
surroundingthe surface elements,to become warm or hot or catch utensilhandles.
duringsurface cookingoperations.Therefore,do not touch
the cooktop until it has had sufficienttime to cool. If Alwaysplaceoven racksin the desiredpositionswhileoven
necessary,usedry pet holdersto protecthands, is cool, Slide oven rack out to add or remove food; avoid
Do notcookon a brokenceramicglass cooktop.If cooktop is hot, usea dry potholder andavoid touching hot element
should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may inoven.
penetratethe brokencooktopand create a risk of electric
shock.Contacta qualifiedtechnicianimmediately. Usecarewhen openingthe ovendoor. Let hot air orsteam
Makesuredrip bowlsare inplace.Absence ofthese bowls
during cooking may subject wiring or components
underneathto damage. PREPAREDFOODWARNING:Followfoodmanufacturer's
AIwaysplaceapanonasurfaceelementbeforeturningiton. distorts, warps, or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
Be sure you know which knob controls which surface immediately discard the_foodand its container.The food
element.Make surethe correctelementisturnedon. Begin could becontaminated.
fan offasthe fan may spreadthe flame.
Use cautionwhen wearing garments made of flammable
material to avoid clothing >,_ __,_]
should not be worn while
reachinginto the oven. If a rackmustbemovedwhile oven
escapebeforeremovingor rePlacingfood.
instructions.Ifaplasticfrozenfoodcontainerand/orits cover

careto avoidsteam burnsif awetspongeor clothisusedto
wipe spills on a hot surface. Some cleaners can produce
Useproperpansize.Thisapplianceisequippedwithone or noxiousfumes ifappliedto ahot surface.
more surface elementsof different sizes. Select utensils
having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements in
element.Theuseofundersizedutensilswillexposeaportion water: Immersingelement in water would damageelement
of the heatingelement to directcontact and may result in andinsulatingmaterialinsideelement.
ignitionof clothing.Properrelationshipof utensilto element
will also improveefficiency. Donot usealuminumfoil orfoil linersto linedripbowls,cover
anoven rackor linethe oven bottom.Improperuseofthese
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily liners may result in a riskof electricshock, or fire and may
graspedandstaycool.Avoidusingunstable,warped,easily causeoventooverheat.Usefoilonlyasrecommendedinthis
tippedor loose handledpans.Pansthat are heavyto move booklet.
whenfilled withfood mayalso be hazardous.
Besureutensilis largeenoughto properlycontainfood and
isto beaddedas wellas the bubbleaction offat. Clean only parts listed in this booklet. Do not clean door
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials and shouldbetaken notto rub,damage,ormovethe gasket.Do
spillageduetounintentionalcontactwiththeutensil,donot notuseovencleanersor ovenlinerprotectivecoatingsofany
extend handles over 1)) kind inor aroundany partof theself-clean oven.
gasket.The doorgasket is essentialfor agood seal. Care
panhandlestowardthe ' racks, andotherutensils,andwipeoffexcessivespillovers
side or back of the topreventexcessivesmokeor flareups.CAUTION: Do not
appliance,not out into leave food or cooking utensils,etc. inthe oven during the
elements. Always turn _ Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven
the room where they self-cleancycle.
are easily hit or
adjacent surface __
reached by small Onsomemodels,afanshouldbeheardduringtheself-clean
children, cycle. If not, cancelthe clean cycle and call a qualified
technicianbeforeself-cleaning again.Referto theTableof
Neverleta panboildryasthiscoulddamagethe utensiland Contents for location of self-clean instructionsand for fan
theappliance, information,ifequipped.
Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven
cookingbags. Itisnormalforthe cooktopofthe rangetobecomehotduring
a self-clean cycle. Therefore, avoid touching or lifting the
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, cooktopduringaclean cycle.
earthenwareor glazed utensils are suitablefor cooktop or
oven usagewithout breakingdue to the suddenchange in
Thisappliancehas beentested for safe performanceusing
conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater and ToxicEnforcement
accessoriesthat are not specifically recommendedin this Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of
manual.Donot useeyelidcoversfor thesurfaceunits,stove Californiato publisha listof substancesknowntothe State
top grills, or add-on ovenconvection systems.The use of of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
devicesoraccessoriesthatarenot expresslyrecommended requires businesses to warn customers of potential
in this manualcan createserious safety hazards, resultin exposuresto such substances.Users ofthis applianceare
performance problems, and reduce the life of the hereby warned that when the oven is engaged in the
componentsof the appliance, self-clean cycle, there may be some lowlevel exposureto
someof the listed substances,includingcarbonmonoxide.
