::i:I "
IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ......... 1-4 Roastingand chart ........................... 16
Automaticovencookingfeature ............. 17-18
CLOCK AND OVEN CONTROL .................. 5 Broilingand chart ............................ 19
Controlknobs ................................ 6 (ChateauRange) ............................ 20
Cookingtips .................................. 6
Cookware .................................... 6 SELF-CLEAN OVEN ........................ 21-22
Heatsetting guide ............................. 6
SMOOTHTOP COOKTOP ..................... 7-8
COIL ELEMENT COOKTOP ..................... 9 Cooktop light ................................ 25
OVEN USE ................................. 10-19 Back panel light (ChateauRange) .............. 25
Oven light ................................... 10 Upper ovenlight (Chateau Range) ............. 25
Ovenvent ................................... 10 Cooktop .................................... 26
Ovencharacteristics .......................... 10 Oven door .................................. 26
Fan ........................................ 10 Storage drawer .............................. 26
Oven racks ................................... 11 Levelinglegs ................................ 26
Howto set oven to bake or roast ............... 12
Preheating .................................. 12 SERVICE INFORMATION .................... 27-29
Use of aluminum foil .......................... 12 Explanation Offault codes ..................... 27
Upper oven (Chateau Range) ................. 13 Adjusting oven temperature ................... 27
Generalbaking tips .......................... 14 Before you call for servicechart ................ 28
Common baking problems chart ............... 15 Howto obtain service ......................... 29
CARE AND CLEANING CHART .............. 23-24
MAINTENANCE ............................ 25-26
Oven light ................................... 25
The modeland serialnumbers are found on the rating plate located
INSTALLERPlease leave this onthe rangefront frame. Open the storage draweroroven doorto
manualwiththisappliance• seethe ratingplate.
Be sureappliancehasbeenproperly
installed. SerialNumber:
CONSUMER Tosave youtime, Date ofPurchase:
energy and money, read and keep Please keep yoursales receiptand/or yourcancelledcheckas
thismanualforfuturereference, proofof purchaseshouldwarrantyservicebeneeded•Storethese _.
documentswiththis booklet. _'_

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
Congratulations on your choice of this range. As you use Instructions on the following pages are based on safety
your new range, we know you will appreciate the many considerations and must bestrictly followedto eliminatethe
features that provide excellent performance, ease of potential risksof fire, electricshock, or personal injury.
cleaning,convenience and dependability.
appliances and the way we cook. It is therefore very
important to understand how your new electric range j ALL RANGES
operates BEFOREyou useitfor the first time. CAN TIP .
In this Owner's Guide, you will fbqda wealth of information INJURYTO PERSONS
New features have dramatically changed today's cooking ' __il) : '_ _l_Al_lllll I IIIa
regardingall aspects of your appliance, By following the COULD RESULT
properly maintain your new range. NOTE: Your appliance • INSTALL ANTI-TIP
maynot be equippedwithsome ofthe features referredto in j DEVICE PACKED
this manual. WITH RANGE
Should you have any questions about using your new • SEE INSTALLATION
instructions carefully, you will be able to fully enjoy and I __ )
electricappliance,pleasewriteto us atthisaddress: INSTRUCTIONS
Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service WARNING: Toreduce the risk oftipping of the appliance
EO. Box2370 from abnormal usage or by excessive loading of the oven
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370 door,the appliance must be secured by a properly installed
Be sure to include the model and serial numbers of your
appliance. For your convenience, we have provided space Ifthe range is moved fromthe wall for cleaning, be sure the
on the front coverto record this information, anti-tip device is engaged when the range is replaced.
In ourcontinuing effort to improvethe qualityof ourcooking rangeto verify that one of the rear leveling legs is properly
products, it may be. necessary to make changes to the engaged inthe bracket slot.The anti-tip device secures the
appliance without revisingthis manual, rear leveling leg to the floor when properly engaged.
anti-tip device.
Remove storage drawer, if equipped, and look underneath

Be sure appliance is properlyinstalled and grounded by a
Turn off appliance and ventilating hood to avoid spreading
the flame. Extinguish flame then turn on hood to remove
Locate and mark circuit breaker or fuse. Never replace a smoke and odor.
blown fuse or reset a circuit breaker until you know what
causedthe problem.Always replace a blownfuse with one Use dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher or baking soda
ofthe correct amperage,do notuse asubstitute, tosmother fire or flame. Never use water on a grease fire.
