Liebert CBH004, CBH204, CBH006, CBH007, CBH206 Service Manual

S [004-016]
Cod. 272491
Rev. 25.05.2005
Issued by T.D.Service
S the manual is retained for the entire service life of the machine; S the user reads the manual carefully before carrying out any operations on the machine; S the machine is used exclusively for the purpose for which it is intended; incorrect use of the machine shall release the
manufacturer from any liability.
This manual has been prepared to enable the end ---user to carry out only those operations that can be done with the panels closed. Any operations that require the opening of doors or equipment panels must be carried out only by qualified person­nel. Each machine is equipped with an electric isolating device which allows the operator to work in conditions of safety. This device must always be used to eliminate risks during maintenance (electric shocks, scalds, automatic restarting, moving parts and remote control). The panel key supplied with the unit must be kept by the person responsible for maintenance.
For identification of the unit (model and serial no.) in case of the necessity for assistance or spare parts, read the identification labels affixed to the outside and inside of the unit.
IMPORTANT: This manual may be subject to modification; for complete and up ---to --- date information the user should al­ways consult the manual supplied with the machine.


1-- Introduction 1...............................................................................
1.1 --- Foreword 1....................................................................................
1.2 --- Responsibility 1................................................................................
1.3 --- Inspection 1...................................................................................
1.4 --- General description 1............................................................................
2 -- Preliminary Operations 1....................................................................
2.1 --- Operating limits 1...............................................................................
2.2 --- Sound pressure levels 1.........................................................................
2.3 --- Transport 2....................................................................................
2.4 --- Foundations 2..................................................................................
2.5 --- Service area 2..................................................................................
3 -- Installation 2................................................................................
3.1 --- Hydraulic connections 2.........................................................................
3.2 --- Connection of the safety valve discharge 3.........................................................
3.3 --- Electrical connections 4..........................................................................
4 -- Start--Up and Operation 4...................................................................
4.1 --- Initial check 4..................................................................................
4.2 --- First start ---up (or after a long stop) 5...............................................................
4.3 --- Starting and stopping 5..........................................................................
4.4 --- Chillers serving special plants 5...................................................................
4.5 --- Freecooling 5..................................................................................
4.6 - -- Microprocessor control 5.........................................................................
5 -- Refrigerant and Oil Charge 5.................................................................
5.1 --- Refrigerant charge 5............................................................................
5.2 --- Oil charge 6...................................................................................
6 -- Safety Devices Settings 6....................................................................
6.1 --- Setting thermostatic expansion valve 6.............................................................
7 -- Maintenance 7..............................................................................
7.1 --- Spare parts 7..................................................................................
7.2 --- Dismantling the unit 7...........................................................................
8 -- Options and Accessories 7...................................................................
8.1 --- Pump set 7....................................................................................
8.2 --- Water chiller with partial heat recovery (20%) 7......................................................
8.3 --- Water chiller with total heat recovery (100%) 8.......................................................
8.4 --- Hydraulic circuit accessories 8....................................................................
8.5 --- Water chiller with inertia tank 8....................................................................
Ta b l e s 9..........................................................................................
Drawings 15......................................................................................
Circuits 26........................................................................................
1 --- Introduction
1.1 --- Foreword
This handbook is aimed at enabling both the installer and the op­erator to carry out the correct installation, operation and mainte­nance of the refrigerating machine, without damaging it or caus­ing injuries to the relevant staff. The handbook is thus an aid for the qualified staff in the arrange­ment of the specific equipment for the correct installation,opera­tion and maintenance in compliance with the local regulations in force.
The MATRIX S water chillers can be identified as follows:
Cooling C apacity “kW”
Nominal cooling capacity / 10
Compressor: H Hermetic Scroll
Each unit is completely factory assembled; after evacuation, the necessary quantity of refrigerant is added to the refrigerant cir­cuit(s) and the unit is tested. All the units are equipped with oneor two independent refrigerat­ing circuits, each one composed of: an air --- cooled condenser, a hermetic Scroll compressor and a braze---welded plate evapo­rator. The components of the liquid line are the charging valves, filters - --dryers, solenoid valve, shut ---off valve, moisture indicator and thermostatic expansion valve. The hydraulic circuit is made up of hydraulic lines both in steel and flexible EPDM rubber, connected by fittings and threaded joints, a flow switch (optional) and, in the freecooling versions, chilled water coils and a three ---way valve.
The hermetic scroll compressors are complete with the following protection/safety devices: oil heater (if necessary), electronic protection monitoring the temperature of the motor windings and the direction of rotation (the latter may be enclosed in the electronics of the compressor or external, depending on the model). The ”MATRIX S” water chillers are controlled by the ”MI­CROFACE” microprocessor, managing all the unit operating conditions. The user can change and/or modify the operating parameters through the display keyboard installed on the elec­trical panel. The electrical control board is equipped with all the safety and operating devices required for reliable operation. The compres­sor motors are equipped with protection on all three phases and are started by three --- pole contactors.
