Macromedia Contribute - CS3 User Guide

© 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Adobe® Contribute® CS3 Deploying Contribute and Contribute Publishing Ser ver
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Chapter 1: Overview
Understanding Contribute user management models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Common website configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Deployment roles and responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Deployment tasks checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 2: Setting up your Contribute Server Environment
Preparing your web server before you deploy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Planning your Contribute site structure and connection path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Installing Contribute and creating an administrative connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Installing Contribute Publishing Server (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 3: Configuring Contribute
Configuring Contribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Configuring Contribute Publishing Server (CPS only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Enabling Contribute websites to work with CPS (CPS only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Adding users to your website (CPS only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Deploying Contribute and website connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Deploying Contribute across an organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Chapter 1: Overview

Adobe® Contribute® CS3 is a website editor that lets people connect to departmental and other websites so that they can update web page content. Administrative assistants, product managers, human resource managers, and other people in an organization can use Contribute to update their team website without having to contact a web team or other departmental resources.
For larger organizations, you can optionally use Adobe® Contribute® Publishing Server (CPS) with Contribute. CPS is a user management and publishing solution that lets Contribute administrators manage large groups of Contribute users and monitor what those users do on the website.
This chapter, intended for website administrators and IT professionals, gives you valuable information you need before you deploy Contribute, and optionally CPS, in an organization. It explains the Contribute user management models for using Contribute alone or with CPS, shows scenarios for setting up Contribute in a variety of IT environ­ments, and lists the people and the various tasks involved in successfully deploying Contribute.
“Understanding Contribute user management models” on page 1
“Common website configurations” on page 4
“Deployment roles and responsibilities” on page 8
“Deployment tasks checklist” on page 9

Understanding Contribute user management models

User management lets you add and remove user access to websites and create user roles that restrict editing privi­leges in a site. User management also provides a mechanism that lets users easily connect to a website.
Contribute has two user management models: manual site connections using Contribute only and managed site connections using Contribute plus the CPS User Directory service.
Manual connections let you communicate connection information to users, who then create their own connections,
either by entering connection information in the Connection Wizard or by importing a connection-key file that you give them.
This user model works best for smaller workgroups and organizations. It allows you to quickly set up Contribute, create a connection to your website, define the necessary user roles, generate connection information for the website connection and user role, and send the information to users in the form of a connection-key file.
Managed connections lets you use CPS to integrate Contribute with your organization’s LDAP or Active Directory
services, letting you add and remove user access to a website and modify user roles without having to resend connection-key files to users. You can also create a file-based database, using an XML file to manually enter user names and passwords.
CPS is intended for larger organizations that have several Contribute users to manage. CPS lets you add and remove users from websites and roles without having to resend connection information. When you create a connection to a website that uses CPS, you add users to a list that grants access to a given website and user role. When users access the website, CPS prompts them for a user name and password. After they enter their user name and password, they are granted access to the website and the role you’ve assigned to them.
User Guide
To use CPS, you must have a J2EE application server such as Adobe® JRun™ 4 installed. To learn about other CPS functionality, see “Using Contribute Publishing Server with Contribute” on page 2. For more information about getting CPS for your organization, see the CPS website at