If fire is in the oven or broiler pan, smother by closing oven
To ensure proper operation and avoid possible injury or door.
damage to unit do not attempt to adjust, repair, service, or If fire isina pan on the surface element,cover pan. Never
replace any part of your appliance unless it is specifically attemptto pick up or move a flaming pan.
recommended in this book. All other servicing should be
referredto aqualified installeror servicer.Alwaysdisconnect
powerto unit before anyservicing by trippingcircuitbreaker
to the OFFpositionor removingthe fuse.
Besureallpackingmaterialsare removedfromtheappliance cool in asafe place, out of reach of
beforeoperating it. small children. Children should be
Do not store or use gasoline orother flammable materials, Children should not be allowed to
vaporsand liquids in the oven, near surface units or inthe play with controls or other parts of
vicinityof thisor anyother appliance.The fumes can create the unit.
a fire hazard or explosion. CAUTION: Do not store items of
If appliance is installed near a window,proper precautions an appliance or on the backguardof
should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over a range. Children climbing on the
surface elements, appliance or on the appliance door _
Do not leaveany items on the cooktop. The hot air fromthe injured.
ventmay ignite flammable itemsand may increasepressure
Inclosed containerswhich may cause them to burst.
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the
appliance when itis in useoris stillhot.Children shouldnever
beallowed to sit or stand on anypart of the appliance.
Children must be taught thatthe applianceand utensils in
oron it can be hot. Let hot utensils
taught that an appliance isnot a toy.
interesttochildren incabinets above
to reach items could be seriously
Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when To prevent injury or damage to the appliance, do not use
exposed to heat and may be highlyflammable. Avoid their appliance as a space
use or storage near an appliance, heaterto heat or warm a
room. Also, do not use
Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plastics away • the cooktop oroven as a
fromparts ofthe appliancethat may becomewarm orhot.Do storage area for food or
not leave plasticitems on the cooktop asthey may meltor cookingutensi!s.
softenif lefttoocloseto thevent or surface element.
To eliminate the hazard of reaching over hot surface or at the right rear ele-
elements,cabinet storage should not be provideddirectly merit. Keep ovenvent ductunobstructed.Blockageofthe
abovea unit.Ifsuchstorageisprovided,itshould belimited vent prevents proper oven air circulationand will affect
to itemswhich are usedinfrequentlyand whichare safely ovenperformance.Avoidtouchingventarea whileovenis
stored in an area subjected to heat from an appliance, on andfor several minutes after oven isturned off. Some
Temperatures may be unsafe for some items, such as parts of the vent and surrounding areas may become hot
volatile liquids, cleaners or aerosol sprays, enough to cause burns.
The oven vent islocated
atthe rearofthe cooktop

Do nottouch surface oroven elements,areas nearelements cooking on a higher heat setting then reduce to a lower
or interior surface of oven. Heating elements may be hot setting to continue cooking. For smoothtops: To prevent
even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface boilovers, reduceto the desired heat setting just as thefood
elements and interior surfaces of an oven may become hot beginsto cook or water begins to boil.
enough to cause burns. During and after use, do nottouch,
or let clothingor other flammablematerials contact heating Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
untilthey have had sufficienttime to cool. highheat settingorwhen
deep fat frying. Boilovers
Other surfacesof the appliancemay become hot enough to cause smoking and
cause burns - among these surfaces are the cooktop, greasy spillovers may
surfacesfacingthecooktop, ovenventopeningandsurfaces ignite. Clean up greasy
near the vent opening,oven door,and oven window, spills as soon as
Do not allowaluminum foil, meatprobes orany other metal heat for extended
elements, areas nearelements, or interiorsurfaces of oven especially when using a i _,_
object, other than a utensil ona surface element, to contact cooking operations.
heating elements.
Do not touch a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth as the Always let quantities of hot fat used for deep fat frying cool
bulb could break. If bulb breaks, disconnect power to the before attempting to move or handle.
applianceto avoidelectricalshock then remove bulb. Never heat an unopened container as pressure build-up
CAUTION"Do notusean _ . _ injury or damage to the appliance.
possible. Do not usehigh
may cause container to burst resulting in serious personal
to cabinets above. Use dry,sturdy pot holders.Moistordamp pot holders onhot
Misuse of appliance surfaces maycause burnsfrom steam. Donot letpotholders
doors or drawers, such - touchhot heating elements. Donot usea towel or other bulky
applianceas a step stool _
as stepping, leaning or cloth.
sitting on the door or
possible tipping of the accumulate in or near the appliance, vent hoodor vent fan.
appliance, breakage of Clean hood frequentlyto prevent grease from accumulating
drawer, may result in J Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
door,and serious injuries, onhoodor filter.Whenflaming foodsunderthe hood turn the
fan off as the fan may spread the flame.