Version: B Base L Low Noise Q Quiet
Execution: C Chiller S Superchiller
1.2 --- Responsibility
Liebert Hiross accepts no present or future responsibility for damage to persons, things or to the machine itself due to opera­tors’ negligence, failing to comply with the installation, operation and maintenance instructions of this handbook, failed applica­tion of the safety norms in force for the system and the qualified staff charged with the operation and maintenance.
1 . 3 --- I n s p e c t i o n
All units are fully assembled and wired in the manufacturing plant. Before shipment they are charged with the necessary quantities of refrigerant and oil and then tested at the operating conditions normally required by the customer. The machine’s hydraulic circuit is equipped with drain plugs and open vent valves; the free -- -cooling coils are supplied dry to avoid possible problems due to frostin the storage period. Immediately inspect the machine carefully on delivery to check for damage during transportation or missing components; possible claims must be made immediately to the carrier and the factory or its representa­tive.
1 . 4 --- G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n
MATRIX S units with air---cooled condensers have been de­signed and manufactured for producing chilled water. They are also available in versions with a built ---in freecooling module, in versions with heat recovery for simultaneous heating of thermal circuit water, with a pump assembly installed on the machine and/or inertial buffer tank inside the machine; the chill­ing units can be equipped with several options indicated in the price list. The ”MATRIX S” product line has been designed utilising the state---of---the---art techniques available nowadays in the indus­try, and includes all the components necessary for automatic and efficient operation.
2 --- Preliminary Operations
2.1 --- Operating limits
The units can operate within the indicated operating ranges (see Tab. 5). These limits apply to new machines, subject to correct installation and maintenance.
S Ambient air minimum temperature: --- 25ûC for Superchiller,
+15ûC for Chiller without fan speed control (Operation al­lowed only in summer mode), --- 10ûC for Chiller with contin­uous fan speed control (Either Triac or EC fan);
S Maximum outdoor air temperature is in relation to each mod-
el, as indicated in Tab. 5. In any case outdoor temperatures aver 45ûC are not admitted; such limits are determined by electrical and electronic components fitted on units;
S Maximum water flow allowed: depending on the pressure
drop corresponding to the required thermal difference (usu­ally not lower than 3.5ûC --- 4 ûC);
S Minimum allowed water flow: compatible with a sufficient
evaporation temperature, to avoid the intervention of the safety devices (to be evaluated for a thermal difference not higher than 8ûC);
S Temperature range of the water exiting the evaporator: 4ûC
--- 1 5 ûC;
S Maximum temperature of the water entering the unit: 20ûC;
higher temperatures are allowed only at the system start--­up and not during normal operation;
S Maximum glycol concentration: 50% (35% with the optional
pump assembly installed on the machine);
S Minimum allowed glycol concentration: depending on the
minimum temperature of the ambient air expected at the installation site (see Tab. a);
S Maximum pressure of the hydraulic circuit: 5 bar; S Voltage range for the electric supply: 400 V
phase difference: 3%; tolerance on frequency: 1%.
Storage conditions: --- 20ûC---45ûCforallMATRIXSmodels Note:
Avoid positioning in areas with strong dominant winds that may impair the operation and effect the indicated limits.
2.2 --- Sound pressure levels
The Tab. 6 shows the noise data for the units in standard config­uration (without pumps), operating continuously and measured according to the ISO 3744 norm, in free field conditions. The highest noise levels are detected on the condenser coil side.
10%; max.
Note: Avoid positioning in areas with possible reverberation of the sound waves, which can adversely effect the noise levels.
2 . 3 --- T r a n s p o r t
S Handle the unit by lifting it with a crane from above; S The lifting holes are positioned in the frame’s base (when lift-
ing, use spreader bars to protect the sides, see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
Note: Place the lifting tubes in the holes in the base indicated by ”LIFT HERE”. Lock the ends of the tubes with the locking pins and splits pins as shown in Fig. 2. As an alternative, shackles/hooks (optional) fastened at the base ends can be used as a lifting sy­stem: in this case the lifting point must be on the vertical line passing through the machine’s centre of gravity (as indicated in Fig. 3) to prevent any load imbalance. The capacity of the lifting gear must be adequate to lift the load in question. Check the weight of the units, the capacity of the lift­ing gear and ropes and the condition and suitability of the afore­mentioned equipment.
2.4 --- Foundations
S The unit must be placed on a level surface which will support
its weight.
S If necessary, position the unit on suitable anti --- vibration sup-
ports that can be supplied as an option (in rubber or spring --­type). Refer to the manual ”Installation of the spring anti --­vibration supports” for their correct positioning.
