Macromedia LiveCycle - ES 8.0 Getting Started

Getting Started with Form Guides
July 2007
Adobe® LiveCycle® ES
Version 8.0
© 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
® LiveCycle® ES 8.0 Getting Started with Form Guides for Microsoft® Windows®
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About This Document.................................................................................................................. 4
Who should read this document? ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Additional information................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1 About Form Guides...................................................................................................................... 6
2 Creating, Rendering, and Deploying Form Guides................................................................... 9
Creating form guides ..................................................................................................................................................................10
Rendering form guides ..............................................................................................................................................................10
Deploying form guides ..............................................................................................................................................................10
3 Walking Through Creating a New Form Guide........................................................................ 11
Getting started ..............................................................................................................................................................................11
Step 1: Starting Guide Builder..................................................................................................................................................12
Step 2: Creating the form guide structure ..........................................................................................................................14
Linking field captions ...........................................................................................................................................................15
Step 3: Previewing your form guide......................................................................................................................................16
Step 4: Customizing your form guide...................................................................................................................................17
Form guide and panel layouts ..........................................................................................................................................17
Form guide properties .........................................................................................................................................................17
Panel properties and display rules...................................................................................................................................18
Visual appearance..................................................................................................................................................................18
Step 5: Saving your form guide...............................................................................................................................................19
Next steps........................................................................................................................................................................................19
4 Using a Form Guide in Workspace ES....................................................................................... 20
Getting started ..............................................................................................................................................................................20
Adding your form design and assets to the repository ...........................................................................................20
Creating a new process to deploy a form guide ...............................................................................................................21
Drawing a process diagram .........................................................................................................................................21
Creating an xfaForm variable ............................................................................................................................................22
Updating your process to use the xfaForm variable.................................................................................................23
Activating your process.......................................................................................................................................................24
Deploying a process to Workspace ES using Archive Administration ......................................................................24
Testing in Workspace ES ............................................................................................................................................................25
Next steps........................................................................................................................................................................................25
5 Customizing Form Guides Using Flex Builder ......................................................................... 26
Index ...........................................................................................................................................27

About This Document

Welcome to Getting Started with Form Guides. This document introduces you to form guides, an alternative view of a form that guides users through the form-filling process step by step. It provides high-level information about these topics:
What form guides are
Overview of how to create, render, and deploy form guides
A walk-through of creating a simple form guide based on a form design
A walk-through of deploying a form guide to Adobe® LiveCycle® Workspace ES
Overview of the process for customizing form guides

Who should read this document?

This document is intended for anyone who is interested in learning about form guides. Although no previous knowledge is assumed, you should have an understanding of Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES, Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES, Workspace ES, and Adobe LiveCycle ES (Enterprise Suite).

Additional information

Adobe has a wide variety of resources about form guides, targeted at a variety of audiences.
Adobe LiveCycle ES About This Document
Getting Started with Form Guides Additional information 5
To view these resources, go to the location specified in the See column in the following table.
For information about See
Detailed information about creating and editing form guides using Guide Builder.
Customizing form guide layouts and components using Adobe Flex™ Builder™
The ActionScript™ classes and properties included with LiveCycle ES.
Rendering and deploying form guides using processes created in Workbench ES.
Rendering a form guide using the Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES API.
LiveCycle Designer ES Help, available within Designer ES]
Customizing Form Guides, available at
LiveCycle ES ActionScript Language, available at
LiveCycle Workbench ES Help, available within Workbench ES
Developing Applications Using LiveCycle ES APIs, available at
Detailed information about the classes and methods included with LiveCycle ES.
LiveCycle ES Java API Reference, available at
LiveCycle ES terminology LiveCycle ES Glossary, available at
Other services and products that integrate with
LiveCycle ES
Patch updates, technical notes, and additional information on this product version ex.html

About Form Guides

Form guides are an alternative view of a form that guides users through the form-filling process step by step. Form guides are based on the Adobe Flash® technology. To create form guides, form authors build on an existing form design to provide a more visually appealing and streamlined method of capturing form data. The enhanced interface can help reduce data entry errors through improved usability by simplifying the amount of information presented to a form filler at a given time.
Along with the form guide you can also provide an Adobe PDF rendition of the form. The PDF often provides the contract or document of record of the transaction, which is useful for saving locally, printing, and archiving. In addition, if a digital signature is required, users sign the PDF and not the form guide.
Each form guide is a collection of layouts, sections, panels, and controls that together provide an alternative interface of a form for users to view and fill. For example, the following images show a form and a form guide that are used to collect information for an accident claim. The original form uses a more traditional layout that is consistent with a printed form, whereas the form guide uses a layout similar to those used for content on a website.
Adobe LiveCycle ES About Form Guides
Getting Started with Form Guides 7
Original form
Form guide based on the original form
Form guides provide form authors with various ways to customize and present forms to users. For example, form authors can use form guides to group required data into logical groups called sections. Form authors select a form guide layout that defines the presentation of sections and dictates how users navigate between sections. Each section is composed of one or more panels that contain a set of fields from the original form and any form guide navigational controls, such as Previous or Next buttons. The form guide then steps users through data entry by section. In each section, form authors can display help text or video to provide assistance to users with filling the fields in that section. Form authors can also set rules to control the display of optional sections based on user-entered data. When the form guide is completed, users can submit their form, either electronically or by printing a paper copy, according to the submission method defined by the form guide.
In addition to the presentation enhancements that form authors can implement, form authors can import existing cascading style sheet (CSS) files to assist in creating a form guide appearance that is consistent with existing materials.
Adobe LiveCycle ES About Form Guides
Getting Started with Form Guides 8
Each form guide is derived from a form, and data collected in a form guide automatically passes through to the form itself. Therefore, most scripts, validations, and other business logic on your form will continue to function on a form guide. For detailed information about form guide scripting support, see LiveCycle Designer ES Help.

Creating, Rendering, and Deploying Form Guides

Form guides are integrated throughout LiveCycle ES. The process of creating, rendering, and deploying form guides involves various LiveCycle ES solution components as well as various skill sets. The image below illustrates the general process of creating, rendering, and deploying form guides as part of a LiveCycle ES solution. This process involves these tasks in the order shown:
1. Form authors create a form guide based on an existing form design by using Guide Builder in Designer ES.
2. After a form guide is created, a developer creates a new process in Workbench ES that includes a call to Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES to render the form design as a form guide (SWF file).
3. Using Workspace ES, the rendered form guide is made available to end users to view, fill, and submit.
Adobe LiveCycle
Workspace ES
Form Design
Guide Builder
Form Guide
Create a new process
Render form guides
Adobe LiveCycle
Forms ES
Users view and
ll forms
in browser
Note: You can also deploy form guides by creating a custom Java™ or web services application that calls
the API for Forms ES to render a form guide. See Deploying form guides
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