Use caution when wearing garments made of flammable
material to avoid clothing -,,,_ _,_
Always turn off surface element or the oven when cooking is fires. Loose fitting or long
completed, hanging-sleeved apparel
It is normal for some parts of the cooktop, especially areas cooking. Clothingmay ignite
surrounding the surface elements, to become warm or hot or catch utensil handles.
during surface cooking operations. Therefore, do not touch
the cooktop until it has had sufficient time to cool. If Always place oven racks inthe desired positionswhile oven
necessary,use drypot holdersto protect hands, is cool. Slide oven rack out to add or remove food; avoid
Do notcook on a broken ceramic glass cooktop. If cooktop is hot, use a dry pot holderand avoid touching hot element
should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may in oven.
penetrate the broken cooktopand create a risk of electric
shock. Contacta qualified technician immediately. Use care when opening the oven door.Let hotair or steam
Make sure drip bowls are in place. Absence of these bowls
during cooking may subject wiring or components
underneath to damage. PREPARED FOODWARNING: Followfood manufacturer's
Alwaysplaceapanonasurfaceelementbeforeturningiton: distorts, warps, or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
Be sure you know which knob controls which surface immediately discard the food and its container. The foo,4
element. Make sure the correct element isturned on. Begin could be contaminated.
should not be worn while
reaching into the oven. If a rack mustbe moved while oven
escape before removing or replacing food,
instructions, if a plasticfrozen food container and/orits cover

careto avoid steamburns ifa wet sponge orcloth isused to
wipe spills on a hot surface. Some cleaners can produce
Useproper pansize. This appliance is equipped with one or noxiousfumes ifapplied to a hot surface.
more surface elements of different sizes, Select utensils
having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface " Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements in
element.Theuse of undersizedutensilswill exposea portion water. Immersingelement in water would damage element
of the heating element to direct contact and may result in and insulating material insideelement.
ignitionof clothing. Properrelationshipof utensilto element
will also improve efficiency. Donot usealuminumfoil or foil liners to linedrip bowls,cover
an oven rack or line the ovenbottom. Improper useof these
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily liners may result in a risk of electric shock, or fire and may
graspedand stay cool Avoid usingunstable,warped, easily causeoventooverheat. Usefoilonlyasrecommended inthis
tipped or loose handled pans.Pans that are heavy to move booklet.
whenfilled with food may also be hazardous.
Be sure utensilis largeenough to properly containfood and
avoidboilovers. Pan size is particularly importantin deepfat
frying.Besurepan willaccommodate the volumeoffoodthat
is to be added as well asthe bubbleaction of fat. Clean only parts listed in this booklet. Do not clean door
gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good seal. Care
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials and should betaken notto rub,damage, or movethe gasket. Do
spillagedueto unintentionalcontactwith the utensil, do not not use ovencleaners or ovenliner protectivecoatingsofany
extend handles over j , kind in or around any part ofthe self-clean oven.
elements. Always turn T_ Before serf-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan, oven
panhandlestoward the racks, and other utensils, and wipeoff excessive spillovers
side or back of the " to prevent excessive smoke or flare ups. CAUTION: Do not
appliance, not out into leave food or cooking utensils, etc. in the oven during the
the room where they self-clean cycle.
are easily hit or
adjacent surface _
reached by small Onsome models,afan shouldbeheardduringthe self-clean
children, cycle. If not, cancel the clean cycle and call a qualified
technician before self-cleaning again. Refer to the Tableof
Never let a panboil dry asthis could damagethe utensiland Contents for location of self-clean instructions and for fan
the appliance, information, if equipped.
Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven
cooking bags. itisnormalfor thecooktop of the rangeto becomehotduring
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, cooktopduring a clean cycle.
earthenware or glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop or
oven usage without breaking due to the sudden change in
This appliancehas been tested for safe performanceusing
conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement
accessories that are not specifically recommended in this Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor of
manual. Donot use eyelid coversfor thesurface units, stove California to publish a listof substances knownto the State
top grills, or add-on oven convection systems. The use of of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
devicesor accessoriesthat arenot expresslyrecommended requires businesses to warn customers of potential
in this manual can create serious safety hazards, result in exposures to such substances. Users of this appliance are
performance problems, and reduce the life of the hereby warned that when the oven is engaged in the
components of theappliance, self-clean cycle, there may be some lowlevel exposure to
Turnoffall controlsand waitfor appliancepartsto coolbefore by opening the windows andJordoor inthe room where the
touchingor cleaningthem.Clean appliancewith caution. Use appliance.is located..
a self-clean cycle. Therefore, avoid touching or lifting the
some of the listed substances, including carbon monoxide.
