Installation Manual — 625-1200kVA, 1.0PF, 60Hz, Three-Phase, Single-Module and
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While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy and completeness herein, Vertiv Co. assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all
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This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during installation of your Liebert EXL UPS.
Read this manual thoroughly, paying special attention to the sections that apply to your installation, before
working with the UPS. Retain this manual for use by installing personnel.
Risk of electrical shock. Can cause personal injury or death.
This UPS has several circuits that are energized with high DC as well as AC voltages. Check for voltage
with both AC and DC voltmeters before working within the UPS. Check for voltage with both AC and DC
voltmeters before making contact.
Only properly trained and qualified personnel wearing appropriate safety headgear, gloves, shoes and
glasses should be involved in installing the UPS or preparing the UPS for installation. When performing
maintenance with any part of the equipment under power, service personnel and test equipment should
be standing on rubber mats.
In case of fire involving electrical equipment, use only carbon dioxide fire extinguishers or those approved
for use in fighting electrical fires.
Extreme caution is required when performing installation and maintenance.
Special safety precautions are required for procedures involving handling, installation and maintenance of
the UPS system. Observe all safety precautions in this manual before handling or installing the UPS
system. Observe all precautions in the Operation and Maintenance Manual, SL-26030, before as well as
during performance of all maintenance procedures. Observe all DC safety precautions before working on
or near the DC system.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant causer des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Ce système ASC comporte plusieurs circuits à haute tension c.a et c.c. Vérifiez les tensions au moyen de
voltmètres c.a. et c.c. avant d’utiliser le système ASC. Vérifiez les tensions avec des voltmètres c.a. et c.c.
avant d’établir tout contact.
Seuls des employés qualifiés et dûment formés portant un casque, des gants, des chaussures et des
lunettes de sécurité adéquats doivent se charger d’installer le système ASC ou de le préparer pour
l’installation.Les responsables de l’entretien et l’équipement d’essai doivent reposer sur des tapis de
caoutchouc lors de toute intervention sur une pièce d’équipement sous tension.
En cas d’incendie associé à du matériel électrique, n’utilisez que des extincteurs à dioxyde de carbone ou
homologués pour la lutte contre les incendies d’origine électrique.
Les opérations d’installation et d’entretien requièrent une extrême prudence.
Des précautions de sécurité spéciales sont requises pour les procédures associées à la manutention, à
l’installation et à l’entretien du système ASC. Observez toutes les précautions de sécurité décrites dans le
présent manuel avant de manipuler ou d’installer le système ASC. Observez également toutes les
précautions décrites dans le manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien, SL-26030, avant et pendant toutes les
procédures d’entretien. Observez toutes les précautions de sécurité appropriées lorsque vous travaillez
sur à proximité d’une source c.c. de sécurité appropriées dès que vous vous trouvez à proximité d’une
source c.c.
Risk of heavy unit falling over. Improper handling can cause equipment damage, injury or death.
Exercise extreme care when handling UPS cabinets to avoid equipment damage or injury to personnel.
The UPS module weight is up to 8095 lb. (3672 kg).
Locate center of gravity symbols and determine unit weight before handling each cabinet. Test lift
and balance the cabinets before transporting. Maintain minimum tilt from vertical at all times.
Slots at the base of the module cabinets are intended for forklift use. Base slots will support the unit only
if the forks are completely beneath the unit.
Read all of the following instructions before attempting to move, lift, or remove packaging from unit, or
prepare unit for installation.
Le centre de gravité élevé de l’appareil présente un risque de renversement. Une mauvaise manutention
peut entraîner des dommages matériels, des blessures et même la mort.
Faites preuve d’une extrême prudence lors de la manutention des armoires ASC afin d’éviter de les
endommager ou de blesser le personnel. Le module ASC pèse jusqu’à 3 672 kg (8 095 lb).
Identifiez les symboles de centre de gravité et déterminez le poids de l’appareil avant de manipuler
chaque armoire. Testez le levage et l’équilibre des armoires avant de transporter l’appareil. Maintenez en
tout temps l'inclinaison verticale minimale.
Les fentes situées à la base des armoires du module sont conçues pour utiliser le chariot élévateur. Les
fentes situées à la base peuvent soutenir le système seulement si les fourches se trouvent complètement
sous le système.
Lisez toutes les instructions ci-dessous avant de tenter de déplacer, lever, déballer ou préparer le
système en vue de son installation.
Risk of electrical shock and fire. Can cause equipment damage, personal injury or death.
