POT HOLDERS Buy good, sturdy pot holders 4. Hot Utensils
and use them. Dish towels or
_ other substitutes can cause bad _-Let hot pans cool in a safe place
burns when they are too thin or -- younger
out of reach of
become entangled. Keep pot children. Never set hot pans on
holders dry -- wet holders create a combustible surface.
steam and cause burns. Keep
__ pot holders away from openflames when lifting or moving PLASTICS All plastics are vulnerable to
utensils, heat, although some will with-
-]_______ .C,:. f stand higher temperatures thanothers. Keep all plastics away
from parts of the range which
UTENSILS 1. Type may become warm when the
Avoid pans that are unstable range is in use.
and easily tipped. In choosing
pans, look for easily-grasped
handles that willstay cool. Pans GREASE In the event of a grease fire, if
that are too heavy to move possible first cover the pan to
easily when filled with food can _/_f_A._^,_ snuff out the fire. Do not use
also present a hazard. If pan _ water to douse the flame. Use a
handles twist and cannot be fire extinguisher recommended
tightened, discard the pan. for kitchen use, if available, or
Use utensils only as intended. This is particularly sprinkle heavily with baking
important for glass cookware. Some glass cookware soda.
should be used only in the oven; other pans areclassified
as flameware and may be used on top of the range. Grease is flammable and should
__ be handled carefully. Avoid let-
2. Size ting grease deposits colleet around
y, the range or in vent fans. Don't
Select the right size utensil for the leave cans of drippings around
size of the burner, being sure the the range--refrigerate or dispose
utensil is large enough to avoid of them promptly. Let quantities
boil-overs or spill-overs. This will of hot fat -- a pan of deep fat,
_-_-"_,_'_--a both save cleaning and prevent for example -- cool before at-
accumulations of food, since tempting to move or handle it.
heavy spattering or spill-overs left
on a range can catch fire.
Never leave surface units unattended at high heat settings. BROILER PAN Always remove the broiler pan
from the compartment as soon as
you are finished broiling. It
Pan sizeis especially important in makes the pan much easier to
__ _ deep fat frying. Always be certain wash and then there is no chance
the pan is large enough to allow that the pan and drippings will be
for the volume of food to be add- forgotten. Grease left in the pan
ed and for the fat to bubble up. A can catch fire if the oven is used
deep kettle is best for this. Foods without removing the broiler
highin water content, such as po- pan. In using the broiler, re-
tatoes, bubble more than those member too that if meat is too
low in water content. Never leave close to the flame the fat may
a deep fat frying operation unat- ignite.
Do not heat an unopened glass or metal container of food
/f_/ To minimize burns, ignition of in the oven. Buildup of pressure may cause the container to
_ _ )) 3. Handles
_ flammable materials and spillage burst and result in serious personal harm and/or damage
due to unintentional contact with to the range.
I_'_..____ the utensil, the handle of a utensil Always let initial rush of heat and / or steam disperse from
I1 _- should be positioned so that it is heated oven before placing or removing food. Do not allow
II turned inward, and does not ex- excess spillovers to accumulate in the oven. Under some
tend over adjacent surface conditions, these may ignite and cause an oven fire. If fire
burners, occurs do not open the oven door. Immediately turn offthe
5 gas.