International Electronics Incorporated Technical/Sales: 1-800-343-9502 , 1-800-733-9502
427 Turnpike Street Phone: 781-821-5566
Canton, Massachusetts 02021 Fax: 781-821-4443
Fax Information Center: 781-821-0734 www.ieib.com
Secured Series:
Hub Plus Kit
Single Door Controller Package Installation Manual
This package is designed to simplify the connections to our Secured Series Hub Plus Controller. This
will translate into shorter installation times and increase your profits while at the same time increasing
the protection and reliability of the device. This manual will give you step by step guidance through the
Note: When installing the Hub Plus Kit do not refer to any wiring diagrams in the Secured Series Hub
Plus Controller Features, Programming and Wiring guide. They no longer apply when using this kit. The
programming instructions do apply.
• All plug in wire harnesses are connected and now accessible through terminal screws.
• All there is to do is connect the supplied transformer to the power supply.
• No more soldering.
• Has Com Line protection for port A and Port C making networking between buildings more reliable.
• On Board RJ11 jack that is jumper selectable makes connecting to a PC or Modem within 25 Ft easier.
• On-Board Loop-back connectors for faster and easier com port tests.
• Inputs for door contact and REX have components that make testing and operation easier.
q Step 1: Unpacking the device and checking the packing list.
q Step 2: Making the connections between the Front End Reader and the Hub Connection Board.
q Step 3: Making the connections for the REX and Door Contact.
q Step 4: Wiring the On-Board RJ11 Jack in the Hub Connection Board(for use with optional PC
Software, available in MS-DOS and Win95 versions).
q Step 5: Connecting the 16.5 VAC transformer and battery (not included) to the Power Supply.
q Step 6: System power up.
If you have disassembled the Hub Plus Kit and need to reconnect the Hub Plus
Controller follow the steps listed below:
q Step A: Mounting and disassembling the Hub Plus Controller.
q Step B: Making the connections between the Hub Plus Controller and Hub Connection Board.
q Step C: Reassemble the Hub Plus Controller.
q Step D: Connecting the Hub Plus Controller to the Power Supply.
q Step E: System power up.
HubPlus Kit Installation Manual
Part# 6065035 rev. 1.1
Fax Document Number: 5035

International Electronics Incorporated Technical/Sales: 1-800-343-9502 , 1-800-733-9502
427 Turnpike Street Phone: 781-821-5566
Canton, Massachusetts 02021 Fax: 781-821-4443
q Step 1: Unpacking the device and checking the packing list.
Fax Information Center: 781-821-0734 www.ieib.com
Open the box. Inside is a metal enclosure. Mounted in the door of the enclosure is a Hub Plus
Controller. Open the metal enclosure and take inventory. Inside the metal enclosure you will find:
1 Hub Plus Controller mounted in door of enclosure
1 Hub Connection Board (mounted)
1 IEI Door Gard Power Supply 12 Volt 1 Amp (mounted)
1 16.5VAC Transformer
1 Camlock
6 Three-Conductor Wire Harnesses (connected between Hub Plus and Hub Connection Board)
1 Four-Conductor Wire Harnesses (connected between Hub Plus and Hub Connection Board)
1 Four-Conductor Cable (connected between Hub Plus and Power Supply)
1 Set of Battery Cables and Hardware Packs
Secured Series Hub Plus Features, Programming, Wiring Guide
Secured Series Hub Plus Kit Installation Manual
Enclosure Dimensions (11.5”w x 11.5”h x 4”d)
Please check the contents of the enclosure and verify all components on the packing list are present.
Taking this inventory will familiarize you with the components as well as ensure you
have a complete kit.
Hub Connection Board
Hub Plus Controller
Power Supply
Wire the lock here!
q Step 2: Connecting the Front End Reader to the Hub Connection Board.
The Hub Plus Kit should be mounted on the secured side of the door and is not meant to be used as an access
device. That is to say that no one should be using the keypad of the Hub Plus as a means of gaining access or
egress. The devices to be used at the door to gain access are Front End Readers (not included). There is an
explanation of what these units are in the Hub Plus Features Programming and Wiring Guide which is found in the
white cardboard box along with the Hub Plus. Whichever Secured Series Front End Reader(s) (you may wire two
Front End Readers in parallel at the door) you choose appropriate for your application it will be connected to Hub
Connection Board. On the Hub Connection Board you will see four screws in the section labeled Front End. Each
of these screws is labeled with a color and they will connect to the corresponding color of the four-conductor wire
harness that is included with the Front End Reader. The connection is made with four-conductor stranded with
HubPlus Kit Installation Manual
Part# 6065035 rev. 1.1
Fax Document Number: 5035

International Electronics Incorporated Technical/Sales: 1-800-343-9502 , 1-800-733-9502
427 Turnpike Street Phone: 781-821-5566
Canton, Massachusetts 02021 Fax: 781-821-4443
Fax Information Center: 781-821-0734 www.ieib.com
overall foil shield type cable (not included). You must use this type of cable to ensure signal integrity. After you
have made your connection it is also vital to terminate the drain wire of the cable. The drain wire is a bare wire
that runs the entire length of the cable inside the shield and along side the other four conductors. This drain wire is
to be terminated at the Earth Ground terminal of the Hub Connection Board only. Do not terminate the drain
wire at the Front End Reader.
From Hub Plus To Front End Reader
q Step 3: Making the connections for the REX and Door Contact.
The manual for the IEI Secured Series Hub Plus Controller has a very good explanation of the functions
of the REX (Request to Exit) and Door Contact input loops. Therefore in this manual we will merely
discuss the connections and the new testing feature. Wire your normally-open device to the REX
terminals and a normally-closed magnetic door contact to the DOOR INPUT terminals. A jumper cap J3
has been provided so that if you do not choose to incorporate a normally-closed door contact in your
application you can shunt the loop by placing the jumper cap on both pins. If you are including a door
contact do not forget to place J3 on one pin only otherwise the loop will be shunted and the local alarm
functions as well as auto-relock will not function.
To normally open
Exit Device
From Hub Plus Controller To normally closed
Door Contact
q Step 4: Wiring the On-Board RJ11 Jack in the Hub Connection Board (for use with
optional PC Software, available in MS-DOS and Win95 versions).
The On-Board RJ11 Jack makes connection to a PC or a Modem easier providing that the PC or Modem is located
within 25 feet of the Hub Plus Kit.
Ø If your PC or Modem is located at a distance greater than 25 feet you must use the surface mount RJ11
Jack that is included with your PC Software Kit.
If you wish to use the On-Board RJ11 Jack disconnect the white 3 conductor wire harness from Port A on the Hub
Connection Board and connect it to Port A (AUX) on the Hub Connection Board. The On-Board RJ11 Jack is
Jumper Selectable. There are 2 pin-rails located behind the modular connector on the Hub Connection Board.
Each of these pin rails has a jumper cap. If you are connecting to a PC within 25 Ft of this unit both of the jumper
caps must be on pins 2 + 3. If you are connecting to a modem within 25 Ft of this unit both of the jumper caps must
be on pin 1 + 2.
From Hub Plus Controller Modular Connector
Jumper Setting for On-Board RJ11 Connector
HubPlus Kit Installation Manual
Part# 6065035 rev. 1.1
Fax Document Number: 5035