Return Toaster
Return Toaster
Standard Features:
General: The new Lincol n Conveyor
Return Toaster features big volume
in a small space. This self contained,
conveyorized unit is designed for
counter top use and is stackable up to
two high. Toasting intensity can range
from 1.0 to 9 .9 while the conveyor
speed is adjustable from 10 to 99
Simple, Easy to Operate
Digital Controls
Profiled Zoned Elements
Produce Even Toasting
Across Chamber
Independent Control of
Top Two Exit Side Heating
Cool Skin™ Technology
Innovative Air Curtain
Prevents Heat Loss
Convection Assisted
Toasting Results in
Increased Productivity
steel and consists of durable
components for extended life. The
conve yor belt is flexible st ai nl ess
steel design wi th a capacity for ten
inch (10”) wide product. Each unit is
equipped with a voltage detection
feature that identifies and adapts to
incoming voltage.
Each Unit is Equipped with
Voltage Detection
Can Be Operated as a Front
Return Toaster or Pass Thru
Controls: The controls a re located
on the fron t of the unit. It includes a
power on/off switch, intensity control,
digital display, c onveyor s pe ed control
and two pro grammable pre-set
Construction: The Lincoln Return
Toaste r is constructed of stainless
1111 North Hadley Road
P.O. Box 1229
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801-1229
Tel 1.260.459.8200
Fax 1.260.436.0735
E mail info@lincolnfp.com
web www.lincolnfp.com
Return Toaster
ELECTRICAL SERVICE: He at is sup plied by ten ( 10) infra red
heating elements with six (6) on top and four (4) on bottom.
Each toaster i s rated at 4850 Watts. A s eparate circuit breaker
is re quired for each toaster. Do mestic si ngle phas e un its
requi re a 30 amp electr ical ser vice with recept acle ty pe N EMA
6-30R to mate with a provided NEMA 6-30P plug.
VENTILATION: Ventila tion is n ot requir ed bu t lo cal codes
preva il. T hese are the “au thority having j uris diction” as st ated
by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc. in NFPA 96-
Model Width Depth Height Belt Width Frequency Amps Watts Voltage Phase
NOTE: Specifications subject to change without notification.
1111 North Hadley Road
P.O. Box 1229
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801-1229
(381 mm)
26 ½”
(673 mm)
Tel 1.260.459.8200
Fax 1.260.436.0735
E mail info@lincolnfp.com
web www.lincolnfp.com
(406 mm)
(254 mm)
SPACING: The toaster must have 6” (152 mm) of clearance
from all com bust ible surfaces and at l east 6” ( 152 mm) of
clearance on both sides.
WARRANTY: All new toaster come with a one (1) year parts/
labor war ranty. D efec tive pa rts of the original eq uipm ent
on all installed toasters warranted for one year from the
date of purc hase. Warranty ser vice must be provide d by an
authorized service agent.
Bid Specifications: The Retu rn Toaster shall b e Lin coln mode l
_________ rated at _____ watts, _____ volts, single phase AC.
60 Hz 23.3 4850 208/240 1Ø
©2008 Lincoln Foodservice Products, LLC
Printed in the U.S.A.