Magic Chef 9855XUB, 9865VUV, 9865XUB Owner's Manual

groundedbyaqualifiedtechnician, neara_liance -
Careshouldbegiventolocationof appliance- Besurefloorcoveringun- in_ oven,orinthevidnityOfthisor
derappliance,wallsadjacenttoap- anyotherappliance.Thefumescan pliance,cabinetryadjacenttoap
Alterapplianceisinstalled provideddirectly talnallpackingmaterialsareremoved vided,storageshouldbelimitedtoin-
unitfappances nstallednearawn- storedinanareasubiecledtoheat, dow,takestepstopreventcurtains cloths.
fromblowingoverelementscreatinga Temperaturesmaybeunsafeforsome
temssuchasvoatileliqu{Is,cleaners, Prote_ liners- Donotusealu
orae_l sprays.
Idneverbe Guide.improperinstallationofthese
wornwhieusngtheapplance, shock,orfire
(continued next page)
CHILD SAFETY Touching a hot oven light bulb with a "_____
damp cloth could cause the bulb to
Do notleavechildrenalone or unsuper- break. Should the bulb break, discon- vised near the appliance when it is in nectpowerto the rangebefore tryingto
useor isstill hot.Children should never remove the bulb to avoid electrical
beall°wedt°sit°rstannanypart°f sh°ck" _ ,_=_
the appliance.Children must be taught
that the applianceandutensils in itcan Clean range with caution. If a wet
be hot. Children should be taught that spongeorcloth is used to wipespills on
an appliance is not a toy. They should not be allowedto play with controls or a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid
steam burns. Some cleaners can pro-
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils duce noxious fumes if applied to a hot
cool inasafeplace,out ofreachofsmall surface.
children. Be sureyou know which knob controls
GREASE which surface burner. Always make
Use extremecautionwhen movingthe thattheburnerhasignited.Whencook-
greasekettleordisposingofhotgrease, ingiscompleted,turn burneroff.
Hotgrease is flammable,Avoidletting Use caution when wearing garments
grease depositscollectaround appli- made of flammable materialto avoid ance, range hood, or ventfan. Do not clothingfires.Loosefittingorlonghang-
leave container of grease around a ing-sleevedapparelshouldnotbeworn cookingappliance,Alwaysletquantities while cooking.Clothingmay ignite or
ofhotfatusedfordeepfatfryingcoolbe- catchutensilhandles.
foreattemptingtomoveorhandle.Inthe eventofa greasefire, DO NOT attempt
CAUTION: Donot storeitemsof inter- tomovepan.Coverpanwitha lidtoex- _,_ ,_,,,,,,,,_ estto childrenincabinetsabovean ap- tinguishflameandturnsurfaceburner
ptianceoronthe backguardofa range, off.Do notdouseflamewithwater.Use Childrenclimbingon the applianceto a dry chemicalorfoam-type fire extin-
reachitemscouldbe seriouslyinjured, guisher,ifavailable,or sprinkleheavily Donotuseanapplianceas a stepstool withbakingsoda.
ANTI-TIP DEVICE ' '/ Never heat an unopened container on
thesurfaceburnerorinthe oven.Pres-
To reducetheriskoftippingoftheappli- sure build-up may cause containerto
ancefrom unusualusageor by exces- burstresultingin seriouspersonal injury siveloadingoftheovendoor,theappli- or damagetothe range.
ance mustbe securedbya properlyin-
stalledanti-tip device.To checkifde- Slide oven rack out to add or remove
vice is installed properly: Use a flash- food, usingdry, sturdy pot holders.AI- light and look underneath range to see ways avoid reaching into oven to place
that one of the rear leveling legs is en- Spills or boilovers which contain grease or remove food.
gaged in the bracket slot. When remov- should be cleaned up as soonaspossi- ingappliancefor cleaning, besure anti- ble. If they are allowed to accumulate, Usedry, sturdy pot holders.Damp Dot
tip device is engaged when range is re- they could create a FIRE HAZARD.
placed.The anti-tip device secures the holders may cause burns from steam.
Dishtowels or other substitutes should
rear)eveJinglegtothefloor,whenprop-COOKING SAFETY never be used as pot holdersbecause
AJwaysadjustsurface burnersflameso theycantrailacrosshotsurfaceburners thatisdoes notextendbeyondthe hot- andigniteorgetcaughton rangeparts.
