LG X540HM User Guide

LG X540HM User Guide




Copyright ©2019 LG Electronics Inc. All rights reserved.



About this user guide


Thank you for choosing this LG product. Please carefully read this user guide before using the device for the first time to ensure safe and proper use.

Always use genuine LG accessories. The supplied items are designed only for this device and may not be compatible with other devices.

Descriptions are based on the device default settings.

Default apps on the device are subject to updates, and support for these apps may be withdrawn without prior notice. If you have any questions about an app provided with the device, please contact an LG Service Centre. For user-installed apps, please contact the relevant service provider.

Modifying the device’s operating system or installing software from unofficial sources may damage the device and lead to data corruption or data loss. Such actions will violate your LG licence agreement and void your warranty.

Some content and illustrations may differ from your device, depending on the area, service provider, software version, or OS version, and are subject to change without prior notice.

Software, audio, wallpaper, images, and other media supplied with your device are licenced for limited use. If you extract and use these materials for commercial or other purposes, you may be infringing copyright laws. As a user, you are fully responsible for the illegal use of media.

Additional charges may incur for data services, such as messaging, uploading, downloading, auto-syncing and location services. To avoid additional charges, select a data plan suitable to your needs. Contact your service provider to obtain additional details.


Instructional notices

WARNING: Situations that could cause injury to the user and third parties.

CAUTION: Situations that may cause minor injury or damage to the device.

NOTE: Notices or additional information.

About this user guide


Table of contents

5 Guidelines for safe and efficient use

10 Safety instructions


Custom-designed Features

18 Camera features

21 Gallery features

25Sound quality and effects features

26Google Assistant

28 Fingerprint recognition

31 Multi-tasking feature


Basic Functions

34Product components and accessories

35Parts overview

38Turning the power on or off

39Installing the SIM card

42Inserting the memory card

43Removing the memory card


45Touch screen

49Home screen

58Screen lock

63Memory card encryption

64Taking screenshots

64Entering text

70Content sharing

72Do not disturb


Useful Apps

74Installing and uninstalling apps

75App trash

76App Shortcuts







99 QuickMemo+







106Audio Recorder

107Update centre

107File Manager



109RemoteCall Service

109Cell Broadcast

109Google apps



113 Settings

113 Network



127 General



139LG Language Settings

139LG Bridge

140Phone software update

142Anti-Theft Guide

143Open Source Software Notice Information

143Regulatory information (Regulation ID number, E-labeling, etc.)



145Contact office for compliance of this product

146More information

151 FAQ

Table of contents


Guidelines for safe and efficient use

Important information about the device

Device apps andservicesare subjecttochange orcancellationwithoutnotice, dependingonthe provider’ssituationandthesoftwareversion.

Whenthedeviceisturned on forthe firsttime,aninitialconfigurationtakes place.The firstbootingtimemaybe longerthan usual.

Read before use

Topurchaseoptionalitems,contactthe LGCustomerInformationCentre for availabledealers.

Theappearanceandspecificationsofthe device aresubjecttochangewithout notice.

DonotuseLG products forother purposesthanthoseoriginallyintended. Using non-certifiedappsor software maydamage thedeviceand thisisnotcovered bywarranty.

Before you begin

Safety Guidelines

Toreducethepossibilityofelectricshock,donotexposeyourproduct to

high humidityareas, such as bathroom orswimmingpool.

Keep thephone awayfromheat.Never storeyourphone inenvironment that mayexposeit totemperatures below0 °Corabove40 °C, such as outdoor duringsnowstorm,orinyourcarinhotdays. Exposure tocoldor heat willresult in malfunction,damage orpermanentfailure.Be carefulwhenusingyourphone nearotherelectronic devices.The RFemissions from mobilephonesmayaffect nearbyelectronicequipment thatnot adequatelyshielded.Youshould consult manufacturers of any personal medicaldevices, asinthecase of pacemakers and hearingaides,todeterminewhethertheyaresusceptible tointerference from cell phones.Turnoff yourphoneinmedical facilities oratgasstations.Neverplace your phone in microwaves,asit willcausethebatteryto explode.