Using Contribute Publishing Server with Contribute

Using Contribute Publishing Server (CPS) with Contribute creates a powerful solution for managing and maintaining your website.
CPS is a J2EE-based server application that lets you centrally manage large groups of Contribute users. CPS includes the following services:
User Directory service is a user management solution that lets you integrate Contribute with your organization’s
user directory to easily manage and authenticate users.
E-mail Notification service lets you automatically notify users about changes to web pages in the draft review
Log service lets you monitor website activity so that you can easily troubleshoot problems.
CPS also has two other services that you can extend to meet your needs or use as they are:
Simple File Deployment service enables you to easily move files from a staging or testing server to a live server.
RSS Activity Feed service produces a syndication feed that lists changes that occur in any folder on your website.
The biggest advantage to using CPS is the ability to integrate your organization’s user directory services (such as LDAP or Active Directory) with Contribute. This gives you individual control over which user is granted access to a particular website and the role to which they are assigned.
Consider a large organization with several decentralized websites. In addition to a public-facing site that provides information about the organization, several internal sites are in use by individual departments and workgroups. The organization uses LDAP as both a directory service that lets users look up other employees as well as an authenti­cation service through which administrators set permissions that limit users’ access to file-sharing servers and other network resources.
Unlike sites that don’t use CPS to manage users, when a user logs in to a CPS website, the User Directory service retrieves the connection information associated with that user, and provides access to the sites that the adminis­trator assigned. By maintaining site connection information in the User Directory, administrators can add or remove access to websites without having to resend connection information.
This example provides a partial listing of employees from an organization’s user directory. The employees, their workgroup affiliations, and the sites they can access are listed in the following table:
User Workgroup Websites
John Lydon Product Management Sales, Production, Marketing
Malcolm McClaren Product Management Sales, Production, Marketing
Martin Atkins Marketing Marketing
Keith Levine Sales Sales
John Savage Production Production
Laura Logic Web Design Sales, Production, Marketing
Jah Wobble Contribute Administrator Sales, Production, Marketing
User Guide
Although this user list is oversimplified, it demonstrates one possible scenario for the way that users within an organization might be assigned access to websites. This scenario divides users according to their role within the organization, and assumes that they have full editing and publishing privileges in their respective sites. Certain users have access to all the sites. For example, the product managers, John Lydon and Malcolm McClaren, work with all the teams in developing and launching products, and need to contribute to all the sites.
Likewise, web designer Laura Logic and Contribute administrator Jah Wobble have access to all sites. As the web designer, Laura provides templates that are easy to add content to and that fit the needs of users collaborating inter­nally. The templates she maintains include those for taking meeting minutes, for scheduling, and for providing product specifications, marketing launch plans, and sales projections, to name a few. Laura also collaborates with Jah Wobble, the Contribute administrator, to help determine the editing and publishing privileges for individual users and roles.
CPS integrates with the organization’s LDAP service, which authenticates user access to various network resources. In this case, the LDAP authentication is the first step in granting access to websites hosted on various servers within the organization. The Contribute roles further define user privileges in a website, determining the degree to which users can modify pages in the site.
User Guide

Common website configurations

Before you deploy Contribute, consider various scenarios for setting up Contribute for large or multi-team organi­zations.
This section describes three primary configurations for you to consider as you set up a Contribute site.
Single website on one webserver Typically, this is a website where users have read access to the root of the site
and read/write access to specific folders in the site as controlled by the file server or network permissions. There is a single root folder and all users access the site by using the same Contribute connection. If this applies to your site, see “Deploying Contribute for a single website with one web server” on page 4.
Multiple websites on one webserver This structure has a single root folder. The root folder contains folders for
each section or organizational function in the website. Contribute roles are used to control user access to particular folders on the site and to assign a subset of the common templates used on the site. Although not required, file server permissions are usually used in addition to Contribute roles to restrict user access to sections of a site. If this applies to your site, see “Deploying Contribute for multiple websites on one web server” on page 5.
Website on a staging server and a live server Many websites use a staging web server with their production web
server. Staging servers let you create and test web content without making it live on your public-facing website. Only when content has been approved are web pages and their associated files copied from the staging to the production web server. When used with Contribute, a staging server adds an extra measure of security because you can configure your staging server so that Contribute specific files (such as administrative folders, rollback files, and interim drafts) are not copied to the publicly accessible website outside your network firewall. For more infor­mation, see “Deploying Contribute to a staging server and a live server” on page 6.
Depending on how your website is structured, use separate strategies to successfully set up Contribute for multiple users and groups. Specifically, consider where to store the Contribute shared settings file, how to prevent overlapping connection paths, and how you’ll send connections to users.

