COOKING AREAS To help keepcooktopclean besure cooking area and
The four surface cookingareason yourcooktopare utensilbottomare cleananddry beforeuse.
are two largeand two smallareas. Use the smaller Turncontrolknobtothedesiredheatsetting.If indoubt
areasfor smallcookingutensilsand the largerareas as to the correctsetting,it is betterto select a lower
for large utensils, settingand increasetoa highersettingas needed.It
willtake longerforthe cookingarea tocool toa lower
temperaturethanto heat upto a highertemperature.
(/ '_ @ If food iscookingtoofast orifboiloversoccur,remove
@ lidand reducetoa lowersetting.Allowenoughtimefor
the cookingarea to adjustto the newsetting.
_ @ THINGS TO REMEMBERDo notallowplasticobjects,aluminumfoil,sugar,or
foodswith high sugarcontentto melt onto the hot
WhenacookingareaisturnedON,theradiantelement age to the cooktop.
underthecooktopwillheatupanda redglowfromthe
element can be seen throughthe smoothtop.The IMPORTANT: Watch sugary solutionscarefully to
element will cycle on and off to maintainthe heat avoid boilover.If sugar solution(such as jam, jelly,
setting.Whentheelementcycleson,itisnormaltosee candy)isallowedto boilover,itmaypittheglass.Wipe
a red glow. up sugaryboiloversimmediately - turn element to
LOW. Usea wooden-handledmetalspatulato scrape
KNOBS boilovertoa coolerarea ofthe cooktopor useseveral
The cookingarea controlsare called INFINITE con- layers of dry papertowelsto wipe up spillover.If a
trois.Thistypeofcontrolprovidesan infinitechoiceof papertowelis used,be carefultoavoidsteam bums.
heat:settingsfrom LOW to HIGH. The control can be Turn elementoff.When cool, usea single-edgerazor
seteitheronanyofthenumberedsettingsor between blade suchas Widget by Gillette to scrape off soil.
the numberedsettings. Clean withEIcoCooktopCleaningCreme, rinseand
To operate control: Pushdownand turn knob, in
eitherdirection,to the desiredheatsetting. To protectthetop, itisnotrecommendedtousethetop
as a worksurfaceoras a cuttingboardortocookfood
ON INDICATOR LIGHT directlyonthe cooktopwithouta utensil.
Cooktopis equippedwith an ON indicatorlightto
indicatewhen a surface elementison. The lightwill Do not useatrivetormetalstand(suchasa wok ring)
remain on untilthe element is turned off. After a betweentheutensilandthecooktop.Theseitemscan
cookingoperation,be sure elementand ON lightare markoretchthesurfaceandaffectcookingefficiency.
HOT SURFACE LIGHT containerssuchas popcornpoppersare NOT recom-
The cooktopisequippedwitha HOT SURFACE light, mendedforuseonthecooktop.Theywillleave metal
This red lightwillturnonto indicatethatthecooking marksand may permanentlymeltontothe top.
Do NOTslidealuminumcookwareacrossthecooktop.
COOKING HINTS Thismayresultinaluminummarkswhichthenmustbe
Duringthe firstfew hoursof use,you may noticethat immediatelyremovedwith a recommendedcooktop
the cooktopemits a slightbumingodor and a light cleaner(see p. 9).
smoke.Bothof these conditionsare normaland are
causedbythe insulationmaterialof the heatingele- Do notslideglassitemsacrossthecooktop.Theymay
mentsina new cooktop, scratchordamagethe top.