LG 8886, Pavilion xv800 - Desktop PC, Pavilion 8800 - Desktop PC, CED-8120B Specifications

LGE Model CED-8120B CD-RW Drive Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand LGE
Product name (model number) CED-8120B
Type of product: CD-ROM / DVD-ROM / CD-RW / COMBO /DVD-RAM/DVD-RW
ID string ( _ means a blank space) LG_CD-RW_CED-8120B
Form factor (slim/HH) HH
Dimensions in mm. (L x W x H) 146 x 41.3 x 201mm (W x H x D)
(W/O Bezel)
Disk Load (caddy, tray, slot) Tray
Buffer Size (MB) 8MB
AM2 support? (Yes/No) Yes
CD-ROM Read speed (MB/s and X speed) 32x Max
CD-R media Read speed (MB/s and X speed)
32x Max
CD-RW media Read speed (MB/s and X speed):
20x MAX
HS-CDRW media read capability (Yes/No, speed)
20x Max
CD-ROM full stroke access time (ms) 180
CD-ROM average access time (ms) 130
CD-R write speed(s) - all supported speeds 12x/8x/4x
"Burn Proof" technology, or similar implemented
Not supported
CD-RW write speed(s) - all supported speeds
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Interface (DMA, U-DMA. Mode1-2) DMA Mode2
Flash ROM? (Yes/No) Yes
Eject Button: Yes/No Yes
Other Buttons on standard version? (Play, Skip forward, etc.)
Soft eject support: Yes/No Yes
Pin hole eject or other manual method Yes
Front audio jack available standard: (Yes/No)
Vertical mount OK: (Yes/No) Yes
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