store or use gasoline or other flammable materials, va-
pors and liquids in the oven, near surface units or inthe
vicinity of this or any other appliance. The fumes can
create afire hazard or explosion. Donot use cooktop or
oven as a storage area for food or cooking utensils.
The following instructions are based on safety consid-
erations and must be strictly followed to eliminate the DO NOT USE WATER // ( // _
potential risks of fire, electric shock, or personal injury. ON GREASE FIRES -
PROPERINSTALLATION-Besureyourapplianceis use dry chemical or
preper, y ,nstalJed and grounded by a qualified techni- foam-type extinguisher, if __'_(
clan. available or sprinkle
NEVER USE YOUR steam. Do not let potholder touch hot heating ele-
APPLIANCE FOR ments. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloths.
STORAGE ABOVE RANGE - To eliminate the hazard utensils will expose a portion of the heating element to
of reaching over hotsurface elements, cabinet storage direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing.
should not be provided directly above a unit. If pro- Proper relationship of utensil to element will also ira-
vided, storage should be limited to infrequently used prove efficiency.
items that can be safely stored in an area subjected to
Smother fire or flame or
heavily with baking soda.
potholders on hot surfaces may result in burns from
USE PROPER PAN SIZE - This appliance isequipped
with one or more surface elements of different sizes.
Select utensils having flat bottoms large enough to
cover the surface element. The use of undersized
heat. Temperatures may be unsafe for some items I "_._,_'_ "_" {
such as volatile liquids, cleaners, or aerosol sprays. If NEVER LEAVE SURFACE
cabinet storage is provided, installation of a range UNITS UNATTENDED AT( _ I /!I\
hoodthatprojectsatleasth-inchesbeyondthebottom HIGH HEAT SETTINGS - _ _ _ jJ_)
of the cabinet will reduce the hazards associated with Boilover causes smoking _" _]_ :
such storage, and greasy spillovers that I _"--_ }_
mayignite. /, , "_
Loose-fitting or surface unit without a pan in place and never allow a
fJ,,_. I_ _ should never be
"_,_/_ _ ] worn while using MAKE SURE DRIP BOWLS ARE IN PLACE - Ab-
/ __==========_ the apphance, sence of these bowls during cooking may subject wir-
USER SERVICING - Do not repair or replace any part PROTECTIVE LINERS - Do not use aluminum foil to
of the appliance unless specifically recommended in line surface unit drip bowls or oven bottoms, except as
the Use and Care Book. All other servicing should be suggested in the Use and Care Book. Improper instal-
referred to a qualified technician. Always disconnect lation of these liners may result in a risk of electric
unit or cut-off power to unit before any servicing, shock, or fire.
hanging garments pan to boil dry.
ing or components underneath to damage.

of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, earthenware, or CLEAN VENTILATING HOODS FREQUENTLY -
other glazed utensils are suitable for range-top serv- Grease should not be allowed to accumulate on hood
icewithout breaking due to the sudden change in tem- or filter.When flaming foods under the hood, turn the
perature, fan off. The fan, if operating, may spread the flame.
TURNED INWARD ment Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Gever-
AND NOT EXTEND nor of California to publish a list of substances known
OVER ADJACENT to the State of California to cause cancer or reprodue-
SURFACE UNITS - To tire harm, and requires businesses to warn customers
reduce the risk of of potential exposures to such substances.
burns, ignition of flam-
__ SHOULD BE The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforce-
tentional contact with the utensil, the handle of a utensil may be some low-level exposure to some of the listed
should be positioned so that it is turned inward, and substances, including carbon monoxide. Exposure to
does not extend over adjacent surface elements, these substances can be minimized by properly vent-
MENTS - Heating elements should never be im-
mersed in water. Immersing element in water would DEEP FAT FRYERS:
damage insulating material inside element. Use extreme cautionwhen moving the grease kettle or
steam escape before removing or replacing food. ELEMENTS, AREAS NEAR ELEMENTS OR INTE-
DO NOT HEAT UNOPENED FOOD CONTAINERS - even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface
Build-up of pressure may cause container to burst and elements and interior surfaces of oven may become
result in injury, hot enough to cause burns. During and after use, do
PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Follow food manufac- not touch or let clothing or other flammable materials
turer's instructions. If a plastic frozen food container contact heating elements, areas near elements or inte-
and/or its film cover distorts, warps, or is otherwise rior surfaces of oven until they have had sufficient time
damaged during cooking, immediately discard the to cool. Among these areas are the cooktop, surfaces
food and its container. The food could be contami- facing the cooktop, oven vent opening and surfaces
nated, do not allow aluminum foil, meat probes or any other
KEEP OVEN VENT DUCTS (located under rear ele- metal object, other than autensil on asurface element,
ment; rear corner of cooktop; between oven door and to contact heating elements.