Exposureto these substancescan beminimizedby properly
ventingthe oven to theoutdoors during the self-clean cycle

All indicatorwordsare displayed to showtheir location.Thetouch pads on your rangemay
not look like this illustrationbut theywill operate as described in this manual.
m m m STOP I]MER []
_ • ' ' 3 13 range will be labeled either
SET SAKE CLEAN COOK descnbed below.
Press this pad to cancel all programming except the clock 1. Press OVEN TEMP pad.
and timer. 2. Press the • Or• pad to set oven temperature.
Press or press and hold these pads to enter the desired time
or temperature or to select Hi or Lo broil.
1. Press TIMER pad.
2. Set desired time using the • and • pads.
Press or press and hold either pad to change the time by 1 1. Close and lock oven door.
minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes.
TIMER can be setfrom 1 minute (0 HR:01) up to 9 hours and 3. Oven will automatically clean for 3 hours. Or press the •
50 minutes (9 HR:50). or • pad to select 2 to 4 hours.
DELAYTIMEDBt_:E This pad will operate as
See pages 12 to 15 for additional information.
1. Press BROIL pad.
2. Press • or • pad to select Hi broil or Lo broil.
See page 19 for additional information.
2. Press CLEAN pad.
The timing operation will start automatically. Colon flashing "door" will appear in display until the door is properly locked.
in the display indicates a timing operation. One long See pages 21 and 22 for additional information.
continuous beep signals the end of the timing operation. The
time of day will automatically reappear in the display. The
TIMER does not control the oven.
To cancel: Press and hold TIMER pad. Time of day will 1. Press COOK TIME pad. Enter desired cooking time with
reappear after a slight delay, the • or • pad.
2. To delay the start of cooking: Press STOP TIME or OVEN
STOP pad. Enter time you wish the oven to turn off with
the • or • pad,
3. Press OVEN TEMP pad. Enter oven temperature with the
1. Press CLOCK pad. • or • pad.
2. Set the correct time of day using the • and • pads.
Tochangethetimebyoneminute, press either padence.To The oven will automatically turn on and off at the preset
change the time in increments of 10 minutes, press and times. Beeps will signal the end of cooking. Press CANCEL
hold either pad. for additional information.
When power isfirst supplied to the oven or ifthere has been
a power failure, the display will flash.
Press CLOCK pad to recall time of day when another ............ _
function is displayed. A beep sounds each time a pad is pressed. The oven will
Clock time cannot be changed when oven is set for a cook, automatically turn off if it is left on for 12 hours.If a fault code
timed bake, or self-clean operation. Cancel operation to set (example: F 2) is displayed and beeps sound, press
the clock. CANCEL pad. If fault code continues, see page 27.
pad to cancel end-of-cooking beeps. See pages 17 and 18

Yourcooktop is equippedwithcontrol knobsthat providean Use HIGH just until water comes to a boil or pressure is
infinitechoice ofsettings from LOWto HIGH.The knobcan reachedin the pressurecanner.Then, reduce tothe lowest
be set on or betweenany of the numbered settings, heat setting that maintains the boil or pressure. Prolonged
use of HIGH or the use of incorrect canning utensils will
Tooperatepushinandtumtheknobineitherdirectiontothe produce excessive heat. Excessive heat can cause
desiredsetting.An indicatorlightwill glowwhena surface permanentdamageto the porcelaincooktop,coilelement
elementisturnedon.The indicatorlightwillremainon until andthe dripbowl.See page9 for additionalinformation.
the elementisturnedoff.After a cookingoperation,besure
theelement and indicatorlightare off.
