Exhibition News
2 012
InnoTrans 2012
September 18 - 21 - Berlin
© DB AG, Air bus

Francis Niss
Dear Reader,
InnoTrans in Berlin is an event of utmost importance for Liebherr. As in the past, we are participat-
ing with enthusiasm this year to present the products and the technologies we have developed
for the rail industry.
The industry is currently facing a downturn. Indeed, the global economic and financial conditions
restrain the implementation of new train projects and the replacement of rolling stock. Even in
China, the world’s most important market for the rail industry, several new programs have sud-
denly been frozen.
Nevertheless, we continue to experience sustainable growth thanks to our long-term develop-
ment strategy.
We have decided to concentrate our engineering skills at our main site in Korneuburg (Austria)
in order to consolidate efficiency. We have launched a promising process for product standard-
ization as well as for the reduction of lead-time and development cost. In Korneuburg, we are
establishing engineering and production expertise for highly efficient hydraulic systems derived
from the technologies we developed for the aerospace industry.
Of course, we continue to invest in environmentally friendly technologies such as air cycle and
air conditioning as well as in other solutions for the reduction of noise emissions, on-board
weight and energy consumption.
A modern and competitive production center in Bulgaria and a joint venture in China complement
the Korneuburg site. Our customer service activities show substantial growth thanks to dynamic
commercial action and our global presence.
Thus, Liebherr is well prepared to meet the future challenges of the rail industry, which still shows
considerable growth potential in the medium and long term.
We hope you enjoy reading this new edition of our exhibition news and have a successful
InnoTrans 2012.
Best regards,
Francis Niss
President, Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS

Editorial 2
Liebherr-Transportation Systems 4
A Strong Network ................................................... 6
Air Cycle Air Conditioning Technology ..................... 8
Electro-Hydraulic Actuation .................................... 10
Saline Provides Services
for Rail Vehicle Industry ......................................... 12
News From Around the World ............................... 14
Liebherr-Aerospace 16
Major Investments 18
Liebherr-Aerospace in the Americas ....................... 20
A Supplier to Airbus from the Very Beginning ........ 22
CSeries: Landing Gear and
Air Management Systems .................................... 24
AW189, Global 7000 / 8000 Program .................... 25
Vast Array of Products for the Aviation Industry .... 26
Liebherr Group News 28
Growth in the Business Year 2011 ......................... 30
Domestic Appliances Receive Awards ................. 33
New Liebherr T 284 Mining Truck ......................... 34
Publisher’s Address .............................................. 36

© Bombardier Transportation
Liebherr-Transportation Systems

Transportation Systems
Liebherr’s Transportation Systems Division,
a Strong Network
The railway industry shows growth per-
spectives in the medium term, even if it
seems that the dynamics have slight-
ly slowed down in the last few months.
While countries that were hit particu-
larly hard by the current economic and
debt crisis cancelled or postponed sev-
eral projects, the railway industry as a
whole continues to grow.
The driving forces behind this growth
are new railway projects on the one
hand, and modernization measures in
the fields of long-distance traffic for
the main routes, subways and street-
cars on the other hand. Additionally,
this develop ment is supported by new
environmental protection requirements
and the highly congested transfer routes
in metropolitan areas.
Within its long-term strategy Liebherr-
Transportation Systems continues to
promote the expansion of its organiza-
tion in selected new markets or market
regions like North America, Russia or
Brazil with the aim of local presence. At
the same time Liebherr-Transportation
Systems has reinforced the sales
and service teams in its core markets
France, Germany and United Kingdom.
The process-based organization of
Liebherr-Transportation Systems has
been further developed in order to im-
prove smooth collaboration across the
different sites and to ensure that eve-
ry individual part of the organization re-
mains responsible for its tasks while
contributing to the achievement of the
company’s overall objectives. By en-
hancing simultaneous engineering the
lead time of the projects could be short-
ened even further. Thus, product quali-
ty, customer satisfaction and sustaina-
bility have been further increased.
Moreover, Liebherr-Transportation Systems
has started to concentrate all heating,
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
product development activities at its
main site in Korneuburg (Austria). The
aim is to benefit from synergies that
the utilization of engineering resourc-
es and infrastructure, the standardiza-
tion of business processes, the existing
in-house production as well as test fa-
cilities offer.
Furthermore, the collaboration with
the development and project manage-
ment departments is being improved
in order to meet customer needs in an
even more suitable manner and to im-
plement the sales and service strategy,
which was defined for the entire trans-
portation field. Here the standardiza-
tion of processes across all Liebherr-
Transportation Systems sites has
especially proven its worth.
The organizational alignment of the
hydraulic systems area has been com-
pleted: Liebherr-Transportation Systems
further established its responsibility re-
garding marketing, sales and customer
service (including repair and overhaul) of
hydraulic systems and equipment,
in the framework of a close collabo
with Liebherr-
GmbH (Ger
ment of the manufacturing network,
which was kicked off some years ago,
was also further advanced.
Aero space Lindenberg
many). The strategic align-