control panel of wall oven or on backguard) UNOB-
STRUCTED. Blockage of vent prevents proper oven ANTI-TIP BRACKET:
air circulation and will affect oven performance. Avoid WARNING: To reduce the risk of tipping of the appli-
touching oven vent area while oven is on and for sev- ance from unusual usage or by excessive loading of
eral minutes after oven is turned off. Some parts of the the oven door, the appliance must be secured by a
vent and surrounding area become hot enough to properly installed anti-tip device. To check if device is
cause burns, neath range to see that one of the rear leveling legs is
PLACEMENT OF OVEN RACKS - Always place oven engaged inthe bracket slot. When removing appliance
racks indesired location while oven iscool. Ifrack must for cleaning, be sure anti-tip device is engaged when
be moved while hot, use care to avoid contact of range is replaced. The anti-tip device secures the rear
potholder with oven element, leveling leg to the floor, when properly engaged.
mable materials, and Users of this appliance are hereby warned that when
spillage due to unin- the appliance is engaged in the self-clean cycle there
ing the appliance to the outdoors during the self-clean
disposing of hot grease.
RIOR SURFACES OF OVEN - Elements may be hot
near this opening, oven door, and oven window. Also,
installed properly: Use a flashlight and look under-

After appliance is installed, be certain all packing mate- On some models, a fan should be heard during the sel
rials are removed from the appliance before operating clean cycle. If not, cancel clean cycle and call a serv.
the unit. If appliance is installed near a window, take iceman before self cleaning again. (Refer to CON
steps to prevent curtains from blowing over surface TENTS on front cover for location of serf clean instruc-
elements creating a fire hazard, tions and fan information.)
Care should be given to location of appliance. Be sure SMOOTHTOP COOKTOP:
floor covering under appliance, walls adjacent to appli- Do not cook on broken cooktop. If cooktop should
ance, cabinetry adjacent to appliance, and other mate- break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate
rials adjacent to appliance can withstand prolonged the broken cooktop and create a risk of electric shock.
heat. This is a heavy appliance and can settle into soft Contact a qualified technician immediately. Clean
floor coverings such as cushioned vinyl Use care cooktop with caution. Ifawetspongeorclothisusedto
when moving range on this type of floor covering, wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid
steam burn. Some cleaners can produce noxious
fumes if applied to a hot surface.
Do not place excessive should not be left alone or unattended in area where
weight on an open oven appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit
door or stand on an open or stand on any part of the appliance. CAUTION: Do
oven door as, in some not store items of interest to children incabinets above
cases, it could cause the an appliance or on the backguard of a range.
range to tip over, break-
age of the door or serious Children climbing on the appli- _r-_rl_,c'f_ /
CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE - Locate and mark dren should be taught that an ap-
breaker or fuse. Never replace a blown fuse or reset a pliance is not a toy, They should
breaker until you know what has caused the problem, not be allowed to play with con-
Always replace a blown fuse with one of the correct trois or other parts of the unit.
amperage, do not use a substitute.
CONTROL KNOBS - Turn off control at the comple-
tion of a cooking operation.
Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential
for a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub, dam-
age, or move the gasket. Do not use oven cleaners or
oven liner protective coating of any kind in or around
any part of the self clean oven. Clean only parts listed This appliance has been tested for safe performance
in this booklet. Before self cleaning the oven, remove using conventional cookware. Do not use any devices
broiler pan, oven racks, and other utensils, or accessories that are not specifically recommended
CAUTION: DO NOT LEAVE FOOD OR COOKING units, stove top grills, or add-on oven convection sys-
UTENSILS, ETC., IN OVEN DURING THE SELF terns. The use of devices or accessories that are not
CLEANING MODE OF OPERATION. expressly recommended in this manual can create se-
ATTENTION: NE LAISSER AUCUN ALIMENT, US- and reduce the lifeof the components ofthe app{iance.