S When positioned, level the unit. Note:
For weight distribution see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Note:
The weights and their distribution refer to standard units without options; if the pump assembly, or other options are installed on the machine, add the weights of the installed accessories to those of the standard units (see Tab. 8).
2.5 --- Service area
S In order to allow free air flow and maintenance of the unit, a
minimum area must be left free of obstructions around the unit (see Fig. 1).
S The hot air expelled by the fans must be allowed to rise unim-
peded by obstacles for a minimum height of 2.5 m.
S Avoid recirculation of hot air between the suction and dis-
charge, otherwise the unit performance may be impaired or the standard operation can be interrupted.
3 --- Installation
3.1 --- Hydraulic connections
3.1.1 -- Hydraulic circuit construction (Fig. a)
The piping must be connected to the chiller. Construct a chilled water circuit as described below, see Fig. a:
1) Place shut ---off valves within the circuit to allow servicing;
2) Install a pump system suitable for the flow rate required at a pressure head equal to the sum of all the pressure drops (see project data). Matrix S chillers can be equipped, upon request, with pumps having performance as indicated in Tab. 8;
3) Install manometers at the chiller inlet/outlet;
4) Install thermometers at the chiller inlet/outlet;
5) Connect the pipes to the chiller by flexible joints to avoid transmitting vibrations and to balance the thermal expan­sion; proceed in the same way even if the pump set is out­side the chiller;
6) It is useful to include a water pressure switch to give an early warning of low water pressure;
7) Place a mesh filter at the inlets of the pump and water chiller (Can be supplied as an optional accessory --- Not fitted);
8) Install, at the highest points in the circuit, apparatus which allows the bleeding of air and possibly the filling of glycol;
9) Place a drain valve at the lowest point in the circuit and im­mediately at the outlet of the water chiller;
10) Install a water filling set including the following: a) filling water meter; b) manometer; c) non-- -return valve; d) air separator; e) removable supply tube, which must be disconnected
after each charge/top---up;
11) For maximum protection ensure that all tubing exposed to low outdoor temperatures is fitted with anti ---freeze heaters and insulated using closed cell synthetic rubber (elasto­mer);
12) The circuit must include an expansion vessel (with safety valve) of suitable capacity;
13) Connect the lines avoiding stresses on the machine inner parts.
Note: If the water chiller is complete with an expansion vessel (sup­plied as an option), check if the capacity is enough, and install a second vessel in the circuit, if required (see par. 8.4). Follow the indications in Fig. c for the correct sizing.
Note: The whole circuit must contain a water volume suitable for the capacity of the installed chiller. Check if the inertial capacity giv­en by the sum of the hydraulic volume inside the machine (in­cluding the volume of the optional interna tank, if fitted) and the system volume is sufficient, or possibly install a tank in the circuit. Follow the indications in Fig. b for the correct sizing.
Note: The hydraulic circuit must ensure a constant water supply to the evaporator in every operating condition. Otherwise, the com­pressors may be damaged by repeated returns of liquid refriger­ant on their suction.
Note: The water flow switch is a compulsory safety component that must be installed and correctly wired to the Matrix S chillers, otherwise the guarantee will be invalidated. It is installed, as standard, on units with the optional on --- board pump set, and is available as a option for units without pumps on board: in the latter case the flow switch, if not installed on the machine, can be installed on the hydraulic circuit by the installer, butitiscompulsorythatitiswiredtotheelectricpanelterminal board, as indicated on the wiring diagram.
3.1.2 -- Addition of water and ethylene glycol
Very important: Add water and ethylene glycol to the circuit with a % depending
on the minimum temperature of the outside air expected at the installation site. Do not exceed the nominal operating pressure of the circuit’s components.
Notes: S To avoid stratification run the circulation pump for at least 30
minutes after adding any glycol.
S After adding water to the hydraulic circuit always discon-
nect the water supply coming from the sanitary supply;
this avoids the danger of glycol entering the sanitary water system.
S After any topping --- up of the water check the concentration
and add glycol if necessary.
3.1.3 -- Water--glycol mixture
Water---glycol mixtures are used as the thermal carrier fluid in very cold climates or with temperatures below zero degrees cen­tigrade. Determine the ethylene glycol % which must be added to the water, with the assistance of Tab. a.
weight of total mixture)
Ethylene glycol
(% in weight)
Freezing tempera-
ture, ûC
Mixture density at
(*) Values are for Shell antifreeze 402. For different brands, check
manufacturer’s data.
For the chiller internal water volume refer to Tab. 1. If the optional buffer tank is installed on the machine, add the tank hydraulic volume.
