Congratulations!! You have purchased the ultimate game enhancer for the
®2 that will provide you with everything that you need to beat the
game!! To get the most out of your GAmeShark, please visit us at to register your GameShark and receive all of the benefits
of being a member and to get all of the hottest codes for the latest games!!!
®2 Version 4 is the newly updated incredible all-in-one gaming solution
for your PlayStation
®2. It’s more technologically advanced than any other game
enhancer on the market today.
®2 Version 4 now allows you to connect USB keyboards directly to your
2, making navagation and new game/cheat navagation more efficient.
Unleash the power of GameShark
®2 Version 4 to beat even the toughest games,
quickly and easily. Access all areas, skip difficult levels, unlock secret characters
and vehicles, and supply your game character with infinite lives, health, bullets, all
weapons and items. These are just a small sample of the many codes that are now
available to you, all thanks to Lik, Skraps andthe other expert code creation staff at
Your GameShark
®2 Version 4 comes packed with thousands of pre-loaded codes
for almost every PlayStation
®2 game. Even better, your GameShark®2 Version 4
will never become out of date – we’ll provide you with powerful codes for brand
new PlayStation
®2 games as soon as they’re released. Just visit our website at
And there’s more. The sophisticated Memory Card Manager allows you take full
control of your PlayStation
®2 game saves, and free up loads more space on any of
your memory cards by "compressing" your game save files. There are also over
250 pre-loaded Game Saves that can be downloaded onto your PS2 memory card
(not provided), allowing you to progress even further on those hard-to-beat titles.
®2 Version 4 is fully compatible with the PS2 SharkPort and USB link
cable. Purchasing PS2 SharkPort allows you to organize your Saves and Cheats
on your PC with ease. The PS2 SharkPort also helps you keep up to date with the
latest games by downloading updates from the Web and quickly updating your
®2 Version 4 with the latest Cheats and Game Saves.
Take your gaming to a higher level with GameShark
®2 Version 4!
1) Getting Started
Quickly get started with the simple steps below:
1. Insert a game controller into Controller Port 1 or plug a USB keyboard into one
of the USB ports on your PlayStation®2 console
2. Firmly insert a PlayStation
®2 memory card into memory card slot 1(only necessary
when using codes you have entered yourself, not provided in the pre-existing
code list).
3. Turn on your PlayStation
®2 console at the rear and press the reset button.
4. Open the drive tray on your console and insert the GameShark
®2 Version 4 disc.