Radio Frequency (RF) Controlled, 120 VAC, Wall Mounted
Transmitter, Series 300
NOTE: This module must be “included in the Network” only where it will be permanently installed. The proper operation of this node in the
mesh network is dependent on it knowing its location with respect to other nodes. You cannot “test bench” confi gure this module.
Linear’s family of Z-Wave certifi ed wireless lighting controls (switches,
dimmers, outlets and plug-in modules) brings a new level of intelligent
wireless capability to commercial and residential environments.
The Z-Wave wireless protocol is an international wireless standard
for remote home automation, security and other applications.
Embedded in each device, the Z-Wave smart chip enables two-way RF
communication among hundreds of Z-Wave enabled devices, allowing
products and services from multiple manufacturers to work seamlessly.
Linear Z-Wave products are easy to install, and allow dealers to create
an integrated wireless network with nearly limitless expansion and
interoperability with security and health monitoring systems, energy
management, home entertainment, appliances, and more.
DANGER! SHOCK HAZARD. Read and understand these
instructions before installing. This device is intended for installation in
accordance with the National Electric code and local regulations in the
United States, or the Canadian Electrical Code and local regulations
in Canada. It is recommended that a qualifi ed electrician perform this
installation. Retain instructions for future use. With power off, wire this
WT00Z-1 according to the diagram shown above. If more than one
WT00Z-1 is to be installed in a wall box, scored tabs on the side can
be broken off by bending back and forth with pliers, to accommodate
proper fi t. Apply power when completed. Refer to your Controller
operating instructions on how to include this module in the RF network
120 VAC
STEP 1. Prepare the Controller to include a unit to the network by
adding it to a group (method of adding a node to the network). Refer
to controller instructions.
STEP 2. The WT00Z-1 must be in its permanently installed
location. Tap either the top or bottom of the WT00Z-1 once.
STEP 3. You should see an indication on your Controller that the
“device was included” in the network.
NOTE: If you have trouble adding the WT00Z-1 to a group it may be
that the Home ID and Node ID were not cleared from it after testing.
You must fi rst “RESET UNIT” with your controller to remove it from
the network. Although adding it to a group includes it in the network,
removing it from a group does not remove it from the network. If
removed from a group, it functions as a repeater (only). “RESET UNIT”
removes it completely from the network.

Before you can control Z-Wave devices you must associate the devices
you want to control from the WT00Z-1.
Turning Z-Wave devices On or Off
1. Tap the top of the paddle to turn On Z-Wave devices.
2. Tap the bottom of the paddle to turn Off Z-Wave devices.
The LED on the WT00Z-1 will indicate the status of the devices you are
controlling. The LED on the WT00Z-1 will fl icker when it is transmitting
commands to any of the four groups. This can be changed. See “LED
Transmission Indication”.
Dimming and Brightening
1. Press and hold the top of the paddle to brighten Z-Wave enabled
2. Press and hold the bottom of the paddle to dim Z-Wave enabled
Associating Z-Wave devices to control from the WT00Z-1
Refer to your controllers instructions to fi nd out how to associate Z-Wave
devices. You can associate another Z-Wave device into any or all of the 4
available groups in the WT00Z-1. The four groups are described below:
Group 1
Nodes in this group are turned ON by tapping the top of the paddle or
OFF by tapping the bottom of the paddle. Nodes associated into this
group are dimmed by pressing and holding the bottom of the paddle
until the desired dim level is reached or brightened by pressing and
holding the top of the paddle until the desired level is reached.
The LED on the WT00Z-1 will indicate the status of this group ONLY.
NOTE: Associating nodes into group 2 or 3 will cause a very slight delay
before the command is transmitted to group 1.
Group 2
Nodes in this group are turned ON by tapping the top of the paddle
twice or OFF by tapping the bottom of the paddle twice. Nodes
associated into this group are dimmed by tapping the bottom of the
paddle once and then pressing and holding the bottom of the paddle
until the desired dim level is reached or brightened by tapping the top
of the paddle once then pressing and holding the top of the paddle until
the desire level is reached.
Group 3
Nodes in this group are turned ON by tapping the top of the paddle
three times or OFF by tapping the bottom of the paddle three times.
Nodes associated into this group are dimmed by tapping the bottom
of the paddle twice and then pressing and holding the bottom of the
paddle until the desired dim level is reached or brightened by tapping
the top of the paddle twice then pressing and holding the top of the
paddle until the desired level is reached.
Group 4
Nodes in this group are turned ON or OFF or set to a specifi c dim level
when the WT00Z-1 is controlled remotely. You can place up to 5 nodes
in each group. If controlling dimmers, for best results, associate the
dimmers into the group fi rst.
The WT00Z-1 supports the Confi guration command.
The WT00Z-1 simulates the operation of a dimmer. Using confi guration
commands you can adjust the dimming parameters as though it were a
dimmer. The WT00Z-1 can be confi gured to operate slightly differently
than how it works when you fi rst install it. Using the confi guration
command you can change operational characteristics.
Set Ignore Start Level Bit When Transmitting Dim Commands
The WT00Z-1 can send Dim commands to Z-Wave enabled dimmers.
The Dim command has a start level embedded in it. A dimmer receiving
this command will start dimming from that start level. However, the
command can be sent so that the dimmer ignores the start level and
instead starts dimming from its current level. By default, the WT00Z-1
sends the command so that the dimmer will start dimming from its
current dim level rather than the start level embedded in the command.
To change this, simply set the confi guration parameter to 0.
• Parameter No: 1
• Length: 1 Byte
• Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 1)
NOTE: Any ACT Z-Wave enabled dimmers have the confi guration option
to ignore the start level no matter how you confi gure the WT00Z-1
Suspend Group 4
You may wish to disable transmitting commands to Z-Wave devices
that are in Group 4 without “un-associating” those devices from the
group. Setting parameter 2 to the value of 1 will stop the WT00Z-1 from
transmitting to devices that are “associated” into Group 4.
• Parameter No: 2
• Length: 1 Byte
• Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
Night Light
The LED on the WT00Z-1 will by default, turn ON when the status of the
devices in Group 1 is ON. To make the LED turn ON when the status of
Group 1 is OFF set this parameter to a value of 1.
• Parameter No: 3
• Length: 1 Byte
• Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
Invert Switch
To change the top of the transmitter to OFF and the bottom of the
transmitter to ON, set parameter 4 to 1. To change back to original
settings, set this parameter to the value of 0.
• Parameter No: 4
• Length: 1 Byte
• Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 0)
Ignore Start Level When Receiving Dim Commands
The WT00Z-1 can send Dim commands to Z-Wave enabled dimmers.
The Dim command has a start level embedded in it. A dimmer receiving
this command will start dimming from that start level. However, the
command can be sent so that the dimmer ignores the start level and
instead start dimming from its current level. By default, the WT00Z-1
sends the command so that the dimmer will start dimming from its
current dim level rather then the start level embedded in the command.
To change this, simply set the confi guration parameter to 0.
• Parameter No: 5
• Length: 1 Byte
• Valid Values = 0 or 1 (default 1)
NOTE: This only affects a level that is reported or possibly sent by the
WT00Z-1 since the WT00Z-1 does not control a load.