Under typical operation and with all UPS doors closed, only normal safety precautions are necessary. The
area around the UPS system should be kept free of puddles of water, excess moisture and debris.
Only test equipment designed for troubleshooting should be used. This is particularly true for
oscilloscopes. Always check with an AC and DC voltmeter to ensure safety before making contact or
using tools. Even when the power is turned Off, dangerously high potential electric charges may exist at
the capacitor banks and at the DC connections.
All wiring must be installed by a properly trained and qualified electrician. All power and control wiring
must comply with all applicable national, state and local codes.
One person should never work alone, even if all power is disconnected from the equipment. A second
person should be standing by to assist and to summon help in case of an accident.
Risque de décharge électrique et d’incendie. pouvant entraîner des dommages matériels, des blessures
et même la mort.
Les précautions de sécurité habituelles suffisent lorsque le système ASC est en mode de fonctionnement
normal et que toutes les portes sont fermées. La zone entourant le système ASC doit être exempte de
flaques d’eau, d’humidité excessive et de débris.
Seuls des équipements d’essai conçus pour le dépannage doivent être utilisés. Cette mise en garde
couvre notamment les oscilloscopes. Utilisez toujours un voltmètre c.a. et c.c. pour vérifier les tensions
avant d’établir un contact ou d’utiliser des appareils. Des tensions dangereusement élevées peuvent
demeurer dans les batteries de condensateurs et au niveau des raccords c.c., même une fois
l’alimentation coupée.
Tous les raccords doivent être effectués par un électricien dûment formé et qualifié. Tous les câbles
d’alimentation et de commande doivent être conformes aux codes nationaux et locaux en vigueur.
Une personne ne devrait jamais travailler seule, même si toute l’alimentation d’entrée est coupée. Une
deuxième personne devrait toujours être présente pour porter assistance ou chercher de l’aide en cas
Materials sold hereunder cannot be used in the patient vicinity (e.g., use where UL, cUL or IEC 60601-1 is
required). Medical applications such as invasive procedures and electrical life support equipment are subject to
additional terms and conditions.
If optional filtering is installed, this unit complies with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 Subpart J
of the FCC rules. These limits provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a commercial environment.
This unit generates, uses and radiates radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this unit in a residential area
may cause harmful interference that the user must correct at his own expense.
This section describes the requirements that must be taken into account when planning the positioning and
cabling of the Liebert EXL uninterruptible power supply and related equipment.
This chapter is a guide to general procedures and practices that should be observed by the installing personnel.
The particular conditions of each site will determine the applicability of such procedures.
Risk of electrical shock. Can cause injury or death.
Special care must be taken when working with the batteries associated with this equipment. When they
are connected together, the battery terminal voltage will exceed 400VDC and is potentially lethal.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant causer des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Des précautions particulières doivent être prises lors de travaux touchant les batteries associées à cet
Lorsque les batteries sont branchées ensemble, la tension à la borne d’une batterie dépasse 400 V c.c. et
est potentiellement mortelle.
All equipment not referred to in this manual is shipped with details of its own mechanical and electrical
Three-phase input supply required.
The standard Liebert EXL UPS is suitable for connection to three-phase, three-wire (+ Earth) TN-C and TN-S.
Do not apply electrical power to the UPS equipment before the arrival of the commissioning engineer.
Before installing the UPS, please carry out the following preliminary checks:
• Visually examine the UPS equipment for transit damage, both internally and externally. Report any damage to the shipper
• Verify that the correct equipment is being installed. The equipment supplied has an identification tag on the interior doors
reporting the type, size and main calibration parameters of the UPS.
• Verify that the UPS room satisfies the environmental conditions stipulated in the equipment specification, paying particular
attention to the ambient temperature and air exchange system.
The UPS module is intended for indoor installation and should be located in a cool, dry, clean-air environment
with adequate ventilation to keep the ambient temperature within the specified operating range (see
Environmental Parameters in Tab le 1 3).
The Liebert EXL UPS is cooled with the aid of internal fans. To permit air to enter and exit and prevent
overheating or malfunctioning, do not cover the ventilation openings.
The Liebert EXL UPS is equipped with air filters located behind the front doors. A schedule for inspection of the
air filters is required. The period between inspections will depend upon environmental conditions.
When bottom entry is used, the conduit plate must be installed.
The UPS is suitable for mounting on concrete or other non-combustible surface only.
1.3.2Storing the UPS and Batteries for Delayed Installation
If the Liebert EXL system will not be installed immediately, it must be stored indoors in a clean, dry and cool
location (see Environmental Parameters in Tab le 1 3). If the UPS includes batteries, either internally or in a
battery cabinet, the batteries’ requirements will dictate the storage conditions. Batteries should be unpacked,
installed and charged as soon as possible after delivery.
