CHILD SAFETY Touching a hot oven light bulb with a __ J
damp cloth could cause the bulb to
Donotleave children alone orunsuper- break. Should the bulb break, discon-
vised near the appliance when it is in nectpowerto the range before trying to
useor isstill hot. Children should never remove the bulb to avoid electrical
beallowedto sit or stand on anypart of shock.
the appliance. Children must be taught ,_ I_
that the appliance and utensils init can Clean range with caution. If a wet
be hot. Children should be taught that sponge orcloth isused towipe spills on
an appliance is not a toy. They should a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid
not be allowed to play with controls or steam burns. Some cleaners can pro-
other parts of the unit. Let hot utensils duce noxious fumes if applied to a hot
cool inasafe prace,outofreachofsmall surface.
children. Be sure you know which knob controls
GREASE which surface burner. Always make
surethe correct burner isturnedon and
! _=J--IZ3L-L_.. _ Use extreme caution when moving the that the burnerhas ignited. Whencook-
grease kettleor disposing of hotgrease, ing is completed,turn burner off.
Hot grease is flammable. Avoid letting Use caution when wearing garments
grease deposits collect around appli- made of flammable material to avoid
ance, range hood, or vent fan. Do not clothingfires. Loosefittingorlonghang-
leave container of grease around a ing-sleeved apparel shouldnotbeworn
cookingappliance.Alwaysletquantities while cooking. Clothing may ignite or
ofhotfatusedfordeepfatfryingcoolbe- catch utensilhandles.
foreattemptingto moveor handle.Inthe
event of a grease fire, DO NOT attempt
CAUTION:Denotstoreitemsofinter-tomovepan. Coverpanwithaiidtoex_ _ i
estto children in cabinets above anap- tinguish flame and turn surface burner
pliance or on the backguardof a range, off.Do not douse flame with water. Use
Children climbing on the appliance to a dry chemical or foam-type fire extin-
reach items could be seriously injured, guisher, if available,or sprinkle heavily
Do not use anappliance as a stepstool with baking soda.
to cabinets above.
ANTI-TIP DEVICE ." Never heat an unopened container on
thesurface burner or in the oven. Pres-
To reducethe riskoftippingof the appli- sure build-up may cause container to
ance from unusual usage or by exces- burst resulting in serious personal injury
sive loadingofthe oven door,the appli- or damage to the range.
ance must be secured bya properly in-
stalled anti-tip device. To check if de- Slide oven rack out to add or remove
vice is installed properly: Use a flash- food, using dry, sturdy pot holders. AI-
light and look underneath range to see ways avoid reaching into oven to place
that one of the rear leveling legs is en- Spillsor boiloverswhichcontain grease or remove food.
gaged in the bracket slot. When remov- shouldbe cleanedupas soon aspossi-
ingappliancefor cleaning,be sure anti- ble. If they are allowed to accumulate, Use dry, sturdy pot holders. Damp pot
tip device is engaged when range isre- they could create a FIRE HAZARD.
placed.The anti-tip device secures the holders may cause burns from steam.
Dishtowels or other substitutes should
rear leveling legtothe floor, when prop- COOKING SAFETY never be used as pot holders because
Always adjustsurface burners flame so they can trail acrosshot surface burners
that isdoes not extend beyond the bot- and igniteor get caught on range parts.
CLEANING tom of utensil.This instruction is based
Turn off all controls and wait for range on safety considerations. Use care when openingoven door. Let
partstocool beforetouching orcleaning hot air or steam escape before remov-
them. Donot touchthe burner grates or Never leave a surface cooking opera- ing or replacingfood. Alwaysplaceoven
surrounding areas until they have had tion unattendedespeciallywhen usinga racksin thedesired positionswhileoven
sufficienttimeto cool. high heat setting. Boilovers cause is cool. If a rack must be moved while
smoking and greasy spillovers may ig- hot, be careful to avoid contact of pot
nite. holderswith oven burner flame.