LG M5500C-BA - - 55"" LCD Flat Panel Display User Manual

Table of
is a trademark of S_ LabsJn¢, _ech_logy is interbreed _underlicense from SRS Labs,lnc,
I" I _ 1..........................................
Precautions in installing the Product
[] Keep away f_om heat sources like electhcal heaters,
Keep the packing antkmeisture material o_vinyl p_king out of the te_h of children,
Anti-mobtum matef_ is harmf_ _f_all_ed. ff_wafl_wed by m_ke, force _ patent tovomit and v_ _3rest h_aL Addit_[_y, vinylpackJr_ canoa_ suffoc_aflon.Keep ffoutofthe reach of children.
Do not p_ bea_ objects on the p_uct or sit upon &
- fftP_apred_ _]apses oris dropp_ you rr_y be iniured Chi]_en must pay p_cuiar attention_
Do not leave the po_r or stgna| cable unattended on the p_way.
- T_ _s_rby can faJter,wh_h can cause electron[ s_'_k, fire, product breakdcem or iniury_
Install the p_uct in a _at and dry place.
D_ or _sture canoa_ e_ctrio:d sh_, fire or product d_:vra_.
if you can s_U s_ke or other odors or hear a strange sou_ unplug the _er c_ and contact the eetvice center.
ffyou c_-_unueto usawithouttaAin9 proper measures, e_ctr_caJsh_ or fire_n occur.
if you dto_ the p_uct or the caee is b_en, tam off the product ar_ unplug the power cord.
ff you c_-_dnueto use w_ut takingpro_r measures, e]_r_'..am_ or fire can occur. _ th_ service
Do not drop _tailic objects such as coins, bait pins, chopsticks or wire into the prod_L or inflammable
objects such as paper a_ matches, Chlid_n must pay particular _,ention,
- _edricaf sb_k, fire or iniuPjcanoccur _fa roman obj_ is dr_d into_ product, unplug _ power cord and _,act the serene center,
[] M_e surethe Woduct ventilaUon hole is not blocked, install the product in a suP_ab{ywi_ p{ace (more
than l_m f_ the wall)
ffyOUi_taJ[ the product too ct_ to _ wa_[,_tmay _ deform_ or fire o3n breakout due to [nterr_3lheat.
Do not b_ckthe ventilation I_le of the product by a _le_oth or curtain,
- TP_ _t_t can be deforraed or fire c_nbreak _ due tocverheating im,.4de_ product,
install the p_uct on a flat and sta_e place that has no r_skof dro_ing the p_uct,
- ffthe pred_ isdrc_ped_you may be iniuredor the prod_ may bebroken,
Install the p_uct where no F_,MIoccurs,
Keep the product away from direct sunlighL
- _ _JdL_ct can be dama_d.
t' I I ) 1 ..........................................
Electrical Power Related Precautions
Make sure to conneot t_ _er e_le to the grou_ed eu_nt,
- YOUmay _ e(ectrocuted_ inju_.
Use the rated voltage only,
- The prod_ can _ _m_ed, oryou rr_y be e_ctrocLFted
During a thunder or (ighthing _rm, un_ug t_ power cable or signal cable.
- YOUmay be electrocuted or ali__n break _
not connect se_ra( extension cords, electric,a|_pliances or elect,_al _at__ersto a _ngle c,Jtiet.
Usea power bar with a grounding _in_ designed _ exclusive use with the computer.
- Afire can _ak out _ to oveCc_aflng
not touch the _er plugwith wet hands. Additionally, if the cord pin iswet or covered with du_ dry
t_ power plug complsteiy or wipe dust off,
- You may be electrocuteddue to excessmo_t_.
If you don't intend to use the product for a long U_, unplug the power cable from the product.
- _ering dust _ _L_ a t3re,or i_JL_ti_ deter_'flon can cause el_c _, elec'_cshock or fire.
Fixthe power cab(e comple_y.
- ifthe _er c_3bie_ _ fix_ comp_tely, afire _ b_ak out.