Risk of failure to properly charge batteries. Can cause permanent damage to batteries and void the warranty.
Batteries will self-discharge during storage. Batteries must be recharged as recommended by the battery manufacturer.
A notice of “Charge Before Date” is affixed to each unit that has batteries inside. The “Charge Before Date” is calculated
based on the batteries being stored at 77°F (25°C). Storage at a higher temperature will increase the rate of self-discharge,
requiring earlier recharge. Consult the battery manufacturer on how to determine when the batteries need to be
The cabinet is structurally designed to handle lifting from the base.
Access to the power terminals, auxiliary terminal blocks and power switches is from the front.
The door can be opened to give access to the power connection bars, auxiliary terminal blocks and power
isolators. Front door can be opened to 90 degrees, and interior doors can be removed for more flexibility in
The UPS must be placed on a non-combustible surface suitable to support the weight of the unit.
The route to be traveled between the point of arrival and the unit’s position must be planned to make sure that
all passages are wide enough for the unit and that floors are capable of supporting its weight (for instance, check
that doorways, lifts, ramps, etc. are adequate and that there are no impassable corners or changes in the level of
Ensure that the UPS weight is within the designated surface weight loading (lb/in2) of any handling equipment.
For weight details, see Tab le 1 3.
The UPS can be handled with a forklift or similar equipment. Ensure any lifting equipment used in moving the
UPS cabinet has sufficient lifting capacity. When moving the unit by forklift, care must be taken to protect the
panels. Do not exceed a 15-degree tilt with the forklift. Bottom structure will support the unit only if the forks are
completely beneath the unit.
Handling with straps is not authorized.
Risk of heavy unit falling over. Improper handling can cause equipment damage, injury or death.
Because the weight distribution in the cabinet is uneven, use extreme care while handling and
transporting. Take extreme care when handling UPS cabinets to avoid equipment damage or injury to
The UPS module weighs up to 8095 lb. (3672 kg).
Locate center of gravity symbols and determine unit weight before handling each cabinet. Test lift
and balance the cabinets before transporting. Maintain minimum tilt from vertical at all times.
Le centre de gravité élevé de l’appareil présente un risque de renversement. Une mauvaise manutention
peut entraîner des dommages matériels, des blessures et même la mort.
En raison de la distribution inégale du poids de l’armoire, vous devez faire preuve d’extrême prudence lors
de sa manipulation et de son transport. Faites preuve d’une extrême prudence lors de la manutention des
armoires ASC afin d’éviter de les endommager ou de blesser le personnel.
Le module ASC pèse jusqu’à 3 672 kg (8 095 lb).
Identifiez les symboles de centre de gravité et déterminez le poids de l’appareil avant de manipuler
chaque armoire. Testez le levage et l’équilibre les armoires avant de transporter l’appareil. Maintenez en
tout temps l'inclinaison verticale minimale.
The Liebert EXL has no ventilation grilles at either side or at the rear of the UPS. Clearance around the front of
the equipment should be sufficient to permit free passage of personnel with the doors fully opened. It is
important to leave a distance of 24in. (610mm) between the top of the UPS and any overhead obstacles to allow
the module to be serviced and to permit adequate circulation of air coming out of the unit.
1.4.3Raised-Floor Installations
If the equipment is to be located on a raised floor, it should be mounted on a pedestal suitably designed to
accept the equipment point loading. Refer to Figure 20 to design this pedestal.
1.4.4Kick Plate Installation
If the unit is to be installed in a position that does not permit access to rear kick plates, then the kick plates
should be installed before the unit is placed in its final position.
1.4.5Special Considerations for 1+N Parallel Systems
Design the grounding configuration of the system before finalizing module placement See 2.7 - Grounding.
The cabling impedance must be carefully controlled to ensure good load-sharing. Impedance mismatch may
cause an overload on one module in a 1+N system, triggering a shutdown and loss of power to the connected
load. Mismatched cable impedance is amplified when a 1+N system is operating on bypass because the power on
the bypass path is not controlled.
The Liebert 1+N UPS module is supplied with a sharing inductor to minimize the impact of cable impedance
mismatch. An impedance mismatch may be further minimized by controlling the wiring length of each unit. The
design and the layout of the UPS system and associated panels and cabling must be designed to ensure that
cable lengths and impedances are closely matched.
Tabl e 1 shows bypass load sharing when the cabling length is varied for three 800kVA UPS modules powering
the load via their static bypass switches.
