Etherfast®Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router with PrintServer
DNS IP Address. This is the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router’s Domain
Name System address.
• PPPoE (PPP Over Ethernet)
Only enable this checkbox if your ISP uses PPPoE. If your ISP's data does not
mention PPPoE, do NOT enable this checkbox.
Account/User Name. This is the name of the Inter net account provided by
your ISP.
Password. Enter the password for the ISP account. Re-enter this password in
the V erify field.
Connect On Demand. Normally, this should be Enabled. If disabled, you
must use the Reconnect button on the Status screen to connect to your ISP.
Disconnect after Idle. After a connection if inactive for longer than the
time period put in this field, the connection will be terminated. If set at
zero, the connection will never be terminated.
When you are ready to save any changes you have made, click the Save button. To undo any changes before saving, click the Cancel button.
If you have any questions about anything on this screen, click the Help button
to bring up the Help window for this screen.
Instant BroadbandTMSeries
Hardware (MAC) Address. That address which specifically identifies the
Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router on the WAN port. Some ISPs may require
you to register this address with them.
LAN Port
For most users, the default values for these fields should be satisfactory and
won’t require changing.
• Device IP Address. This is the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router’s IP
Address in your Network. Use the default value unless that address is already
used by your Network or your Network is using a different IP Address range.
If the IP Address is already in use, change this value to reflect an unused
address. If your Network is using a different IP Address range, change this
value to fit within the range utilized.
• Network Mask. The default value is set for standard, small networks. For
other networks, use the Network Mask for the segment to which the Wireless
AP + Cable/DSL Router is attached, i.e. the same value as the PCs on that segment.
WAN Port
• IP Address from ISP - Dynamic IPAddress. Leave this enabled if your ISP
allocates an IP Address to the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router upon connecting to the Internet.
• IP Address from ISP - Fixed IPAddr ess.Select this if using a fixed (Static)
IP Address. If this option is selected, the following data must be entered:
IP Address. If connecting to an ISP, this is the address allocated by the ISP.
If connecting to another Network, this must be a valid address on that
Network Mask.This must be compatible with the IP address, as above.
Gateway IP Address. If you are conf iguring the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL
Router for another network, this would be the default gateway for the other
network. However, if you are configuring the Wireless AP + Cable/DSL
Router to share Internet access, this is your ISP’s IP Address as provided by
your ISP.