Turnoff allcontrolsandwaitforappliancepartstocool before byopeningthe windowsand/ordoor in the room where the
touchingorcleaningthem.Cleanappliancewithcaution.Use applianceis located..
ventingthe Oventothe outdoorsduring the self-clean cycle

All indicatorwordsare displayedtoshowtheir location.The touchpadsonyourrangemay
notlooklikethLsillustrationbutthey wiltoperate as describedin this manual.
I.I I !/ sDTEo_¥TI_EERD_ This pad will operate as
BAKECLEAN described below.
I I ____I" rl I This function pad on your
Press this pad to cancel all programming except the clock 1. Press OVEN TEMP pad.
and timer. 2. Press the • or • pad to set oven temperature.
See pages 12 to 15 for additional information.
Press or press and hold these pads toenter the desired time
or temperature or to select Hi or Lo broil.
1. Press BROIL pad.
2. Press • or • pad to select Hi broil or Lo broil.
See page 19for additional information.
1. Press TIMER pad.
2. Set desired time using the • and • pads.
Press or press and hold either pad to change the time by 1 1. Close and lock oven door.
minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes.
TIMER can be set from 1minute (0 HR:01) upto 9 hours and 3. Oven will automatically clean for 3 hours. Or press the •
50 minutes (9 HR:50). or • pad to select 2to 4 hours.
The timing operation will start automatically. Colon flashing "door" Will appear in display until the door isproperly locked.
in the display indicates a timing operation. One long See pages 21 and 22 for additional information.
continuous beep signals the end of the timing operation. The
time of day will automatically reappear in the display. The
TIMER does not control the oven.
To cancel" Press and hold TIMER pad. Time of day will 1. Press COOK TIME pad. Enter desired cooking time with
reappear after a slight delay, the • or • pad.
1. Press CLOCK pad. • or • pad.
2. Set the correct time of day using the • and • pads.
Tochange the time byone minute, presseither padonce. To The oven will automatically turn on and off at the preset
change the time in increments of 10 minutes, press and times. Beeps will signal the end of cooking. Press CANCEL
hold either pad. for additional information.
When power is first supplied to the oven or ifthere has been
a power failure, the display will flash.
Press CLOCK pad to recall time of day when another
function is displayed. A beep sounds each time a pad is pressed. The oven will
Clock time cannot be changed when oven is set for a cook, automatically turn off if it is left on for 12 hours.If a fault code
timed bake, or self-clean operation. Cancel operation to set (example: F 2) is displayed and beeps sound, press
the clock. CANCEL pad. If fault code continues, see page 27.
2. Press CLEAN pad.
2. To delay the start ofcooking: Press STOP TIME or OVEN
STOP pad. Enter time you wish the oven to turn off with
the • or • pad.
3. Press OVEN TEMP pad. Enter oven ternperature with the
pad to cancel end-of-cooking beeps. See pages 17 and 18

Yourcooktopisequippedwithcontrolknobsthatprovidean Use HIGH just untilwater comes to a boil or pressureis
infinitechoiceofsettingsfrom LOWto HIGH.The knobcan reachedinthe pressurecanner.Then,reduceto the lowest
beset onor betweenany of the numberedsettings, heatsettingthat maintainsthe boil or pressure.Prolonged
Tooperatepushinandturntheknobineitherdirectiontothe produce excessive heat. Excessive heat can cause
desiredsetting. An indicator light will glow when a surface permanentdamageto the porcelaincooktop,coil element
elementisturnedon. The indicatorlightwill remainon until and the drip bowl.See page 9 for additionalinformation.
theelementisturnedoff.Aftera cookingoperation,besure
the elementand indicatorlightareoff.
