Technical Specifications
Product Line: 24-4P-L6-EN-DB
4 pair 23 AWG solid, twisted, and unshielded cable
Sunlight Resistant and Suitable for Direct Burial. Third party verified to ANSI/TIA-568C Category 6 performance.
Product manufactured compliant to the requirements of UL444 for installations and applications in accordance
with NEC articles 725 and 800.
Conductor Electrical
23 AWG
Solid annealed bare copper conductors
Diameter: 0.023" | 0.58mm
DC resistance: ≤ 20.3 Ω / 1000' | 66.6 Ω/KM
DCR Unbalance: ≤ 2.5%
Capacitance: 17.0 pF/FT | 56.0 pF/M
Impedance: 100 ± 15 Ω
Propagation Delay (Skew): 45ns/100m MAX
Velocity of Propagation: 68%
Voltage rating: 300V
Pair to ground capacitance Unbalance: ≤ 330 pF/100M
Maximum current: 1.4A@25˚C
Insulation Regulatory
High density polyethylene
Wall thickness: 0.008" | 0.20mm
Diameter: 0.039" | 0.99mm
ANSI/TIA-568-C Category 6
Suitable for direct burial
Sunlight resistant
EU RoHS 2002/95/EC Compliant
Color Code Packages
Pair 1: Orange, White/orange stripe
Pair 2: Blue, White/blue stripe
Pair 3: Green, White/green stripe
Pair 4: Brown, White/brown stripe
Reel: 1000' | 305M
Weight: 32 Lbs/1000' | 48 Kg/KM
Assembly Installation
Pairs twisted in varying lay lengths with co-extruded like
striped conductor
Each pair in a polyethylene X separator interstice
Pull Tension: 25 Lbs | 111 N
Bend radius: 2.50" | 64mm unloaded
Bend radius: 5.00" | 128mm loaded
Construct Applications
Interstices flooded with water repellent silicone gel
Outside LAN systems 10/100/1000BaseT
Outside Phone, Voice, Video over IP and security video
BALUN support and media infrastructure
Infrared, audio
Shield Performance
LAN: 300 feet
Passive Baluns up to 2500 feet
Jacket Final Outside Diameter (inches)
Colors: Black
Wall thickness: 0.020" | 0.51mm
Diameter: 0.250" | 6.35mm

Technical Specifications
Product Line: 24-4P-L6-EN-DB
Specification Revision Date:
July 14, 2009
Category 6 Performance Chart
(MHz) (dB/100m) (dB) (dB) (dB/100m) (dB/100m) (dB/100m) (dB/100m) (dB)
1.0 2.0 74.3 72.3 72.3 70.3 67.8 64.8 20.0
4.0 3.8 65.3 63.3 61.5 59.5 55.7 52.7 23.0
8.0 5.3 60.8 58.8 55.5 53.5 49.7 46.7 24.5
10.0 6.0 59.3 57.3 53.3 51.3 47.8 44.8 25.0
16.0 7.6 56.3 54.3 48.7 46.7 43.7 40.7 25.0
20.0 8.5 54.8 52.8 46.3 44.3 41.7 38.7 25.0
25.0 9.5 53.3 45.3 43.8 35.8 39.8 36.8 24.3
31.25 10.7 51.9 49.9 41.2 39.2 37.9 34.9 23.6
62.5 15.4 47.4 45.4 32.0 30.0 31.8 28.8 21.5
100.0 19.8 44.3 42.3 24.5 22.5 27.8 24.8 20.1
155.0 25.2 41.5 39.5 16.3 14.3 23.9 20.9 18.8
200.0 29.2 39.8 37.8 10.6 8.6 21.7 18.7 18.0
250.0 32.8 38.3 36.3 5.5 3.5 19.8 16.8 17.3
Max. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min.