be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of su ch license. The content of
this manual is furnished for informationa l use only, is subject to change without
notice, and should not be constr u ed as a commitment by Macromedia Inc.
Macromedia Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies
that may appear in this book.
Except as permitte d by such license, no part of th is pu blication may be repr od u ced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
Macromedia Inc.
ColdFusion and HomeSite are federally registered trademarks of Macromedia Inc,
HomeSite, and the ColdFusion logo are trademarks of Macrom edia Inc. in the USA
and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Windows 98,
Windows ME, Microsoft Access, and FoxPro are regi ster e d trad em arks of Micr osoft
Corporation. All other products or name brands are the trademarks of their respec tive
holders. Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc. UNIX is a trademark of The
Open Group. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
Installing and Configuring ColdFusion Server is intended for server administrators
and anyone who is new to ColdFusion Server and needs to install and configure
ColdFusion Server 5.
• Basic configuration options using the ColdFusion Administrator
New Features
The following table lists the new features in ColdFusion 5:
User-defined functionsCreate reusable functions to accelerate
Query of queries
Easily integrate data from
heterogeneous sources by merging
and querying data in memory using
standard SQL.
Server analysis and
Quickly detect and diagnose server
errors with built-in server reporting
and the new Log File Analyzer.
Charting engine
Create professional-quality charts and
graphs from queried data without
leaving the ColdFusion environment.
Enhanced V eri ty K2
full-text search
Index and search up to 250,000
documents and enjoy greater
Reporting interface for
Crystal Reports 8.0
Create professional-quality tabular
reports from queried data and
Core engine tuning
Take advantage of dramatically
improved server performance and
reduced memory usage to deliver
faster, more scalable applications.
Incremental page
Wire protocol
database drivers
Improve response time by delivering
page output to users as it is built.
Deliver high-performance ODBC
connectivity using new drivers.
New Featuresix
Application deployment
Effortlessly and reliably deploy,
archive, or restore entire applications
using ColdFusion archive files.
Enhanced application
Keep track of server performance and
availability with customizable alerts
and recovery.
SNMP support
Monitor ColdFusion applications from
enterprise management systems.
Expanded Linux support
Deploy on additional Linux
distributions, including SuSE and
Enhanced hardware load
balancer integration
Apply optimized, agent-based support
for hardwa re load balancers,
including new support for the Cisco
CSS 11000.
Enhanced COM support
Experience easier integrati on with
COM components.
x Welcome to ColdFusion Server
Developer Resources
Macromedia Corpo r a tion is comm itte d to set tin g the stan da r d fo r custom e r suppo rt
in developer education, tech nical supp o rt, and pro fes sio nal services . T he Web site is
designed to give you quick access to the entire range of online resources, as the
following table describes.
Macromedia W eb
Information on
Support Forum
ColdFusion Dev
General inf ormation about Macromed ia
products and services
Detailed product information on
ColdFusion and related topics
Professional support programs that
Macromedia offers .
Access to experienced ColdFusion
developers through participation in the
Online Forums, where you can post
messages and read replies on many
subjects relating to ColdFusion.
Support for installation-related issues for
all Macromedia products
Information about cla s ses, on-site
training, and online courses offered by
All the resources th at you need to st ay on
the cutting edge of ColdFus ion
development, inc luding onlin e discussion
groups, Knowledge Base, technical
papers and more
Development tips, articles,
documentation, and white papers
Connection with the growing network of
solution providers, appli ca tio n
developers, resellers, and hosting
services creating solutions with
About ColdFusion Documentationxi
About ColdFusion Documentation
ColdFusion Server documentation is designed to provide support for the complete
spectrum of participant s . T he p rint a nd onl ine v e rsions are organized to allow you to
quickly locate the information that you need. The ColdFusion Server online
documentation is provided in HTML.
Printed and online documentation set
The ColdFusion documentation set consists of the following titles.
Installing and
ColdFusion Server
Describes system installation and basic configuration for
Windows, Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX.
Describes how to connect your data sources to the ColdFusion
Server, configure security for your applications, and how to use
ClusterCATS to manage scalability, clustering, and
load-bal ancing for your site.
Describes how to use ColdFusion Server to develop your
dynamic Web applications, including retrieving and updating
your data, using structures, and forms.
usage, and code examples for all ColdFusion tags, functions,
and variables.
