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1. Application Object
This spec sjeet os applied all of the 42Ó, 50Ó, RF-04GA
chassis bymanufacturing LG TV Plant or sort plant.
2. Specification
(1) Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to
use an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation
transformer will help protect test instrument.
(2) Adjustment must be done in the correct order.
(3) The adjustment must be performed in the circumstance of
25±5¡C of temperature and 65±10% of relative humidity if
there is no specific designation.
(4) The input voltage of the receiver must keep 100-220V~,
(5) The receiver must be operated for about 15 minutes prior
to the adjustment.
O After RGB Full white HEAT-RUN Mode, the receiver must
be operated prior to adjustment.
O Enter into HEAT-RUN MODE
1) Press the POWER ON KEY on R/C for adjustment.
2) OSD display and screen display 100% full WHITE
[ Set is activated HEAT-RUN without signal generator in
this mode.
[ Single color pattern(RED/BLUE/GREEN) of HEAT-RUN
mode uses to check pannel.
Caution) If you turn on a still screen more than 20 minutes
(Especially digital pattern, cross hatch pattern), a after
image may be occur in the black level part of the
3. POWER PCB Assy Voltage
(Va, Vs Voltage Adjustments)
3-1. Test Equipment : D.M.M. 1EA
3-2. Connection Diagram for Measuring
Refer to [Fig 1]
3-3. Adjustment Method for
(1) Va Adjustment
1) After receiving 100% Full White Pattern, HEAT RUN.
2) Connect + terminal of D.M.M to Va pin of P805, connect
- terminal to GND pin of P805.
3) After turningVR351, voltage of D.M.M adjustment as
same as Va voltage which on lable of panel right/top
(Deviation; ±0.5V)
(2) Vs Adjustment
1) Connect + terminal of D.M.M to Vs pin of P805, connect
Ð terminal to GND pin of P805.
2) After turning RV551, voltage of D.M.M adjustment as
same as Va voltage which on label of panel right/top.
(Deviation; ±0.5V)
4. Auto RGB Color balance
4-1 Pattern Equipment :
PC Pattern Generator( 801F or VG828 )
(16Gray Scale Pattern output(RGB output Level: 0.7Vp-p))
4-2 Method of Auto RGB Color Balance
(1) Input RGB Source: 16Gray Scale Pattern output
(RGB output Level: 0.7Vp-p)
(2) Press ADJ KEY on R/C for adjustment.
(3) Press Vol. +KEY and Operate To Set.
(4) Auto-RGB OK means completed adjustment.