Deploying Contribute for a single website with one web server

In this example, Contribute is deployed to a simple intranet consisting of a single web server hosting a departmental website. The website has a single, common root folder with subfolders for individual departments. The site uses Dreamweaver templates and CSS styles to enforce the look and feel of the website and SSIs to maintain page elements such as navigation menus, headers, and footers.
The key to this arrangement is that all users have the same Contribute site connection. In other words, a single connection point for all users controls the behavior of Contribute when editing the website. To restrict users to editing content in their workgroup’s folder, you would need to create a role that limits access to a specific folder.
An advantage to this type of C ontribute deployment is that users in al l departments c an co llaborate by sendin g pages for review to one another. If separate connections had been created for each department (as in the example “Deploying Contribute for multiple websites on one web server” on page 5), then only the users with access to that folder could receive and edit drafts sent to them for review.
User Guide
It is important that the Templates folder, which is located at the same level as the Contribute shared settings folder (_mm), is accessible by all users, and the site’s CSS (CSS folder), and server side includes (SSI folder) are protected by role settings that restrict access to those folders. Web pages and associated files stored in these folders cannot be edited using Contribute, preventing them from being inadvertently modified or damaged. To restrict users to editing content in their workgroup’s folder, create a role that limits access to a specific folder.

Deploying Contribute for multiple websites on one web server

This scenario has several departmental intranet sites, each of which needs access restricted to members of the given department. To accomplish this, the administrator creates a separate Contribute connection for each department’s folder in the website (to essentially create subsites). In addition, each department has its own set of Dreamweaver templates on which to base new pages.
When connecting users to their respective sites, the administrator creates and distributes a connection key for each website connection.
In this scenario, three administrator connections are created. The site administrators create a connection to their department’s section of the website (for example, /myIntranet/sales). Additional roles can be created to define any restrictions for users in the site (for example, to specific subfolders in the Sales folder or to set editing options).
User Guide
Users can browse the entire site but are restricted to editing in their department’s folder. By restricting user’s editing privileges to their department’s web pages, each group can maintain control over their web content and can act more independently with the content they make available to the entire organization. A potential drawback to this arrangement is that users in different departments cannot collaborate on pages. Each department must work independently.

Deploying Contribute to a staging server and a live server

Many organizations use a staging web server with their production web server. A staging server lets you create websites on a non-production web server, so you can generate and test content without making it live on your organization’s public website. The use of a staging server also lets you maintain an automatic backup copy of all your website content.
In regard to Contribute, the use of a staging server lets you copy only folders and files that you specify as necessary for your website. This enables you to use Contribute to update web content on the staging server, but only publish the necessary web pages to your production web server for public access.
By configuring Contribute to work with content on your staging server, you can provide an extra measure of security by not copying Contribute’s administrative files and folders to your production server. This also lets you eliminate the presence of unnecessary files from a server with public access.
User Guide
To use Contribute with a staging server, you create a connection to the staging server’s website. Users can update content on the staging server. Any temporary drafts that are created during the review process, or drafts of files that are in the process of being updated, but not yet published to the website, remain on the staging server, protected by your network’s firewall.
When using a staging server, configure the software you use to copy web pages and related files from the staging to the production server to not copy the following folders and the files they contain:
_mm contains Contribute administrative files and the messaging folders used to notify users when they have a draft
that requires their attention.
_baks archives rollback copies of files.
_notes contains design notes. These files record information about who last published a given page, and other
MMWIP contains drafts of pages that have been sent for review but have not yet been published to the site.
Keeping these folders, and the files that Contribute stores inside them, off your production website provides an additional level of security. Although every effort has been made to make these folders and their files secure, the best security measure is to keep them on a server protected by your network’s firewall. In addition, consider using access control lists (ACLs) to secure these folders further by restricting access to network addresses in your organization’s network.
User Guide

Deployment roles and responsibilities

After you understand how Contribute fits into your organization, it’s important to understand the various roles involved in deploying Contribute.
As a system or website administrator, you play a large part in deploying Contribute. The deployment responsibilities include the following tasks (for a complete list, see “Deployment tasks checklist” on page 9):
Installing the Contribute software.
Creating connections to websites that users of Contribute can access.
Defining roles (a collection of privileges that you assign to specific users).
Installing Contribute on individual computers throughout your organization.
(Optional) Integrating Contribute with Contribute Publishing Server (CPS).
The size of your organization and the job roles associated with your organization’s websites determine who assumes responsibility for deployment. A single system administrator may be responsible for all deployment, or other members of the organization’s web team or IT staff may be involved.
If you are a system administrator, this might be your first time to work with web pages and web content. Your role as a system administrator may intersect with the role of web designer.
The following table describes the function of each role that relates to Contribute:
Role Function
Contribute administrator Responsible for installing Contribute, setting up user roles and privileges, and
System administrator Maintains web servers and web server access. This role often overlaps with that of
Web designer Designs websites, determining their look and feel, and creates and maintains the
Web developer Develops web-based applications, such as for absence reporting and financial
Contribute user Contribute users range widely in their job tasks and computer experience. What
determining the degree to which users can access and update websites.
Contribute administrators are often members of an organization’s IT staff, respon­sible for maintaining server and network infrastructure, managing user and file permissions across an organization’s network.
the Contribute administrator and may be handled by the same person in smaller organizations.
site’s content.
reporting, distributed to users over the web.
they have is common is the need to update web page content quickly and easily. Using Contribute, they can easily connect to a website and safely update its content without inadvertently introducing malfunctions.
These roles vary from organization to organization. In smaller organizations and workgroups, a single person may handle the job of administering Contribute and determining the design of the website. Larger workgroups and departments may have a team of people involved in maintaining their website.