Safety Information

Readthesesimpleguidelines.Breaking therules maybeillegalordangerous.

Moredetailedinformation isprovidedinthisuser’s guide.

Neveruse anunapprovedbatterythat couldcausedamagesto thephoneor thebatteryitself,or evenexplode.

Neverplace yourphoneina microwave oven,as thiswill resultin anexplosion of thebattery.

Donot disposeofyourbatteryinfireorwithhazardousor flammablematerials.

Makesurethebattery does not comeintocontact withsharp-edgeditems, such as animalteethorclaws.Thiscould causeafire.

Store thebatteryinaplaceoutofthereachofchildren.

Becarefulsothatchildren donotswallowanypartsofthephone,suchas rubberplugs(earpiece, partsthat connect tothephone,etc.).Thiscouldcause asphyxiationorsuffocation.

Disconnectthe plugandchargerfromthe outlet when thephone showsthat thebatteryhasbeenfullycharged,becauseit maycauseelectric shockorfire hazard.

Wheninthecar,donotleaveyourphone, orinstall ahands-freekit, nearthe airbag.If wirelessequipmentisimproperly installed, youcan beseriously injured iftheairbagis deployed.

Donotusemobile phonewhile driving.

Donotusethe phoneinareaswhereitsusageisprohibited. (Forexample:in airplanes).

Donotexposethebattery charger oradaptertodirectsunlight,oruseit in places with highhumidity,suchasbathroom.

Neverstoreyour phoneintemperatureslowerthan-20 °Cor higher than 50 °C.

Donotuseharshchemicals(such as alcohol,benzene,solvents, etc.) or detergentstocleanthe phone.Thiscouldcause fire.

Donotdropthe phone, strikeit, orshakeithard.

Guidelines forsafe andefficientuse


Such actions mayharmthephone’s internalcircuitboards.

Do notuseyour phoneinhighexplosiveareas, as this maygeneratesparks.

Do notdamagethepowercordbybending,twisting,pulling,or heatingit.Do notusethe plug if itis loose asitmay causefireorelectric shock.

Do nothandlethephonewithwethandswhile itis charging.Thiscan cause electric shock orseriouslydamageyourphone.

Donot disassemblethephone.

Donot makeoranswercallswhilechargingthe phone,which cancausea short circuit,electric shock, orfire.

Use onlybatteriesandchargersprovidedbyLG.Thewarrantydoesnot apply to products providedby otherproviders.

Onlyauthorized personnelshould servicethephoneand its accessories.

Installation orservice mayresultinaccidents andconsequently invalidate the warranty.

Donotholdor lettheantenna comeincontactwithyour bodyduringacall.

Emergencycallscanbe madeonlywithina servicearea.Tomakeanemergency call, makesureyouarewithina serviceareaandthephoneison.

Useyouraccessories, such asheadphonesor headsets,withcaution, ensuring thatthecablesare plugged properlyand thattheydonottouchthe antenna unnecessarily.

Donotuse yourdevicenearmedicalequipmentwithoutrequestingpermission. Pleaseconsultyourdoctorto determineifoperationofyourdevicemay interferewiththeoperationofyourmedical device.

Information about the RF exposure from FCC

Readthis informationbefore operating thephone.

In August1996, theFederalCommunications Commission (FCC) of theUnited States,withitsactioninReportandOrderFCC96-326,adoptedanupdatedsafety standardfor humanexposure toradiofrequency (RF) electromagneticenergy emittedbyFCCregulatedtransmitters.Thoseguidelinesareconsistent with the safetystandard previouslyset byboth internationalandU.S. standards.The design ofthisphone complieswith FCC guidelinesandtheseinternational standards.