_ injury, ance to reach items could be seri-ously injured. Children must be
taught that the appliance and
utensils in or on itcan be hot. Chil-
in this manual Do not use eyelid covers for the surface
rious safety hazards, result in performance problems,

(NOTE:All indicatorwordsaredisplayedto showtheir location.When oven ortimer isnot in
use,indicatorwords are not disprayed.Indicatorsare onlydisplayed when oven isset for a
cook,delayed cook, clean or timer operation.)
1. PressCLOCK. 1. Close door. 1. Press BROIL.
2. Turn SETknob untildisplayshows 2, Move doorlock leverto locked po- 2. TurnSET knob clockwise to select
correct time of day. sition. Hi broilorcounter clockwiseto se-
3. Press STOP/CLEAR. 3. Press CLEAN pad. ("door" will lect LO broil.
flash in display and beeps will
When power isfirst supplied to oven sound if door is not locked.) See page 12 for additionar informa
or if there has been a power failure, 4. Oven will automatically cJeanfor 3 lion.
thedisplaywill flash.Followabove in- hours. Select2 or 4 hours by turn-
structions to set clock, ingthe SET knob.
See page5foradditional information.
1. Press TIMER. To begin cooking Immediately: 1. Press BAKE TEMP.
2. Turn SET knob to desiredtime. 1. Press BAKE TEMP. Enter oven 2. Turn SET knob until desired oven
temperature withSET knob. temperature appears in the dis-
TIMER starts automatically.3 beeps 2. Press COOK TIME. Enter desired play.
signaltheend of the timing operation cooking time by turning the SET
andthe time-of-day reappearsinthe knob. Seepages 9to 10 for additionalinfor-
display, mation on baking and roasting.
To delay the start of cooking:
Tocanceh PressTIMERand holdfor "[.Press BAKE TEMP. Enter oven
3 seconds. Timeof day will reappear temperature with SET knob.
after aslight delay. 2. Press COOKTIME. Entercooking
time with SET knob.
3. PressSTOP TIME. Enter time you
=PressSTOP/C_R to c_cei _co_ wishfoodto stop cookingwithSET
The oven will automatically turn on
and offat the preset times.
Press STOP/CLEAR to cancel end-
of-cooking beeps. See page6for ad-
ditional information.

BEFORE DURING It is normalfor the cooktop of the range
to become hot during a clean cycle.
SELF-CLEANING SELF-CLEANING Thereforetouchingtheoooktopduringa
Whenthedoor is lockedandtheCLEAN self-clean cycle should beavoided.
pad is pressed, the ovenautomatically
begins to heat to cleaning tempera- As the oven heats and cools, you may
i_g; tures, hear sounds of metal parts expanding
and contracting. This is normal and will
Turn off oven light before clean cycle. As the oven reaches cleaning tempera- not damage your appliance.
The life of the bulb may be shortened if lures, the LOCK indicator will turn on to
left on during the clean cycle, show that an internal lock mechanism
has engaged. At this point, the oven AFTER
Clean oven frame, door frame and door can not be unlockedand opened. SELF-CLEANING
around the oven vent with a non-abra-
sive cleaning agent such as Bon Ami. Somesoil may leave a light gray, pow-
These areas arenot exposedto clean- Topreventdamage to the door and lock dory ash which can be removed with a
ing temperatures and should be lever, do not force the lock lever to the damp cloth. If soil remains, it indicates
cleaned to prevent soil from baking on played.
during the clean cycle, enough.The soil will beremoved during
Wipe up excess grease or spillovers About one hour after the completion of
fromthe ovenbottomto prevent exces- the clean cycle,the internal lockwill dis- If the oven racks do not slide smoothly
sire smoking during the clean cycle, engageand the LOCKindicatorwillturn after a clean cycle, wipe racks and era-
Do notuse oven cleaners or oven liner moved to the left (unlocked position) amount of vegetable oilto restore ease
protective coatings of any kind on the and the door opened, of movement.