Deployment tasks checklist

The following table describes the tasks you need to perform to successfully deploy Contribute.
Task Description
User Guide
Configure network and server permissions
Plan your site structure and connection path
Install Contribute and create an administrative website connection
Install Contribute Publishing Server (CPS) (optional)
Configure Contribute settings and roles
Ensure that the network and server permissions allow read, write, and modify access so that Contribute users can connect to the site and update pages.
For more information, see “Preparing your web server before you deploy” on page 11.
Plan your site structure, including considerations for subsites or multiple connec­tions, and determine your connection path.
For more information, see “Planning your Contribute site structure and connec­tion path” on page 15.
Install Contribute on the computer from which you’ll administer the site, create a connection to the website by using Contribute, and establish yourself as the Contribute administrator for the site.
To learn more about creating an administrative connection, see “Installing Contribute and creating an administrative connection” on page 21.
CPS is a suite of Java server applications that lets you integrate Contribute with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Active Directory services, and implement e-mail notifications to keep Contribute users informed about the status of their drafts in progress.
To use CPS, you must install and configure the server on a Java application server.
For more information, see “Installing Contribute Publishing Server (Optional)” on page 23
Configure the administrative settings so that Contribute works more efficiently with your website and create Contribute roles based on the privileges and restric­tions you want to place on a user’s ability to access and edit pages in the site.
For more information, see “Configuring Contribute” on page 31.
Configure CPS user direc­tory service (optional)
Configure the Log and E­mail services (optional)
If you use CPS, configure the User Directory service: you must specify the user directory type, and either configure CPS to access your LDAP or Active Directory server, or enter user information into a file-based database. You can also configure other CPS services now, or you can do it later.
For more information, see “Configuring Contribute Publishing Server (CPS only)” on page 37.
Configure the log file and e-mail settings that CPS should use. You can configure these CPS services now, or you can do it later.
For more information, see “Configuring Contribute Publishing Server (CPS only)” on page 37.
Task Description
User Guide
Enable your website to work with CPS (optional)
Add users to the website In Contribute, add users to the website.
Deploy Contribute to your user base
If you use CPS, you must enable your website to work with the server.
For more information, see “Enabling Contribute websites to work with CPS (CPS only)” on page 42.
For more information, see “Adding users to your website (CPS only)” on page 44.
Deploy Contribute to your users, and send them website connection information so they can access the website.
To learn more about distributing website connections, see “Deploying Contribute and website connections” on page 46.
In addition to the basic tasks described in the preceding table, you can further enhance your website by designing it to be more easily maintainable or by adding additional functionality by using CPS.

Chapter 2: Setting up your Contribute Server Environment

After you have given some consideration to what is involved in deploying Adobe® Contribute® and Contribute Publishing Server (CPS), you are ready to begin. First you need to prepare your network, then you can install the software.
“Preparing your web server before you deploy” on page 11
“Planning your Contribute site structure and connection path” on page 15
“Installing Contribute and creating an administrative connection” on page 21
“Installing Contribute Publishing Server (Optional)” on page 23

Preparing your web server before you deploy

Before you actually install Contribute and roll it out, consider how Contribute will affect your network and prepare for it by setting permissions, access, and securing special files and folders on your web server.