CLEANING tomof utensil.This instructionis based
Turn off all controlsand wait for range on safetyconsiderations. Usecare whenopeningovendoor.Let
partstocool beforetouchingorcleaning hot air or steam escape before remov- them.Donottouchtheburnergratesor Never leave a surface cookingopera- ingorreplacingfood.Alwaysplaceoven
surroundingareas until they have had tionunattendedespeciallywhenusinga racksinthedesiredpositionswhileoven sufficienttimetocoo1. high heat setting. Boilovers cause is cool. If a rackmustbe movedwhile
smokingand greasyspilloversmay ig- hot,be careful to avoidcontact of pot
nite. holderswithovenburnerflame.
STORAGE ABOVE Besuroutensi}islargeenoughtoprop-IMPORTANT SAFETY
erly containfood and avoid boilovers. NOTICE AND WARNING
RANGE Pan size is particularly important in
Toeliminatethehazardofroachingover deep fatfrying. Besure panwillaccom- The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWaterand
hot surface burners, cabinet storage modatethe volumeoffoodthatistobe ToxicEnforcementAct of1986 (Propo- shouldnotbeprovideddirectlyabovea addedaswellasthebubbleactionoffat. sition65) requirestheGovernorofCalf-
unit. If such storage is provided, it Neverleavea deepfat fryingoperation fomia to publish a list of substances
should be limited to items which are unattended, knowntotheStateofCaliforniatocause
usedinfrequentlyand whicharesafely cancer or reproductiveharm, and ro-
storedinan areasubjectedtoheatfrom Never let a pan boil dry as this could potential exposures to such sub-
an appliance.Temperaturesin storage damagethe utensilandtheappliance.
areasabovethe unitmaybe unsafefor stances. some items, such as volatile liquids,
cleanersor aerosolsprays. ALUMINUM FOIL Users of this appliance are hereby
UsealuminumfoilONLY as instructed warnedthat theburningof gascanre- inthisbook.Improperuseofaluminum suitinlow-levelexposuretosomeofthe
UTENSIL SAFETY foil may causedamage tothe oven,af- listed substances, includingbenzene,
Use only pans that have flat bottoms fectcookingresults,andcan alsoresult formaldehydeandsoot,due primarilyto
andhandlesthatare easilygraspedand inshockand/orfirehazards, the incomplete combustionof natural
stay cool. Avoid using unstable, gasorliquidpetroleum(LP)fuels.Prop-
warped,easilytippedorloosehandled erly adjustedburnerswill minimizein-
pans. Do not use pans if their handles PLASTICS complete combustion. Exposure to
twistandcannotbetightened.Pansthat Many plasticsare vulnerableto heat. these substancescan also be mini-
are heavytomovewhenfilledwithfood Keepplasticsawayfrompartsoftheap- mizedbyproperlyventingtheburnersto mayalsobehazardous, pliancethatmay becomewarm or hot. _the outdoors.
Alwaysplacea panoffoodona surface AEROSOL SPRAYS VENTILATING HOOD
burnerbeforeturningiton,andturnitoff Many aerosol-type spraycansare EX- To reducethe hazardofstorageabove
beforeremovingthe pan. PLOSIVE when exposedto heat and a range, installa ventilatinghoodthat
may be highlyflammable. Avoid their projectsat least 5 inches beyond the
Alwaysturnpan handlesto the side or use orstorage near anappliance, bottom edge of the cabinets. Clean backofappliance,notoutintothe room hoodfrequentlytoprevent greasefrom
wherethey areeasily hitor reached by SELF-CLEAN OVEN accumulating on hood or its filter,
Shoulda boiloverorspilloverresultinan
smallchildren.To minimizeburns,igni- Donotcleandoorgasket.Thedoorgas- open flame, immediately turn off the tionofflammablematerialsandspillage ket is essentialfor a goodseal. Care hood'sfan toavoidspreadingtheflame.
due to unintentionalcontact with the shouldbe taken notto rub,damage,or After thoroughlyextinguishingflame,
utensil,donotextend handlesoverad- move the gasket. Do not use oven thefan may beturnedontoremoveun-
jacontsurface burners, cleanersof any kind in or around any pleasantodoror smoke.
partof the self--cleanoven. Cleanonly partslistedinthisbooklet.Beforeself-
_. ,'_'='_ -,/ .JJl cleaningthe oven,removebroilerpan,
)..j_ _. ovenracks,andotherutensils,andwipe
off excessivespillovers.
Ifisnormalfor the cooktopoftherange
tobecomehotduringaself-cleancycle. Therefore,touchingor liftingthecook- top during a clean cycle should be
I 71. I-II-Innn O}
STOP _ -- I_1 L I L I
_ =m STOP _MERI_ 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Note:All indicatorwords are displayed to show their location.)