Transportation Systems
Systems GmbH & Co KG
in Korneuburg, Austria
The manufacturing site of Liebherr-
Transportation Systems in Radinovo
(Bulgaria) has expanded its operation.
The local company called Liebherr-
Transportation Systems Marica EOOD
is in charge of the series production of
all large-scale European HVAC projects.
The joint venture in China’s Zhejiang
province, Liebherr Zhongche Transportation
Systems Co., Ltd., has successfully in-
creased its production program in the
field of HVAC systems for Chinese car
manufacturers, who contribute to pro-
jects in and beyond China.
In addition, the plant of Liebherr-
Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG
in Korneuburg has been further devel-
oped in order to optimize performance
and quality, flexibility and high-speed re-
action time, which contributes to the di-
vision’s competitiveness. The range of
products manufactured in Korneuburg
is subsequently being enlarged.
Liebherr-Transportation Systems is be-
ing prepared to launch the assembly
and test of hydraulic products in the
near future, which will complement
the traditional HVAC systems railway
All employees work hard to make one
vision come true: that of Liebherr-
Transportation Systems becoming a
global player and a worldwide reference
in the fields of HVAC, hydraulics and
power supply systems for the railway
industry. A major achievement in this
context was the renewal of the IRIS (Inter-
national Railway Industry Standard) cer-
tification of the Liebherr- Transportation
Systems’ sites in Korneuburg, Mannheim
and Radinovo in autumn 2011.
Service specialists
checking an air
conditioning unit

Transportation Systems
The Eco-Friendly Solution
for Air Conditioning in Trains
Liebherr’s air cycle air conditioning sys-
tem simply uses air as refrigerant to pro-
vide a comfortable climate for passen-
gers. The system operates with an open
loop process and draws the air required
for the cooling process from the environ-
ment. The air expands and thus cools.
Then the cool air runs through the heat
exchanger and is subsequently returned
to the ambience.
Fresh Air
When developing the system, Liebherr
took advantage of its long-term expe-
rience in the aircraft industry: air cycle
air conditioning systems made by
Liebherr have been installed on board of
numerous aircraft.
The system for application in rail vehicles
complies with all common passenger
comfort requirements such as UIC 553,
Process Air
EN13129 and EN14750, and – as a real
alternative to chemical refrigerants –
helps to reduce the greenhouse effect
according to worldwide HFC regulations.
As the system does not use any other re-
frigerant than air, there is no risk of refrig-
erant leakage and the compliance with
any future legislation regarding refriger-
ants in air conditioning systems is abso-
lute and unlimited.
Supply Air
Return Air
Fresh Air
Fresh Process Air
Return Air
Heater Heat Exchanger
Supply Air
Liebherr’s Air Cycle Air Conditioning Technology
Gives Proof of its Qualities
Liebherr-Transportation Systems’ cut-
ting-edge eco-friendly technology for air
conditioning of railway vehicles – the air
cycle air conditioning system – has prov-
en its outstanding performance in dai-
ly service. During the past seven years,
application in ICE 3 high speed trains
has demonstrated that this future-proof
technology derived from Liebherr’s
aerospace branch is superior to tradi-
tional vapor cycle air conditioning con-
cepts in terms of eco-friendliness, total
cost of ownership and enhanced pas-
senger comfort.
Liebherr's air cycle air conditioning tech-
nology features significantly reduced life
cycle costs compared to common vapor
cycle systems. Life cycle costs of tradition-
al air conditioning systems consist of sev-
eral items, the most significant ones be-
ing the direct maintenance on the system,
unscheduled vehicle downtime due to
system failure, spare part administration
and power consumption. Additional oper-
ating costs related to the refrigerant circuit
such as refrigerant handling and disposal,
retrofit of refrigerant in order to comply
with future regulations, or refrigerant emp-
tying / refilling times also contribute to the
high life cycle costs of traditional techno-
logies, increasing the attractiveness of the
air cycle technology.

