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Using ColdFusion Studio is designed to familiarize you with the product’s user
interface and productivity tools that you can use to quickly develop high-quality
applications and Web content.
• Contacting Macromedia......................................................................................... xvii
xii About This Book
Intended Audience
This book is intended for professional Web developers who have a working
knowledge of HTML and Web server environments. It introduces you to the
ColdFusion Studio user interface and development tools, and provides instructions
for installing, configuring, and using the product.
Developer Resources
Macromedia Corporation is committed to setting the standard for customer support
in developer education, technical support, and professional services. Therefore, the
Macromedia Web site provides a wealth of online resources.
This section also describes other resources available for ColdFusion Studio
Macromedia Web site
The Macromedia Web site is designed to give you quick access to the entire range of
online resources, as the following table describes.
Macromedia Web site General information about Macromedia
products and services
Product InformationDetailed product information on Macromedia
products and related topics
Technical SupportProfessional support programs offered by
Knowledge BaseRepository of articles for improving the
performance of Macromedia products and
extending their functionality
Installation Support Support for installation-related issues for all
Macromedia products
Visual Tools Support
Developer CenterAll the resources that you need to stay
These are just a few of the many sites dedicated to CFML development:
• CF Advisor Online at
• Haznet’s Fallout shelter, a CF portal, at
• ColdFusion Developer’s Journal, an online version of the popular print journal, at
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the source for all things Web-related.
Their Web site has free tutorials on Web languages, technologies, and development
available at
Another good Web source for tutorials is
xiv About This Book
About the Documentation
The documentation is designed to provide support for the complete spectrum of
participants. The print and online versions are organized to allow you to quickly
locate the information that you need. The online documentation is provided in
HTML and Adobe Acrobat formats.
You can also access release notes, product support information, and several
developer resources from the Help menu.
The rest of this section describes the conventions used in the documentation and the
contents of the ColdFusion Studio documentation set.
Documentation conventions
When reading the documentation, note the following formatting cues:
• Code samples are set in a monospaced font.
• Levels to access a dialog box or pane are separated by the greater than (>) sign,
and the path to access the item is set in bold. Following are two examples:
• “Select File > New” means “Select New from the File menu.”
• “Select Options > Settings > Editor > Auto Completion” means “Select
Settings from the Options menu and then, in the Settings dialog box, expand
the Editor node and select Auto Completion.”
• Book titles and emphasized text are set in italics.
• New terms are set in boldface.
Printed and online documentation set
The ColdFusion documentation set consists of the following titles.
Using ColdFusion
Installing and
ColdFusion Server
ColdFusion Server
Describes how to use ColdFusion Studio to build, test, and
deploy Web content, including using the built-in editor for a
variety of scripting and markup languages
Describes system installation and basic configuration for
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX
Describes how to connect your data sources to the ColdFusion
Server, configure security for your applications, and how to use
ClusterCATS to manage scalability, clustering, and
load-balancing for your site
Describes how to develop your dynamic Web applications,
including retrieving and updating your data, using structures, and
About the Documentationxv
CFML ReferenceProvides descriptions, syntax, usage, and code examples for all
ColdFusion tags, functions, and variables
CFML Quick
A brief guide that shows the syntax of ColdFusion tags,
functions, and variables
Viewing online documentation
You can view Help for a specific tag, Help topics in HTML format, or online
documentation in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
To view Help for a tag:
• Position the cursor in a tag and press F1. Help for the selected tag appears,
including syntax and usage information.
F1 Help is available for all supported languages. To view a list of the supported
languages, open the Tag Chooser (Ctrl+E).
To view the online HTML help:
1Select Help > Open Help References Window.
The Help tab of the Resources window appears, displaying a tree of online books
that include several language references as well as the documentation.
2 Find the Help topic you need, using the tree, search engine, index, or bookmarks.
For details, see “Getting the Most from the Help System” on page 35.
