Magic Chef BT16RA 4TZ, BT22RS 4TX, BT22RA 4TZ, BT16RA 4Z User Manual

Installation, Use & Care
" for
RV Cooktop
& Range
1. Open windows.
2. Don't touch electrical switches. SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS..................... 1-3
3. Extinguish any open flame. INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS.............. 4-6
Models16, 18 &22 ........................ 4-5
4. Immediately call your gas supplier. Model 85 ................................... 6
USING YOUR COOKTOP ..................... 8-9
Do not store or use gasoline or other Stainlessfinishcooktop....................... 8
Burnergrates ................................ 8
flammable vapors and liquids in the Surface burners ............................. 8
vicinity of this or any other appliance. -Modelswithpilots
-Models with nopilots
-Models with Piezoignitors
WARNING: Improper installation, ad- Surface burner pilot .......................... 9
Pilot adjustment ............................. 9
justment, alteration, service, or main- Shutdown instructions ........................ 9
tenance can cause injury or property USINGYOUROVEN.......................... 10
damage. Refer to this manual. For as- Ovencontrol............................... 10
sistance or additional information Ovenpilot.................................. 10
Shutdown instructions ....................... 10
consult a qualified installer, service Cooking hints ............................... 10
agency, manufacturer (dealer), or the
gas supplier. CAREAND CLEANING ........................ 11
SERVICE ................................. 12-13
Service chart ............................... 12
Service .................................... 13
WARRANTY ................................. 14
No cooking appliance should be used Turn offall controlsand wait for range as a space heater. This instruction is partsto coolbeforetouchingorcleaning based on safety considerations to pre- " them. Do not touch the burner gratesor vent potential hazard to the consumer surrounding areas until they have had as well as damage to the appliance, sufficient timeto cool.
Ilfw_-_;_;,_,/_" Touching a hot oven light bulb with a
tL._:_o_j_" damp cloth could cause the bulb to
__ break. Should the bulb break, discon-nectpower to therange beforetrying to
IN CASE OF FIRE: remove the bulb to avoid electrical
1.Turn off range controls, shock.
2. Smother fire or flame with baking
soda, dry chemical, or a foam-type extinguisher. Do not use water on Clean range with caution. If a wet
sponge or cloth is used towipe spills on
grease fires, a hotcooking area, be careful to avoid If range is installed near a window, steam burns. Some cleaners can pro- proper precautions should be taken to duce noxious fumes ifapplied to a hot
prevent curtains from blowing over CHILD SAFETY surface. burnerscreating a FIRE HAZARD. Do not leave childrenalone or unsuper-
Keep area around appliance clear and vised near the appliance when it is in GREASE
free from combustible materials, gaso- use or is still hot. Children should never Use extreme caution when moving the
line, and other flammable vapors and be allowed to sit or stand on anypart of grease kettle ordisposing of hotgrease. materials, the appliance. Children must be taught
that the appliance and utensils in it can Hot grease is flammable. Avoid letting
Havethe installershowyou the location be hot. Children should be taught that grease deposits collect around appli- ofthegas shutoffvalve and howto shut an appliance is not a toy. They should ance, range hood, or vent fan. Do not
it off in an emergency, not be allowed to play with controls or leave container of grease around a
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils cookingappliance.Always letquantities Youroven is vented at the back of the coolina safe place,outofreachofsmall ofhotfatusedfordeepfatfryingcoolbe- cooktop. Neverblockoven ventor airin- children, foreattemptingto moveorhandle. Inthe
takes. Do not obstruct the flow of com- event of a greasefire, DONOTattempt
bustionandventilationair.Restrictionof _,_.rt_e_Jt_e_ to move pan. Cover panwith a lidto ex-
air flow to the burner prevents proper __j ,,,_ tinguish flame and turn surface burner
performance, off. Do not douse flame with water. Use
a dry chemical or foam-type fire extin-
Avoid touching oven vent area while guisher, if available, or sprinkle heavily
oven isonand for severalminutes after with baking soda.
oven is turned off. Some parts of the
vent and surroundingarea become hot
enoughtocause burns. "_"_//_ _,h,^_.J Donot usecooktopor ovenas astorage
area for food or cooking utensils. This
instruction is based on safety consid- CAUTION: Do not store items of inter-
erations to prevent potential hazard to estto children in cabinets above anap-
user and tothe appliance, pliance or onthe backguardof a range.