Transportation Systems
Thanks to the reduced number of its
key components, which is based on the
fact that the refrigerant channel does
not need to be sealed, the system offers
higher reliability. Moreover, failed com-
ponents can be isolated and exchanged
much faster on an air cycle system than
on a traditional system, which normally
requires the replacement of the complete
cooling unit. Therefore maintenance op-
erations are significantly simpler.
In all, the reliability of Liebherr’s air cy-
cle air conditioning system helps to save
direct maintenance costs and leads to
considerably reduced vehicle down-
times. In the case of maintenance the
reduced number of parts in the system
ease any maintenance and repair, while
simplified accessibility guarantees effi-
cient time-saving service. Maintenance
does not require EG 303/2008 refriger-
ant-trained and certified personnel any-
more. Moreover, storage, handling and
future accounting of refrigerant on site
are no longer necessary. Furthermore,
with a view to a future ban of chemical
refrigerants, the air cycle air condition-
ing units will not need to be retrofitted or
adapted, thus accounting for an addition-
al cost advantage when compared to va-
por cycle units.
A key advantage of the air cycle sys-
tem technology is its ability to continue
operating even when external tempera-
tures are extremely severe and beyond
normal operating conditions. For exam-
ple, it even continues generating cool
air under high external temperatures. In
contrast to this, the vapor cycle system
stops operating due to the refrigerant
overpressure switch. This key feature
guarantees that the air cycle air condi-
tioning systems works when it is most
needed, thus preventing inside cabin
temperatures from exceeding outside
Other benefits this technology offers to
passengers are the low measured noise
and vibration levels in the car and on
the platform. Liebherr-Transportation
Systems is the only supplier in the industry
to develop the air cycle machine / cooling
turbine in-house, which guarantees the
long-term availability of this next genera-
tion technology for railway applications.
From September 18 - 21, 2012, Liebherr-Transportation Systems will present
numerous innovative solutions at InnoTrans in Berlin (Germany) at booth no. 232
in hall 3.1. Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly air conditioning systems,
reliable hydraulic actuation systems and electronic compo-
nents, or a high-performance railroad excavator with rail bo-
gies – the variety of products and services on display represent
Liebherr’s comprehensive know-how in the transportation
Outdoor display
at InnoTrans

