Liebherr-Aerospace and
The Liebherr Group of Companies
Liebherr-Aerospace and
Transportation Systems
Liebherr-Aerospace Seattle Office
Everett, WA, USA
Liebherr-Aerospace Canada Ltd.
Montreal, CANADA
Liebherr-Aerospace Wichita Office
Wichita, KS, USA
Liebherr Aerospace Saline, Inc.
Saline, MI, USA
Lindenberg GmbH
Lindenberg, GERMANY
Systems Mannheim GmbH
Mannheim, GERMANY
Hamburg Office
Hamburg, GERMANY
Liebherr-Russland OOO
Moscow, RUSSIA
Systems Marica EOOD
Radinovo, BULGARIA
Middle East Office
Zhejiang Liebherr Zhongche
Transportation Systems Co., Ltd.*
Zhejiang, PR CHINA
* joint venture
Liebherr-Aerospace China
Shanghai, PR CHINA
Nizhny Novgorod OOO
Nizhny Novgorod, RUSSIA
to be opened 2010
India Of
Bangalore, INDIA
Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS is member of the worldwide acting Liebherr Group of Companies.
Wide product range
The Liebherr Group is one of the largest construction
equipment manufacturers in the world. Liebherr’s highvalue products and services enjoy a high reputation in
many other fields, too. The wide range includes domestic appliances, aerospace and transportation systems,
machine tools and maritime cranes.
Exceptional customer benefit
Every product line provides a complete range of models
in many different versions. With both their technical excellence and acknowledged quality, Liebherr products offer
a maximum of customer benefits in practical application.
State-of-the-art technology
To provide consistent, top quality products, Liebherr
attaches great importance to each product area, its
components and core technologies. Important modules
and components are developed and manufactured inhouse, for instance the entire drive and control technology for construction equipment.
Worldwide and independent
Hans Liebherr founded the Liebherr family company in
1949. Since that time, the enterprise has steadily grown to
a group of 100 companies with over 32,000 employees
located on all continents. The corporate headquarters of
the Group is Liebherr-International AG in Bulle, Switzerland.
The Liebherr family is the sole owner of the company.
Transportation Systems
Knowledge and Experience You Can Trust.
Liebherr Aerospace
Brasil Ltda.
Guaratinguetá, BRASIL
São José dos Campos Office
São José dos Campos, BRASIL
Liebherr-Sunderland Works
Transportation Systems
Systems GmbH & Co KG
Korneuburg, AUSTRIA
Liebherr-Transportation Systems
Paris Office
Rueil-Malmaison, FRANCE
Toulouse SAS
Toulouse, FRANCE
Original Equipment Manufacturer
Service Center
E-Mail: info.lli@liebherr.com
Printed in Germany by Typodruck BK AER-10.012-0.5-05.10-5e
Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS
408 avenue des Etats-Unis, 31016 Toulouse Cedex 2, France
콯 +33 5 61 35 28 28, Fax +33 5 61 35 26 76
www.liebherr.com, www.liebherr.aero, E-Mail: info.lli@liebherr.com
Subject to technical modifications.

Development –
Customer ServiceLiebherr-Aerospace and
Transportation Systems
in General
System Supplier
for the Aviation Industry
Liebherr-Aerospace is a world-wide approved system and
equipment supplier and integrator for the aerospace industry
in the field of flight control / actuation systems, air management systems and landing gear systems. It participates
in various civil and military aircraft programmes as well as
in research and technology developments.
The range includes: commercial transport aircraft, military
transport aircraft, business jets, regional aircraft, fighter
aircraft, military trainer aircraft, civil and military helicopters.
Stations Worldwide
The three Original Equipment Manufacturer sites for Liebherr
aviation systems are located in Lindenberg (Germany),
Toulouse (France) and Guaratinguetá (Brazil).
Liebherr-Aerospace offers worldwide service, with the abovementioned OEM sites and further offices in Saline, (Michigan,
USA), Wichita (Kansas, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA),
Montreal (Canada), São José dos Campos (Brazil), Hamburg
(Germany), Moscow (Russia), Dubai (UAE), Bangalore (India),
oduction site in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) will be opened
in 2010.
e and Shanghai (PR China). A new Liebherr
System Supplier
for the Railway Industry
Liebherr-Transportation Systems develops and integrates
air conditioning systems, control technology and hydraulic
actuation systems for rail vehicles. Liebherr-Transportation
Systems has many years of experience in the design and
manufacture of these technologies.
The range of vehicles includes: high speed-, long distanceand regional-trains as well as light rail- and metro-trains.
Stations Worldwide
The production facilities are located in Korneuburg, near
Vienna (Austria) and Radinovo (Bulgaria). Alongside its own
sales and service of
Sunderland (United Kingdom) and Paris (France), the company
has a joint venture in Zhejiang province (PR China). LiebherrTransportation Systems also benefits from the worldwide
locations of the Group’s Aerospace Companies.
fices in Korneuburg, Mannheim (Germany),
Production – Series
System Solutions
Liebherr-Aerospace and Transportation Systems offer
complete system solutions and components according to
the individual needs of aircraft- and rail vehicles
of develop
customer services, Liebherr combines innovative practices
and high modularity to fully fit the customers’ requirements.
ers and -operators. With the certified disciplines
ment, production, qualification, integration and
For Aerospace
Air Management Systems:
• Air Conditioning Systems
• Engine Bleed Air Systems
• Cabin Pressure Control Systems
• Wing Anti-Ice Systems
• Galley Air Chillers
• Heating Systems
• Air Humidification Systems
• Cooled Air Supply for OBIGGS / FTIS
• System Electronics
Flight Control / Actuation Systems:
• High Lift Systems
• Primary Flight Control Systems
• Flight Control Computers
• Horizontal Stabilizer Actuators
• Cockpit Controls
• Power Electronics
• Actuation Systems
• Gearboxes
• Hydraulics
• System Electronics
Landing Gear Systems:
• Main Landing Gears
• Nose Landing Gears
• Nose Wheel Steering Systems
• Tail Landing Gears
• Actuation Systems
• System Electronics
For Rail Vehicles
• Vapour Cycle Air Conditioning Systems
• Air Cycle Air Conditioning Systems
• Hydraulic Actuation Systems
• Power Supply Systems
Worldwide Services
Liebherr-Aerospace and Transportation Systems offer
flexible and tailored customer services structured around
quality, price and lead time to ensure customers’
The partnership with aircraft and rail vehicles manu-
facturers and with operators allows Liebherr-Aerospace
and Transportation Systems to build and guarantee effi-
cient, innovative and dynamic service solutions based on
customer expectations, knowledge and experience.
Liebherr-Aerospace and Transportation Systems can rely
on the world wide assistance of the entire Liebherr Group.
Liebherr-Aerospace and
Transportation Systems stand for:
• Quality and reliability
• Long term strategy orientation
• Functionality and system solutions
• Partnership with aircraft and rail vehicles manufacturers
• Innovative products for optimized in-service operation
• On-time delivery to fulfil the market requirements
• Worldwide effective service
Auxiliary Power Unit Gearbox Landing GearPressure Regulating Valve Main Rotor Actuator Power Control UnitEnvironmental Control System Pack Buckling Angle Control Air Conditioning UnitCockpit Signal Computer Driver’s Cab Air ConditioningHumidifier