Press this button to cancel all pro- 1. Close and lockovendoor. Turnthis knobineitherdirectiontoen-
gramming except the Clock and Tim- 2. Press CLEAN button, ter time or temperature. This knob is er. 3. Oven will automatically clean for 3 also used to select HIor Lo broil,
hours. Select 2 or 4 hours by turn-
1. Press TIMER button. "door" willappear in displayuntil the 1. Press BAKE TEMP button.
2. Turn SET knob to desired time. dooris properlylocked. See pages 12 2. Turn SET knob until desired oven TIMER can be set from 1 minute and 13 for additional information, temperature appears in the dis-
(0HR:01) up to 9 hours and 50 min- play. utes(9HR:50). COOKTIME/STOP TIME See pages 5 to 9 for additional in-
The timing operationwillstartauto- To begin cooking immediately: formationon bakingandroasting.
matically.Colonswillflash inthe dis- 1. Press COOK TIME button. Enter play to indicatea timing operation, desiredcookingtimebyturningthe BROIL
Onelong continuousbeep signalsthe SET knob. 1. Press BROIL button. endof the timing operation and "End" 2. Press BAKE TEMP button. Enter 2. Turn SET knob clockwise to select
briefly appears in the display. The oven temperature with SET knob.
time of day will automatically reap- HIbroilor counter clockwiseto se-
pear in the display. The TIMER does lect Lo broil. notcontrolthe oven. To delay the start of cooking:
1. Press COOK TIME button. Enter See page 10 for additionalinforma-
Tocancel: PressTIMER buttonand cookingtimewithSET knob. tion. holdfor 3 seconds,Time of day will 2. Press STOP TIME button. Enter
reappear after a slightdelay, the time you wish the oven to turn
off with SET knob.
CLOCK 3. Press BAKE TEMP button. Enter
1. Press CLOCK button, oven temperature with SET knob.
2. Turn SET knob untildisplay shows correct time of day. The oven will automatically turn on
When power is first supplied to oven and off at the preset times. 3 beeps or if there has been a powerfailure, will signal the end of cooking. "End"
the display will flash. Follow above will appear in the displayand continu- instructions to set clock. Clock time ous beeps will prompt you to remove
cannot be changed when oven is set thefood from the oven. for a cook or self-clean operation. PressSTOP/CLEAR buttonto cancel
Cancel operation to set clock, end-of-cooking beeps. Press CLOCK button to recall time of
day when another function is dis- See pages 6 and 7 for additional in- played, formation.
Everyoven hasitsowncharacteristics.Youmayfindthat Itisimportantthatair cancirculatefreelywithintheoven
the cookingtimesand temperaturesyouwere accus- and aroundthe food.Tohelpensurethis,placefood in tomedtowithyourpreviousovenmayneedtobealtered thecenterof theoven rack.Allowtwo inchesbetween
slightlywithyournewoven.Itisnormaltonoticesome the edgeofthe utensil(s)andthe ovenwalls.If cooking differencesbetweenthisovenand yourpreviousoven. ontwo racks,staggerthe foodtoensureproperairflow.
Fan Foroptimumbakingresultsof cakes,cookiesorbiscuits,
A fan will automaticallyturn on duringa cookingor a useonerack.Positionracksofoodisinthe centerofthe
, cleaning operation. The fan will automatically turn off oven. Use eitherrackposition2 andeitherthe straightor
whenthe unithascooled, off-set rack.
Oven Racks If cookingontwo racks,userackpositions3 and1,4 and
2 or rackpositions4 and 1. Placethe off-set rackinthe
The two ovenracksaredesignedwitha lock-stoppoem- toprackposition.Neverplacetwocookiesheetson one tionto keep racksfrom comingcompletelyout of the rack. oven.Donotattempttochangerackpositionswhen the ovenis hot.
Thiswall ovenisequippedwithone"straight"rackand Use of Aluminum Foil one "off-set" rackto offergreaterflexibilityin locating
foodinthe oven. (Doublewall oven:The lowerovenis Do notcoverentirerackwithaluminumfoilorplacefoil
equippedwithonlyonestraightovenrack.) directlyunder cookware.To catchspillovers,place a
pieceoffoil,a littlelargerthanthepan,ontherackbelow
To remove: Be sure rack is cool. Pullrackout to the thepan.Donotplacealuminumfoilacrossthebottomof
lock-stopposition.Tiltthefrontendupandcontinuepull- theoven. ingrackoutof the oven.