Guidelines forsafe andefficientuse


Body effects

Thisdevicewastested fortypical body operation,keepinga distanceof1.5 cm (0.59 inch)betweenthe user’sbody andthe backofthephone.Tocomplywith RFexposure requirementsoftheFCCstandards,a minimumdistance of 1.5 cm (0.59 inch)betweenthe user’sbody andthe backofthephoneisrequired.

Belt-clips,holsters, andsimilaraccessoriescontaining metalliccomponents from othersmanufacturers shouldnotbeused.

Accessorieswornclosetothe body,without keepinga minimumdistanceof1.5 cm (0.59 inch)betweenthe user’sbody andthe backofthephone,and thathave not beentestedfor typicalbodyoperation,may not complywithFCC’sRF exposure limits andshould beavoided.

Class B Compliance under article 15 of the FCC

Thisdeviceanditsaccessories complywithArticle 15ofthe FCC rules. Theoperation issubject tothefollowingconditions:

(1)Thisdevice, anditsaccessories,willnotcauseharmfulinterferenceand(2) thisdeviceandits accessoriesmustacceptanyinterferencereceived, including interferencethatcouldcause anundesiredoperation.

Battery Precautions



Donotexposetohigh temperatures, over 60 °C(140 °F).


Battery Disposal

Please disposeofyour batteryproperly,or bringit toyourwirelessproviderfor recycling.

Donotdisposeofyourbatteryinfireorwithhazardousor flammablematerials.

Adapter Precautions (Charger)

Usingthe wrong batterychargercould damageyourphoneand voidyour warranty.

Theadapteror batterychargeris onlydesignedfor indoor use.

Guidelines forsafe andefficientuse


Donotexposethebatterycharger oradapterto directsunlight,or useit in places withhighhumidity, such asthebathroom.

Cautions for Battery

Donotdisassembleor open crush,bend ordeform,punctureorshred.

Donotmodifyor remanufacture,attemptto insertforeignobjects intothe battery,immerse orexposeto waterorother liquids, expose tofire,explosionor otherhazard.

Only usethebattery forthe systemforwhichit isspecified.

Only usethebattery with acharging systemthat has beenqualifiedwiththe systemperthisstandard. Useofan unqualified batteryorcharger maypresent arisk of fire, explosion,leakage, orother hazard.

Donotshortcircuitabatteryorallowmetallicconductiveobjects tocontact batteryterminals.

Replacethebattery onlywithanotherbatterythathasbeenqualifiedwiththe systemperthisstandard,IEEE-Std-1725.Useofan unqualifiedbatterymay present ariskoffire, explosion,leakage orother hazard.

Promptly disposeofused batteriesinaccordancewithlocalregulations.

Batteryusageby childrenshould besupervised.

Avoid droppingthe phoneor battery.Ifthe phoneorbatteryis dropped, especiallyonahardsurface,andtheusersuspectsdamage,takeitto aservice centerforinspection.

Improper batteryusemay result in afire,explosionorotherhazard.

Forthosehostdevicesthat utilizea USBportasachargingsource,thehost device’s usermanual shallincludeastatement that thephone shall onlybe connectedto productsthatbear theUSB-IFlogo orhavecompletedtheUSB-IF compliance program.

Alwaysunplugthechargerfromthe wallsocket after thephone isfullycharged tosave unnecessarypowerconsumptionofthecharger.

Avoid damage to your ear

Damagetoyourhearcanoccurduetoconstantexposuretoexcessive high sound.We,therefore,recommendthatyoudonotturnonoroffthephonenear yourear.Wealso recommendyoubereasonablewiththemusicand volume level.

Guidelines forsafe andefficientuse


Ifyoulisten tomusic, please ensure that thevolume levelis adequate,so that youare awareofyoursurroundings.Thisisparticularlyimportantwhen attemptingto crossastreet.

Safety instructions

TIA’s Safety Information

Thisincludescompletesecurityinformationon wirelessphonesfromTIA (TelecommunicationsIndustryAssociation).