Table 1Load distribution for various load cable differences for systems with and without sharing inductor, 800kVA UPS
With Share Inductor, 100% System Load
(4) 600kcmil per phase, 0.9 PF
% cable
2598.698.6102.8259090120 *
5097.297.2105.8507575150.1 *
259898104259090120 *
509696108.3507575150.1 *
2597.597.5105.1259090120 *
5094.994.9110.6 *5075.175.1150.1 *
2597.197.11 062 59090120 *
5093.893.8112.8 *5075.175.1150.1 *
* Overloaded unit, causing to breaker trip and load shutdown.
% Current
UPS #1
% Current
UPS #2
% Current
UPS #3
Bypass Cable Length 50ft. (15.3m)
Bypass Cable Length 75ft. (23m)
Bypass cable length 100ft. (30.5m)
Bypass Cable Length 125ft. (38m)
Without Share Inductor, 100% System Load
(4) 600kcmil per phase, 0.9 PF
% cable
% Current
UPS #1
% Current
UPS #2
% Current
UPS #3
For further information about matching cable impedances or refer to “Performance Improvements with Sharing
Inductors in Distributed Static Switch UPS Systems” found at the Liebert EXL section of Liebert’s Web site,; or contact Vertiv® customer support.
The voltage sense cable for the rectifier input breaker must accommodate the pre-charge circuit for the UPS,
sized to 60A fuses at the sense location (see Figure 11). Breakers must be sized appropriately for the overload
curves as shown in the operation and maintenance manual, SL-26030, available at Liebert’s Web site,
A UPS system can include a number of equipment cabinets, depending on the system design: (e.g., UPS cabinet,
battery cabinet, maintenance bypass cabinet). In general, all the cabinets used in a particular installation are of
the same height. Refer to the drawings provided in 4.0 - Installation Drawings for the positioning of the
cabinets as shown in Figures 1 through 6.
Cables can enter the UPS cabinet from bottom or top into the Input/Output (I/O) of the unit; see the figures in
4.0 - Installation Drawings.
Per NEC 300.20 (NEC 2014 or equivalent), all phase conductors and ground conductors must be grouped
together when they are installed in ferrous enclosures or go through ferrous material. This is to avoid heating
from induction currents.
This chapter provides guidelines for qualified installers who must have knowledge of local wiring practices
pertaining to the equipment to be installed.
Risk of electrical shock. Can cause injury or death.
The UPS contains high DC as well as AC voltages. Check for voltage with both AC and DC voltmeters
before working within the UPS.
Only properly trained and qualified personnel wearing appropriate safety headgear, gloves, shoes and
glasses should be involved in installing the UPS or preparing the UPS for installation.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant causer des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Le système ASC contient des tensions c.c. et c.a. élevées. Vérifiez les tensions au moyen de voltmètres
c.a. et c.c. avant d’utiliser le système ASC.
Seuls des employés qualifiés et dûment formés portant un casque, des gants, des chaussures et des
lunettes de sécurité adéquats doivent se charger d’installer le système ASC ou de le préparer pour
For safety, circuit breakers must be installed in the input AC supply and external battery system. Given that every
installation has its own characteristics, this section provides guidelines for qualified installation personnel with
knowledge of operating practices, regulatory standards and the equipment to be installed.
External overcurrent protection must be provided. See Figures 31, 32 and 33 for overload capacity.
The UPS requires both power and control cabling. All control cables, whether shielded or not, should be run
separately from the power cables in metal conduits or metal ducts that are electrically bonded to the metalwork
of the cabinets to which they are connected.
The cable design must comply with the voltages and currents in Ta bles 1 4 through 17, follow local wiring
practices and take into consideration the environmental conditions (temperature and physical support media),
room temperature and conditions of installation of the cable and system’s overload capacity (see 5.0 - Specifications).
Risk of electrical shock. Can cause injury or death.
Before cabling the UPS, ensure that you are aware of the location and operation of the external isolators
that connect the UPS input/bypass supply to the power distribution panel.
Check that these supplies are electrically isolated, and post any necessary warning signs to prevent their
inadvertent operation.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant causer des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Avant de procéder au câblage du système ASC, assurez-vous que vous êtes au courant de l’emplacement
et du fonctionnement des isolateurs externes qui raccordent l’alimentation d’entrée ou de dérivation au
panneau de distribution électrique.
Vérifiez que ces raccords sont isolés électriquement et installez tous les panneaux d’avertissement
nécessaires pour empêcher leur utilisation accidentelle.
