POWR-GARD® Fuse Datasheet
UL Class RK1
250/600 VAC • Fast-Acting • 1-600 Amperes
Voltage Ratings: AC: 250 V (KLNR); 600 V (KLSR)
DC: 125 V (1 – 600 A KLNR) ;
250 V (1 – 30 A KLSR);
300 V (35 – 600 A KLSR).
Interrupting Ratings : AC: 200 k A rms symmetrical
DC: 20 kA
Ampere Range: 1 – 600 A
Approvals: AC: Standard 248-12, Class RK1
UL Listed (File No. E81895)
CSA Certified (File No. LR29862)
DC: Littelfuse self-certified
KLSR/KLNR fuses are an economical single element design
providing the safety of an RK1 fuse.
• Resistance heaters
• Lighting circuits
• Non-inductive loads
• Extremely Current-Limiting
• Indicating and DIN mount fuseholders available
Recommended Fuseholders
LFR60 Series
LFR25 Series
Ordering Information
ampeRe Rat iNgS
1 10 40 100 250
2 12 45 110 300
3 15 50 125 350
4 20 60 150 400
5 25 70 175 450
6 30 80 200 500
8 35 90 225 600
600 V
SeRieS ampeR age Cata Log NUmbeR SyS tem NUmbe R
KLSR 90 KLSR090 KL SR090 .V
250 V
SeRieS ampeR age Cata Log NUmbeR SyS tem NUmbe R
KLNR 90 KLNR090 KL NR090 .V
Web Resources
TC Curves, downloadable CAD drawings and other technical
information: www.littelfuse.com/klsr
©June 2011 Littelfusewww.littelfuse.com

POWR-GARD® Fuse Datasheet
UL Class RK1
Peak Let-Thru Curve KLSR
©June 2011 Littelfusewww.littelfuse.com