Lift-master ERMAWIN User Manual

Event Record Monitoring and Analysis Software
User’s Guide
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Software Version
4.0 and up
Doc 6001648, Rev B
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About ERMAWin 3
System Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined.
Installing ERMAWin 4
Helpful Hints and Edit Functions 4
Starting ERMAWin 5
Exiting ERMAWin 5
Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your
Getting Access to Transactions 6
Types of Reports and Analyses: An Overview 6
Printing a Report 7
Report Using Selected Data Only 8
Transaction Detail Report 10
Transaction Summary Report 11
Transaction History Report 12
Transaction Type History Report 13
Real-Time Event Monitoring........................14
Monitoring Events 14
Monitoring Multiple Units 15
Setting Alarm Profiles 17
Timestamp Edit Utility .................................19
Selecting Transaction Batches 19
Editing Timestamps 20
Housekeeping and Your Database .............21
Selecting a Database 21
Purging All Transactions 22
Purging a Unit’s Transactions 23
Changing Purge Defaults 24
Deleting a Database 24
Creating a Database 24
Other Database Functions 25
Archiving Transactions 26
Changing Archive Defaults 27
Exporting Transactions 28
Changing Export Defaults 29
Getting Help 30
Technical Support 31
About ERMAWin (Menu Option) 32
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Doc 6001648, Rev B
This chapter will cover . . .
   Overview


About ERMAWin
Installing ERMAWin
Helpful Hints and Edit Functions
Page 3
Page 4  Exiting ERMAW in Page 5
Page 4

About ERMAWin

ERMAWin gives you the power to analyze transactions from your Infinity or Multi-Link telephone
entry systems. By providing a wide variety of formats and choices, data can be arranged to track system operation according to your needs.
Use ERMAWin to monitor the activities of your telephone entry systems in real time. You can even monitor multiple units simultaneously.
ERMAWin allows you to create customized alarm profiles. You can send messages explaining who to
call or what to do in case of an alarm.
ERMAWin gives you the capability to correct invalid timestamps, should one of the units mark
transactions with an invalid date or time.
The procedures in this manual assume that . . .
onitoring and Analysis Software
Starting ERMAW in Page 5
ERMAWin can perform database housekeeping chores like saving transactions in archive files and purging old records, so your databases don’t become too large and unwieldy. You can also export files to different applications, such as spreadsheets.
ERMAWin gives you all the convenience of Windows, including Toolbar, Taskbar, function tabs
and drop-down menus that allow instant access to all ERMAWin features.
ERMAWin’s eye-catching icons and highlighting help you to sort through and analyze transactions with ease. You no longer have to look for data differences — ERMAWin icons and highlighting make the information jump off the screen at you.
You have basic computer knowledge. If not, please review your computer manuals before
You have already reviewed the manuals for your telephone entry system (Infinity or Multi-
Link). If not, please review the appropriate manual(s) before continuing.
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Installing ERMAWin
For installation information, please refer to the SPSWin Installation Instructions.
Helpful Hints and Edit Functions
ERMAWin has four “help” aids:
Tool Tips are brief identifying statements
describing most buttons and many screen features - activated when the cursor is positioned on top of a button or icon.
Status bar help is located at the bottom of the
Main Screen and is activated by mouse movement.
The ERMAWin Main Window displays six icons which can be used quickly to access the main functions of ERMAWin.
Click once on any icon to start its function.
Move the cursor over an icon. At the bottom of
the window, you will see a short explanation of the icon’s function (Status Bar Help).
Online Help is an online version of this
manual provided for reference.
Help buttons are available in most of the
dialog boxes by pressing F1 or from Help menu.
Figure 1: ERMAWin Main Window
Many menus and buttons have an underlined
Most options within menus have an underlined
letter. To access a menu or button from the keyboard, simultaneously press the [ALT] key and the underlined letter key.
To move the highlight within a screen, use the
[TAB] key.
To correct a mistake while keying in data, do one of the following:
Select and Delete: Highlight the incorrect
Backspace: Place the cursor to the right of
data with the mouse by placing the I-beam over the beginning of the data that is to be deleted. Press and hold the left mouse button. While still pressing and holding the mouse
Delete: Place the cursor to the left of the
button, drag the I-beam over the data. The data becomes highlighted. When all the data is highlighted, press the [DELETE] key. All highlighted data is deleted.