It’s required,forCTIACertification, theinclusion inthe user manual of textcovering pacemakers,hearing aidsand othermedical devices.It’sencouraged theuseofthe remainingTIAlanguage whenrelevant.

Exposure to Radio Frequency Signal

Yourwirelesshandheldportabletelephoneis alowpowerradiotransmitterand receiver. Whenit isON,itreceivesandalsosends outradiofrequency(RF) signals.

InAugust, 1996,the FederalCommunicationsCommissions (FCC) adopted RFexposure guidelineswithsafetylevelsfor handheldwireless phones.Those

guidelinesareconsistentwith thesafetystandards previouslysetby bothU.S.and internationalstandards bodies:

ANSIC95.1(1992) *

NCRPReport86 (1986) ICNIRP(1996)

Those standardswerebasedoncomprehensiveand periodicevaluationsofthe relevantscientific literature. For example,over 120scientists, engineers, and physiciansfromuniversities,government healthagencies, and industryreviewed the available body of researchto developtheANSIStandard (C95.1).

*American NationalStandardsInstitute;National Councilon RadiationProtection andMeasurements;InternationalCommissiononNon-IonizingRadiation Protection.

Thedesignofyour phonecomplies withthe FCC guidelines(andthose standards).

Suggestions for a more efficient operation

Foryourphone tooperate mostefficiently:



Donottouchtheantenna unnecessarily,whenthe phoneisinuse.The contact withthe antennaaffectscall quality, andmay causethe phoneto operateata higher power levelthan otherwisewouldbe need.


Checkthe lawsandregulationsrelatedtotheuseofwireless phones in theareas whereyoudrive. Alwaysobey these regulations.Also,ifusingyourphone while driving,make sure to:

Pay fullattentionto driving; drivingsafely isyourfirst responsibility;

Use hands-freeoperation, if available;

Pull offtheroadand park, beforemakingor answeringa call,if driving conditionsdemandso.

Electronic Devices

Most modern electronicequipmentisshieldedfromRFsignals.

However,certain electronicequipmentmay not beshieldedagainstthe RFsignals fromyourwirelessphone.


TheMedicalIndustryManufacturersAssociationrecommendsaminimumdistance of fifteen(15)centimeters,orsix(6)inches,between ahandheldwirelessphone andapacemaker,in orderto avoidpotential interference between them.

These advicesare consistentwithindependent researches, andwith recommendationsbased onwirelesstechnology research.

People withpacemakersshould:

Alwayskeep theproduct more thansix (6)inches from their pacemakerwhen theproduct isturnedON.

Notcarrythephoneina shirtpocket.

Usetheear oppositetothe pacemaker, tominimize thepotentialinterference.

If youhaveany reasontosuspectthatinterferenceis taking place,switchoff your phoneimmediately.

Hearing Aids

Somedigitalwirelessphones mayinterferewithsomehearing aids.In theeventof

such interference, werecommend thatyoucontact yourserviceprovider.



Other Medical Devices

Ifyou useanyotherpersonalmedicaldevices, consultyourdevicemanufacturerto determine if theyareadequately shielded from externalRFenergy.Your doctor can help youobtainthisinformation.

Health Care Facilities

Turn offyour phoneinhealthcare facilities,wheneverthereare signsasking youto do so.Hospitals orhealthcare facilities mayuseequipmentthatcouldbesensitive to externalRFenergy.


RFsignalsmayaffectimproperlyinstalled orinadequatelyshieldeddevices in motor vehicles.

Checkwiththemanufacturer,or its representative,regardingyourvehicle.

You shouldalsoconsultthemanufacturer aboutanyequipment thathasbeen added toyourvehicle.

Facilities with signs

Turn offthephonein any facilitywhere warningsigns requestyou todo so.


FCCregulationsprohibittheuse of phones whileinthe air. Turn off your phonebefore boarding anairplane.