When sizing battery cables, a maximum voltage drop of 2VDC is permissible at the current ratings given in
Tabl e 17 .
The following are guidelines only and are superseded by local regulations and codes of practice where
• The grounding conductor should be sized according to the fault rating, cable lengths, type of protection, etc. The grounding
cable connecting the UPS to the main ground system must follow the most direct route possible.
• Consideration should be given to the use of paralleled smaller cables for heavy currents, as this can ease installation
• AC and DC cables must be run in conduits according to local codes, national codes and standard best practices. This will
prevent creation of excess EMI fields.
Nominal input current (considered continuous) is based on full-rated output load. Maximum current includes
nominal input current and maximum battery recharge current (considered noncontinuous). Continuous and
noncontinuous current are defined in the NEC.
Maximum input current is controlled by the current limit setting, which is adjustable. Values shown are for default
current limit of 125%. If a smaller input feed breaker is used, the input current limit can be adjusted; see your
Vertiv representative for more information. The input current limit should not be set less than 105% of the
current needed to support the inverter at full load for normal operation. This results in sufficient power to
recharge the battery in a reasonable time and to operate over the published input voltage range.
2.3.1Power Cable Connection Procedure
The rectifier input, bypass, output and battery power cables (all require lug-type terminations) are connected to
busbars in the I/O sections (refer to 4.0 - Installation Drawings).
Equipment Ground
The equipment ground busbars are in the I/O sections (refer to 4.0 - Installation Drawings). The grounding
conductor must be connected to the ground busbar and bonded to each cabinet in the system.
All cabinets and cabling should be grounded in accordance with local regulations.
Proper grounding reduces problems in systems caused by electromagnetic interference.
Failure to follow adequate grounding procedures can result in electric shock hazard to personnel, or the
risk of fire, should a ground fault occur.
All operations described in this section must be performed by properly trained and qualified electricians
or technical personnel. If any difficulties are encountered, contact Vertiv. See the back page of this
manual for contact information.
Le non-respect des procédures de mise à la terre peut entraîner des risques d’électrocution du personnel,
ou des risques d’incendie en cas de défectuosité de la mise à la terre.
Toutes les opérations décrites dans cette section ne doivent être effectuées que par des électriciens ou
des techniciens professionnels dûment formés et qualifiés . En cas de difficultés, communiquez avec
Vertiv. Pour obtenir les renseignements de contact, consultez la dernière page de ce manuel.
Once the equipment has been positioned and secured, connect the power cables as described below (refer to
the appropriate cable connection drawing in 4.0 - Installation Drawings):
1.Verify that the UPS equipment is isolated from its external power source and all the UPS power isolators are open. Check
that these supplies are electrically isolated and post any necessary warning signs to prevent their inadvertent operation.
2.Open exterior and interior panels on the front of the I/O sections.
3.Connect the ground to the equipment ground busbar located in the I/O sections.
4.Make power connections and tighten the connections to the proper torque.
Ensure correct phase rotation.
Risk of electrical shock. Can cause injury or death.
If the load equipment will not be ready to accept power on the arrival of the commissioning engineer,
ensure that the system output cables are safely isolated at their termination.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant causer des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Si les équipements branchés ne sont pas prêts à être alimentés à l’arrivée de l'ingénieur de mise en
service, assurez-vous que les bornes des câbles de sortie du système soient isolées de façon sécuritaire.
Risk of electrical shock. Can cause injury or death.
When connecting the cables between the battery extremities to the circuit breaker, always connect the
circuit breaker end of the cable first.
Risque de décharge électrique pouvant causer des blessures graves, voire mortelles.
Lors du raccordement de câbles entre des bornes de batterie et un disjoncteur, branchez toujours en
premier l’extrémité du câble qui se raccorde au disjoncteur.
5.For control connection details, see 2.5 - Control Cable and Communication.
If any fault bracing brackets were removed during installation, they MUST be replaced.
6.Close and secure the interior and exterior doors.
7.Attach the kick plates to the bottom of the unit. See Figure 39.
The remote breaker option has remote circuit breakers for both CB1 and the BFB. These remote circuit breakers
are referred to as the Rectifier Input Breaker (RIB) and Remote Backfeed Breaker (RBB). See 3.2 - Remote
Breaker UPS Installation.
Based on your site’s specific needs, the UPS may require auxiliary connections to manage the battery system
(external battery circuit breaker), communicate with a building management system or provide alarm signaling
to external devices, or for Remote Emergency Power Off (REPO). The external interface connections, arranged
for this purpose, are next to the option box in the Rectifier section (refer to 4.0 - Installation Drawings).