CFML Quick
A brief guide that shows the syntax of ColdFusion tags,
functions, and variables
Viewing online documentation
ColdFusion documentation in Acrobat format is available on the ColdFusion
product CD-ROM and for download from the ColdFusion Web site: http://
xii Welcome to ColdFusion Server
Getting Answers
One of the best ways to solve particular programming problems is to tap into the vast
expertise of the ColdFusion developer communities on the ColdFusion Forums at Other developers on the forum can help you figure
out how to do just about anything with ColdFusion Server. The search facility can
also help you search messages from the previous 12 months, allowing you to learn
how others have solved a problem that you might be facing. The Forums is a great
resource for learning ColdFusion, but it is also a great place to see the ColdFusion
developer community in action.
Contacting Macromediaxiii
Contacting Macromedia
Technical supportMacromedia offers a range of telephone and Web-based
SalesToll Free:888.939.2545
Macromedia, Inc.
600 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 4103
Tel: 415.252.2000
Fax: 415.626.0554
support options. Go to
for a complete description of technical support services.
You can make postings to the ColdFusion Support Forum
( at any
Tel: 617.219.2100
Fax: 617.219.2101
xiv Welcome to ColdFusion Server
Chapter 1
Inst alling ColdFusion Server
in Windows
This chapter explains how to install and configure ColdFusion Server in Windows.
• Windows S yst em Re q uirements................................................... ....... .......................4
• Before You Begin the Installation...............................................................................5
• Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows...............................................................10
• Configuring Your Installation....................................................... ....... .....................14
• What to Do Next........................................................................................................21
4Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
Windows System Requirements
The following table compares the system requi rements for the ColdFusi on Server
Professional and Enterprise Ed itions:
Windows V ersi on
Windows 98x
Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation and Server)xx
Windows 2000 (Professional*, Server, and
Advanced Server)
Minimum RAM (MB)128256
Recommended RAM (MB)256512
Free Hard Disk Space (MB)200400
CD-ROM Drivexx
Web Servers
Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS)x
Microsoft IIS 4.0, 5.0xx
iPlanet/Netscape Enterprise Server 3.6, 4.1xx
Apache Server 1.3.x
O’Reilly WebSite Professional
WebSite Server API (WSAPI)
* 2.0, 3.0
* ClusterCATS and Appl i cati on Man agemen t features are not supported on
these platforms.
† ColdFusion Server provides a precompiled module that is binary compat-
ible with versions 1.3.6 throu gh 1.3.1 9. ColdFusi on Server al so provide s
the files required to build a version of the ColdFusion plug-in module for
a custom version of Apache 1.3.x. For more information, see “Configur-
ing Web servers manually” on page 14.
Before You Begin the Installation5
Before You Begin the Installation
This section contains the following pre-installation instructions:
• Required operating system updates
• Installing SNMP in Windows NT 4.0 Server and Windows 2000 Server
• Important Network Considerations
• Upgrading from a pre viou s version
• Verifying that a Web server is running
• Removing, modifying, repairing, or updating ColdFusion Server 5
Required operating system updates
Categorized by Windows version, the following table lists the updates that must be
installed before installing ColdF usion Server 5:
SystemUpdateWhere to find it
Windows 98Service Pack 1
NT Option Pack
Window NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a
MDAC 2.5 SP1
MFC/MSVC 6.0 localdrive\ColdFusion
Simple Network
Windows 2000Service Pack 1
MDAC 2.5 SP1
MFC/MSVC 6.0 localdrive\ColdFusion
Required only for MIB functionality. For
instructions, see “Installing SNMP in Windows
NT 4.0 Server and Windows 2000 Server” on
page 6 and “Configuring SNMP MIB” on page
6Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
SystemUpdateWhere to find it
Required only for MIB functionality. For
instructions, see “Installing SNMP in Windows
NT 4.0 Server and Windows 2000 Server” on
page 6 and “Configuring SNMP MIB” on page
* Windows NT 4.0 Server only
† Windows 2000 Server only
Installing SNMP in Windows NT 4.0 Server and Windows 2000
Managed data is accessible in ColdFusion Server 5 Enterprise Edition through the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Base
(MIB) for Advanced ColdFusion Application Management features. You can
integrate this information with your third-party system management tools. These
tools provide a way for you to manage diverse components of your enterprise from a
management station in your network.
If you want to use the ColdFusion Server MIB featur es, you must install SNMP befor e
installing ColdFusion Server. For instructions, see the following procedures.
To install the SNMP service in Windows NT 4.0:
1 From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Network > Service Tab >
Add > SNMP Service.
