Quick Installation Guide
The Liebert IntelliSlot RDU101
Communications Card enables
SNMP management of Liebert
equipment. To integrate the card
into a SNMP system, compile the
Liebert Global Products MIB on the
network management station
(NMS). The Liebert Global
Products MIB supports both
Microsoft®Windows® and Unix file
formats. The MIB files can be
downloaded at https://www.
1. Mounting the IntelliSlot
NOTE : The bay may have a
plastic cover.
Insert the card into the
IntelliSlot bay on your Liebert
equipment and secure the card
using the screws supplied with
the Liebert equipment.
2. Connecting to Card
If using DHCP or BootP,
connect a LAN cable to the
card’s Ethernet port. If using
Static IP, proceed to step 4.
3. Using DHCP or BootP
Allow time for the card to boot
and acquire an address.
Get the address from the
network administrator based on
the card’s MAC address (from
the label on the card’s
faceplate). If the network
administrator is unavailable, the
DHCP address can be obtained
by accessing the card with a
link local connection. This is a
direct PC-to-card Ethernet
connection. The PC acquires a
local address and the card is
accessed at
Navigate to the
Communications-tab menu:
Support > Active Networking >
IPv4 Address.
Liebert® IntelliSlotTM RDU101TM Communications Card
4. Using a Static IP Address
Access the card using a linklocal connection. This is a
direct PC-to-card Ethernet
connection. The PC acquires a
local address and the card is
accessed at
Click the Communications tab,
then in the Communications-tab
menu, select Configuration >
Network > IPv4 or IPv6.
Select the IP protocol folder to
configure, click the Edit button
in the details panel,
and enter the default user name
and password:
• Default user name: Liebert
• Default password: Liebert.
Check the enabled box, and
enter the address information,
then click Save. The settings
take eect when the card is
Connect the card to the LAN
and confirm access.
return to the Web UI and
customize the configuration
including changing the user
names and passwords.
You can
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Quick Installation Guide
5. Change the user names
NOTE : We recommend
changing the administrative
and general user names and
passwords immediately to
safeguard the protected
configuration and control
options of the card.
On the Web UI, click the
Communications tab, then in
Communications -tab menu,
select Configuration > Local
• Select Local Users [1].
• Click Edit and enter the
default user name and
password (default user name
Liebert and password
• Enter the new Administrator
• Enter and confirm the new
administrator password, then
click Save.
• Select Local Users [2].
• Click Edit and enter the new
General user name.
• Enter and confirm the new
general user password, then
click Save.
The settings take eect
when the card is restarted.
This quick-installation guide
provides the information to install
and configure the RDU101 card. We
highly recommend that you consult
the user manual, Liebert IntelliSlot
RDU101 Communications Card
Installer/User Guide, available on
the product page at
To contact Vertiv Technical Support: visit www.VertivCo.com
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2 590-2176-501A/SL-31321_REV0