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 --- 4 . 4 ---9 . 9 --- 1 6 . 6 --- 2 5 . 2 --- 3 7 . 2
--- 1.017 1.033 1.048 1.064 1.080
3.2 --- Connection of the safety valve dis-
Safety valves are installed on the high pressure side of the refrig­eration circuit(s): the discharge of these valves must be con­veyed outside through a suitable pipe, having a diameter of at least that of the valve outlet, without burdening the valve body. Convey the discharge to areas where the jet cannot harm people and the surrounding environment.
Fig. a --Ideal chilled water circuit
disconnect af-
ter charge
Fig. b --Inertia tank sizing
The total optimum hydraulic volume of the system where the Matrix S chiller is installed can be calculated by the following formula:
43 x Rt
V =
--- V=minimum required total water volume expressed in litres
--- Rt=refrigeration capacity expressed in kW
--- Xd=differential band set on the control and expressed in degrees centigrade
Ta n k
1 1327436
5 5 9
Please note that the sum of the hydraulic volume of the Matrix S chiller (Vm) plus the volume of the hydraulic circuit connected to it (Vpc) must be greater than, or equal to the minimum required total water volume (V). If this condi­tion is not satisfied, it is necessary to install an inertia tank (Vpt, as indicated in the Fig. a) with a volume at least equal to the following value: Vpt=V ---Vm---Vpc
Fig. c --Sizing of the expansion vessel
The total volume of the expansion vessel is calculated with the following formula:
C x e
V =
1 --
Pi Pf
--- C=quantity of water inside the system expressed in litres
--- e=water expansion coefficient, with water at 10ûC as a reference
--- Pi=absolute pressure of initial charging, equivalent to the vessel pre--- charge pressure (typical value
2.5 bara)
--- Pf=absolute final tolerated pressure, lower than the operating pressure of the safety valve calibration pressure (typical value 4.0 bara).
Use the values of the water expansion coefficient indicated in the table below:
H2OT[°C] Density [kg/m3] Expansion coefficient “e”
10 999.6 --- --- ---
20 997.9 0.0017
30 995.6 0.0040
40 992.2 0.0075
50 988.1 0.0116
3.3 --- Electrical connections
1) Before proceeding with the electrical connections, ensure that:
S all electrical components are undamaged; S allterminalscrewsaretight; S the supply voltage and frequency are in accordance with
the rating (with tolerance in accordance with IEC 8--- 6 norms, March 1990)
S the allowed phase to phase variability is 3% maximum
(see Fig. d). Variability in excess of 3% invalidates the guarantee.
2) Supply cable connections (see Tab. 4):
S Connect the cable to the supply terminals. S Use appropriately sized 3---pole cable. An earth wire
must also be connected.
S After having opened the passagein the framework (pre ---
punched knock ---outs) for the supply line entry, restore the original degree of protection using suitable accesso­ries for the wiring and junction boxes.
Fig. d --Example of calculating phase
1) The 400 V supply has
2) The average voltage is:
3) The maximum deviation from the average is:
4) Thephasetophasevariabilityis:
Note: The power supply should never be disconnected, except when performing maintenance.
to phase variability
the following variability:
RS = 388 V ST = 401 V RT = 402 V
388 + 401 + 402
402 --- 397 = 5 V
x 100 = 1.26 (acceptable)
= 397
Operate (open) the main switch before carrying out any mainte­nance work on electrical components.
Note: It is forbidden to work on the electrical components without using insulating platforms, and in the presence of water or fog or mist.
Note: The supply to the external pump assembly mustbe made before starting the chiller and must be kept on as long as the chiller is in use. Incorrect operation will cause the unit to lock--- out be­cause of the internal protections (flow switch intervention).
Note: The compressors are equipped with an electronic protectionde­vice blocking their start if the phase sequence is not correct, or stopping their operation if a thermal relay intervenes. This device is essential for the integrity of the mechanical and electrical com­ponents of the compressors. Reset the standard functions by isolating this device and removing the causes of the lock---out.
Note: The chillers are equipped with their own microprocessor control adjustment. The use of the remote ON --- OFF input (located in the electric panel terminal board) as a system temperature con­trol element is forbidden.
4 --- S t a r t --- U p a n d O p e r a t i o n
4.1 --- Initial check
1) Check all water connections.
2) Open the shut---off valve on the liquid line.
3) Ensure that the intake pressure is higher than 4.0 bar; if this is not the case, prolong pre --- heating of the compressor (if possible) and check that the refrigerant shut --- off valve is properly sealed, see Fig. 10 and Fig. 11.
4) Open all isolating valves and/or water ball valves.
5) In case of climates with temperatures below zero degrees C, make sure the chilled water circuit is filled with the correct concentration of water/glycol.
6) Bleed all air out of the chilled water circuit.
7) Verify the water flow rate and its direction.