2 The installation begins. When prompted, insert your Windows installation
3 Start the SNMP trap service.
If you chose to overwrite new files during the SNMP installation, you must re-apply
your most recent operating system Service Pack after the SNMP installation because
the SNMP install includes some older files.
To install the SNMP service in Windows 2000:
1 From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Progra ms >
Add/Remove Windows Components.
2 Click Management and Monitoring Tools and Details.
3 Select Simple Network Management Protocol, and click OK.
4 To begin the installation, click Next.
Before You Begin the Installation7
After finishing the ColdF usi on Server installa tion, yo u must con figur e yo ur system to
use the MIB features. For more information, see “Configuring SNMP MIB” on page
Important Network Considerations
The following table includes important considerations to keep in mind when
configuring your network before the ColdFusion Server installation:
• ColdFusion Server must be installed using the same administrator account that
was used to install Windows and IIS.
• The server running ColdFusion Server should not be configured as a Primary
Domain Controller (PDC) or Backup Domain Controll er (BDC). Macromedia
follows Microsoft’s network model in which the first level is the PDC/BDC. These
systems only manage the network/domain and are not designed to run
application servers. ColdFusion Server should reside on the second level of
Windows NT and Windows 2000 standalone systems. Standalone servers can
participate in a network/domain.
• In an optimal production environment, each ColdFusion Server application is
hosted on a dedicated server. A database, mail, or other server should not reside
on the same server as ColdFusion Server.
• If you intend to install ClusterCATS, you must first prepare your server. For
instructions, see “Preparing Your Server for ClusterCATS” on page 135.
• Because Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or W indows 2000 Pr ofe ss io nal h andle only
ten TCP/IP connections concurrently, Macromedia does not recommend using
those operating systems in a production environment. Use Window NT 4.0
Server or Windows 2000 Server. In addition, Macromedia does not recommend
using Windows 98 because it is not intended as server platforms.
Upgrading from a previous version
The ColdFusion Server 5 installation upgrades your current version of ColdFusion
Server automatically. However, keep in mind the following important instructions
when upgrading from a previous release of ColdFusion Server:
• If you are upgrading from ColdFusion Server 4.0.1 or an earlier release, you must
uninstall the old version before installing ColdFusion Server 5.
• Using the ClusterCATS Explorer or
servers before upgrading them to ColdFusion Server 5. In addition, some
ClusterCATS management operations using the btcluadm utility require a license
key. The license key is "GoColdFusion".
• To continue to use VisiBroker for CORBA connections in ColdFusion Server 5,
copy the libraries bundled with ColdFusion Server 4.5.1 into the appropriate
directo ry. If you uninstall a previous release of ColdFusion Server before
installing ColdFusion Server 5, these libraries are removed from your system.
Copy the libraries to a safe location before the uninstall.
• If you used Advanced Security policy stores in ColdFusion Server 4.5, you must
import that data into ColdFusion Server 5. The ColdFusion installation
btcluadm, you must remove cluster member
8Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
automatically detects and exports po licy store data to an Extensible Markup
Language (XML) file named smpolicy451export.xml. It is stored in the
\cfusion\database\ directory. To complete the migration process, log into the
ColdFusion Administrator and click on the Advanced Security link. Detailed
instructions are provided for importing the policy store data.
Before proceeding with the upgrade, backup your ColdFusion Server Web
Verifying that a Web server is running
Before installing ColdFusion Server, check that your Web server is installed and
To check that your local Web server is running:
Enter the URL for a Web page or site from your local Web server in your browser’s
Address field and press Enter.
For example, if the file myindex.htm is in your Web document root directory, load
the page in your browser using the localhost URL:
If your Web server is not running, you will receive an error message.
Removing, modifying, repairing, or updating ColdFusion
Server 5
To remove ColdFusion Server:
Removing ColdFusion Server deletes all program files and related components from
your system.
A dialog box displays a list ColdFusion Server components.
2 Select the components that you want removed or added, and click Next.
When the program completes, restart your system.
To repair/update ColdFusion Server:
Use the Repair/update feature to reinstall a component of ColdFusion Server.
Repairing ColdFusion Server refreshes the Windows registry, reset settings, and
replace missing files.
10Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
Macromedia recommends that you close all open applications before running the
Setup program. This ensures proper installation of the Merant ODBC 3.7 drivers.
This procedure describes a ColdFusion Server Enterprise Edition installation.