Children climbing on the appliance to Misuse of appliance doors, such as reach items could be seriously injured.
stepping, leaning or sitting on the door, Donot use an appliance as a step stool Spillsor boiloverswhich contain grease
mayresult in possible tipping of the ap- to cabinets above, should becleaned upas soon as possi- plianceor breakage ofdoor and serious ble. If they are allowed to accumulate, injuries, theycould create a FIREHAZARD.
COOKING SAFETY Never heat an unopened container on UTENSIL SAFETY Always adjustsurface burnersflame so the surface burner or inthe oven. Pres- Use only pans that have flat bottoms
sure build-up may cause container to
that is does notextend beyond the bet- burst resultingin seriouspersonal injury andhandlesthat areeasily grasped and
staycool. Avoidusing unstable,warped, tom of utensil.This instruction is based or damageto the range. on safety considerations, easilytipped or loose handled pans. Do
Slide oven rack out to add or remove not use pans if their handles twist and
Never leave a surface cooking opera- food, using dry,sturdy pot holders. AI- cannot be tightened. Pans that are tionunattendedespeciallywhenusinga ways avoid reaching into oven to place heavytomovewhenfilledwithfoedmay
high heat setting. Believers cause or remove food. also be hazardous. smoking and greasy spillovers may ig- nite. Use dry,sturdy pot holders. Damp pot Alwaysplace a panof foodon a surface
holders may cause burns from steam, burnerbeforeturning it on, andturn itoff Dishtowels or other substitutes should before removing the pan.
never be used as pot holders because Alwaysturn pan handles to the side or
theycan trailacross hotsurface burners and igniteor getcaught on range parts, backof appliance, not out intothe room
where they are easily hit or reached by
Use care when opening oven door.Let small children. To minimize burns, igni- hot air or steam escape before remov- tionofflammable materials and spillage
ingorreplacingfood.AIwaysplaceoven due to unintentional contact with the racksinthedesired positionswhileoven utensil,do not extend handles over ad-
is cool. If a rack must be moved while jacent surfaceburners. hot, be careful to avoid contact of pot
Be sure you know which knob oontrols holderswith oven burner flame. _l_)__
which surface burner. Always make surethe correct burneristurned onand _-_¢ _'_ _'_._1
thatthe burner has ignited.Whencook- STORAGE ABOVE _:'; ing is completed, turn burneroff. RANG E
Use caution when wearing garments hot surface burners, cabinet storage made of flammable materialto avoid shouldnotbe provideddirectlyabovea
clothingfires,Loesefittingorlonghang- unit. If such storage is provided, it ing-sleevedapparelshouldnetbeworn should be limitedto items which are
whilecooking. Clothingmay ignite or used infrequentlyand which are safely Besureutensilis largeenoughtoprop- catch utensilhandles, storedinanarea subjectedtoheatfrom erly containfood and avoid believers.
an appliance.Temperaturesin storage Pan size is particularly important in areas abovethe unitmay be unsafefor deep fatfrying. Be surepanwillaccom-
I_ some items, such as volatile liquids, modatethevolume°ffo°dthatistobe
added aswell asthe bubbleactionoffat.
cleaners oraerosol sprays. Never leave a deep fat frying operation
unattended. Never let a pan boil dry as this could
damagethe utensiland the appliance.