3 Double-click the topic you need to display it in the Document window.
To view the PDF documentation:
• Open the PDF documentation from the product CD-ROM or download it from
the Macromedia Web site, from
xvi About This Book
Printing online documentation
You can print one Help topic at a time in the HTML Help, or print as many pages of
the Help as you need from the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format of the Help.
To print a single Help topic in the HTML Help:
1 Display the Help topic you need to print.
For instructions, see “Viewing online documentation” on page xv.
2 Right-click the topic in the Document window and select your browser’s
command to print.
To print several pages from the PDF documentation:
1 Open the PDF documentation from the product CD-ROM or download it from
the Macromedia Web site, from
2 Print as many pages of the documentation as you need.
Getting Answersxvii
Getting Answers
One of the best ways to solve particular programming problems is to tap into the vast
expertise of the ColdFusion Studio developer communities on the ColdFusion
Forum. on the Macromedia Web site.
Other developers on the forum can help you figure out how to do just about anything
with ColdFusion Studio. The search facility can also help you search messages from
the previous 12 months, allowing you to learn how others have solved a problem that
you might be facing. The Forums is a great resource for learning ColdFusion Studio,
and it is also a great place to see the ColdFusion Studio developer community in
Contacting Macromedia
Macromedia, Inc.
600 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel: 415.252.2000
Fax: 415.626.0554
Macromedia offers a range of telephone and Web-based
support options. Go to for
a complete description of technical support services.
All User Forums are listed on the Macromedia Forums
home page at
forums/. You can post an entry anytime.
• Monitoring System Resources.................................................................................... 6
2Chapter 1 Setting Up the Product
System Requirements
Following are the minimum installation requirements:
• Pentium-compatible processor (Pentium II or higher recommended)
• Windows
• Internet Explorer 4.5 or higher
• 128 MB available RAM
• 256-color monitor capable of 800 x 600 screen resolution
• 200 MB of free hard disk space
• Cold Fusion
• CD-ROM drive (for installing CD version)
98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP
Server5 (for debugging, database access, and deployment)
Installing or Upgrading
This section contains instructions for installing ColdFusion Studio.
Do not install an earlier version of ColdFusion Studio over a later version; however,
later versions are backward-compatible with earlier versions. If both this version and
a previous version are installed on your machine, you can run either version, but the
earlier version will reflect changes made in the current version to searching, source
control and projects, debugging, FTP, RDS, and validation.
ColdFusion Studio records any errors that are encountered during installation to a
.log file in the root directory. Please be ready to send this file to Technical Support if
you need help with installation.
To install:
1 Close all open applications and insert the ColdFusion Studio CD-ROM.
2 When the opening screen displays, click Install.
3 Follow the instructions in the Installation Wizard.
4 Once the program files are copied to your system, select the option to restart your
machine and click Finish to complete the installation.
The installation is completed.
To upgrade:
1Do not uninstall the previous version before installing the current version.
2Do not delete the UserData and AutoBackup folder. This allows you to import
your customizations into the current version and to files created by the backup
3 Close all open applications and insert the ColdFusion Studio CD-ROM.
4 When the opening screen displays, click Install.
Completing Setup3
5 Follow the instructions in the Installation Wizard.
6 Once the program files are copied to your system, select the option to restart your
machine and click Finish to complete the installation.
The upgrade is completed.
Completing Setup
This section explains how to initially set up ColdFusion Studio if you have installed it
for the first time, and how to set up ColdFusion Studio based on the options that
were set in a previous version. The Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) guides you
through both of these processes.
The English language version of ColdFusion Studio is installed with support for
Chinese (traditional and simplified), Korean, and Japanese characters sets on
localized Windows systems. To enter characters from these sets, use the Microsoft
input method. This support depends on your system language, and does not work if
the Western language option is set. In Windows, you can reset your system language
from the Control Panel, in Regional Settings or Regional Options.
If you need to run HomeSite, ColdFusion Studio, or JRun Studio simultaneously, see
Knowledge Base article 20923 for help.
About the Initial Configuration Wizard
The Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) lets you carry over options from a previous
version and also set new options.