To install ColdFusion Server:
1 Close all open applications.
2 Log into your system using the Local Administrator account.
3 Open the Run dialog and browse to the
CD-ROM or an alternate location. Execute the file.
4 After the Welcome and Licence agreement dialogs, the Customer Information
dialog displays. Enter your information, including the ColdFusion Server license
key. You can find your ColdFusion Server license key on the product box and the
CD-ROM packaging.
The Web Server Selection dialog box displays next.
5 Do one of the following:
If your Web server is already installed, the Install Wizard automatically detects
it. Click the radio button for the Web server that you want ColdFusion Server to
If your Web server is not listed, select Other Server and click Next. For
instructions on manually configuring your Web server to work with ColdFusion
Server, see “Configuring Web servers manually” on page 14.
6 After the Choose Destination Path dialog box, the Select Components dialog
setup.exe file on the ColdFusion Server 5
Select the ColdFusion Server components to install. When you select a
component, a brief description displays in the Description box.
Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows11
The following table lists important installation options and considerations for
ColdFusion Enterprise Edition customers:
If You SelectComment
ClusterCATSIf you want the server on which you are installing
ClusterCATS to be able to assume the IP address
and HTTP traffic of a failed server in the cluster,
select Web Server (IP) Failover.
ClusterCA TS and Applicatio n
Management together
MIB supportYou must install Windows SNMP service before
Because of potential security concerns, the ColdFusion Server team recommends
that you not install the example applications in production environments.
The monitoring, alarms, and hardware
load-balancing features cannot be accessed using
the ColdFusion Administrator. Instead, use
ClusterCATS Explorer.
installing ColdFusion. The MIB option is available
only if the SNMP service has been installed before
ColdFusion Server. For instructions, see “Installing
SNMP in Windows NT 4.0 Server and Windows
2000 Serve r” on page 6 and “Configuring SNMP
MIB” on page 19.
7 After the Assign Password and Confirm Selections dialogs, the Install Wizard
begins copying the ColdFusion Server files to your system.
8 Restart your system.
ColdFusion Server services
The ColdFusion Server installation cr eates the following services in Windo ws NT and
Windo ws 200 0:
ColdFusion Application
ColdFusion ExecutivePolls the ColdFusion Appl ication Server serv ice and, if it is
ColdFusion Remote
Development Service
* Available only in ColdFusion Server Enterprise
The main ColdFusion Server service. ColdFusion pages
cannot be processed if this service is not running.
not running, restarts it.
Provides security, directory and file browsing, and
debugging services for ColdFusion Studio.
12Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
SiteMinder Authenticati on
SiteMinder Authorization
ColdFusion Managem ent
ColdFusion Monitoring
ColdFusion Graphing
ColdFusion Managem ent
Repository Server*
Available only if you select the Advanced Security option
during ColdFusion Server setup. Provides use r
authentication services for advanced security.
Available only if you select the Advanced Security option
during ColdFusion Server installation. Provides access
authorization services for advanced security.
Supports ColdFusion Management features, including
Archive/Restore and Server Reporting.
Monitors the performance and avail abi lity of the
ColdFusion Server, the HTTP server, and probes that are
created. This service supports ClusterCATS and
Application Monitoring.
Provides a Java runtime required for Macromedia
Generator (
Provides Repository Management facilities for the
ColdFusion Management Service.
cfgraph) support.
* Available only in ColdFusion Server Enterprise
Starting and stopping ColdFusion Server services
In general, you should stop and restart ColdFusion Server after making changes in
the ColdFusion Administrator that affect a data source or connection parameter,
such as caching, thread count, and so on.
T o start and stop a ColdFusion Service in Windows NT 4.0:
• Select Start > Settings> Control Panel > Services.
If a service is running, its status appears as "Started" in the Status column. If it is
not running, no statu s appears for the service.
− To stop a service, select it and click Stop. You are prompted to verify that you
want to stop the service; click Yes. The Services window refreshes, and the
status of the service is no longer shown as "Started."
− To start a service, select it and click Start. The status of the service appears as
To configure ColdFusion Server to startup automatically or manually in
in Windows NT 4.0:
1Select Start > Settings> Control Panel > Services.
2 Double-click the service that you want to configure. The window for that service
3 In the Startup Type frame, select either the Automatic or Manual option.
4 To save the configuration, click OK.
Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows13
To start and stop a ColdFusion Service in Windows 2000:
• Select Start > Control Panel > Settings > Administrative Tools > Services.