Topreventdamageto therangeorutensil,neveroperate bestresultsusea heavygaugemetalpanwithasmoothflat
surfaceunitwithoutapaninplace,neverallowapantoboil bottomanda tightfittinglid.
dryandneveroperatean elementonHIGHfor extended
periodsoftime. Cookwarewithuneven,warped,orgroovedbottomsdonot
Foodwillnotcookanyfasterata highersettingthanneeded conductivityandresultinslower,lessevenheating.
to maintain a gentle boil. Water boils at the same Differenttypesofcookwarematerialsrequiredifferentheat
temperaturewhetherboilinggentlyor vigorously.If a high settingsforthesamecookingoperation.Thechartbelowis
settingisused,excessivespatteringwilloccurandfoodmay basedonheavygaugealuminumcookware.Lowertheheat
stickor burnontothebottomofthepan. settingifusingathinnergaugemetalorothermaterials.
use of HIGH or the use of incorrect canning utensilswill
Cooking performance is greatly affected by the type of
Ifa higherheatsettingisusedto bringliquidto a boilorto Oversizedcookwareand cookwarethat restsacrosstwo
begincooking,alwaysreducetoa lowersettingonceliquid elementsarenot recommendedas theymay trapenough
comesto a boilorfoodbeginscooking.Never leavefood heatto causedamagetothe cooktoporelements.This is
unattendedduring a cookingoperation, especiallyimportantwhencanning.
Fitthesizeofthe cookwaretothesizeofthe element.This Donotusewoksequippedwithroundmetalrings.Thering,
conservesenergy, whichisdesignedtosupportthewokabovetheelement,will
trapheatandmay damagetheelementandthe cook'top.
Referto cookwaremanufacturer'srecommendationsfor suggestedheatsettings.Somemanufacturersdonotrecommend
the useof HIGH.orthe useof HIGHfor extended cookingoperations.
HIGH Tobringliquidto a boil,blanch, preheatskillet,or reachpressure ina pressurecooker.
Always reduceto a lowerheatsettingwhen liquidsjust beginto boilor foods beginto cook.
Medium-High Tobrown or sear meat; heatoil for deepfat frying;scald;to sauteor fry.
7-9 Maintainfast boilforlarge amountsof liquids.
Medium To maintainmoderatetoslow boilfor largeamountsof liquids.
4-6 Tocontinuecookinguncoveredfoodsandfor mostfrying operations.
Medium-Low Tocontinuecookingcoveredfoodsand to maintainpressurein most pressurecookers.
1-3 Stew,braiseor steamoperations.
To maintainboilfor smallamountsof liquid,poach, steamor simmer.
LOW Tokeepfoods warm beforeserving.Melt chocolate.

IOn Canadian models only: The surface units will not I When cooking delicate foods which easily scorch oroperateduringa clean cycle.This is normal. I overcook, start with a lower heat setting then gradually
The four cooking areas on _\\\lllll/_ _J//_ then reducetothe lowersetting. Ifyoudo begincookingon
your rangeare identifiedby _._///___ _ HIGH,reduceto a lowersettingbeforeliquidscome to afull
permanent patterns in the _/1_ .boil.
cooktop.Therearetwo large
(8-inch) and two small .\\\\11//_. _l_ Iffoodiscookingtoofastorifaboiloveroccurs, removelidor
(6-inch)areas.The patterns _ removecookwarefrom cookingareaand reduceto a lower
onyourcooktopmaynotlook -///t_\_- _ll_ setting.Allowenoughtime for the cookingarea to adjustto
like the cooktop in this the newsetting.
illustrationbut your cooktop will operate as described in
Beforeusingthe cooktopforthefirsttime, cleanitthoroughly Aluminum foil willdamagethesmoothtopifitmeltsontothe
as directed on the cleaning chart on page 24. This will glass. Do not use aluminum foil or foil-type disposable
protectthe smoothtopand will guarantee a clean cooktop containers such as popcorn poppers under any
whenthe elementsareturned on. circumstances. They may leave metal marks or may
Duringthe first few hoursof use,you may noticethat the metal or aluminumfoil melts onto the smoothtop. Call an
cooktopemitsaslightburning odoranda lightsmoke.Both authorized servicer. Do not attempt to repair cooktop
oftheseconditionsare normal, yourself.
Whenacookingareaisturnedon,the coilelementunderthe Aluminum cookware willcausemetalmarks ontheglassif
cooktopwill heat up and glow red. To maintain the heat you slide them acrossthe smoothop. Remove any metal
settingtheelementwill cycleon andoff.It isnormaltosee a marksimmediatelyusingCooktopCleaning Creme.
red glowthrough the smoothtopwhen the elementcycles
on. heat-proof glass or glazed cookware may scratchthe
increase the setting until you find the optimum setting.
Boiloversare morelikelyto occur ifyou start out on HIGH
permanentlymeltontothe smoothtop.Donot usecooktopif
Glass ceramic, earthenware, porcelain over metal,
smoothtopcooktop ifyou slidethem acrossthe top.