Blasting Areas

Toavoid interferingwith blastingoperations,turnyourphoneoffwhenina ‘blasting area’or in areaswithsignsthat read:‘Turn offtwo-way radios’ .Obey all signsand instructions.

Potentially Explosive Atmosphere

Turn offthephonewheninan area with apotentiallyexplosiveatmosphere,and obeyallsignsand instructions.

Sparks insuch areascouldcauseanexplosionor firethat couldresult in personal injuryordeath.

Areaswitha potentiallyexplosiveatmosphere areoften clearlymarked,butnot



always. Amongthepotentiallydangerousareasare:

Fuelingareas (suchasgasstations),areasbelowdeck on boats,facilitieswhere chemicalproductsare transferredorstored,vehiclesusingliquefied petroleum gas (as propaneor butane), areaswherethe aircontainschemicalsor particles(such asgrain,dustor metalpowders), andanyotherareaswhereyou wouldnormally be advised toturnoff yourvehicle engine.

For vehicles equipped with air bags

Airbagsinflate withstrong force.Donot placeobjectsinthearea over theairbag orinits deployment area,including wireless equipment,eitherinstalledor portable.

Seriousinjuries couldoccurifwireless equipmentis improperly installedinto thecar when theairbaginflates.

Safety Information

Readandobservethe followinginformationforthesafe andproper useofyour phone,and topreventanydamage.

Also,keep theuser’s guide in anaccessible placeatalltimes after readingit.

Charger, Adapter and Battery Security

Thechargerandadapteraredesignedonly forindooruse.

Disposeofyourbattery properly,orbringitto yourwireless providerfor recycling.

Thebatterydoesn’t needto befullydischarged beforerecharging.

Only useLG approved chargersthatare specificallymadeforyour phonemodel, sincethey aredesigned tomaximizethebattery life.

Donotdisassembleor short-circuit it.

Keepthe metalcontacts on thebatteryclean.

Replacethebattery whenitno longer providesacceptableperformance.The batterycan berechargedseveralhundred timesbefore replacement.

Chargethe batteryafter longperiods withoutuse tomaximizeits life.

Thebatterylife will varydepending onusage patternsandenvironmental conditions.

Intensive useofbacklighting,browser,and packetdataconnectivityaffect batterylifeand talk/standby times.



Therole of self-protection interruptsthephonewhenitsoperationis in an abnormal state.Inthiscase,remove thebatteryfromthe phone,reinstallit,and turnonthephone.

Explosion, Shock and Fire Danger

Donotplacethe phoneinaplace exposed toexcessivedust, and keepthe minimumrequireddistancebetweenthe power cordandheatsources.

Unplugthepowercordbeforecleaning thephone,and cleanthepowerplug wheneveritisdirty.

Whenusingthepowerplug,makesureitisfirmly connected. Otherwise, itcan overheatorstarta fire.

Placing thephone inapocketor bagwithout coveringthereceptacle(power plugpin),metallic articles(suchas acoin,clip orpen)mayshort-circuitthe phone. Alwayscoverthereceptaclewhen notinuse.

Donotshort-circuit thebattery.Metalitems, such ascoins,paperclips,orpens, in yourpocketor bagmaycauseashortcircuitbetween the+ andterminals of thebattery(metalstripson thebattery).Theshort-circuitoftheterminalsmay damagethe batteryandcauseanexplosion.

General Notice

Usingadamagedbattery, orinserting itinto themouth cancauseserious injuries.

Donotplacethe phoneinproximitytoitems containingmagneticcomponents, such as creditcards,calling cards,bankbooks,orsubway tickets.Thephone magnetism maydamage thedatastored in themagneticstrip.

Talkingonthe phonefor alongperiodoftime mayreducecallquality,because of theheatgeneratedduringuse.

Whenthe phonehasnotbeen in usefor alongtime,storeitin asafe place, with thepowercord unplugged.