8) Ensure that the thermal load is sufficient for start---up.
Caution: The ambient air temperature probe must be positioned in the shade and protected against the weather.
4 . 2 --- F i r s t s t a r t --- u p
(or after a long stop)
Operate as follows:
1) At least 8 hours before the start ---up, power the crank-
case heaters (if any, see point 4) by setting the main iso­lator switch ON. Make sure the auxiliary circuit has been powered and check the operation (a fault due to an in­correct procedure will invalidate the compressor guar­antee).
2) Open the valves of the refrigeration circuit that had been closed before the initial check.
3) Check the machinery supplying the thermal load connected with the unit and start the system pump(s).
4) MAKE SURE THE COMPRESSOR OIL HAS BEEN HEATED FOR AT LEAST 8 HOURS; start the unit only then. In the units not equipped with crankcase heaters (Chillers for sum­mer operation only, without modulating fan speed control), the start must be carried out in the warm season only (exter­nal T > 15ûC), and thus oil pre---heating is not necessary.
5) Make sure the fans rotate in the correct direction (anticlock­wise): check the electrical connections, if necessary .
6) Make sure the pumps rotate in the correct direction.
7) During the unit start--- up an inlet water temperature
higher than 20ûC is allowed. Under standard operating conditions check that the limits indicated in paragraph
2.1 are not exceeded.
8) Check the correct operation of the control and safety de­vices.
9) Check the outlet temperature of the chilled water (check if the set--- point set on the controller is reached).
10) Check the compressor oil level.
11) With the compressor at full load, check there are no bubbles visible in the frefrigerant sight glass. If there are any, charge the unit according to par. 5.
4.3 --- Starting and stopping
S Start the unit setting the Microprocessor switch ON. S Stop the unit setting the Microprocessor switch OFF. S In case of long stops, turn the machine off using the Micro-
processor switch OFF. In this case the compressor crankcase heaters (if any) re­main powered.
S For seasonal shutdown of the unit operate the main switch
locatedon the main electrical power supply. This will discon­nect the compressor crankcase heaters.
4.4 --- Chillers serving special plants
The units are capable of cooling a water ---glycol mixture to tem­peratures close to 0ûC without the need for significant modifica­tions. In the case of modification, the set values of the safety and control components must also be changed. This can be carried out in the factory (at the time of testing) or at the time of installa­tion, only by qualified and authorised personnel.
4 . 5 --- F r e e c o o l i n g
The “freecooling” is a system of pre -- -cooling and/or cooling the water/glycol mixture using ambient air when the latter is at a tem­perature below the return mixture temperature. If the outside temperature is sufficiently low to dissipate the entire heat load, the refrigeration compressors automatically switch off, and the mixture’s temperature is controlled by the fan speed adjust­ment. If the mixture temperature is too high for freecooling, the com­pressors will operate as long as necessary to ensure the correct water/glycol mixture temperature.
4.6 --- Microprocessor control
Consult the ”Microface and Hiromatic” Service Manual.
5 --- R e f r i g e r a n t a n d O i l C h a r g e
All work on pipes or components of the refrigerating circuit un­der pressure must be exclusively carried out by qualified staff, competent in such works.
5 . 1 --- R e f r i g e r a n t c h a r g e
S The unit is delivered charged according to the Tab. 7. Warning for the refrigerant charge:
S Ensure there are no refrigerant leaks. S Check the refrigerant type in the refrigeration circuit: a unit
originally charged by the manufacturer with R407C cannot be charged with R22 and vice versa; possibly apply to the Technical Support Department.
S Charge with the compressor in operation, connecting the
cylinder with the charge connector after the thermostatic ex­pansion valve. Flush the connection pipe between the cylinder and the charging point; tighten the seal joint and then start charging the unit. It is imperative that the cylinder is weighed both be­fore and after the operation.
S For the units with R407C the refrigerant charge must be
made exclusively with liquid refrigerant.
S Charge the unit until the bubbles in the sight glass have dis-
appeared and the working conditions of the entire refrigera­tion circuit have returned to normal (sub ---cooling and su­perheating within the limits indicated below).
S Measure the superheating as follows:
1) Detect the temperature on the suction line, close to the bulb of the thermostatic expansion valve, using a contact thermometer.
2) Connect a pressure gauge (by max. a 30 --- cm pipe) with the Schraeder connection and read the corresponding saturated evaporating temperature.
3) The superheating is the difference between the two readings.
4) For the units with R407C refer to the pressure gauge scale indicated with the initials D.P. (Dew Point)
S Verify that the superheating is 5ûC --- 8 ûC. S Measure the sub---cooling as follows:
1) Detect the temperature on the liquid line using a contact thermometer.
2) Connect a pressure gauge (by max. a 30 --- cm pipe) with the Schraeder connection on the liquid line and read the corresponding saturated condensing temperature.
