CHILD SAFETY Touching a hot oven light bulb with a "_____
damp cloth could cause the bulb to
Do notleavechildrenalone or unsuper- break. Should the bulb break, discon-
vised near the appliance when it is in nectpowerto the rangebefore tryingto
useor isstill hot.Children should never remove the bulb to avoid electrical
beall°wedt°sit°rstand°nanypart°f sh°ck" _ ,_=_
the appliance.Children must be taught
that the applianceandutensils in itcan Clean range with caution. If a wet
be hot. Children should be taught that spongeorcloth is used to wipespills on
an appliance is not a toy. They should
not be allowedto play with controls or a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid
steam burns. Some cleaners can pro-
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils duce noxious fumes if applied to a hot
cool inasafeplace,out ofreachofsmall surface.
children. Be sureyou know which knob controls
GREASE which surface burner. Always make
Use extremecautionwhen movingthe thattheburnerhasignited.Whencook-
greasekettleordisposingofhotgrease, ingiscompleted,turn burneroff.
Hotgrease is flammable,Avoidletting Use caution when wearing garments
grease depositscollectaround appli- made of flammable materialto avoid
ance, range hood, or ventfan. Do not clothingfires.Loosefittingorlonghang-
leave container of grease around a ing-sleevedapparelshouldnotbeworn
cookingappliance,Alwaysletquantities while cooking.Clothingmay ignite or
ofhotfatusedfordeepfatfryingcoolbe- catchutensilhandles.
eventofa greasefire, DO NOT attempt
CAUTION: Donot storeitemsof inter- tomovepan.Coverpanwitha lidtoex- _,_ ,_,,,,,,,,_
estto childrenincabinetsabovean ap- tinguishflameandturnsurfaceburner
ptianceoronthe backguardofa range, off.Do notdouseflamewithwater.Use
Childrenclimbingon the applianceto a dry chemicalorfoam-type fire extin-
reachitemscouldbe seriouslyinjured, guisher,ifavailable,or sprinkleheavily
Donotuseanapplianceas a stepstool withbakingsoda.
ANTI-TIP DEVICE ' '/ Never heat an unopened container on
thesurfaceburnerorinthe oven.Pres-
To reducetheriskoftippingoftheappli- sure build-up may cause containerto
ancefrom unusualusageor by exces- burstresultingin seriouspersonal injury
siveloadingoftheovendoor,theappli- or damagetothe range.
ance mustbe securedbya properlyin-
stalledanti-tip device.To checkifde- Slide oven rack out to add or remove
vice is installed properly: Use a flash- food, usingdry, sturdy pot holders.AI-
light and look underneath range to see ways avoid reaching into oven to place
that one of the rear leveling legs is en- Spills or boilovers which contain grease or remove food.
gaged in the bracket slot. When remov- should be cleaned up as soonaspossi-
ingappliancefor cleaning, besure anti- ble. If they are allowed to accumulate, Usedry, sturdy pot holders.Damp Dot
tip device is engaged when range is re- they could create a FIRE HAZARD.
placed.The anti-tip device secures the holders may cause burns from steam.
Dishtowels or other substitutes should
rear)eveJinglegtothefloor,whenprop-COOKING SAFETY never be used as pot holdersbecause
AJwaysadjustsurface burnersflameso theycantrailacrosshotsurfaceburners
thatisdoes notextendbeyondthe hot- andigniteorgetcaughton rangeparts.
CLEANING tomof utensil.This instructionis based
Turn off all controlsand wait for range on safetyconsiderations. Usecare whenopeningovendoor.Let
partstocool beforetouchingorcleaning hot air or steam escape before remov-
them.Donottouchtheburnergratesor Never leave a surface cookingopera- ingorreplacingfood.Alwaysplaceoven
surroundingareas until they have had tionunattendedespeciallywhenusinga racksinthedesiredpositionswhileoven
sufficienttimetocoo1. high heat setting. Boilovers cause is cool. If a rackmustbe movedwhile
smokingand greasyspilloversmay ig- hot,be careful to avoidcontact of pot
nite. holderswithovenburnerflame.