Using thephone closeto areceivingequipment(suchasTV orradio) maycause interference.

Donotimmerse your phoneinwater.Ifthishappens,immediatelyturn itoffand removethebattery.Ifyour phonedoesnotwork, take ittoanLGAuthorized Service Facility.

Thepowersupplycontainselementsthatcouldbe harmfultoyour health, if



componentsarehandleddirectly.Ifthis happens, we recommendimmediate hand-washing.

Donotpaintthe phone.

Datastoredinyour phonemight bedeleteddueto carelessuse, hardware repairorsoftwareupgrade.Pleasebackupyour importantphone numbers (ringtones, text orvoicemessages, images,andvideosmightalsoget deleted). Themanufacturer isnotliablefor damagesduetoloss of data.

Whenusingthephoneinpublic places, youmay setthe ringer on vibrate to avoiddisturbing others.

Donotswitch thephone on/offwhileitisinyour ear.

Repairsunder warranty,atLG’sdiscretion, mayincludereplacementparts orboardsthatareeitherneworreconditioned, provided thattheyhave functionality equalto thatofthepartsbeingreplaced.

Please ensure thattheproduct doesnot getincontactwith liquid. Donot useor rechargetheproductifitiswet.Oncethe productbecomes wet,the liquiddamage indicatorchanges color. Please note thatthis willlimit youfrom receivinganyfree-of-chargerepairservicesprovidedunder warranty.

Precautions when using SIM cards

Donotinsert theSIMcard intothedevicewiththe label orsealattached.This maycausedamage.

Donotremove theSIMcard whileusingthedevice.

This maydamage theSIMcard orthe system.

Take extracaretoensurethattheSIMcardis not scratched, bent, ordamaged bymagnet.Thismaydeletefiles savedonthe SIMcard orcause device malfunctions.

Precautions when using memory cards

Makesurethatthe orientation iscorrectwhen insertingthe memorycard. Insertingusingthewrongorientationmaydamagethecard.

Ambient temperatures

Use yourphoneintemperaturesbetween0 ºCand40 ºC,if possible. Exposing yourphone toextremelyloworhightemperatures mayresultindamage, malfunction, oreven explosion.



Notice for Battery replacement

Foryour safety, donot removethe batteryincorporatedinthe product. Ifyouneed toreplacethe battery, takeittothe nearestauthorised LG Electronicsservice point ordealer forassistance.

Li-IonBatteryis ahazardouscomponent which cancauseinjury.

Batteryreplacementby non-qualified professionalcan causedamage toyourdevice.

Securing personal information

Makesuretoprotect your personalinformation topreventdataleakage or misuseofsensitive information.

Alwaysbackup important data whileusingthedevice.LGisnot responsible for anydataloss.

Makesuretoback upalldataandreset thedevicewhendisposingofthedevice toprevent any misuseofsensitiveinformation.

Readthe permissionscreencarefullywhiledownloadingapplications.

Becautioususingtheapplicationsthathaveaccesstomultiplefunctionsor to yourpersonalinformation.

Check yourpersonalaccountsregularly.Ifyoufindanysignofmisuse of your personalinformation,askyourserviceprovidertodeleteorchangeyouraccount information.

If yourdeviceislostor stolen,change thepassword of your accounttosecure your personalinformation.







Camera features


You can take a sharp portrait by applying the camera lens blur effect.

1Tap , then tap Portrait.

2Tap to take a photo.

To adjust blur strength, drag the slide bar to the left or right.

Keep the distance to your subject within 1.3 ~ 5.0 feet when using the rear camera.

This feature is not available If the surroundings are too dark.

After applying this feature, tap the desired position on the preview screen to automatically apply the exposure value and focus when using the rear camera, or exposure value only when using the front camera.

Custom-designed Features



You can effectively take photos or record videos since the camera recognises the object when taking a photo or recording a video.

1Tap , then tap AI CAM.

