High Dynamic Range GaAs HBT
Amplifier, 50 - 450 MHz
V 1A.00
n Greater than 40 dBm Output IP3
n Greater than 20 dBm P1dB
n GaAs iHBT Technology
n Chip Scale Leadless Package
n Single Positive Supply Voltage
M/A-COM’s MAAMSS0006 Amplifier is a high linearity
and high efficiency GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
(HBT) MMIC in a 3mm plastic surface mount package. It
is ideal for receiver and transmission applications due to its
low noise figure and high OIP3. The MAAMSS0006 is
particularly useful in applications requiring high linearity.
Electrical Specifications: TA = 25°C, Z0 = 50Ω
Parameter Test Conditions Frequency Units Min Typ Max
Gain 50 - 450 MHz dB — 13 —
Return Loss 50 - 450 MHz dB — 12 —
Output IP3 50 - 450 MHz dBm — 40 —
Output P1dB 50 - 450 MHz dBm — 24 —
Supply Voltage 50 - 450 MHz V — 5 —
Supply Current 50 - 450 MHz mA — 100 —
This Advanced Data Sheet contains technical information about a product M/A-COM may introduce. Specifications subject to
change prior to formal introduction. All measurements in a 50 Ohm System.
3mm FQFP-N Package