Thank you for choosing the Linksys AE1000 High
Performance Wireless-N USB Adapter. Using the latest
wireless networking technology, the Adapter adds or
upgrades wireless connectivity on your Windows-based
desktop or laptop computer. To help protect your data
and privacy, you can use Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)
encryption to protect your wireless connection.
Link (Blue) The LED flashes when there is
wireless network activity.
USB Extension Base
The Adapter comes attached to its USB Extension Base.
Using the Adapter in its Base may often improve wireless
signal performance, especially with desktop computers
that may be located under desks or tabletops.
To use the USB Extension Base, make sure the Adapter
is connected to the Base, and then connect the USB
Extension Base to a USB port on your computer or laptop.
Storing the Cap
When the Adapter is plugged into the USB Extension Base
or your computer’s USB port, you can store the cap by
attaching it to the Adapter.
To store the cap, push it onto the top of the Adapter until
it fits snugly.
High Performance Wireless-N USB Adapter
Linksys AE1000Chapter 2: Installation
DVD/CD-RW Drive (E:) LinksysRouter Setup
Always do this for software and games:
Install or run program
General options
Set up your Linksys Adapter
Published by Cisco Consumer Products LLC
Open folder to view files
using Windows Explorer
Chapter 2: Installation
This chapter describes the procedure for installing the
To install the Adapter:
1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
Insert CD
2. Click Set up your Linksys Adapter.
3. Read the Software End User License Agreement.
To accept the agreement and continue with the
installation, click Next.
License Agreement
4. Insert the Adapter into an available USB port on your
Set up Your Linksys Adapter
If you do not see this, access setup on the CD directly.
To do so, perform the following steps for your specific
operating system:
Windows 7
a. Go to Start > Computer.
b. Double-click your CD-ROM drive.
Windows Vista
a. Go to Start > Computer.
b. Double-click your CD-ROM drive.
Windows XP
a. Go to Start > My Computer and select your
CD-ROM drive.
b. Double-click Setup.exe.
High Performance Wireless-N USB Adapter
DVD/CD-RW Drive (E:) Linksys
Adapter Setup
Always do this for softwareand games:
Install or run program
Set up your Linksys Adapter
Published by Cisco Consumer Products LLC
General options
Open folder to view files
using Windows Explorer
View more AutoPlay options in Control Panel
Install Linksys AE1000
5. An Easy Setup Key helps you quickly connect to your
wireless hotspot or router. If you do not have an Easy
Setup Key, select No, I don’t have an Easy Setup Key.
If you have an Easy Setup Key, select Yes, I have an
Easy Setup Key. Click Next.
NOTE: Cisco Valet wireless hotspots come with
an Easy Setup Key. Cisco Valet wireless hotspots
and some Linksys routers also let you create one
from your own USB flash drive.
(You do not need
an Easy Setup Key to complete installation.)
Do You Have an Easy Setup Key?
If you do not have an Easy Setup Key, go to step 6.
If you have an Easy Setup Key, go to step 8.
Linksys AE1000Chapter 2: Installation
6. A list of available wireless networks appears. Select
your network. Click Next.
Connect to a Wireless Network
7. If your network does not use wireless security, go to
step 9.
If your network uses wireless security, enter the
wireless password for your type of security:
• Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP):
• Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2): Enter the
Enter the WEP key.
passphrase (also known as a pre-shared key).
Click Next. Go to step 9.
9. The installation is complete. Click Close.
You are Now Connected to Your Wireless Network
NOTE: If you have any problems during the
installation process, refer to the Frequently
Asked Questions in the setup software, or use a
computer with an active Internet connection to
Enter the Wireless Password
8. Follow the on-screen prompts to use your Easy Setup
Key. Click Next.
To configure the Adapter’s wireless connection settings,
use a wireless network configuration utility. If you have
installed such a utility on your computer, or if your
computer came with one already installed, refer to that
utility’s documentation for instructions on use. Otherwise,
follow the instructions in the appropriate section below
to use your operating system’s built-in utility: Windows 7,
page 4, Windows Vista, page 5, or Windows XP, page 7.
Windows 7
After you have installed the Adapter, the Wireless Network
Configuration utility icon appears on your computer’s
system tray.
Wireless Network Configuration Utility Icon
(If you do not see the icon, click the Show hidden icons
arrow in the system tray.)
