Macromedia Contribute is the easiest way for anyone to update,
add, and publish content to existing websites without knowing
HTML. It enables you to easily browse to any page on your
website, edit page content, and publish the changes immediately.
Whether you’re using Contribute to update web pages or to
manage an entire website, you’ll find Contribute an incredibly
easy and powerful tool to use. Macromedia Contribute empowers
organizations and individuals to publish information to websites
quickly and easily, without having to learn complicated authoring
tools and technologies.
Macromedia Contribute works with all HTML websites, including
those built using Macromedia
Dreamweaver®, Microsoft
FrontPage®, or other web-design tools.
What you can do with Contribute:
With Contribute, you can:
• Quickly update text and images,
publish new content, and add new
pages to any existing HTML website
• Collaborate with others to update
and publish content on your
organization’s or team’s website
• Update content offline, then publish
when you reconnect to the Internet
• Link to any document and post it to
your website—including Microsoft
Office documents, PDFs, and images
• And much more
If you’re familiar with browsing the web and using a word processor to edit
documents, then you have all the skills and experience needed to start using
Contribute. This Quick Start guide will get you connected to your website, and
introduce you to some of the things you can do with Contribute.
Copyright 2002 Macromedia, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Macromedia, the Macromedia logo, Contribute,
and Dreamweaver are trademarks or registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. in the United States and/or other
countries. Other marks are the properties of their respective owners.