User Guide
Firewire IEEE 1394A PCI Host Controlle r Car d
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About this card
This Firewire IEEE 1394A PCI Host Controller card uses the most advanced, high-speed digital technology,
low-cost and high b andwidth isoc hronous ( real-t ime) data int erfac ing between computer s, comput er peri pherals
and consumer electronics products such as camcorders, VCRs, printers, TVs, and digital cameras. With this
IEEE 1394 standard, users can transfer video or capturing images from a digital camera or camcorder to PC
with no image degradation.
• 1394 Link Core
- 32-bit CRC generator and checker for receive and transmit data
- On-c hip isochr onou s and a synchronous receive and t rans mit FIFO s for packets
- Supports P1394A acceleration features
• OHCI Compliant Programming Inter f ace
- Complies with 1394 OpenHCI Specifications V1.0 and V1.1
- Compatible with Microsoft OHCI, DV, and SBP -2 driver in Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows
Me, W indows XP, Windows 2000 and MacOS operating system
- Dedicated deep FIFOs for isochronous transmit, asynchronous transmit, isochronous receive, and
async hronous receive
• 32- Bi t Power-Managed PCI B us Int erface
- Compliant with PCI specification 2. 2
- High Performance Bus Mastering support
- Compliant with PCI Bu s Power Management S pecification V1.1
• Integrated 400Mbit PHY
- Compliant with IEEE 1394 Standard for High Performance Serial Bus and P1394A Supplement
- Fully 1394a compliant cable ports, each supporting 100/200/400 Mbit/sec
- Cable power presence monitoring
• Full support of real time dynamic insertion and remova l of devices
• Supported by Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows
2000 and MacOS 9.0 Operating System
What is in your package?
You shou ld have the following items in your pa c kage:
• One Firewire IEEE 1394A PCI Host Controller card
• One Us er Gu i d e
Optional Accessories
• Bundled Video Editing and Capturing Soft ware
• One Firewire IEEE 1394A Cable