10. Open your PC’s web browser and type in
the browser’s Address box. Press Enter.
11. A username and password prompt will appear. Leave the
User Name box empty and type “admin” (the default password) in the Password box. Click OK.
12. Configure the following values into the Wir eless Access
Point + Cable/DSL Router’s Setup page. You can get these
values from your ISP. (Not everyone will require the follow-
ing settings. Check with your ISP.)
LAN IP Address These values refer to the internal network
you are creating with your Wireless Access Point +
Cable/DSLRouter. Unless you have specific internal needs,
there should be no reason to change these values.
Wireless These values refer to the wireless settings of your
Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router. To enable wireless options, check the radio box next to Enable and enter
the ESSID and Channel for the Access Point. If you
already have a wireless network, these values must match
your present wireless network settings. If you do not
already have a wireless network, the default settings should
work well.
WAN IP Address These values refer to the outside network
you connect to every time you access your Broadband
Internet connection. Most Broadband ISPs assign their
clients with a different IP address each time they log on. If
this is the case with your ISP, click Obtain an IP Address
Automatically and continue on to step 14. If your PC has
been assigned a fixed IP address by your ISP, click Specify
an IP Address then enter address into the Subnet Mask,
Default Gateway Address and DNS fields. If you are
using PPPoE, select PPPoE and enter your User Name and
Password in the f ields provided. (RAS Settings are for
Singapore customers only. If you are a Singapore customer,
contact your ISP for further information concerning RAS.)
13. When you have properly configured the Setup page, click on
the Apply button. Click Continue.
14. Choose the DHCP tab.
15. Unless you already have a DHCP server on your internal
network, choose Enable from the DHCP Server field.
16. In the Number of DHCP Users box, enter the number of
PCs you plan on networking to the Router, then click
17. Click the Continue button, then close your web browser.
Restart your computer to apply the new settings.
18. Before your PC reboots, power down your broadband
modem for three seconds, then power it back on.
19. After your PC reboots, open your web browser to test your
Internet connection.
20. Repeat steps 6-9 as necessary for each PC on your network.
Once you have configured all of the PCs on your network,
the Wireless Access Point + Cable/DSL Router Setup and
Installation is complete.
For instructions on Network Configuration or installing other
network components, refer to your User Guide.
: Check with your ISP to see if you need to enter
RRoouutteerr && DDoommaaiinn
to be viewed by your ISP’s network. If you do, click on your
button. Choose
CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell
, then double-click the
icon. Choose the
tab. There will be a
CCoommppuutteerr NNaammee
and a
name displayed here. Enter the
CCoommppuutteerr NNaammee
RRoouutteerr NNaammee
box on the
Setup Page
, and enter the
name into the
DDoommaaiinn NNaammee
box on the
Setup Page
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