Understanding network and server permissions

Contribute is unique in that it allows editing of web pages directly on the server hosting your website. This level of server access makes network permissions and access control especially important.
There are at least three levels of permissions for every Contribute site:
Permissions defined by the network operating system (for instance, Windows or UNIX® server software)
Permissions defined by the web server software
Roles you define in Contribute
Network permissions can be set in several ways through a variety of systems. Contribute always adheres to the network permissions for read and write access to folders. It also obeys permissions set through LDAP and similar systems. Contribute can never overwrite any server- or network-level permissions.
Note: The server’s network and operating system permissions, and the web server software’s permissions, always take precedence over Contribute permissions.
Whenever you provide access to a web server, take precautions to ensure that the operating system of the server hosting the site, as well as the web server software itself (and the FTP server, if you are using FTP), are secure. For the best practices related to securing your website from accidental and malicious tampering, see the documentation provided with your server’s operating system, FTP, and web server software.
Note: You can set folder permissions to allow a user or group of users to modify a folder and later define more restrictive folder- or file-editing options when you define the Contribute user roles.
User Guide

Understanding server access for connecting to CPS-managed websites

As an administrator, you should require that users enter their own account username and password to log in when they use FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV to connect to a website managed by CPS. This is a best practice and the default option. The alternative is to use a shared FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV account for a website connection managed by CPS.
Requiring users to log in with their own account username and password provides an extra layer of security. When you share a website connection that uses a shared account, the username and password for the shared account are stored on the machine where CPS is installed. The password is stored as a hash of the password in a non-browsable folder, and you can restrict access to this folder. However, the password could be at risk if it is not a strong password. Therefore, it is recommended that you not use shared account information for any CPS website connection, but that you require users to log in with their own account information.
If you require users to log in with their own account information, CPS prompts them for a username and password. You can improve the user experience by creating FTP, SFTP, or WedDAV accounts tied to your user directory service so that users do not have to know or remember another password. If the CPS login is also tied to your user directory service, CPS can automatically reuse the user’s CPS login information to open the connection and does not prompt for a second password for connection information. The user also can have Contribute remember the account username and password for future use.
As an administrator for a website managed by CPS, you can view or modify FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV settings by editing the connection.
For more information about editing website connections, see Contribute Help.

Restricting access to administrative folders and special file types

Access to administrative folders and special file types is restricted as a security measure.
When you create a site connection, Contribute creates special files that are stored in folders whose names begin with an underscore (such as _mm, _baks, and _notes). These folders may contain files with user names, e-mail addresses, previous versions of web pages, and other types of meta information used by Contribute. The underscore allows Dreamweaver from Adobe and Contribute to distinguish between those folders and the other folders in your site.
Contribute and Dreamweaver use this naming convention to filter these special files and prevent them from appearing in the Dreamweaver Site panel and in the Contribute Remote File Browser. These hidden folders can’t be browsed, overwritten, or inadvertently altered by users. Additionally, some search engines and automated programs are designed not to return pages found in folders whose names begin with an underscore.
To ensure that these folders and files remain protected, review the configuration of your web server software and make certain that you block HTTP access to folders whose names begin with an underscore (_mm, _baks, and _notes), the MMWIP folder, and files identified by the file extensions .lck, .mno, .bak, .lbi, .csi, and .dwt.
In particular, you might want to block HTTP access to the MMWIP folder. The MMWIP folder contains interim drafts of files (works in progress) that you might want to protect. Adobe recommends that you restrict access to the MMWIP folder so that only members of your organization can browse files in that folder.
Note: In addition to using the computer’s operating system and web server software configuration settings, you might consider using a third-party URL scanner to block HTTP access to secure these files and folders.
Apache web servers
If your website uses Apache, you can explicitly disable browsing folders and files that begin with an underscore. If you kn ow how to m odi fy th e Apac he web serve r’s http d.c onf file and have p ermi ssion to d o so, you ca n us e th e Di rec ­toryMatch directive to prevent visitors from viewing any file in a folder beginning with an underscore.
User Guide
If you’re not sure how to edit the Apache httpd.conf file or don’t have permission to do so, ask your system admin­istrator or Internet service provider (ISP) to do it for you. To learn more about limiting access to files and folders, and other security issues relevant to the Apache web server, see the documentation supplied with your Apache distri­bution.
Microsoft IIS web servers
To prevent unauthorized users from accessing Contribute administrative folders under Microsoft IIS, use access control lists (ACLs) to prevent read access by unauthenticated users of the operating system as well as by clients connecting to IIS. When you use ACLs to restrict access, only properly authenticated users can view the contents of the Contribute administrative folder. Anonymous web clients, or other users with access to the server, cannot view the administrative folder and its contents.
Note: When setting permissions for Contribute administrative folders, ensure that Contribute has read/write access to the administrative folders and the files they contain. Contribute uses the settings in these files to enforce role settings of users connecting to the site.
In addition to securing the administrative folders using the operating system’s permissions and access control lists, consider using UrlScan to further secure IIS web servers. UrlScan is a security tool provided by Microsoft that screens incoming requests to the server by filtering the requests based on rules that you create. Filtering requests helps secure the server by ensuring that only valid requests are processed.
To learn more about the UrlScan utility, see the Microsoft website at
Other web servers
If you are using another vendor’s web server, refer to the documentation supplied with your web server software to learn how to prevent users from accessing specific folders and files.

