Luxor eco line 72/180–190W, eco line 60/225–235W, eco line 60/240–250W Installation Instructions Manual

ECo linE: ModulEs CorrECtly MountEd
tablE of ContEnts
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safEty instruCtions
MEChaniCal installation
ElECtriCal installation
troublEshooting, MaintEnanCE
inforMation rEgarding this Manual
1.1 objECt
This manual contains information about the installa­tion and safe handling of Luxor Solar GmbH photovol­taic modules:
+ eco line 72 / 180 – 190 W (monocrystalline) + eco line 60 / 225 – 235 W (polycrystalline) + eco line 60 / 240 – 250 W (monocrystalline)
These modules are hereinafter referred to as "module" and Luxor Solar GmbH as "Luxor".
1.2 targEt group
Special skills and expert knowledge are required for the installation of photovoltaic systems. This docu­ment is intended for corresponding specialists. This manual must be read and understood prior to installation. In case of any questions, please contact our sales department for further explanations. During installation of the module, the installer must adhere to
all safety precautions in accordance with this manual and to the valid local regulations. Before installation of a photovoltaic system, the installer must become fa­miliar with the mechanical and electrical requirements of such a system. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference (care and maintenance) and for the case of the sale or disposal of the modules.
1.3 Validity
Luxor reserves the right to make modifications to the modules or assembly instructions at any time without notice. Please contact Luxor if you have any questions regarding the validity of the documents.
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1.4 guarantEE and propEr usE
The current Luxor guarantee policy for photovoltaic modules shall apply.
1.5 liability ExClusion
As the use of these instructions and the circum­stances or methods of installation, operation, use and maintenance of the photovoltaic (PV) products are beyond its influence, Luxor shall not assume any responsibility and explicitly rejects any liability for loss, damage or expenses resulting from or in any way associated with the installation, operation, use or maintenance. Luxor shall not assume responsibility for any infringement of patents or other third-party rights resulting from the use of the PV product. A license under a patent or patent rights shall not be granted, neither by implication nor by any other way. The information in these instructions are based on the knowledge and experience of Luxor and are stated in good faith. This information, including the product specifications (without restrictions) and suggestions, neither represent an explicit nor implied guarantee. Luxor reserves the right to change the instructions,
the PV product, the specifications or product information sheets without notice.
1.6 usEd syMbols
The following symbols are used in the manual:
Warning of life-threatening injuries
in case of non-observance
Warning of material damage
in case of non-observance
Indication of useful
1.7 rEgulatory proVisions
All technical rules for planning, installation and operation of PV systems must be adhered to.
The following standards and regulations merely represent an excerpt:
+ DIN VDE 0100 Installation of power installations
with nominal voltages up to 1,000 V
+ VDI 6012 p. 2 Local energy systems in buildings + DIN 1055 Load assumptions for structures + VDE 0185 Lightning protection + BGR 203 Safety regulations of the trade associa-
tion for roof work
+ BGV A2, A3 Electrical systems and equipment + Regulations of the central organisation of the
German roofing craft – professional association of
roofing, wall and waterproofing technology
+ Regulations of the local grid operators + Regional building regulations
1.8 produCt idEntifiCation
Each module has labels on the back containing the following information:
+ Identification label: describes the product type; rat-
ed output, rated current, rated voltage, open circuit voltage, short circuit current acc. to the standard conditions, as well as the maximum system voltage, dimensions and weight and the position of the mounting holes and other technical specifications can be taken from the datasheets provided.
+ Barcode: Each individual module has a unique
serial number. There is only one barcode on each module. It is permanently attached to the inside of the module and is visible from the front. This barcode is inserted before lamination
Caution! Removal or defacing of one or several labels
is not permissible! In case of infringement, all guarantee claims become null and void!
+ 14 hidden pages