Cooking performanceis greatly affected by the type of
uselessenergyand producemoreevencookingresults.For
Topreventdamageto the rangeor utensil,neveroperate best resultsusea heavygaugemetalpanwitha smoothflat
surfaceunitwithoutapaninplace,neverallowa pantoboil bottom anda tightfittinglid.
dry andnever operatean elementon HIGH for extended
periodsoftime. Cookwarewithuneven,warped,or groovedbottomsdo not
make goodcontactwiththeheatingsurface,willreduceheat
Foodwillnotcookanyfasterata highersettingthanneeded conductivityand resultin slower,lesseven heating.
to maintain a gentle boil. Water boils at the same
temperaturewhetherboilinggentlyorvigorously.Ifa high Differenttypesofcookwarematerialsrequiredifferentheat
settingisused,excessivespatteringwilloccurandfoodmay based onheavygaugealuminumcookware.Lowertheheat
stickor burnontothe bottomofthe pan. settingifusinga thinnergaugemetalor othermaterials.
settingsforthe samecookingoperation.Thechart belowis
Ifa higherheatsettingis used tobring liquidto a boilorto Oversizedcookwareand cookwarethat restsacrosstwo
begincooking,alwaysreduceto alowersettingonceliquid elementsare not recommendedas they may trap enough
comesto a boilor food beginscooking.Never leave food heatto causedamage to the cooktoporelements.This is
unattended during a cooking operation, especiallyimportantwhencanning.
Fitthesizeof the cookwaretothe sizeofthe element.This Donotusewoksequippedwith roundmetalrings.The ring,
conserves energy, whichisdesigned to supportthe wok abovethe element,will
trap heat and may damagethe element and the cooktop.
Referto cookwaremanufacturer's recommendationsfor suggested heat settings.Some manufacturersdo notrecommend
the use of HIGH, or the use of HIGH for extended cooking operations.
HIGH To bring liquidto a boil, blanch,preheatskillet,;orreachpressurein a pressurecooker.
Always reduceto a lowerheatsettingwhen liquidsjustbeginto boilorfoodsbegintocook.
Medium-High Tobrownorsear meat; heatoilfor deepfat frying;scald;to sauteor fry.
7-9 Maintainfastboilfor largeamountsofliquids.
Medium To maintainmoderatetoslowboilforlargeamountsofliquids.
4-6 Tocontinue cookinguncovered foods and for mostfrying operations.
Medium-Low Tocontinuecookingcoveredfoodsand to maintain pressureinmostpressurecookers,
1-3 Stewlbraiseor steamoperations.
Tomaintainboilfor smallamountsofliquid,poach,steamor simmer,
LOW Tokeepfoodswarm beforeserving.Meltchocolate.

On Canadian models only: The surface units will not When cooking delicate foods which easily scorch oroperate durnga clean cycle.Th s s norma, overcook, start with a lower heat setting then gradually
your range are identified by HIGH, reduceto a lowersettingbefore liquidscometoa full
The four cooking areas on _/I/__ @ then reduceto the lowersetting. If you do begin cookingon
permanent patterns in the _/_ boil.
cooktop.There aretwo large
(8-inch) and two small ,\\\_i////. ._\1//_ Iffoodiscookingtoofastorifaboiloveroccurs, removelidor
(6-inch} areas. The patterns _ remove cookware from cooking area and reduce to a lower
onyourcooktop may notlook ";//tl_\'," _/1/_- setting.Allow enoughtime for the cooking areato adjustto
like the cooktop in this the newsetting.
illustration but your cooktop will operate as described in
this manual.
Beforeusingthe cooktopfor the firsttime, clean itthoroughly Aluminum foil will damagethe smoothtop ifit meltsontothe
as directed on the cleaning chart on page 24. This will glass. Do not use aluminum foil or foil-type disposable
protect the smoothtop and will guarantee a clean cooktop containers such as popcorn poppers under any
whentheelementsareturned on. circumstances. They may leave metal marks or may
During the first few hours of use, you may notice that the metal or aluminum foil melts onto the smoothtop. Call an
cooktopemits a slight burningodor and a light smoke. Both authorized servicer. Do not attempt to repair cooktop
ofthese conditions arenormal, yourself.
Whena cookingarea isturnedon, the coilelement underthe Aluminum ¢ookware will cause metal marks onthe glassif
cooktop will heat up and glow red. To maintain the heat you slide them across the smoothop. Remove any metal
settingthe element will cycle on and off. It is normal tosee a marks immediately using Cooktop Cleaning Creme.
increase the setting until you find the optimum-setting.
Believers are more likely to occur if you start out on HIGH
permanentlymeltonto thesmoothtop, Do not usecooktop if
red glow through the smoothtop when the element cycles Glass ceramic, earthenware, porcelain over metal,
on. heat-proof glass or glazed cookware may scratch the
smoothtopcooktopifyouslidethem acrossthe top.