Toreplace:Placerackonracksupports,tiltupandpush towardrearofoven.Pulltherackouttothelock-stoppo-
sitiontobesurerackiscorrectlyreplaced.Thenreturnit Double Wall Oven
to its normal position. The lowerovenis equippedwithonlya bake element.
RACK POSITIONS: Forbestresults,usetheupperovenfordelicatecooking
suchascakes,cookies,biscuits,orpies.Useeitheroven fornon-criticaltypeofcookingsuchas meatsorcasse- roles.Broilingisdoneinthe upperoven.
To operate the lower oven:
1. TurntheLOWEROVENknobtothedesiredtempera- turesetting.(NOTE:Some modelsare equippedwith
a push-to-turnknob.)
2. Allow the oventopreheatfor10to 15minutes. Thein-
dicatorlight,locatedabove the knob,will turn offwhen the oven reachesthe presettemperature.
Rack 4 (top of oven) usedfor two-rack cooking. 3. Place the food in the center of the oven, allowing a
minimum oftwo inches betweentheutensil(s)and the
Rack 3 used for two-rack baking or most broiling, oven walls. Rack 2 usedformostone-rack bakingof cookies or bis- 4. Check food for doneness at the minimum time. Cook
cults on a cookie sheet; baking cakes, bundt cakes or longer if necessary. breads;two-rack baking;roastingmeats;cooking larger
food; or, broiling thicker items such as split chicken 5. Remove food from the oven and turn the LOWER
halves. OVEN knob to OFF. Rack1 usedfor roastingturkey,baking angelfoodcake,
pie shells, frozen pies,souffles or bread. (continuedonnextpage)
Oven Operation Automatic Oven Cooking Feature
Basic Instru The AutomaticOven Cookingfeatureis usedtoturnthe
ovenonand offat a presettimeofday.Thisfeaturecan
1. Positic =.=r be usedfor a conventionalcook ora self-clean opera-
2. Press =- tion.See page 13 for instructionson delayinga self-
3 u n_ TheAutomatic OvenCooking featurewillnotoperateun-
To set oven for baking or roasting: lessthe clockisfunctioning and is setat the correcttime
1. PressBAKETEMP button, ofday.
000° and BAKEindicatorwordswillappearm the Highly perishablefoods such as dairy products,pork, display, poultry,stuffing,seafoods,or bakedgoodsare notrec-
The displaywillreturntothe currenttime of day if ommendedfordelay startcooking.Ifcookingmorethan
the oventemperatureis notenteredwithin30 se- onefood, selectfoodsthat cookforthe same lengthof
conds, timeand at the sameoventemperature.
2. Toentertheoventemperature,turntheSET knobuntil
the desiredtemperatureisdisplayed. Basic Instructions
350° willappearinthedisplaywhentheSET knob Example:Food isto cookfor 2 hoursand30 minutes isturnedoneclickineitherdirection.The tempera- (2:30)at an oventemoeratureof 350°F.Youwishthe
turecanbe setfrom170 to550°. foodto be cookedby6 o'clock(6:00),
Theovenwillturnonwithinafewseconds. TheON t. PressCOOK TIME button, indicatorwordand 75° ortheactualoventempera- ture,whicheverishigher,willappear inthedisplay. 2. TurnSET knobuntil2:30 (2hoursand30 minutes)
Thetemperatureinthedisplaywillincreasein5°in- crementsuntiltheovenreachesthepresettemper- 3. PressSTOP TIME butto_
ature.A singlebeepwillsignalthattheovenis pre-
4. TurnSET knobuntil6:00 (6o'clock)isd splayed
heated.Allow10 to 15 minutesforthe oventopre-
heat. (NOTE:Selectinga highertemperaturethan 5. PressBAKETEMP button.
desired will not preheat the oven any faster and
mayaffectbakingresults.) 6. TurnSET knob until350°isdisplayed.
3. Place food in the oven. Checkfoodatthe minimum 7. PressCLOCKbuttonandtime of dayreappearsin cookingtime.Cook longerif needed, thedisplay.
4. At the end of cooking,removefood and press the Theovenwilltumonat3:30:willcookthefoodfor21/2 STOP/CLEAR buttonto cancel the operation.The hoursat350°F. andwillautomaticallyturnoffat 6:00.
NOTE:If youwishcookingto beginimmediately,omit
To recall the presettemperature during preheat, press steps 3 and 4,
the BAKEFEMP button.
Tochange the preset temperature, turn the SET knob until the desiredtemperature is displayed.
The oven will automatically turn off if it is left on for 12 hours.
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