The first time you run the current version of ColdFusion Studio, the ICW
automatically starts, and it checks for a previous version.
• If one is found, you can selectively import options from the previous version.
• If one is not found, the wizard prompts you to set a few initial options.
When the wizard is finished, ColdFusion Studio starts.
You can run the ICW again at any time by selecting File > New from the menu and
then selecting Initial Configuration Wizard from the Custom tab.
You can use the ICW when upgrading the same product, for example HomeSite 4.5.2
to HomeSite 5, but you cannot import settings when upgrading between products,
for example from HomeSite 4.5.2 to ColdFusion Studio 5.
4Chapter 1 Setting Up the Product
Setting up for the first time
This section explains how to complete the Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) if you
installed ColdFusion Studio for the first time, or if you uninstalled and installed it.
To complete the ICW after a first-time installation:
1 The ICW automatically starts when you run ColdFusion Studio for the first time.
2 In the initial welcome dialog box of the wizard, click Next.
3 In the Debug Settings dialog box, add, modify, or delete RDS server
configurations s as needed. Click Next.
4 In the Debug Mappings dialog box, add, modify, or delete a mapping to a RDS
server as needed. Click Next.
You can view or modify this information later using the Debug menu commands.
5 In the Development Style dialog box, select the language toolbars to include in
the QuickBar, and select or browse to the template that you want to use as your
default for all ColdFusion Studio documents.
6 In the Perform Upgrade dialog box, confirm your selections (you can click Back
and make changes if necessary), and then click Finish.
The initial configuration is complete and you can start using ColdFusion Studio.
Setting up from a previous version
This section explains how to complete the Initial Configuration Wizard (ICW) if you
installed this version of ColdFusion Studio over a previous version (not uninstalling
before you installed).
To complete the ICW after an upgrade:
1 The ICW automatically starts after you run ColdFusion Studio fro the first time
after upgrading.
2 In the initial welcome dialog box of the wizard, click Next.
3 In the Upgrade Product Settings dialog box, note the items that you can upgrade,
based on the changes made in the previous version. Click Next.
What appears next depends on the changes made in the previous version.
• If remote servers were defined in the previous version, the Upgrade Remote
Servers dialog box appears.
Select every server that you need for the current version or any previous
version. (If you do not select a server in this list, it will no longer work in the
previous version either.) Click Next.
• If toolbars were added or modified, the Upgrade Toolbars dialog box appears.
Select every toolbar change that you want to carry over to the current version
and click Next.
Completing Setup5
• If the previous version contained customizations such as shortcuts, snippets,
code templates, and modifications to Tag Completion and Tag Insight, then
the Upgrade Feature Customizations dialog box appears.
Select every customization that you want to carry over to the current version
and click Next.
4 In the Preserve Editor Settings dialog box, select the options to carry over to the
current version. Click Next.
You can change these options later by selecting Options > Settings and making
changes in the Editor pane, Validation pane, and the panes underneath Editor.
5 In the Preserve General Settings dialog box, select the customizations to carry
over to the current version. (Only non-default options appear.) Click Next.
You can change these options later by selecting Options > Settings and making
changes in the following panes: General, Markup Languages, Startup, Locations,
File Settings, Browse, Spelling, Dreamweaver/UltraDev, Projects, and Tag
Definitions Library.
6 In the Miscellaneous Settings dialog box, select the items whose options you
want to carry over to the current version. For example, to carry over color coding
customizations, select Color Settings. Or if Auto Completion was enabled in the
previous version, and you want to keep it turned on in the current version, select
Auto Completion. Click Next.
7 In the Debug Settings dialog box, add, modify, or delete RDS server
configurations s as needed. Click Next.
8 In the Debug Mappings dialog box, add, modify, or delete a mapping to a RDS
servers as needed. Click Next.
You can view or modify this information later using the Debug menu commands.
To import a localhost RDS development mapping from a previous version,
complete the wizard, open Studio, expand the Macromedia FTP & RDS node on
one of the Files tabs, right-click the localhost server and select Delete server.