Yourrange is equippedwith a HOT SURFACElight located
atthe center-back ofthe smoothtop. This red light will turn
onto indicate that the smoothtop is hotand will remain on • Do not usethe top asa worksurface oras acutting board.
untilthe top has cooled. Do notcook fooddirectly on the cooktop.
• Do not use a trivet or metal stand (such as a wok ring)
between the utensil and the cooktop. These items can
mark or etch the surface andaffect cooking efficiency,
The smoothtopcookingarea retainsheat for aperiod oftime • Do not placeplastics ona warmor hot cookingarea. They
afterthe elementhasbeen turned off.Turn the element off a will melt and adhere to the smoothtop. The smoothtop
few minutes before food is completelycooked and use the may chipor pitin attemptingtoremovemelted plasticfrom
retained heat to complete the cooking operation. After 30 the top.
minutes, the cooktop maybe too coot to keep foods warm. • Topreventscratchingor damagetothe smoothtop,do not
However,theTOPMAYSTILL BETOOWARMTO TOUCH. leave sugar,salt, sand, soil,shortening orotherfats onthe
Whenthe HOTSURFACE lightturns off,the top will be cool cooking area. Be sure area is free from these before
enoughto touch, turning on cooking area.
• Besure the bottom of the cookware issmooth and free of
nicks, scratchesor rough areas as they may scratch the
• Donot allowa pantoboil dry.This could cause permanent
damage to the smoothtop.

To help keep cooktop clean, be sure cooking area and When surface is cool, clean as directed in the chart on page
cookware bottom are clean and dry before each use. 24. DO NOT USE the following cleaning agents:
To prevent possible damagetothecooktop, always rinsethe • Abrasives (metal scouring pads, cleansing powders,
bottom of cookware to completely remove any cleaning scouring cleaners or pads) will scratch the smoothtop.
agent residue. This is especially important when using a • Chemicals (oven cleaners, chlorine bleaches, rust
copper or aluminum cleaner. In the presence of heat, the removers or ammonia) may damage the finish of the
cleaning residue may stain, discolor or etch the smoothtop, smoothtop.
• Glass cleaners containing ammonia may harm the
Carefully blot up spillovers around the outside of the cooking smoothtop.
area as they occur with dry paper towels. BE CAREFUL
NOT TO BURN HANDS WHEN WIPING UP SPILLS. DO ° Soiled cloth or sponge will leave an invisible film on the
NOT USE A DAMP CLOTH WHICH MAY CAUSE STEAM cooktop which may scratch or cause discoloration the
BURNS. next time the cooktop is used.
cracked, broken, or if metal melts onto the cooktop. Call boilovers. If a sugar solution (_uch as jam, jelly, candy) I
an authorized servicer. Do not attempt to repair the boils over, it may pitthe smoothtop. Turn element to LOW I
cooktop yourself, and clean sugary boilovers immediately. See page 24 for
I CAUTION: De not use coektop if the smoethtop is I IMPORTANT: Watch sugary selut'ens carefully to av0id I
complete cleaning instructions. I
Tinyscratches or Coarse patticles (dust, salt and Tinyscratches are notremovable and do notaffect cooking. In
abrasions sand) between cookware bottom time, thescratches will become smoother and less visible. Be
Meta!-marking Sliding or scraping metal utensils or Do not slide metal object across cooktop. When cool, clean
Brown streaks and Boilovers, incorrect cleaning Remove boilovers before reusing the cooktop. Use a clean
specks materials, used soiled cloth or cloth or sponge. Be sure cookware, especially bottoms, are
Areas of discoloration Mineral deposits from waterand UsecoOkwarewithbottoms thatare clean anddry. Usecorrect
with a metallic sheen foods, heat setting to prevent boilovers.
Pitting or flaking. Sugary boilovers from sugar syrups, Use correct heat setting and large enough utensil. Watch
and cooktop. Incorrect cleaning surecookware bottomsand cooktopare clean before use. Use
materials. Sliding glasswareor metal cookware with a smooth, non-scratching bottom. Donot slide
acrosstop or using cookware with cookware across cooktop.
rough bottoms.
oven racks across cooktop, with Cooktop Cleaning Creme.
sponge, soiled cookware, clean and dry.
candy,jams, jellies, dessert sauces, cooking operation to prevent boilovers or spattering.