3) The sub --- cooling is the difference between the two read­ings.
4) For the units with R407C refer to the pressure gauge scale indicated with the initials B.P. (Bubble Point)
S Verify that at the condenser outlet, sub---cooling is 3ûC---
IT IS IMPORTANT TO CARRY OUT CHARGING CORRECTLY. An excess of refrigerant causes an increase in sub ---cooling and consequent operating difficulties in the hot season; a shortage of charge generates an increase in superheating and possible compressor stoppages. Whenever work is carried out on the unit, ensure afterwards that the working conditions are correct, checking sub---cooling and superheating.
5 . 2 --- O i l c h a r g e
Contact the Technical Support Department for the specifications of the oil to be used for topping up; the oil changes according to thetypeofusedrefrigerant.
5.2.1 -- Procedure for oil topping --up
If there has been any loss of oil then this must be topped up as follows:
1) T ake a clean, dry, transparent container (with volume cal­ibrations) and fill it with at least twice the amount of oil re­quired.
2) Isolate the compressor by closing the cock on the liquid line.
3) Connect to the fittings on the compressor body (Schraeder valves) and empty it of refrigerant until atmospheric pres­sure (1 bar) is reached.
4) Using a pipe, connect the oil containerto the oil service fitting on the lower part of the compressor.
5) Open the oil service cock, lifting the container, so that the oil flows by gravity.
6) Charge the required quantity of oil (make sure the tube al­ways remains below the oil level in the container).
7) Stop the oil flow by closing the oil service fitting, open the shut---off cock on the refrigerating circuit and restore the drained refrigerant charge.
6 --- Safety Devices Settings
The water chiller has already been tested and set up by the manufacturer. The following setting values are suggested in the field.
Operation with R407C/R22
Low pressure switch (LP)
(standard factory setting):
START : 3.6 bar DIFF. : 0.8 bar STOP : 2.8 bar
Operation with R407C/R22 (standard factory setting):
High pressure switch (HP)
STOP : 26 bar START : 20 bar DIFF. : 6 bar (fixed)
The settings for the safety valves installed on the machine are indicated below:
004 --- 204 --- 206 --- 207 --- 008 28 bar
006 --- 007 --- 011 --- 014 --- 016 29 bar
6.1 --- Setting thermostatic expansion valve
THIS OPERATION MUST BE PERFORMED BY AN EXPERI­ENCED REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN. Before beginning this adjustment be sure that the refrigerant
charge is correct, checking the the sub --- cooling (3ûC --- 5ûC, as
specified in par. 5.1). The valve has already been factory --- set and should be reset when the superheating is not between 5ûC --- 8 ûC, as follows:
1) Important:
Ensure that the instructions in par.5.1 have been carried out.
2) Allow the compressor to operate for 15 mins.
3) Measure the superheating as follows:
a) Connect a manometer to the Schraeder connection lo-
cated on the evaporator outlet tube, and read the mano­metric temperature on the scale for the refrigerant used
4) The superheating must be 5ûC --- 8 ûC; if not, set the expan-
sion valve as follows: a) Remove the protective cover; b) Turn the adjustment screw to return to the optimum val-
ues, tightening it in a clockwise direction to increase the superheating, or slackening it to reduce the superheat-
ing. c) Wait about 10 minutes; d) Measure the superheating and repeat the operation if
N.B: If the superheating is too low, there is a risk of poor lubrication
and consequent breakage of the compressor as a result of pres­sure shock. If the superheating is too high the output of the system is limited
and the compressor overheats. (for the units with R407C refer to the pressure gauge scale indicated with the initials D.P. = Dew Point).
b) Using a contact thermometer, measure the temperature
on the tube coming out of the evaporator, next to the socket used for the manometer.
c) The superheating is the difference between the two
readings (b ---a).
HP side
7 --- Maintenance
The Maintenance Programme below must be carried out by a qualified technician, preferably working under a maintenance contract.
Before any intervention on the unit or accessing the inner com­ponents (removing the outer panels), always ensure the ma­chine is switched off. If the rear panels are removed (coil com­partment) wait for the fan(s) to come to a complete stop before accessingthe compartment; if the front panels are removed, pay special attention when working near the compressor upper part and the discharge line: they are very hot; possibly wait for them to cool. Be very careful when operating close to the finned coils, as the fins are very sharp. Do not remove the fan protection grille before electrically isolating the whole machine. Do not insert foreign matter through the fan protection grille. After the main­tenance interventions, always close the unit with the suitable panels, fastened by the tightening system.
Maintenance programme -- Monthly check
S Check that the fan motor rotates freely without any abnormal noise, and ensure that the
CONTROL S Check that the control equipment, LEDs and display are operating correctly.
bearings are not running hot.