If a service is running, its status appears as "Started" in the Status column. If it is
not running, no statu s appears for the service.
− To stop a service, select it and click Stop. The Services window refreshes, and
the status of the service is no longer shown as "Started".
− To start a service, select it and click Start. The status of the service appears as
To configure ColdFusion Server to startup automatically or manually in
Windows 2000:
1 In the MMC, right-click the service that you want to configure and select
2 In the Properties dialog, select the General tab. In the Startup Type drop-down
menu, choose either Manual or Automatic.
3Click OK.
Running ColdFusion Server in Windows 98
Since Windows 98 does not have a services architecture, ColdFusion Server runs as
two executables:
ColdFusion Application
ColdFusion RDSProvides security, directory and file browsing, and
When ColdFusion Server is running, two icons appear in the task bar. To stop the
ColdFusion Application Server executable, right-click the IDE service icon. To run
ColdFusion Server at startup, place a shortcut for the ColdFusion Server icon in the
Startup program group.
The main ColdFusion Server service. ColdFusion pages
cannot be processed if this service is not running.
debugging services for ColdFusion Studio.
14Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
Configuring Your Installation
After installing ColdFusion Server, you may have to perform the following actions:
• Configuring Web servers manually
• Configuring SNMP MIB
• Changing the ColdFusion Server user account
Configuring Web servers manually
If you selected Other Server in the Web Server Selection dialog, or your Web server
was not detected by the Install Wizard, you must manually configure it. This section
explains how to do this in Win dows NT and Windows 2000. The instructions assume
ColdFusion Server is installed in c:\cfusion.
This section explains how to configure these Web servers:
• Internet Information Services (IIS)
• Apache Web server
• Netscape/iPlanet Enterprise Web Server
• O’Reilly WebSite Professional
Internet Information Services (IIS)
The following procedure uses Windows 2000 Profes sional as the example operating
system. The steps for Windows NT 4.0 are similar.
If you run ColdFusion Server on Windows 2000 with IIS5, you can improve
performan c e a s fo l l ows: open the Int e rn et Services Manager, right-click D ef a u l t Web
Site, and select Properties. On the Home Directory tab, select Low (IIS Process) in the
Application Protection drop-down list, and click Apply. Stop IIS Admin and all Web
services from the Windows NT Control Panel, and then restart IIS.
To configure IIS for ColdFusion Server:
1 Start the Micr o so ft M an agem en t C o ns ole (MMC ) by selecting Start > Pro gra ms >
Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
Configuring Your Installation15
The MMC displays:
2 In the Tree tab, under the Internet Information Services tree, right-click your
Web site and select Properties.
The Properties dialog box displays:
3 Click the Home Directory tab, then Configuration.
If the Configuration button is greyed out, click Create, then click Configuration.
16Chapter 1 Installing ColdFusion Server in Windows
The Application Configuration dialog box displays:
4 In the App Mappings tab, select entries for.cfm and .dbm, and click Remove.
5Click Add.
The Add/Edit Application Extension Mappings dialog box displays:
6 Click Browse and go to c:\cfusion\bin\iscf.dll. Enter .cfm in the Extension text
box, and verify that the Script engine check box is selected. Click OK.
7 Repeat Step 6, substituting .dbm for the extension.
In previous versions, ColdFusion Server used the .dbm file extension for
ColdFusion Server files. Macromedia recommends that you rename templates
that have a .dbm extension to .cfm.
8 Click OK in the Application Configuration dialog box to save your changes.
Configuring Your Installation17
Apache Web server
This procedure assumes that the Apache Web server is installed in c:\Apache.
To configure Apache for ColdFusion Server:
1 If it is not already installed, download the Apache Web server from the Apache
HTTP Server Project Web site at Read the Windows
documentation at
2 If a version of the Apache Web server is running, shut down the Web server.
3 Copy the cfusion\bin\ApacheModuleColdFusion.dll module to your Apache
modules directory.
For example: c:\Apache\modules\ApacheModuleColdFusion.dll.
4 Edit the Apache configuration file (c:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf). Add this line:
Manually configuring Netscape/iPlanet Web servers for ColdFusion Server re quires
modifying two files, obj.conf and mime.types, in the Netscape/iPlanet Web server
directory, such as c:\netscape\server4\\config.
Ensure that you do not alter files in the backup or install directories.
To configure Netscape/iPlanet for ColdFusion Server:
1 Make a backup copy of the obj.conf file.
2 Insert the following line at the top of the obj.conf file: