LG MB0947AR Owner's Manual





P/No. : MFL06422902


Precautions to avoid possible exposure to excessive microwave energy.

You cannot operate your oven with the door open due to the safety interlocks built into the door mechanism. These safety interlocks automatically switch off any cooking activity when the door is opened; which in the case of a microwave oven could result in harmful exposure to microwave energy.

It is important not to tamper with the safety interlocks.

Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow food or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.

Do not operate your oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to the: (1) door(bent),

(2) hinges and latches (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and sealing surfaces.

Your oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except qualified service personnel.


Please ensure cooking times are correctly set as over cooking may result in the FOOD catching fire and subsequent damage to your oven.

When heating liquids, e.g. soups, sauces and beverages in your microwave oven, overheating the liquid beyond boiling point can occur without evidence of bubbling. This could result in a sudden boil over of the hot liquid. To prevent this possibility the following steps should be taken:

1Avoid using straight sided containers with narrow necks.

2Do not overheat.

3Stir the liquid before placing the container in the oven and again halfway through the heating time.

4After heating, allow to stand in the oven for a short time, stir or shake them again carefully and check the temperature of them before consumption to avoid burns (especially, contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars).

Be careful when handling the container.


Always allow food to stand after being cooked by microwaves and check the temperature of them before consumption. Especially contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars.



How the Microwave Oven Works

Microwaves are a form of energy similar to radio and television waves and ordinary daylight. Normally, microwaves spread outwards as they travel through the atmosphere and disappear without effect. Microwave ovens, however, have a magnetron which is designed to make use of the energy in microwaves. Electricity, supplied to the magnetron tube, is used to created microwave energy.

These microwaves enter the cooking area through openings inside the oven. A turntable or tray is located at the bottom of the oven. Microwaves cannot pass through metal walls of the oven, but they can penetrate such materials as glass, porcelain and paper, the materials out of which microwave-safe cooking dishes are constructed.

Microwaves do not heat cookware, though cooking vessels will eventually get hot from the heat generated by the food.

A very safe appliance

Your microwave oven is one of the safest of all home appliances. When the door is opened, the oven automatically stops producing microwaves. Microwave energy is converted completely to heat when it enters food, leaving no “left over” energy to harm you when you eat your food.












Unpacking & Installing









4 ~ 5

Child Lock



















Micro Power Cooking








Two Stage Cooking










Grill Cooking




















Combi Cooking












Auto Cook









11 ~ 12









Auto Defrost







13 ~ 14







Quick Defrost







15 ~ 16







Auto Roast












17 ~ 19

Important safety instructions










Microwave - safe Utensils










Food characteristics & Microwave cooking




22 ~ 23




Questions & Answers


















Plug Wiring Information/Technical Specifications







LG MB0947AR Owner's Manual

Unpacking &


By following the basic steps on these two pages you will be able to quickly check that your oven is operating correctly. Please pay particular attention to the guidance on where to install your oven. When unpacking your oven make sure you remove all accessories and packing. Check to make sure that your oven has not been damaged during delivery.

Unpack your oven and place it on a flat level surface.

Place the oven in the level location of your choice with more than 85cm height but make sure there is at least

30cm of space on the top and 10cm at the rear for proper ventilation. The front of the oven should be at least 8cm from the edge of the surface to prevent tipping.

An exhaust outlet is located on top or side of the oven. Blocking the outlet can damage the oven.










Plug your oven into a standard household socket. Make sure your oven is the only appliance

connected to the socket. If your oven does not operate properly, unplug it from the electrical socket and then plug it back in.

Open your oven door by pulling the DOOR HANDLE. Place the ROLLER REST inside the oven and place the

GLASS TRAY on top.

Fill a microwave safe container with

Press the 3

The DISPLAY will count down from 30

300 ml (1/2 pint) of water. Place on

button one time,

seconds. When it reaches 0, BEEP sounds.

the GLASS TRAY and close the oven door. If you

then 0 button one

Open the oven door and test the temperature of the

have any doubts about what type of container to

time to set 30

water. If your oven is operating the water should be

use please refer to page 21.

seconds, then

warm. Be careful when removing the container it may


press the START

be hot.


button. Your oven will start.






Press Parar/Borrar.

Your oven has a safety feature that prevents accidental running of the oven. Once the child lock is set, you will be unable to use any functions and no cooking can take place.

However your child can still open the oven door!

Press and hold Parar/Borrar until “L” appears on the display and BEEP sounds.

The CHILD LOCK is now set.

The time will disappear on the display if you have set the clock.

“L” remains displayed to let you know that CHILD LOCK is set.


To cancel CHILD LOCK press and hold Parar/Borrar until “L” disappears. You will hear BEEP when it’s released.


In the following example I will show you how to cook some food on 80% power for 5 minutes and 32 seconds.

Micro Power


Your oven has five microwave Power settings. High power is automatically selected but repeated presses of the Power button will select different power levels.

Make sure that you have correctly installed your oven as described earlier in this book.

Press Parar/Borrar.

Press Tiempo.

Press 5 once, 3 once,then 2 once to Enter the time.

Press Potencia.

Press 8 once to enter the power.

“P-80” appears on the display.

Press Inicio.

After cooking is over, End Reminder Beep Sounds per 1 minute for 5 minutes until the oven door is opened.


Two stage


In the following example I will show you how to cook some food in two stages. The first stages will cook your food for 11 minutes and 22 seconds on HIGH; the second will cook for 6 minutes and 44 seconds on 80% power.

During two stage cooking the oven door can be opened and food checked. Close the oven door and press Inicio

and the cooking stage will continue.

At the end of stage1, BEEP sounds and stage 2 commences.

Should you wish to clear the programme press Parar/Borrar twice.

Press Parar/Borrar.

Set the power and the cooking time for stage1.

Press Tiempo.

Press 1 twice then 2 twice to enter the time.

Press Potencia once to select HIGH power.

Set the power and the cooking time for stage2.

Press Tiempo.

Press 6 once then 4 twice to enter the time.

Press Potencia.

Press 8 to select 80% power.

Press Inicio.


+ 17 hidden pages