S Also check the current absorption.
S Check the conditions of the filters (if they are supplied); if necessary clean them (including
the electrical panel ventilation filter).
S Check the condenser coils and clean if necessary with compressed air or soft brushes.
S Check the electrical supply on all phases. S Ensure that all electrical connections are tight.
S Check the condensing and the evaporating pressures (to be done by a refrigeration techni-
S Check the compressor’s current absorption, the delivery temperature and possible unusual
S Check the refrigerant charge by means of the sight glass. S Check that the safety devices operate correctly.
S Check the correct operation of the thermostatic valve (superheating between 5ûC --- 8ûC). S Check that the oil level indicated by the compressor sight glass is higher than the min. value.
S Ensure that there are no water leaks. S Bleed any air out of the hydraulic circuit using the bleed valves. S Verify that the water flow rate is correct. S Check the inlet --- outlet liquid temperature and pressure. S Check the correct operation of the three--- way valve (Versions with free--- cooling only). S Check if the system is charged with the specified glycol percentage and that no ice has
formed in the hydraulic circuit.
S Check the evaporator cleanliness.
7.1 --- Spare parts
The use of original spare parts is recommended. When placing an order refer to the ”Component List” enclosed with the machine and quote the unit model no. and serial no.
7.2 --- Dismantling the unit
The machine has been designed and built to ensure continuous operation. The working life of some of the main components, such as the fans and the compressors, depends on the maintenance that they receive. If the unit has to be dismantled, the job must be done by skilled refrigeration technicians. The refrigerant and the lubricating oil in the circuit must be dis­posedofinconformitywiththelawsinforceinyourcountry.
8 --- O p t i o n s a n d A c c e s s o r i e s
8 . 1 --- P u m p s e t
The centrifugal pump units are direct driven, with close --­coupled motors and a single shaft; the induction motor has 2 poleswithIP54protectionandclassFinsulation.
The materials used for the pump main components are: S Pump body in plastic material PA 6.6 (cast iron in all high
pressure freecooling versions and on model 016 in the Chil­ler high head pressure version and Superchiller standard head pressure version);
S Impeller in in plastic material PPO (stainless steel in all high
pressure freecooling versions and on model 016 in the Chil­ler high head pressure version and Superchiller standard head pressure version);
S Stainless steel shaft; S Graphite impregnated ceramic mechanical seal (EPDM in
all high pressure freecooling versions and on model 016 in the Chiller high head pressure version and Superchiller standard head pressure version), suitable for the use of mix­tures containing ethylene glycol.
The pump units have been chosen and sized to operate within specific limits, namely:
S Water / ethylene glycol mixtures up to 65% / 35% by weight;
S Temperatures of the standard pumped fluid not lower than
The hydraulic circuitincludes,for each pump, a suctionshut---off valve and a delivery check valve if two pumps are installed, or suction and delivery shut---off valves if a singlepump is installed.
In the electrical panel there are automatic circuit breakers for each pump; the microprocessor control manages the operating rotation between the two pumps and start - --up of the stand -- -by pump if the primary pump fails.
For the technical features of the pumps and the hydraulic sche­matic see Tab. 8, Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14 and Fig. 15.
8.2 --- Water chiller with partial heat recovery (20%)
This option enables the recovery of up to 20% of the heat normal­ly rejected by the condensers. The system does not require any adjustment and is made up of plate heat exchangers installed on each circuit before the condenser. The exchangers are pro­tected by a suitable anti --- frost heater that operates when the sy­stem is stopped. It is recommended that a safety valve be installedin the hydraulic circuit to avoid hazards due to overpres­sures, if there is no water flow through the recuperator.
The water temperature at the recuperator inlet (in stable operat­ing conditions) must be in the range of 25ûC---45ûC, with an out- let differential of between 3.5ûC --- 8 ûC.
8.3 --- Waterchillerwithtotalheatrecovery (100%)
All heat discharged by the unit to the condenser is recovered. The system includes an additional refrigerating circuit made up of a three--- way solenoid valve, supplying --- in case of hot water demand --- a plate exchanger, usually by --- passed and sized so as to discharge all condensing heat (also installed before the finned air condenser in series with it); a check valve, a liquid re­ceiver at the exit of the finned air condenser working as storage for the needed additional refrigerant charge (see refrigerating scheme). The recuperator is insulated with closed cell polyure­thane and is equipped with heaters activated when the recuper­ator is deactivated to prevent frost in winter with the system stopped or not perfectly drained. The operation in total recovery mode is enabled by an external contact. The Microface control will simultaneously suit the fan speed changing the fan speed setpoint differently from the stan­dard operation without recovery (practically slowing the fans down till they switch off); anyway, the operation in recovery mode is enabled also without load at the users. Indeed, if the us­ers do not demand heat, the water flowing to the condenser reaches a temperature that does not enable the total condensa­tion of the compressed gas, and the remaining portion of the phase change can thus take place in finned coil without inter­rupting the recovery process through the intervention of the ma­chine safety devices. If the plate exchanger is supplied with too cold water, or if the sy­stem is not preset by the installation technician with a three or two---way proportional adjustment valve for the exchanger by­pass (indispensable for cold starts, see following “Recom­mended hydraulic circuit” ), the condensing pressure tends to decrease too much; a prolonged condition of low condensing temperature below the safety threshold leads the Microface mi­croprocessor control to disable the heat recovery, protecting the system from any possible malfunctioning.