Yourrangeisequippedwith a HOTSURFACElightlocated
at the center-back ofthe smoothtop.This redlightwill turn
on to indicatethat the smoothtopis hot and will remainon • Donotusethetop asaworksurfaceorasa cuttingboard.
untilthe top hascooled. Do notcookfood directlyon the cooktop.
• Do not use a trivet or metalstand (suchas a wok ring)
between the utensiland the cooktop. These items can
mark or etch the surfaceand affectcookingefficiency.
Thesmoothtopcookingarearetainsheatforaperiodoftime • Donotplaceplasticsonawarmorhotcookingarea.They
afterthe elementhasbeenturnedoff.Turnthe elementoffa will melt and adhere to the smoothtop. The smoothtop
fewminutesbeforefood is completelycookedand use the maychipor pitinattemptingtoremovemeltedplasticfrom
retained heat to completethe cooking operation.After 30 the top.
minutes,the cooktop maybe too coolto keepfoodswarm. • Topreventscratchingordamagetothe smoothtop,donot
However,the TOPMAYSTILLBETOOWARMTOTOUCH. leavesugar,salt,sand,soil,shorteningorotherfatsonthe
Whenthe HOTSURFACElightturns off,the topwill becool cooking area. Be sure area is free from these before
enoughto touch, turning oncookingarea.
• Besurethe bottomofthecookwareissmoothandfree of
nicks,scratches or roughareasas they mayscratchthe
• Donotallowapantoboildry.Thiscouldcausepermanent
damageto the smoothtop.

To help keep cooktop clean, be sure cooking area and When surface is cool, clean as directed in the chart on page
cookware bottom are clean and dry before each use. 24. DO NOT USE the following cleaning agents:
Topreventpossibledamagetothecooktop, alwaysrinsethe • Abrasives (metal scouring pads, cleansing powders,
bottom of cookware to completely remove any cleaning scouring cleaners or pads) will scratch the smoothtop.
agent residue. This is especially important when using a • Chemicals (oven cleaners, chlorine bleaches, rust
copper or aluminum cleaner. In the presence of heat, the removers or ammonia) may damage the finish of the
cleaning residue may stain, discolor or etch the smoothtop, smoothtop.
• Glass cleaners containing ammonia may harm the
Carefully blot up spillovers around the outside of the cooking smoothtop.
area as they occur with dry paper towels. BE CAREFUL
NOT TO BURN HANDS WHEN WIPING UP SPILLS. DO • Soiled cloth or sponge will leave an invisible film on the
NOT USE A DAMP CLOTH WHICH MAY CAUSE STEAM cooktop which may scratch or cause discoloration the
BURNS. next time the cooktop is used.
CAUTION: Do not use cooktop if the smoothtop -is I IMPORTANT: Watch sugary solutions carefully to avoid
an authorized servicer. Do not attempt to repair the boils over, it may pit the smoothtop. Turn element toLOW
cooktop yourself, and clean sugary boilovers immediately. See page 24 for
cracked, broken, or if metal melts onto the cooktop. Call l believers. If a sugar solution (such as jam, jelly, candy)
complete cleaning instructions.
Tiny scratchesor Coarseparticles (dust,salt and Tinyscratches arenotremovableanddo notaffectcooking.In
abrasions sand)betweenceokware bottom time, the scratcheswill becomesmootherand lessvisible. Be
Metal-marking Slidingor scrapingmetalutensilsor Do not slide metal object across cooktop.When cool,clean
Brownstreaksand Boilovers,incorrectcleaning Remove boilovers before reusing the cooktop. Use a clean
specks materials,usedsoiled cloth or cloth orsponge. Be sure cookware,especially bottoms,are
Areasofdiscoloration Mineraldeposits fromwaterand Usecookwarewithbottomsthat arecleananddry.Usecorrect
with a metallicsheen foods, heatsettingto preventboilovers.
Pittingor flaking. Sugaryboiloversfrom sugarsyrups, Use correct heat setting and large enough utensil. Watch
and cooktop.Incorrectcleaning surecookwarebottomsandcooktoparecleanbeforeuse.Use
materials.Sliding glasswareor metal cookwarewith a smooth,non-scratching bottom.Donot slide
acrosstopor usingcookwarewith cookwareacrosscooktop.
ovenracksacrosscooktop, with CooktopCleaningCreme.
sponge,soiledcookware, cleanand dry.
candy,jams, jellies, dessert sauces, cookingoperationto prevent boiloversor spattering.