_vebshc htlp'l!w'_ w.l_!_crvicc.com
C-[[L;._,]! htil<!!\,. \,,',v.[_:q'-._ iu'c._:_)mlt¢chSUl_.hl[ed
A_ mi ]-NER(,Y _'E_R" Partner.
thailIli_, prodllt'l nle,['1_,lh_,I'%h R(,_S I"_,R'
I_lkl¢l,t-lJ1RIib ['*1" i'M,t 1"_1€ t {[i_-'1t'11_,'},
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Please read through this manual. Itcontains valuable
information about your air conditioner. This manual may help
save time and money by explaining proper air conditioner
mam_;enancean(l preventing tmproper use.
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Pay close attention to precautions in order to prevent
potential hazards and damage from misuse or improper
installation. LG is not responsible for any damages caused by
misuse of the airconditioner.
Your Records
Write the _! and serial numbers here:
Mode! #
Serial #
You can find them on a,labelon the,sideof each unit
_alet's Nsme
_te Purcha_d
This Manual
Inside you will find many helphu_hints on _w to use
and maZn_in your air conditioner properly: Just a liHle
preventive care on your part can save you a great
deal elf time and money over the fife of your air
You'll find many answers to common problems m the
chart'of troubieshootit_ tips, ff you review our _afl' o,f
Troubleshooting _ps first, you may not n_ to call
for se_ice at all,,
• Center theauthorizied _P_I_, technician for re_ir
or maintenance of this unit'.
,,Contact the installer for instaHatbn oil this unit.
• The air conditioner is not intended for u_ by young
chik_re,nor invalids without supe_'isio,n
• Yeu_ chiffon should _ su_,_sed to ensure that
theydo not play with the air _idoner.
Topreventinjuryandpropertyd_age, followthe_ instruction.
Incorrectoperationduetoignoringinstruc'_ionswil_cause1_3rmor_mage fileseriousnesso,fwhichis
[] The following _ems are classified bythese symbols,
• C_erwise, it wi#cause e!ectric
shock or fire,dueto heat
generafon or e_ric shock,
• It will cause e_ectricsh¢ckor fire
due to heat_neration
• It will cause,failure of machine or
electric shock
• It may cause fire and e,lectric
• It w41_cause eiect_c shock or fire
due to heat generafono
.,It'_1_cause elect_qcshock,
• No instal{ation may cause,fire
and electric shock accident.,
'i It:may cause electric shock,,
. It will cause elec_c shock or fire,
• Ifthes_upp_t®_d_ _mag_, _must_'_
replaced bythe_nu_a_u_eroritsser¢_e
or_r toavoida_zard,{Yattachment)
•N,ogrounding may cause ele:tdc
sh_k (_ _nsta_la_ionManual},
• _tmay cause fire and electric
shock accident
• _tmay cause fire,
• It may cause fire and e_e_ic shock,
* It may cause an explosion or fire,
J _ J
• It may cause expbsi,on fire a_qdburn,
, It may cause _ilure and ele_ric shock
' They are sharp and may cause . Water may enter the unit and
_grade the insuiation It may
cause an electro shock.
• Since the fan rotates at high
•This could injure the pet or plant
speed dudng operation, i:tmay
cause injury,
• An oxygen sho_age may _c:ut.
•It may cause damage of animals:
or vegetables or !oss of prope_y,
• Oper_ion 'with'windowso_ned
may cause we_ing of:indoor and
soaking of household furniture,
. i:tmaycause failure of appliance
or accident.
• Appearance may be deteriorated
due to change of produ_ color or
scratching of its surface
•It may cause elec_c shock and
• if leaving appliance damaged,
there is concern of dama_ due
to _e fai!ing of pr_uct
• There is danger of fire or e,iectric
* This could damage your hea_th
•It may cause failure of pr_uct or
. Operation without filters will
cause faiiure°
• Itcontains containments and will
make you 5ick,i
_ Contactaninstallationspec:ialistforinstallaSon
_Do notshare_e sameoutletwi_o_erappliances
_lf cordfpllugis,damaged,replaceonlywithanauthorizedpart
iii i il¸
Being ex_sed to direct airflow for an extended period of time cou!d be hazardous t:oyour health,, Do not
expose occupants,,_ts, or plants to direct allow for extend_ periods of time,
}_ Dueto the _ssibi/ity of oxygen deficiency, ventil_e _e room when used toge,l_,erwith stoves or other
Do not usethis air condi_oner for non-specified special pu_oses (e,g preserving precision devices,
hod,, pets, plants, and m-tobie_s ) Usagein such a manner could harm such property.
Do not:touc:hthe metal parts of the unit when removing the filter Iniuries can occur when handling sharp
metal edges.
Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner Exposure to w_ter can destroy l_e insulaton leading
to possible electric sh_k,
When cleaning the unit, first:make sure that the power and breaker are turned off:. The fan rotates at a
very high speed dudng o_ration. There is a possibili_ of iniu_ ift:heunit's _wer is accidentally
_ggered on while cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance contact your authoriz_ ser,4ce deaier,
The _mo, te co,ntroiand control _i wilt look like o_, o,ft_ following pictures.