Fig. e -- Recommended hydraulic circuit
8.5--- Waterchillerwithinertiatank
The machine can be supplied complete with a buffer tank; it per­forms the inertial stabilizer function, for better compressor op­eration, summed up in the following two points:
S it reduces the frequency of the compressor peaks, which is
higher the lower the system thermal inertia, improving their performance;
S it naturally eliminates the operational problems caused by
sudden load variations (shown by variations of the chilled water temperature).
The buffer tank is supplied insulated, with a drain valve, vent valve and connection for immersion electric heaters; maximum operating pressure 6 bar.
Builtincarbonsteelandcoatedwithanti---condensationinsula­tion. It can be installed in all MATRIX S versions inside the coil compartment.
Mod. 004 ---006 ---007 technical data
S Internal volume: 200 litres S Net weight: 110 kg S Working weight: 310 kg
Mod. 008 ---011 ---014 --- 016 technical data
S Internal volume: 400 litres S Net weight: 140 kg S Working weight: 540 kg
Mod. 204 ---206 ---207 technical data
S Internal volume: 160 litres S Net weight: 100 kg S Working weight: 260 kg
Heat recovery users
Heat recovery exchanger
8.4 --- Hydraulic circuit accessories
Made up of an expansion vessel (pre --- charged at 1.5 bar, max. operating pressure 10 bar) and a safety valve, set at 5 bar. Their position in the hydraulic circuit is illustrated in Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14 and Fig. 15.
S Expansion vessel volume: 8 litres for all units. It is recommended that the total required expansion vessel ca-
pacity is always checked, depending on the unit’s internal hy­draulicvolume(withthevolumeofthebuffertank,ifinstalled), the user circuit volume, the glycol percentage in the mixture, and the expected maximum temperature variation of the mixture.
The water flow switch is a compulsory device protecting the unit. It is installed, as standard, on units with the optional on --- board pump set, and is available as a option for units without pumps on board: in the latter case the flow switch, if not installed on the machine, must be installed on the hydraulic circuit by the install­er and wired to the electric panel terminal board, as indicated on the wiring diagram.
Tab. 1 --- Internal hydraulic volume
Model Unit volume
004 8 004 27
006 9 006 35
007 10 007 44
204 10 204 30
(*) Add the tank’s volume for the units with optional buffer tank
206 10
207 13
008 24 008 77
011 27 011 92
014 30 014 110
016 46 016 144
004 8 004 27
006 9 006 43
007 14 007 55
204 10 204 30
206 10
207 18
008 24 008 77
011 27 011 107
014 38 014 134
016 46 016 144
004 8 004 34
006 13 006 54
007 14 007 55
204 10 204 37
206 15
207 18
008 24 008 88
011 35 011 131
014 38 014 134
016 46 016 169
[l] Model Unit volume
206 37
207 47
206 45
207 59
206 56
207 59
Tab. 2 --- Partial heat recovery (20%)
Heating capacity
Water flow
Water pressure drop
Water connections
Working conditions: outdoor temperature 35ûC, water inlet/outlet 12/7ûC (Chiller versions), glycol mixture 30% inlet/outlet 15/10ûC (SuperChiller versions). Heat reco­very conditions: water inlet/outlet 40/45ûC.
B S P --- T
004 204
10,8 14,8 18,2 21,6 29,6 36,4 44,3
0,516 0,707 0,870 1,032 1,414 1,739 2,117
8 11 14 8 11 14 21
1” 1” 1” 11/4” 11/4” 11/4” 11/4”
006 206
007 207
008 011 014 016
Tab. 3 --- Total heat recovery (100%)
Heating capacity
Water flow
Water pressure drop
Water connections
Working conditions: water inlet/outlet 12/7ûC (Chiller versions). Heat recovery conditions: water inlet/outlet 40/45ûC.
B S P --- T
004 204
53 74 91 105 144 177 223
2,53 3,54 4,35 5,02 6,88 8,46 10,65
60 70 80 60 70 80 90
2” 2” 2” 21/2” 21/2” 21/2” 21/2”
006 206
007 207
008 011 014 016
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