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letter in their name. To access an option on a menu from the keyboard, press the key for the underlined letter.
the word(s) or data that is incorrect. Press the [BACKSPACE] key until the data is deleted.
incorrect data and press the [DELETE] key.
Select and/or edit the various functions in the following ways:
   Overview
Round Buttons: Round buttons (also called
radio buttons) which are highlighted (filled in) indicate that the corresponding option is currently selected. To select a different option, click on the corresponding round button. That button becomes highlighted. Usually, you may only select one of these buttons at a time.
Text Entry Boxes: Blank text entry boxes
indicate that no value has been set for the corresponding option. To enter a value, place the mouse I-beam in the box and key in the desired value. To edit a text entry box with a value displaying, drag the mouse I-beam over the value. The value becomes highlighted. Enter the desired value. The new value replaces the previously displayed value.
Starting ERMAWin
1. Click on .
2. From the fly-up START menu, select
PROGRAMS >> Sentex Applications >> ERMAWin.
Check Boxes: Check boxes are used to
select one or more items in a category. When they have a check (9999) in them, the corresponding option is currently selected. To select a different or additional option, click on the corresponding check box. That box will display a check (9999). To deselect an item, click on the box. The check (9999) will disappear.
Apply: After completing screen entries, click
the Apply button to save the work you have done. The window will remain open so you can continue working.
Done: After completing the screen entries,
click the Done button or the OK button (if available) to return to the Main Screen.
Cancel: Selecting Cancel will close a window
without making any changes.
Sentex Applications is the default name of
the program group and will appear unless the user has changed the program group name.
To create a shortcut to ERMAWin, drag the
ERMAWin icon onto the desktop (see Windows User Guide for details).
Exiting ERMAWin
From the Main Window:
1. From the toolbar, select Transactions.
2. From the drop-down menu, select Exit.
3. Select Yes at the confirmation dialog box.
4. When you exit ERMAWin, the program checks to see if any transactions need to be purged. If so, the Ready to Purge Transactions dialog box will be displayed. This box appears only when there are transactions to be purged, so you probably won’t see it the first few times you exit ERMAWin.
5. From here, you may archive and purge old transactions. Purge transactions you no longer need to see. For more information about archiving and purging records, see Purging a Unit’s Transactions on page 23.
6. Select Yes to purge or archive, and exit ERMAWin. Select No to exit ERMAWin without purging or archiving.
Figure 2: Ready to Purge Transactions Screen
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Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your System
Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your System
This chapter will cover . . .
Getting Access to Transactions
Types of Reports and Analyses:
An Overview
Printing a Report
Report Using Selected Data Only
Page 7  Transaction History Report Page 12
Page 6  Transaction Detail Report Page 10
Page 6
Page 8 Transaction Type History Report Page 13
Transaction Summary Report
Page 11
Getting Access to Transactions
There are two ways to get access to the unit transactions: real-time event monitoring and retrieving the transactions from the unit(s) through SPSWin.
For real-time event monitoring, see Real-Time Event Monitoring on page 14.
To use SPSWin to retrieve the transactions, see the SPSWin User’s Guide, Downloading
Transactions, under Viewing and Printing Transactions.
Types of Reports and Analyses: An Overview
ERMAWin provides you with four different types of reports. Each report includes the following information in the header:
Unit Name and Description
Unit Type – Infinity or Multi-Link
Multi-Link Chain Information – if applicable
Number of Transactions for the Unit
Transaction Detail Report provides you with a list of the transactions that took place at the unit or units you choose. The transactions are printed in date and time order. This is a powerful tool for checking security because it lists results of events. For example, you may see a pattern of alarm conditions if someone is leaving a particular door open when it should be closed; or you can check to insure time zones and schedules are operating correctly.
Transaction Summary Report provides you with three pie graphs illustrating the transactions that have taken place at a unit. The first graph shows the percentage of Transactions by Date; you can see what days are busiest and adjust your schedules accordingly. The Transactions by Source graph shows which keypads, doors, etc. are busiest; you can use this information to evaluate where you may wish to place lights or closed circuit TV cameras in the future. The last graph, Transactions by Result, illustrates the results of each transaction.
Transaction History Report provides you with bar graphs illustrating the number of transactions that took place on each date. This can help you evaluate the busiest times and days of week for each unit. Use this information to adjust your schedules.
