LG LS090HSV3 User Manual

LG Smart AC
Smart Inverter
Remote Control System
User’s Manual
WLAN Module for LG Smart Air Conditioning Application
Proprietary Data Notice
This document, as well as all reports, illustrations, data, infor­mation, and other materials are the property of LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., and are disclosed by LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.,
only in condence.
Do not throw away, destroy, or lose this manual.
Please read carefully and store in a safe place for future reference.
Content familiarity required for proper installation and operation.
Follow the instructions in this manual to prevent product malfunction, property damage, injury, or death to the user or other people. Incorrect operation due to ignoring any instructions will cause harm or damage. The level of seriousness
is classied by the symbols described below.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situ­ation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury This symbol indicates situations that may result in equipment or property damage accidents only.
This symbol indicates that the following action should not be performed.
A summary of safety precautions is on page 4.
For continual product development, LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.,
reserves the right to change specications without notice.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.
Table of Contents
Safety PrecautionS .............................................................................. 4
LG Smart ac ....................................................................................... 6
uSer SmartPhone environment ............................................................. 7
inStaLLation Sequence .......................................................................... 9
Downloading and Installing the App
Install the Android App Install the iPhone App
LG Smart ac reGiStration .................................................................11
WLAN Module Install
WLan connection ............................................................................. 14
Initial WLAN Module and Smart AC Connection
naminG the neW ac unit .................................................................... 19
uSinG Smart ac ................................................................................. 20
Initial Setup
controL functionS ............................................................................. 22
Cooling Function Dehumidifying (Dry) Function Heating Function Auto Changeover Operation Fan Function
creatinG favorite SettinGS ................................................................ 25
Deleting/Sorting Favorites Modifying a Favorite
advanced functionS ........................................................................... 29
Purify Mode Air Flow (Swing Direction) Setting the Timer/Sleep
fiLter uSaGe and StatS ...................................................................... 32
Filter Usage - Monitoring Setting Filter Renewal Date
additionaL SettinGS ............................................................................ 35
GeneraL SettinGS ............................................................................... 36
Registering an Air Conditioner Changing the Temperature Unit Display Account Settings Help About
troubLeShootinG LG Smart ac aPP oPeration .................................. 40
data Guide ......................................................................................... 46
notice ................................................................................................ 47
LG Smart AC

Safety Precautions

LG Smart AC App is for use with LG Duct-free Split (DFS) systems only. Do not attempt to use this app with any other type of system.
The information in this manual is intended for use by an end user (customer) of the DFS system installed in their home environment.
Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in this manual can result in equipment malfunction.
Input power to the indoor unit remains connected and on during procedures in this manual. Do not touch any exposed indoor or outdoor unit wiring, terminals, or other electrical components with tools or exposed skin. Only
qualied technicians should install, remove, or re-install
this unit.
Improper installation or use may result in re, explosion, electric shock, physi­cal injury or death.
All electrical work must be performed by a licensed electri­cian and conform to local building codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the National Electrical Code, and the instructions given in this manual.
If the power source capacity is inadequate or the electric work is not per­formed properly, it may result in re, electric shock, physical injury
or death.
Do not install the LG Smart AC unit in a location exposed to
open ame or extreme heat. Do not touch the unit with wet
There is risk of re, electric shock, explosion, and physical injury or death.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
User Manual
Safely dispose of the packing materials.
Tear apart and throw away plastic packaging bags so that children may not play with them and risk suffocation and death.
Do not store or use ammable gas or combustibles near
the unit.
There is risk of re, explosion, and physical injury or death.
LG Smart AC Terms and Conditions
In using LG Smart AC hardware and smartphone application you agree to the LG Smart AC terms and conditions.
LG Smart AC hardware and smartphone application are to be used only with LG Electronics, Inc. inverter air conditioner
• LG Smart AC hardware and smartphone application cannot be
sold/transferred/rented to any other parties.
• All data generated by LG Smart AC hardware and smartphone application cannot be sold/transferred/rented to any other parties.
A complete list of LG Smart AC terms and conditions is at
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.