UsealuminumfoilONLYasinstructedinNOTICE AND WARNING Toreducethehazardofstorageabovea
thisbook.Improperuseofaluminumfoil range,installaventilatinghoodthatpro-
maycausedamageto the oven,affect The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWaterand jectsat least 5 inchesbeyondthe bot-
cookingresults,and can also resultin ToxicEnforcementActof 1986 (Propo- tom edge of the cabinets. Clean hood shockand/orfirehazards, sition65) requirestheGovernorofCall- frequentlytopreventgreasefromaccu-
fornia to publisha list of substances mulatingon hood oritsfilter. Shoulda
knowntotheStateofCalifomiatocause boiloveror spilloverresultin an open
PLASTICS cancer or reproductive harm, and re- flame, immediately turn off the hood's
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. quires businessestowarn customers of fan to avoid spreading the flame. After Keepplasticsawayfrom partsoftheap- potential exposures to such sub- thoroughly extinguishing flame, the fan
pliance that may become warm or hot. stances, maybe turned onto remove unpleasant
odoror smoke.
AEROSOL SPRAYS Users of this appliance are hereby
Manyaerosol-typespray cansare EX- warnedthatthe burningof gas can re-
PLOSIVE when exposed to heat and sultinlow-levelexposuretosome ofthe may be highly flammable.Avoidtheir listed substances,including benzene, use orstoragenearan appliance, formaldehydeandsoot,dueprimarilyto
the incompletecombustionof natural gasor liquidpetroleum(LP)fuels.Prop- erly adjustedburnerswill minimizein- complete combustion. Exposure to
these substances can also be mini- mizedbyproperlyventingthe burnersto
FOR R.V. RANGES 16, 18 & 22 SERIES
NOTE TO INSTALLER: ceptacle directly behind the range (forcorrect location Alwayscheckwithlocalandstatecodesbeforeinstallation, see sketch below.) On range withsuffix letter "V" in
Requirementsbeyondthoseasshownmay affectthesein- modelnumberconnect12 voltDC-power tothetagged structions,forwhichthe manufactureris notresponsible, wires.
Theinstallationofappliancesdesignedfor recreationalve- 3. Placerange in openingand fasten in place.Six screw hiclesmustconformwithstateorprovincialcodes,orinthe holesthat areprovidedarelocatedatpointsAA andBB. absenceofsuchcodes,withtheStandardforRecreational A minimumoffourscrewsmustbeusedtofastenrange.
VehiclesANSI/NFPA No.501C-1990. Recreationalvehiclemanufacturersmay use appropri-
C.G.A. range must be installedin accordancewith CAN/ No.8 flat head woodscrews. CSA Z240.4 Series Standards, "Gas equippedrecrea-
tionalvehiclesandmobilehomes"and/orlocalcodeshav- 4. Make gas connectionsand checkfor leakswithsoapy
water.Do not check for leaks with open flame.
ing jurisdiction.Minimum clearance from countertopto combustibleceilingas approvedby U.L. is 24", C.G.A. is 5. CAUTION: Inletpressureshouldbebetween11inches
19". watercolumnand14 incheswatercolumn.
INSTALLATION WARNING: PorcelainEnamel is glass which has been
1.Cutopeningas shownbelow(rangecan be suspended fusedtometal.Itisthoroughlyinspectedandwillgivegood fromtopflange;no othersupportisnecessary.) serviceifcarefullyhandled,butit is breakableandcannot
be guaranteed.Likeallglassorporcelainarticles,wecan-
2. Rangeequippedwith a 120 voltlight in the oven willre- notreplaceenamel partsthat aredamaged afterdeliveryto quirethe installation of a 120Vthree prong groundedre- carriers except at customer's expense.
20 # _-120 VAC GROUNDED
NOTE: Clearance spaces _ tz_Eouz_) shall be framed in or ="
guarded to prevent storage space within the clearance MODEL CUTOUTnT.j"/ PIPE LOC._/ FRONTVZEU
specified. Cabinet enclo- 16 _/ 17/8" /
sures shall be designed to 18 18 1/16 / 17/8" I prevent draftsthat will affect
/ /
pilotstability. 22 21 13/16" / 2 5/8" /
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