Special files created by the draft review process

The draft review process enables you to send drafts to users for final approval before publishing pages to your site. When you enable the draft review process, Contribute creates a series of folders and files used in tracking pages as they make their way through the collaborative approval workflow. Although there are no site maintenance or planning tasks involved in enabling approvals for your website, be aware of the additional files and folders that Contribute creates to manage the workflow.
User Guide
The following figure shows an example of a file sent for review, and the files and folders that are created when you send a user of your website a page for review.
This figure shows the main folders and files that are created when you enable the draft review process for a given site and a user sends a page for review. The following folders are created:
_mm/ct2004/messaging/users contains a folder for each user for whom the draft review process is enabled. Each
user folder is populated with a series of XML files that identify what drafts the user has in the system. In the previous example, the file notifyWIP.jr615v2v4p.csi indicates that notification has been sent to one or more users that there is a page that needs review.
User Guide
WIPMetaData contains a series of files that maintain the draft history and the current state and location of the draft
in the draft review process. The files contained in this folder include an XML file (wipMeta.mje1d0lzk4vxc.csi in this example) that serves as a pointer to files in the draft review process and also include contact information for the sender and recipient of the draft. A corresponding file with the extension .fre indicates that the file is free (available for review).
MMWIP stores drafts in progress. For each file in the draft review process, a random folder name and filename are
generated. In the preceding example, the actual filename is myPage.htm. Contribute generates the folder name 8eba150d and the filename 3629c837.htm.mno to represent the file as it progresses through the draft review process.
When the recipient of the page requiring review chooses to view it, Contribute creates a LCK (lock) file for the page in the website, and a CHK (checkout) file in the WIPMetaData folder. These files indicate that the file is in use by the recipient and tracks changes made to the file.
The filename extensions (.mno and .csi) used by the draft review process help to prevent interim drafts of web pages and their associated XML messaging files from being served by your web server. This helps to prevent users from inadvertently sending a link to a draft of a file or from using a web browser to view files in the draft review process. In addition, Contribute places a guard page in each of the folders used to store files for review. The guard page (labeled index.html in the previous example) redirects users to the website’s home page.

Planning your Contribute site structure and connection path

The connection you create to a website with Contribute determines the network protocol to use when accessing the site, the web address (URL) of the site, and the degree to which the site’s structure is accessible to content contrib­utors. Before creating a connection to a website, carefully consider how users will access the site and what areas of the site they must access.

Understanding Contribute connection paths

A Contribute website is defined when you create an administrative connection and select the website folder to connect to. All folders from the folder you connect to and below make up the Contribute site.
As the administrator, you can establish a connection to the root folder in a website if you need access to all the folders in that site. Or, you can establish a connection to a lower-level folder, depending on the access you and your users require.
Adobe recommends that you create a connection at the root of your website (, for example), and use the Contribute Permissions settings to limit user access to specific folders in the site.
As an alternative to creating one website connection for all your users, you can create separate connections for different parts of the website. For example:
It is also possible to create overlapping connection paths. This occurs when you create a website connection to a folder, and then create another website connection at a lower level, to a folder that is contained in the first website connection. For example:
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