self-clean oven finish or around any
partof the oven. The first few times the oven iscleaned, Fine, hair-like lines may appear in the
To preventdamage, do not cleanor rub This is normal andwill reduceor disap- mal condition resultingfrom heatingand
the gasket around the oven door. The pear with use. If the oven is heavily cooling of the porcelain finish. These
gasketis designedtosealin heatduring soiled, or if the broiler pan is left in the lines de not affect the performance of
the c_ean cycle, oven, smoke and odor may occur, the oven.
left when the LOCK indicator is dis-
that the clean cycle was not long
the next cleancycle.
off. At this point, the lock lever can be bossed rack supports with a small
somesmokeandodormaybe detected, oven interior or over door. This isa nor-

Automatic cookLngfeature is used to turn the oven on and off at the preset
time-of-day. Thisfeature canbeusedto delaythestartofacookingoperation.
The automatic cookingfeature will not operate unlesstheclock isfunctioning
and is set at the correct time-of-day.
1. Press BAKE TEMP pad. BAKE II I: u
lights inthe display, tL_l _lit such as dairy products, pork, poultry,
2. Enter oven temperature with the o_ocK o_E_ _a_L mended for derayedcooking. If cook-
SET knob. ing more than one food, select foods
TIME flashes inthe display. ,, • Fl_--I _ S _o Ifyou de ayinenteringacomplete pro-
4. Enter cooking time (how long you '_ _ _' tinue entedng the program as de-
wish food to cook) with the SET CLO_ CLE*N B,OZL I scribed.
knob. _(_A(_)(_)(_)(_ To reset or canoe,the program: Press
TIMED BAKE ON lights in the dis- T_.e_ COoK"r_ ST__,_ e_,KETe.P the STOP/CLEAR pad.
play. The oven automatically turns
on and the display begins to count After setting the Automatic Cooking
down. feature, pressthe CLOCK padand the
{ _ll--t rn_0_ IMPORTANT:Highlyperishable foods
TINER r_3oi(TZ,'_ STOPTZ_ B^KE_ and at the same oventemperature.
. I_.11I ,,,, gram, the oven may turn on. Just con-
seafoods or stuffing are not recom-
that cook for the same length of time
5. At the end of the preset cooking I_ o_ [I_/0 o play.TIMED BAKE ON, DELAY BAKE
time, the oven automatically turns CLOC_ _E^N B,O_L or DELAYTIMED BAKE and the oven
off. _j)(_(_(_)(_/)(_) temperature will remain inthe disp,ay
6. Press STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel "rz_ co_TZ.E _ToPT_ B**ETE_ cookingoperation.
end-of-cooking beeps. At end of cooking, continuous beeps
l_ _, . Zir_ ' _._o time-of-day wi,, reappear in the dis-
as a reminderthatthe ovenisset for a
will sound.Press STOP/CLEARpadto
cancel beeps.
TO BAKE BY TIME with delayed START:
1. Follow steps 1,2, 3 and 4above.
TIME" flashes in the display. I1__,.. • FIII _ _ 0° 1
3. Enter the time you wish the oven to [_ 2. Turn SET knob until 350° ap-
turnoffbyturningthe SET knob,De- _oc_ o_E_ BROIL pearsinthe display.
LAYpend'ngon your model, eitherDE-TIMEDBAKEor DELAY BAKE (_(_(_A_)_ 3. Press GOOK TIMEpad.
willlightinthedisplayandthetimeof T_,L-, COO,TZ_ _TOPTI_ B^KC7E_ 4, Turn SET knob until 2:30 [2
day willthen reappear, hours.30 minutes)appearsinthe
The oven will automatically turn on I I_-I • _Jt--_ _ c__] 5. Press STOPTIME pad,
in time to have the food cooked by / [/I • JI I o_u,........ E_
the preselected STOP TIME. The cLOCK O-EAN BROZL ' •
preset stoptime. The oven will turn on at3:30; cook
ovenwill automaticallyturn offatthe (__)_)_
4. Press STOP/CLEAR pad to cancel _z._-, r.oo_-rz_ _o_ _z,,_ _^_ T_._ automaticallyturn offat 6:00.
end-of-cooking beeps. .
• rll_T.EI ........ _j 1. Press BAKE TEMPpad.
6. TurnSETknobuntil6:00appears
the food for 2 1/2 hours and will I