2When the object is recognised, the best effect for the scene is applied.

To apply other effects, tap the scene icon.

Portrait, pets, foods, sunrise, sunset, scenery, city view, flowers, etc, total 8 categories can be recognised automatically.

The result of the scene recognition may differ depending on the illumination or the location of the subject while taking photos. Keywords do not appear on the actual photos or videos.

This feature is available only when the front and rear cameras are in the Auto mode.

Custom-designed Features


Flash Jump-Cut

Photos taken at a regular interval are saved as GIF files.

1Tap , then tap MODE Flash Jump-Cut .

2Tap to take a photo.

Photos are taken every 3 seconds and saved as a GIF file.

Tap on the screen to select the number of photos you want to take.

While taking photos, tap to create GIF files with previously taken photos.

The flash automatically turns on to act as a timer.

The shots taken this time and the total number of shots are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

All taken photos are saved as GIF files only.

You may not change the GIF speed nor image order.

Custom-designed Features


Gallery features

Making a collage

You can make a collage from the associated content.

1While viewing an album, tap Make collage.

2Select the desired images to add to the a collage and then tap NEXT.

Select the desired layout from the bottom of the screen.

3Tap MAKE.

A maximum of 9 images can be used to create a collage.

Custom-designed Features


Creating a movie

You can create a new movie by putting images and videos together.

1Tap Photos tab, then tap Create movie.

You can also tap Play tab, then tap Create movie.

2Select images or videos for your movie and tap NEXT.

3Edit the selected images and videos and then tap SAVE.

Custom-designed Features


Deleting files

You can select images or videos to delete from your video by tapping at the top right corner of its thumbnail.

Adding files

You can select images or videos to add after tapping at the bottom of the screen. You can also select the images or videos you have already previously added.

Touch and hold a file, and then tap another file for multiple selection.

Rearranging files

To rearrange the images and videos, touch and hold the file you want to move, then dragging it to the desired location.

Adding file effects

Tap to add a theme or background music, change the font.

Resetting the movie edits

You can reset the edits made to the movie (e.g. play time) by tapping .

Previewing a file

Check your new video before saving it by tapping . After the playback time elapses, the next file is played automatically.

A maximum of 50 images and videos can be used to create a video.

The playback time for an image is 3 seconds by default and it cannot be changed. Videos can be trimmed down to a minimum of 1 second.

This feature may not support some image or video formats.

Custom-designed Features


Making a GIF

You can easily make a GIF file using recorded videos or photos.

Making a GIF by using recorded videos

1At the desired starting point while watching a video, tap .

2Select the length of the GIF you want to create.

GIF is generated for the time selected from the current time.

For videos less than 5 seconds, GIF images are automatically generated for the remaining time.

Making a GIF by using photos

1While viewing an album, tap Create GIF.

You can also tap on Play on the Play tab of the Gallery app.

2Select the desired photos to create a GIF file and then tap NEXT.

You can add more images and adjust the GIF speed, screen ratio, and file order.

You may use this feature solely for creative purposes. The use of this feature involving infringement of any other person’s rights, such as copyright or defamatory or offensive statements, may be subject to civil, criminal, or administrative liabilities and/or penalties under applicable laws. You shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise make illegal use of any copyrighted materials without permission of the rightful owner or copyright holder. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, LG Electronics disclaims all expressed and implied warranties as well as liabilities associated thereto.

A maximum of 100 images can be used to create a GIF file.

Custom-designed Features


Sound quality and effects features

DTS:X 3D Surround

You can play a song or video in three-dimensional, immersive and vivid sound. To use this feature, connect earphones, speaker or other external audio devices to your device.

Tap Settings Sound Sound quality and effects DTS:X 3D Surround, then tap to activate this feature.

Adjusting the sound direction

You can adjust the sound direction as desired.

1Tap Settings Sound Sound quality and effects DTS:X 3D Surround, then tap .

