DE Es gibt wich tige Hinweise zur Sich erheit und Handhabung dieses Produkts sowie, sofern zutreffend, Sic herheitsinformationen zum Stolperschutz
und/oder zur Entsorgung von Batter ien, die du vor dem Ge brauch dieses Produkts lesen solltest. Die ge samten Hinweise in dei ner Sprache findest
du unter htt p://www.madcatz.com
FR I l existe d’importantes consignes de sécurité et des avertissements relatifs à ce produit ainsi que, selon le ca s, des informations su r le système de
déblocage et /ou sur le positionnem ent des piles à lire i mpérativement avant d’u tiliser le produit. Vous trouverez le texte comp let de ces avertissements dans v otre langue sur le sit e : http://www.madcatz.com
IT Ci sono impo rtanti istruzioni sull a sicurezza e avvertim enti in merito a questo prodotto e, quando ap plicabili, allo smalti mento sicuro delle bat terie
che dovresti leggere prima di util izzare il prodotto. Pe r i testi completi di q uesti avvertimenti nel la tua lingua, visita il sito
http://www.madca tz.com
ES Se inc luyen instrucciones y p recauciones importante s referentes a la segu ridad de este producto así como, si procede, al conector de la
desconexión de seguridad o a la ma nera de desechar las p ilas que deberías leer antes de usar este pro ducto. Para ver el tex to completo de estas
precauciones en tu idioma, visita la página web http://w ww.madcatz.com
DK Der er vigti ge sikkerhedsinformati oner og –advarsler kny ttet til dette produkt og, hvis disse følger med, inline-sikkerheds anordningen og/eller
korrekt udsm idning af batterier, som du b ør læse før brug af pr oduktet. For at læse di sse advarsler i fuld u dstrækning på dit spro g skal du besøge
websiden htt p://www.madcatz.com
SE D et finns viktiga produk tsäkerhetsinstruktione r och varningar för de nna produkt och, där så är tillämpligt, den i nbyggda utlösaren, och /eller
avfallshante ring för batterier som du bör läsa innan du använder denna produkt. Du kan läsa den fulls tändiga varningstexten på ditt språk genom a tt
besöka webbp latsen http://www.madcatz. com
PT Este p roduto inclui instruçõe s e avisos importantes sobre segurança e, se for o caso, a patilha de segurança e/ou com o deitar fora as pilhas gastas
que deve ler antes de começar a us ar este produto. Para obter o texto completo dos avisos no seu idio ma, visite o website
http://www.madca tz.com
NL Er zij n belangrijke productve iligheidsinstructies e n waarschuwingen voor dit product en, waar v an toepassing, de inli ne veiligheidsgrendel e n/of de
verwijdering van batterijen die je moet lezen voordat je gebruik maakt van dit product. Om de volledi ge tekst met waarschuw ingen in je eigen taal te
raadplegen, vragen we je de volgen de website te bezoeken : http://www.madcatz.com
NO Det fi nnes viktig infor masjon om produktsikke rhet og advarsler for dette produktet, kabelu tløseren og/eller avhe nding av batterier som du må lese
før du bruke r dette produktet. Du kan fi nne hele teksten i disse advarslene på ditt språk hvis du går inn på nettstedet
http://www.madca tz.com
PL P rzed podłaczeniem prod ucktu nalezy zapoznac sie z waznymi instrukc jami i ostrzezeniami do tyczacymi bezpieczenst wa uzytkowania produck tu
oraz działan ia wbudowanego zwalnia cza bezpieczenstwa i/l ub wymiany baterii (w z aleznosci od rodzaju k ontrolera). Pełny teks t ostrazen w polskiej
wersji jezyk owej znajduje sie pod adresem http://www.madcatz .com
CZ Predtí m, než zacnete používat tento produkt, byste si meli precíst duleži tá bezpecnostní upozor není a varování a/nebo pokyny ohledne likvida ce
baterií. Pln é znení techto varován í ve vašem jazyce nale znete na stránce http:/ /www.madcatz.com
HU Erre a termékre fontos biztonsági utasítások vonatkoznak, értelemsz er en a z biztonsági kioldómec hanizmusról és/vagy az elemenktol való meg-
szabadulás m ódjáról szólóak, amely eket használat elott é rdemes elolvasni. A fig yelmeztetések teljes s zövegét az ön nyelvén meg az alábbi címen
találhatja m eg: http://www.madcatz.com
FI Ennen kuin k äytät tuotetta, lue si tä koskevat turvallisu usohjeet ja varoitukset sekä johdon turvasalv an ja/tai paristojen k äyttöä ja hävittämistä
mahdollisest i koskevat ohjeet. Suo menkieliset ohjeet ja varoitukset voi lukea k okonaisuudessaan osoit teessa http://www.madcatz .com
http://www.madca tz.com
ENGLISH Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard for Wii
Thank you for purchasin g the Mad Catz Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard for use with the Wii video game system. Be s ure to register your product online
at www.madcatz.com and check o ut our full line of other quality video game accessories.
Keyboard (1X)
Keyboard Strap (1X)
AA Battery (3X)
USB Dongle (1X)
Before using Rock Band 3 (the “sof tware”) or the drum, g uitar, keyboard and/or microphone inten ded for use with the s oftware (each, a “cont roller”)
with the Wii Console, please read the Wii Console instru ction manual for safet y, health, and all other information and instructions regar ding the
proper use o f the Wii Console. For ease of reference, th e term “game” shall re fer collectively to th e software and any and all controllers.
All questions regarding the Wii Console should be directed to the m anufacturer.
CAUTION : Pl ease comply with ALL s afety warnings and ins tructions. Any changes or modifications to th e game or Wii Console t hat are not expressly
approved by Electronic Arts, Harmo nix Music Systems or t he applicable Wii Cons ole manufacturer could void the user’s authority to use and operate
the game and will void all game an d hardware warranties. Neither Electronic A rts nor its licensors will be liable for any injuries or damage res ulting
from the imp roper or unauthorized use of this game.
WARNING: NO CHILD UNDER 36 MONTHS OF AGE SHOULD USE OR PLAY WITH THE GAME. Controll ers should be kept out of reach of young chi ldren
at all times. Controlle rs are suitable and intended only for use by adults and, if they are under strict adult s upervision, for children who are at least 12
years of age.
CAUTION: Controllers mu st be handled and used with care to avoid in jury. Controllers are to be used only where sufficient space is available to prevent
injury (by contact with any controller or other player) or damage ( including to personal property). Care must be taken to never place fingers under the
keyboard during use. Th ere is a potential risk of epileptic attacks that may be caused by video games.
Important Information a bout Safety and the Proper Care and operatio ns of controllers:
• Do not modify, disassemble or attempt to open any controller.
• Do not expose any contr oller to extreme conditions, including direc t sunlight or excessive humidity.
• Do not expose any contr oller to liquids.
• If cleaning is necessar y, use a dry cloth to clean the affected area. Never use chemicals.
• If a controller causes interference to radio or television receptio n, (you can determine this by turning the con troller off and on), the user is
encouraged to try to co rrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:
(1) reorient or relocate the co ntroller’s receiving antenna, if app licable; and/or
(2) increase the separation bet ween the controller and the game console.