Then run the wizard again and import the previous version of the localhost RDS
development mapping.
9 In the Development Style dialog box, select the language toolbars to include in
the QuickBar, and select or browse to the template that you want to use as your
default for all ColdFusion Studio documents.
10 In the Perform Upgrade dialog box, confirm your selections (you can click Back
and make changes if necessary), and then click Finish.
The initial configuration is complete and you can start using ColdFusion Studio.
6Chapter 1 Setting Up the Product
Monitoring System Resources
ColdFusion Studio’s extensive use of GDI and User resources under Windows 98/ME
has consistently caused problems for users on these platforms. This section
describes the problem and how to mitigate it.
For more information, also see Knowledge Base article 21011 on the Macromedia
Web si te.
Releasing system resources taken at start-up
One solution is to free up resources that Windows 98/ME takes at start-up for
unnecessary programs and processes.
To release resources that Windows 98/ME takes at start-up:
1 On the Windows Start menu, click Run.
2 Type msconfig in the Run dialog box and click OK.
3 Carefully clear options that you are absolutely certain you do not need, use, or
have. Record your changes as you proceed, in case you need to change back.
4 Click Apply to save your changes.
For a useful description of memory usage on Windows 98/ME systems, see the
Windows 9.x System Resources article on InfiniSource.
After reclaiming these resources, if you still encounter difficulties with system
resources, you may benefit from configuring the Resource Level Monitor.
About the Resource Level Monitor
Version 4.5.2 introduced the Resource Level Monitor to monitor system resources
while the application is running. The Resource Level Monitor warns users when
resources reach a critical level, enabling them to save documents and close the
application before a crash occurs. However, the warning dialog box was not labeled
with the application name, so the source of the warning was not clear, and users had
to edit the Windows registry to configure the monitor.
As a result, the Resource Level Monitor has been enhanced for this release so that the
warning dialog includes the application name in the window title and in the message
text, to clearly indicate that it is generated by Studio, not Windows. Also, users can
now configure the monitor in a graphical user interface.
Monitoring System Resources7
Using the Resource Level Monitor
This section explains how to respond to warnings and how to configure the monitor.
Responding to warnings
The following graphic is an example of the warning dialog box that appears if you
have the default warning threshold for GDI resources set at 15% and your available
GDI resources drop below this level.
For best results, at least save your work, even if you choose to continue. If you choose
to continue, the warning dialog box closes and will not appear again unless your
system resources drops another 5%, for example, when GDI resources drop to 9%.
Configuring the monitor
Users should configure the Resource Level Monitor if their system crashes without
having been warned, or if they are being warned too frequently or unnecessarily. You
can adjust monitor options until you find a stable level for your system.
To configure the Resource Level Monitor:
1Open the Options > Settings > Resource Monitoring pane.
2 Specify the following options, as necessary:
• Enable/disable resource monitoring
• Specify separate warning level thresholds for GDI and User resources (the
default for each type of resource is 15%)
• Set a time interval for monitoring
3 Click Apply to save your changes.
8Chapter 1 Setting Up the Product
Chapter 2
Configuring Browsers and
This chapter contains instructions for setting up browsers and servers.
• Configuring the Internal Browser ............................................................................ 10
• Working with Files on Remote Servers .................................................................... 13
10Chapter 2 Configuring Browsers and Servers
Configuring the Internal Browser
The following sections describe the choices available for browsing documents and
application pages from within Studio.
Setting the internal browser options
You can use the internal browser to view documents in a Web browser within the
program. To set options, select Options > Settings and click Browse.
You can select one of these browser options:
• If Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed on your system, you can use it as the
internal browser.
Go to to download the latest version.
• If you have Netscape version 6 or later on your system and you correctly install
and configure the Mozilla browser NGLayout/Gecko control, you can use
Netscape as the internal browser. Please note the Mozilla control is under
development and is limited in its functionality and stability.
For setup instructions, see “To install and configure Mozilla:” on page 10.
• A built-in browser is available if you want to use it, but please note that the
built-in browser is limited in its support of HTML and browser extensions.