2Select sound direction.

Custom-designed Features


Google Assistant

Google Assistant overview

You can launch or use desired apps with your voice.

To use this feature, first connect to the network and sign in to your Google Account.

This feature may not work properly or voice recognition accuracy may decrease in areas where Wi Fi or mobile network signal strength is weak.

This function may be not supported, or the supported languages may differ depending on the service area.

Launching Google Assistant

1Press and hold from the Home screen to launch Google Assistant.


3Follow the on-screen instructions and say “Ok Google”.

The device saves your voice data for recognition.

4Select whether to use voice recognition unlock feature.

When this feature is activated, you can unlock the screen by saying “Ok Google” while the screen is turned off or locked.

Custom-designed Features


This feature may be more vulnerable to security than the other screen locks, such as Pattern, PIN, and Password.

When a similar voice or your recorded voice is used, the screen may be unlocked.

To use this feature, tap Settings General Lock screen & security Select screen lock, and then use the screen lock method you set to unlock the device. Tap the voice recognition unlock feature,

and drag , then enter the currently used unlock method again. Note that Swipe is excluded.

You need to unlock the device by using the specified method after failing to unlock the device with voice recognition. See Setting a screen lock for details.

5 Tap Save.

Launching Google Assistant with your voice

1Say “Ok Google” when the screen is turned on.

2Say a command or question when “Hi, how can I help?” appears on the screen.

Launching Google Assistant from the Home screen

1Touch and hold on the Home screen.

2Say a command or question when “Hi, how can I help?” appears on the screen.

Voice recognition accuracy may decrease if you speak with an unclear voice or in a noisy place. When you use the voice recognition feature, increase its accuracy by speaking with a clear voice in a quiet place.

Custom-designed Features


Fingerprint recognition

Fingerprint recognition overview

You must register your fingerprint on your device first before using the fingerprint recognition function.

You can use the fingerprint recognition function in the following cases:

To unlock the screen.

To view the locked content in the Gallery or QuickMemo+.

Confirm a purchase by signing in to an app or identifying yourself with your fingerprint.

Your fingerprint can be used by the device for user identification. Very similar fingerprints from different users may be recognised by the fingerprint sensor as the same fingerprint.

If the device cannot detect your fingerprint, or you forgot the value specified for registration, visit the nearest LG Customer Service Centre with your device and ID card.

Precautions for fingerprint recognition

Fingerprint recognition accuracy may decrease due to a number of reasons. To maximise the recognition accuracy, check the following before using the device.

The device has a fingerprint sensor. Ensure that the fingerprint sensor is not damaged by a metallic object, such as coin or key.

When water, dust or other foreign substance is on the fingerprint sensor or your finger, the fingerprint registration or recognition may not work. Clean and dry your finger before having the fingerprint recognised.

A fingerprint may not be recognised properly if the surface of your finger has a scar or is not smooth due to being soaked in water.

Custom-designed Features


If you bend your finger or use the fingertip only, your fingerprint may not be recognised. Make sure that your finger covers the entire surface of the fingerprint sensor.

Scan only one finger for each registration. Scanning more than one finger may affect fingerprint registration and recognition.

The device may generate static electricity if the surrounding air is dry. If the surrounding air is dry, avoid scanning fingerprints, or touch a metallic object such as coin or key before scanning fingerprints to remove static electricity.

Registering fingerprints

You can register and save your fingerprint on the device to use fingerprint identification.

1 Tap Settings General Lock screen & security Fingerprints.

A lock screen must be set in order to be able to use this feature.

If the screen lock is not active, configure the lock screen by following the on-screen instructions. See Setting a screen lock for details.

2Locate the fingerprint sensor on the back of the device and gently put your finger on it to register the fingerprint.

Gently press the fingerprint sensor so that the sensor can recognise your fingerprint.

Ensure that your fingertip covers the entire surface of the fingerprint sensor.

Custom-designed Features


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