Transaction Type History Report provides you with bar graphs illustrating the number of transactions by source and result that took place each date. The report includes a table of the dates and the source-result count for each transaction. You can use this report to evaluate what is happening at each of your doors, keypads, etc. Use it to adjust your schedules, times zones, and general security.
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Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your System

In the Main Window, click the icon for report of your choice OR
1. From the menu bar, select R
2. From the drop-down menu, select the report of your choice (Figure 3).
3. The Create Report window will appear (Figure
4). From the Create Report Window, you can structure your report in the way that will best suit your needs.
Figure 3: Main Window, Reports Drop-Down Menu
Figure 4: Create Report Window
Printing a Report
All reports have a default print layout (e.g., portrait or landscape). Please note that changing report layouts from landscape to portrait (when landscape is the default setting of a particular report) may truncate areas of the report.
1. Specify the unit, units or all units.
2. Specify the relay, relays, or all relays.
3. Specify the source, sources or all sources.
4. Specify the result, results or all results.
5. Choose all dates/times, a range of dates and times, or a particular date/time.
6. Chose all access/directory codes, a range of codes, or a particular code. You may exclude blank codes.
7. Choose all Names, a range of names, or a particular name. You may exclude blank names.
8. If you wish to display the report on screen, make sure there is a check () in the box next to Preview report before printing. If you wish to print the report, click in the box; the checkmark will disappear.
9. To reset your selection to the defaults, click the R
eset button. To return to the Main Window without printing, click the Cancel button.
10. Click the O displayed or printed. Click the Cancel button to return to the Main Window without printing or displaying the report.
11. When previewing a report:
Click the Printer Setup icon
the printer’s default settings (e.g., paper orientation).
Click the Print icon
K button. The report will be
to change
to print the report.
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Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your System
Report Using Selected Data Only
You may filter the transactions you wish to see on your reports using the following options (see Figure 4). You may print the same types of reports, filtered many different ways, from the same set of transactions. ERMAWin will not purge transactions until you are ready.
Units: select one unit, several units, or all
Relays: select one relay, several relays, or
all relays.
Sources: select one source (such as a
keypad, or door), several sources, or all sources.
Results: select one result (such as access
denied, or alarm condition), several results, or all results.
Other methods of filtering transactions include:
Date/Time Ranges: print transactions for a
specific date, range of dates, or exclude a date or range of dates.
Code Settings: print transactions initiated by a
certain access/directory code, a range of codes, or exclude a code or range of codes.
Name Settings: print transactions initiated by a
particular person by specifying a name, a set of names, or exclude a name or set of names.
To choose all units, make sure there is a
check () in the box next to All Units
If you
choose one or more units, but not all, the checkmark will disappear.
To select one unit, click on the unit in the
list. Use the up and down arrows on the right side of the Units box to scroll through the list of units.
If you have defined names for relays in SPSWin (e.g., Front Door, Back Door, etc.), they will appear rather than the regular relay number. The relay and source will both appear on the report in the
Unit Relay Name Source Appears in Report as . . .
Unit A Front Door CARD READER CARD READER, Front Door
Unit A Back door DOOR AJAR DOOR AJAR, Back Door
example (see right):
To choose all relays and/or sources,
make sure there is a check () in the box(es) next to All Relays and/or All Sources.
To select one relay/source, click on the
relay/source in the list. Use the up and down arrows on the right side of the Relays/Sources box to scroll through the list.
To select several contiguous units from the
list, hold down the SHIFT key, move the pointer over the first unit, and press and hold the left mouse key. Pull down until all the units you want to select are highlighted.
To select several units, hold down the CTRL
key and click on the units you wish to see.
To select several contiguous relays/sources
from the list, hold down the SHIFT key, move the pointer over the first unit, and press and hold the left mouse key. Pull down until all the relays/sources you want to select are highlighted.
To select several relays/sources, hold down
the CTRL key and click on the relays/sources you wish to see.
To choose all Results, make sure there is
a check () in the box next to All Results. If you choose one or more results, but not all, the checkmark will disappear.
To select one result, click on the result in
the list. Use the up and down arrows on the right side of the Results box to scroll through the list of results.
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To select several contiguous results from the
list, hold down the SHIFT key, move the pointer over the first unit, and press and hold the left mouse key. Pull down until all the results you want to select are highlighted.
To select several results, hold down the CTRL
key and click on the results you wish to see.
   Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your System
You may select a date or range of dates. For example, you may wish to see the transactions that occurred over a three-day weekend, such as Labor Day. You may enter the Time you wish the report to begin (12:00 am, Midnight, to see all events on the date(s) you chose).
To see transactions for one date, select
equals in the Date/Time Ranges box. In the Date box, enter the date. Enter a time only if you want to see transactions that happened at that specific time.
To exclude one date, select not equal to in
the Date/Time Ranges box. In the Date box, enter the date. Enter a time only if you want to exclude transactions that happened at that specific time.
To choose all dates after a particular date,
select after in the Date/Time Ranges box. In the Date box, enter the date; you may enter a time.
To choose all dates prior to a specific date,
select before in the Date/Time Ranges box. In the Date box, enter the date; you may enter a time.
To choose all dates starting up to and
including a specific date, select up through in the Date/Time Ranges box. In the Date box, enter the date; you may enter a time.
To choose transactions between two specific
dates, select is between in the Date/Time Ranges box. In the top Date box, enter the date on which to begin the report; you may enter a time. In the bottom Date box, enter the date on which to end; you may enter a time.
To choose all dates starting from a particular
date, select starting from in the Date/Time Ranges box. In the Date box, enter the date; you may enter a time.
You may select a particular access/directory code or range of codes.
To see transactions for one access/directory
code, select is equal to in the Code Settings box. In the Code box, enter the access/directory code.
To exclude one access/directory code, select
is not equal to in the Code Settings box. In the Code box, enter the access/directory code. You may not want to see events that have no codes. Click in the box next to Exclude blank Codes. A checkmark () will appear.
To choose all codes lower than a specific
access/directory code, select is less than or is not greater than or equal to in the Code Settings box. In the Code box, enter the access/directory code.
To choose all access/directory codes starting
up to and including a specific access/directory code, select is less than or equal to or is not greater than in the Code Settings box. In the Code box, enter the access/directory code.
To choose all access/directory codes greater
than a particular access/directory code, select
is greater than or is not less than or equal to in the Code Settings access/directory code.
In the Code box, enter the access/directory code.
To choose all access/directory codes starting
from a particular access/directory code, select is greater than or equal to in the Code Settings. In the Code box, enter the access/directory code.
To choose transactions between two specific
access/directory code, select is between in the Code Settings box. In the top Code box, enter the access/directory code you wish the report to begin. In the bottom Code box, enter the access/directory code to end the report.
To exclude transactions between two specific
access/directory code, select is not between in the Code Settings box. In the top Code box, enter the access/directory code you wish the report to begin excluding. In the bottom Code box, enter the access/directory code to end the report excluding.
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Transaction Reports: Analyzing Your System
You may select a particular name or range of names. For example, if you wish to see the transactions for a particular family, you may wish to see events initiated by everyone with the last name Smith.
To see transactions for one name, select is
equal to in the Name Settings box. In the
Name box, enter the name.
To exclude one name, select is not equal to
in the Name Settings box. In the Name box, enter the name. You may not want to see events that have no names. Click in the box next to Exclude blank Names. A checkmark () will appear.
To choose names starting with a letter or set
of letters, select begins with in the Name Settings access/directory code. In the Name box, enter the name.
To exclude names starting with a particular
To choose names ending with a letter or set of
letters, select ends with in the Name Settings box. In the Name box, enter the name.
To exclude names starting with a letter or set
of letters, select does not end with in the Name Settings box. In the Name box, enter the letter(s).
To choose names that contain a letter or set of
letters, select contains in the Name Settings box. In the top Name box, enter the letter(s).
To exclude names that contain a letter or set
of letters, select does not contain in the Name Settings box. In the top Name box,
enter the letter(s). letter or set of letters, select does not begin with in the Name Settings. In the Name box, enter the name.
Transaction Detail Report
The Transaction Detail Report provides you with a list of the transactions which took place at the unit(s) of your choice. The transactions are listed in date and time order, beginning with the oldest transaction. Information provided includes:
Timestamp: Date and Time the transaction
took place.
Unit Number: Displays the unit’s number
within a multi-link chain (used only in a multi­link configuration).
Source: What initiated the event such as a
scheduled activation, telephone entry, or alarm condition.
Code: The access/directory code used.
Name: The name associated with the
access/directory code.
Result: What action the system took such as
access granted or denied (and the reason).
Figure 5: Transactions Report
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+ 23 hidden pages