2. Select your network, and then click Connect.
Select Network
3. If your network does not use wireless security, go to
step 5.
4. Enter the security key, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
key, or Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) passphrase
(also known as a pre-shared key), depending on your
type of security. Click OK.
When your mouse pointer hovers over the icon, the status
information of your wireless connection appears.
Wireless Connection Status
New Wireless Connection
To connect to a different wireless network:
1. Click the Wireless Network Configuration utility icon. A
list of available wireless networks appears.
Secured Network
5. This screen appears while the Adapter connects to
your network. Do not cancel, unless you want to end
the connection.
Connecting to Network
Available Wireless Networks
High Performance Wireless-N USB Adapter
NOTE: For help with the Wireless Network
Conguration utility, refer to Help and Support.
Click Start
After you have installed the Adapter, the Wireless Network
Configuration utility icon appears on your computer’s
system tray.
Wireless Network Configuration Utility Icon
When your mouse pointer hovers over the icon, the status
information of your wireless connection appears.
Wireless Connection Status
New Wireless Connection
3. Select your network, and then click Connect.
Select Network
4. If your network uses wireless security, go to step 5.
If your network does not use wireless security, this
screen appears. To connect to your unsecured network,
click Connect Anyway and go to step 7.
To connect to a different wireless network:
1. Right-click the Wireless Network Configuration
utility icon.
2. Click Connect to a network.
Utility Menu
Unsecured Network
5. Enter the security key, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
key, or Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) passphrase
(also known as a pre-shared key), depending on your
type of security. Click Connect.
6. This screen appears while the Adapter connects to
your network. Do not cancel, unless you want to end
the installation.
Connecting to Network
7. This screen appears when you are connected to your
network. Select Save this network, if you want to save
your settings. Click Close.
9. This screen varies according to the selected location.
Click Close.
Network Settings Saved
NOTE: For help with the Wireless Network
Conguration utility, refer to Help and Support.
Click Start
> Help and Support.
Your computer is now connected to your
wireless network.
Connected to Network
8. The SetNetwork Location screen may appear. This
screen helps apply the correct settings for your type of
location. Select Home, Work, or Public location.
After you have installed the Adapter, the Windows XP
Wireless Zero Configuration Utility icon appears on your
computer’s system tray.
Wireless Zero Configuration Utility Icon
When your mouse pointer hovers over the icon, the status
information of your wireless connection appears.
Wireless Connection Status
New Wireless Connection
1. Right-click the Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration
icon in your computer’s system tray, and then select
View Available Wireless Networks.
2. A window displays the available wireless networks.
Select the network that you want and click Connect.
If the network uses wireless security, go to step 4.
Otherwise, continue to step 3.
4. If your network uses Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
wireless security, enter the WEP Key in the Network key
and Confirm networkkey fields. If your network uses
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) wireless security,
enter the passphrase in the Network key and Confirm networkkey fields. Click Connect.
Wireless Security
NOTE: Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration
does not support the use of a WEP passphrase.
Enter the exact WEP key used by your wireless
router or access point.
NOTE: If your network is using WPA2 security,
make sure that you have installed the Update
for Windows XP (KB893357), available at
5. Your wireless network will appear as Connected when
your connection is active.
Available Wireless Network
3. Click Connect Anyway to connect the Adapter to your
unsecured network, and then go to step 5.
No Wireless Security
High Performance Wireless-N USB Adapter
Wireless Network Connection
NOTE: For help with the Wireless Network
Conguration utility, refer to Help and Support.
Click Start > Help andSupport. Enter wireless
in the Search eld, and then press Enter.
Your computer is now connected to your
wireless network.
Linksys AE1000Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Your computer does not recognize the Adapter.
Make sure that the Adapter is properly inserted into your
computer’s USB slot and/or USB Extension Base.
The Adapter does not work properly.
Remove the Adapter, and then reinsert it into the
computer’s USB slot.
Your computer cannot communicate with the other
computers on your wireless network.
1. Make sure that the computers are powered on.
2. Make sure that the Adapter is configured with the
same Wireless Network Name (also called the SSID or
Service Set Identifier) and wireless security settings as
the other computers on your wireless network.
WEB: If your questions are not addressed here,
refer to our AE1000 support section on the web,
High Performance Wireless-N USB Adapter
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