Ho_ the plugwhen pulling out tbe power cable. _ not _nd the power cord w_ excessive fore or pet heavy objects onthe power c_,
- The power line _n be _m_ed, which rr_y ca_ ete_rk: shock orfire,
not insert aco_uctor (|i_ a _ta(chopstick) into _e end of t_ power ca_e while the other end is
coo_c_ to the tnp_t terminal on the w_ll. A_onally, do not to_h the power cab_ _ght after
p(ugging into the w_ll input term|ha|,
- Youmay be electrocuted
= _e pow_ _ppiy cord is used _s the m_n disconn_ion device. Entre that tl_ socket-outlet is easily
_esstble after in_llation,
[]_ not unplug the power cord while t_ prod_t is in use,
- E_stri_ sh_ _ damage _ pradust.
@ Precautions in Moving the Product
[] Make sureto turn off the product
- You may be e(ectrocuted or the prod_ can be damaged.
[] Make sureto re_ve all eabl_ before moving the p_u_
- YOUmay _ e(ectrocuted or the prod_ can _ damaged.
I" I _ 1..........................................
[] Do _ shock the product when _ving it,
"Youmay be e_ctroc_ed or _ prc,ductcan be _3_.
[] Do _t dispose the product-pa_ing box, Use it when you move, [] M_e the panel face forward and hold itwith both h_ds to m_ve.
- ffyou drop t_ product, t_ damaged product can ca_ etect¢_ shock orflm_ CorY_ct with_ _rvice canter_or _Jr.
@ Precautions in Using the Product
[] Do _ dL_mble, repair or m_ify the product at your own discretion.
- Fi_ _ elec'_ sh_ aoc_ent _n occur.
- Contact the servicecenter for _, _libration or rep,_r.
[] Do _ s_ay water on the product or scrub with _ inflammable subeta_e (thinner or benzene). Fire or
elec'_ies_ck accident can _ur,
[] Keep the product away from water.
- Fireor etec'_: shockacc_ent can oocur.
[] Do _t p_ or store tnflamm_le substances _ the product,
- TI_re isa _n_r o_explosion or fire dueto care_ handli_ of_ inflammablesubslar_es,
[] Wh_ cleaning the brown tube surface, un_ug t_ pov,_r cord and scrub with soft c_othto prevent
_ratching. Do not clean with a wetcloth,
- T_ water can sink intothe prodS, w_ch can ca_ e_ctric _k or_s ma_on
[] Take a rest from ti_ to ti_ to !_otect your _sion. [] Keep the product cleen atatl times [] Take acomfo#_e and natural position when working w_ a p_u_ to re{_ the muscles,
[] Take a regular break when working with a product _r a long E_, [] Do not pre_ strongly upon the p_ei with a ha_ or _a_ o_ect such _ nail, _il orpert,ot make a
scratch on it.
[] Keep _r di_ce _m t_ _oduct`
-Your vis_ may be impeJredif you _ at the p_ too d_,ely.
[] Set the appropriate resolution a_ clock by refemng to t_ User's Guide.
- Your vis_ _ be imp_red.
[] Uee authorized _targent only when cleaning t_ _oduct` (_ not use beP_ene, thinner or a_co_l.)
- Product _ bedetormed.
@ On Disposal
[] The florescent lamp u_d in this product contains a small amount of mercurx,. [] Do not dispose of this product with general h#u_hold waste.
Di_o_l of this product must be carded out in accordance to the regulations of your _oca_authority.
t' I I _ 1 ..........................................
Please ch_k the accessories in the pr_uct _ckage. * The product and the accessories can be different from the figures shown here.
Desktop Speaker / Stand Type Desktop Sland Type
Free Mount Speaker Type
User's Guide/ 15-pin D-Sub Signal DVFD Signal Cable
Driver CD/Cards Cable
P_wer Cord Audb Cable (_) RCA-PC Audio Cable
(Apploableonlyfor m_els (Applicableony 'form_els thatsup_rt the speakers} _ha_suppod thespeakers}
@ Optional
Wall_ount Rack P_3se refertothe e_ °Ir_]_n Gum °_
in_i[r_ _ w_I-m_nt ra_.
