Please read these safety precautions carefully before using the product.
If you ignore the warning message, you may be seriously injured or there is a possibility of ccident or death.
If you ignore the caution message, you may be slightly injured or the product may be damaged
PPrree ccaauuttiioonnss iinn iinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee PPrroodduucctt
WWaarrnniinn gg
KKeeeepp aawwaayy ffrroomm hheeaatt ssoouurrcc ee ss lliikk ee eelleecctt rriiccaall hheeaatteerrss..
- Electrical shock, fire, malfunction or deformation may occur.
KKeeeepp tthhee ppaacc kkiinn gg aannttii-- mmooiissttuurr ee mmaatteerr iiaa ll oorr vviinnyy ll ppaacckkiinn gg oouu tt ooff tthhee rreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn ..
- Anti-moisture material is harmful if swallowed. If swallowed by mistake, force the patient to vomit and visit the
nearest hospital. Additionally, vinyl packing can cause suffocation. Keep it out of the reach of children.
DDoo nnoott ppuutt hh ee aavv yy oobbjjeecc ttss oonn tthhee pprroodduucctt oorr ssiitt uuppoonn iitt..
- If the product collapses or is dropped, you may be injured. Children must pay particular attention.
DDoo nnoott lleeaavvee tthhee ppoowweerr oorr ssii ggnnaall ccaa bbllee uunnaatttt ee nnddeedd oonn tthhee ppaatthhwwaayy..
- The passerby can falter, which can cause electrical shock, fire, product breakdown or injury.
IInnssttaa llll tthhee pprroodduucctt iinn aa nneeaatt aanndd ddrryy ppll aaccee..
- Dust or moisture can cause electrical shock, fire or product damage.
II ff yyoouu ccaann ssmmeellll ssmmookk ee oorr ootthheerr ooddoorrss oorr hheeaarr aa ssttrraann ggee ssoouunndd uunnpplluugg tthhee ppoowweerr ccoorrdd aann dd
ttaacctt tthhee ssee rrvviiccee cc ee nntt eerr ..
- If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur.
II ff yyoouu ddrrooppppeedd tthhee pprr oodduucctt oorr tthh ee ccaassee iiss bbrrookkeenn,, ttuurr nn ooff ff tthhee pprr oodduucctt aanndd uunnpplluugg tthhee ppoowweerr
- If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur. Contact the service
DDoo nnoott ddrroopp aann oobbjjeecc tt oonn oorr aappppllyy iimmppaacctt ttoo tt hhee pprroodduu cctt .. DDoo nnoott tthh rrooww aannyy ttooyyss oorr oobbjjeecc ttss
oonn tthhee pprroodduucctt ssccrreeeenn..
- It can cause injury to human, problem to product and damage the display.
DDoo nnoott lleett tt hhee pprroodduu cctt ffaallll oorr ddrroopp wwhheenn ccoonnnneeccttiinngg ii tt wwiitthh aann eexxtteerr nnaall ddeevviiccee..
- This may cause injury and/or damage to the product.
WWhheenn ccoonnnneeccttiinn gg iitt wwiitt hh aa gg aammee ddeevviiccee,, kkeeeepp aa ddiissttaannccee ooff ffoouurr ttiimmeess aass lloonn gg aass tt hhee ddiiaaggoonnaall
mmeeaassuu rreemmeenn tt ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn ffrroomm tthh ee ddee vviicc ee..
- If the product falls because of the short cable, this may cause injury and/or damage to the product.
LLeeaavviinn gg aa ffii xx ee dd iimmaaggee oonn tthhee ss ccrreeeenn ffoorr aa ll oonngg ttiimmee mmaayy ccaauussee ddaammaagg ee ttoo tthhee ssccrreeeenn aanndd
ccaauussee iimmaagg ee bbuurrnn --iinn .. MMaakkee ssuurree tt oo uussee aa ss ccrreeeenn ssaavvee rr oonn tthhee pprroodduucctt.. BBuurrnn--iinn aa nndd rreell aatteedd
pprroobblleemmss aa rree nnoott ccoovveerreedd bbyy tthh ee ww aarrrr aannttyy oonn tthhiiss pprroodduu cctt ..
CCaa uu ttiioonn
MMaakkee ssuurree tthhee pprr oodduucctt vveennttiillaattii oonn hhoollee iiss nnoott bblloocc kkeedd.. IInnssttaallll tthhee pprroodduucctt iinn aa ss uuiitt aabbllyy wwii ddee
ppllaa ccee ((mmoorr ee tthhaa nn 1100ccmm ffrroomm tthh ee ww aallll))
- If you install the product too close to the wall, it may be deformed or fire can break out due to internal heat.
DDoo nnoott bblloocc kk tthhee vvee nnttiillaattii oonn hhoollee ooff tthhee pprroodduucctt bbyy aa tt aabblleecclloott hh oorr ccuurr ttaaiinn ..
- The product can be deformed or fire can break out due to overheating inside the product.
II nnssttaa llll tthhee pprr oodduucctt oonn aa ff llaa tt aann dd ss ttaabbllee ppllaaccee tthhaatt hhaass nnoo rriisskk ooff ddrr ooppppiinngg tthhee pprroodduucctt..
- If the product is dropped, you may be injured or the product may be broken.
II nnssttaa llll tthhee pprroodduucctt wwhheerree nnoo EEMMII ooccccuurr ss..
KKeeeepp tthhee pprr oodduucctt aaww aayy ffrroomm ddiirreecctt ssuunnlliigg hhtt ..
- The product can be damaged.