You can only use one internal browser at a time, but you can change this setting as
needed. Restart the program for the change to take effect.
Select the Use External Browser Configuration for Internal Browser option to apply
consistent file save behavior when viewing documents in either the internal browser
or an external browser. For details, see “Configuring External Browsers” on page 11.
To install and configure Mozilla:
1 Download a Mozilla build from
For best results, download the Mozilla 0.8.1 build created on 8/28/2001, from
2 Unzip the Mozilla binary files into a new directory on your system.
3 Open a Command prompt and change to the Mozilla bin directory. For example,
if the bin directory is in D:\mozilla, enter
For more information, see Macromedia Knowledge Base article 9927.
regsvr32 mozctlx.dll.
If this does not work, the directory containing regsvr32.exe is not in your PATH
variable. Use the Windows Find Files utility to locate the program and then run it
using the full path; for example
c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32.exe mozctl.dll.
d: and then enter cd mozilla\bin.
Configuring External Browsers11
Configuring External Browsers
As part of the installation process, the program compiles a list of the Web browsers it
detects on your system. You can view, add, edit, and delete browsers; you can change
the default browser; and you can set the browsers’ file saving behavior.
To view the list of browsers:
• Select Options > Configure External Browsers.
The External Browsers dialog box appears, listing the browsers it detects and
providing options to change the default browser; add, edit, or delete browsers; or
set how an active document is handled when opening it in a browser.
To add a browser to the list:
1Select Options > Configure External Browsers to open the External Browsers
dialog box, if it is not already open.
2 Make sure the browser is already installed on your machine, then click Add.
3 Complete the Browser dialog box as follows:
• In the Name box, type a name for the new browser.
• Click the file button beside the Location box, find the browser program file,
and click Open.
4 Click OK. The new browser appears in the list in the External Browsers dialog box.
5 Click OK to save your changes.
To edit a browser in the list:
1Select Options > Configure External Browsers to open the External Browsers
dialog box, if it is not already open.
2 Click the browser to change and click Edit.
3 Change values in the Browser dialog box as needed:
• Type a different name for the browser in the Name box
• Specify whether or not the browser uses DDE
• Choose a different program file for the browser (for example, for a later
version of the browser)
4 Click OK to close the Browser dialog box.
5 Click OK to save your changes and close the External Browsers dialog box.
12Chapter 2 Configuring Browsers and Servers
To delete a browser from the list:
1Select Options > Configure External Browsers to open the External Browsers
dialog box, if it is not already open.
2 Click the browser to remove from the list and click Delete.
3 Click Yes in the message that appears to confirm that you want to delete it.
4 Click OK to save your changes and close the External Browsers dialog box.
To change the default browser:
1Select Options > Configure External Browsers to open the External Browsers
dialog box, if it is not already open.
2 Select the appropriate browser and click the up arrow button until it is at the top
of the list. The default browser always appears at the top of the list.
3 Click OK to save your changes and close the External Browsers dialog box.
To set browsers’ file saving behavior:
1Select Options > Configure External Browsers to open the External Browsers
dialog box, if it is not already open.
2 Choose one of the following options for handling a document when opening it in
an external browser:
• Prompt to save changes to the current document Asks you whether or
not to save the active document before opening it in the external browser
• Automatically save changes to the current document Saves the active
document before opening it in the external browser
• Browse using a temporary copy (no need to save) Copies the active
document and opens this copy in the external browser (this option is handy
when making many edits to a page but it requires more system resources)
3 Click OK to save your changes and close the External Browsers dialog box.
If you selected the internal browser option to Use External Browser Configuration for
Internal Browser, then the file save behavior you specify here applies to the internal
browser too.
To view pages in an external browser, do one of the following:
• To view the active document in the default external browser, press F11.
• To switch to a different browser, click the View External Browser List button on
the View toolbar, and select a browser from the list.
To update the page in the browser after making changes to the file you can click the
browser’s Refresh/Reload button or press F11 again.
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