Free Mount Type
Remote Control! Batteries
@ In rting batteries into remote Control.
/_ 1, Take oat the battery cap,
2, insert batteries with correct _larity (+/-),
//z_/,/ ' You can use a remote Control 7 me_er distance
_Jl.//,/ a_ 30 _gree (left/right) within the receMng unit
" _ t:_/ scope,
&,Close the battery cap,
Dispose of used batteries in 1herecycle bin to prevent enwronmentaJ pollution.
I" I _ 1..........................................
Name of the Remote Control Buttons
input Select Button
AV Button
(_e next page)
Power On/Off Button
PSM Button
WhenwatchingAV/S-Vi_ Component1/Compon_
=A_atica_ a_u_s theimage.
Pre_ th_ buttonrepe_Jv_ to
the inte_ _.f_.reen.(SeeA22)
Video O_r_Jon
_ic_ _ LGpmdu_s _]y
t' I I _ 1 ..........................................
input _lect Button
If you press the button once, the following WnpLrtSignaJ
Window wifl appear _Ject the signal type you want usir_ the V A button
AV Buffon
This button wiff be enabmedonly when y_J _ected the AV signal The signa_
type wffl be changed with the fofl_ing order. _t the sigr_mty_ you want.
1, PIP (Picture in Picture) Button
The sub-screen moves to the next mode wi'_never you pre_ this button,
2, POP (Picture out Picture) Button
The sub-screen moves to he next mode w_'_never you pre_ this button,
: POP ON _>PBP(FULL) -> PBP(4:3) -> OFF
I" I _ 1..........................................
3. SWAP Button You can swap the main screen a_ the _Jb-screen when the PmP/POP/PBPfunction is used.
W_'_n 'Input Signal 1' c_es ® inthe main screen, only 'Input Signal 2' can be displayed on the _b- screen, On the contrary, ift_'_ main _:reen displays 'Input Signal 2', the sub-_reen can display 'Input
Signal 1' only You can swap 'input Signal 1' and 'Input Signal 2' usi_ the SWAP button, *PIP function is not suppled in 4801, 576i and 1080i modes,
<Table of PIP/POP/PBP Function Support>
x x x
x x x e e e
x x x x
e 0 e i x x e
x x
e e
t' I I _ 1 ..........................................
* The pr_uct im_e in the user's guide could _ different from the actual image.
@ Rear View
Back Cap
- Open the back cap before you installthe product
O RS-232C Serial Ports
_, Power _nn_or : Connect the power cord
Wired Remote Control P_
Q PC Signal Inputs
PC Sound Jack : _n_ the audio cable to the *MNE OUT jack _ the PCsound card,
AV Ports
I" I _ 1..........................................
O irst of all, s_ if the computer, pr_u_ and the peripherals are turn_ off,
Then, connect the signal input cable,
When c®n_[ng withthe DV] signal input_le.
_When connecting w_hthe D-Sub signal inputcable, (IBM compatible PC1)
_When c®n_[ng withthe _Sub signal input_]e. (IBM cornpat[bJePC2) _When connecting w_h the D-Sub signal input_]e, (Mac[ntech)
Rear side of the product,
MAC_ .................
@_nn_ the _w_ cord.
Ll,_e1he,_1ar_ardr_in_sh adap_:ersir_% anin@mp_;Ue a_p_r s av_e in the markeL (Different signaling sysl@m}
I" I I _ 1..........................................
_ Turn on _er by pressing the _wer button on the woduct.
Power b_
Turn _ the PC.
_l_t an input signal. Press the SOURCE button on the remote control to select the input signal.
( SOURCE --_ V =---_ SET
Or, press the SOURCE butt_ at the fret si_ of the product
_ W}'_n _necting w_tha DVW-D s_r_W input cable
_tect Dr1 : DVW-Ddigi*_s_n_
W_'_n_cting wf_ aD_ub signalinpL_cab_
(Bj)@ _ RGB1: 15-pinD-_b an_og si_a_
_ect RGB2 :15_in D-Suba,qa_ _.
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