Transportation Systems
Electro-Hydraulic Actuators −
an Intelligent Solution for Rail Transport
Electro-hydraulic actuators (EHA) work
as compact, high-performance “pow
houses” in rail vehicles, and are pro-
duced by Liebherr to meet specific cus-
tomer requirements in a wide range of
Twindexx Express
These applications include active lateral
suspension and active lateral centering
systems, car positioning systems, ac-
tive radial control, active wheelset control
and tilt technology. Among other attrib-
utes, EHA make a valuable contribution
to reducing the burden on the environ-
ment and preventing wear while increas-
ing performance.
Liebherr performs their assembly, fill-
ing and final testing under extremely
clean conditions and thus ensures they
will achieve many years of service in the
tough environment of rail transport. The
car manufacturer fits the Liebherr EHA
© Bombardier Transportation
to the vehicle and installs the cable con-
nection for the energy supply and con-
trol systems. The time-consuming in-
stallation work required on conventional
hydraulic systems to route the lines, fill
and vent the circuit is thus eliminated.
This also removes the risk of contaminat-
ing the hydraulic fluid through incorrect
installation work and, as a result, dam-
aging the actuator. The system could
almost be described as having ‘plug and
play’ functionality.
EHA from Liebherr are fundamental-
ly maintenance-free. If, nevertheless, a
fault should occur, the entire unit can be
quickly replaced without any hydraulic
expertise, thus avoiding prolonged vehi-
cle downtime.
The innovative EHA systems are regulat-
ed by a controller which communicates
with the vehicle control unit via CAN bus.
This controller was also developed by
Liebherr’s EHA can be adapted for all
customer requirements and ensure fast,
comfortable, and above all safe arrivals
at the destinations.
At train speeds of up to 350 km/h EHA
have to move heavy loads of several tons
into the position specified by intelligent
control units, or counteract vibrations
occurring on the vehicle. They not only
make faster train speeds possible, but
also increase passenger comfort.
A further key advantage of EHA is that
they reduce car and infrastructure wear
enormously. Initially rather high invest-
ment costs are recouped very quickly
through lower maintenance expenses,
reduced total energy costs and higher
carrying capacity compared with con-
ventional hydraulic systems. EHA are
self-contained hydraulic systems.
Above: Active yaw
damper system
Below: Actuator for
tilting technology

The new Bombardier
V300 ZEFIRO high-speed train
© Bombardier Transportation
New Generation of Compact,
Transportation Systems
Reliable and Service-Friendly Actuators
Last year, Liebherr-Transportation Systems
developed a new type of electro-hydraulic
drive system for rail vehicles for
Bombardier Transportation. In the first
stage, concepts for two versions of this
new actuator type were drawn up. One
version is used for active roll compensa
on the new InterCity double-decker
coaches of Swiss Federal Railways
(SBB). The other version is used for active
yaw compensation on Bombardier’s new
V300 ZEFIRO Italia high-speed train.
The new actuator type is part of a new
platform strategy, for which Liebherr is
developing customer-specific actuators
for as broad a range of applications as
possible. These include elements for
active rotational damping, active later-
al suspension, lateral compensation, tilt
technology and level control.
The new generation of actuators differs
from the electro-hydraulic actuators de-
veloped by Liebherr in the past in that
the electronics are now integrated into
the device. They now assume the task
of regulating and monitoring the individ-
ual actuator. The computer in the vehi-
cle is merely responsible for coordinating
the individual actuators among each oth-
er. Communications with this computer
are conducted using a robust CAN bus
signal, allowing the number of electrical
connections needed in the overall system
to be substantially reduced. Another ad-
vantage of bus communications is that
the parameters specific to the vehicle
or the actuator can be made available
through the bus system. Therefore an ac-
tuator can, for example, be used in dif-
ferent vehicles without any modifications
to its software. Equally, it is possible to
change the mechanical or hydraulic para-
meters of the actuator without software
Another feature of Liebherr's new actu-
ator type is the complete integration
the bogie frame. The actuator is sim
sideways into the opening provided in
the frame. This guarantees optimal ac-
cessibility to the actuator when it is in-
stalled, and allows the complete elec-
tronics or individual hydraulic valves to
be exchanged within a very short space
of time without removal of the device.
Direct thermal contact means that the
bogie frame can also act as a cooler for
the actuator.
Not only in its installation attention was
paid to optimal service friendliness, but
also in its design. For example, all com-
ponents which could potentially fail can
be quickly and simply replaced. The num-
p ly slid
ber of parts subject to wear has been re-
duced to small assembly modules, and
a paint finish has been deliberately omit-
ted, keeping the follow-on costs incurred
during an overhaul to a minimum.
With the new generation of compact,
reliable and service-friendly actuators,
Liebherr-Transportation Systems has
developed a highly versatile basis for a
wide range of future applications. Funda-
mentally, these are configured as highly
dynamic, power-regulated components.
Versions with travel control circuit are,
however, also possible. The design was
configured to allow additional expansion
stages to be realized. That permits the
actuator to be expanded by a second
controlling element, for example, retain-
ing use of many individual components.
One actuator controlling element can
thus tilt the coach frame while the sec-
ond radially adjusts the axis to the spe-
cific radius of the bend.