LG Smart AC

LG Smart AC
This manual describes how to install and use the
LG Smart AC Models PCRCUDT2/PCRCUDT3. LG Smart AC consists of a hardware Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) module, and a free smartphone application (app). The user must supply the smartphone; either an Apple® iPhone or an Android® phone. LG Smart AC is not opti-
mized for tablets.
LG Smart AC will also be referred to as Smart AC in this manual.
Before using Smart AC, you must download and install the latest version of the free LG Smart AC app from either the App store (iOS) or the Play store (Android).
Figure 1 shows the Smart AC app and WLAN module communicat­ing through the home setup wireless network. Direct communica­tion to the WLAN module occurs during initial registration.
Figure 2 shows the Smart AC app communicating through a
remote internet access back to the LG duct-free system.
The hardware WLAN module and the smartphone app together
provide monitoring and remote control capabilities for LG duct-free
systems. Smart AC functions only with certain models of the LG duct-free system products. This product is intended for customers of DFS systems, that wish to control their indoor inverter units within their home or remotely at other locations (provided they have wire­less connection) through the LG Smart module.
Some functionality of the Smart AC App may be limited due to the duct-free
single zone model. Check your owner’s manual for your model’s capabilities.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
User Manual
Figure 1: LG Smart AC App Communication through Home Network
Figure 2: LG Smart AC App Remote Communication

User Smartphone Environment

Following minimum specifications are needed to successfully run the LG Smart AC app on a smartphone:
OS: Android 2.3 or higher; iOS 6 or higher
Resolution: Android 320 x 480 or higher; iOS 960 x 640 or
Normal operation may be hindered if the environment does not satisfy mini-
mum specications as outlined above. Some functions may not operate, may
be slow in performance, or part of the screen may be unclear.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Table 1: LG Smart AC Wireless Network Requirements
Standard IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency Range 2.412 – 2.472 GHz
Output Power
Data Rate
Modulation QPSK + OFDM
Class of Emission G1D, D2D
Number of Channels 13
Oscillator/Communication mode Crystal/Half-duplex
This device is not available for laptop computers or similar portable systems.
128 bits WEP, AES
802.11b: 11 dBM (11 Mbps)
802.11g: 15 dBM (54 Mbps)
802.11n : 11 dBM (72.2 Mbps)
802.11b: 11 Mbps
802.11g: 54 Mbps
802.11n: 72.2 Mbps
802.11b: -88 dBm (11 Mbps)
802.11g: -74 dBm (54 Mbps)
802.11n: -69 dBm (72.2 Mbps)
LG Smart AC
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
User Manual

Installation Sequence

To use LG Smart AC, you must install the app on your smartphone and sign up for a new account (first time install) and then connect the WLAN module to the indoor unit. This manual will show down-
load and installation of the app on both Android and Apple (iOS) platforms, however, procedural screens will mostly be through the
iOS smartphone platform. Note that the app is not optimized to
work on tablets. Where there is a slight difference in procedural steps, both platform screens will be shown.

Downloading and Installing the App

Follow the instructions for your smartphone, either Android or iPhone.

Install the Android App

Follow these steps to install the app on an Android smartphone.
Be sure your phone meets the speci-
cations listed on page 7.
1. Tap the Play Store icon on the phone.
2. Type LG Smart AC in the search window and search for the app.
3. Tap the LG Smart AC icon in the search results list.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
LG Smart AC
4. Tap the INSTALL button on the LG Smart AC screen.
5. Tap the ACCEPT button on the App permissions screen.
6. When the app is finished
installing, an OPEN button is
displayed on the screen.
7. If you are ready to begin Smart AC registration, tap OPEN and the app will start.

Install the iPhone App

Follow these steps to install the Smart AC app on an iPhone.
1. Be sure your phone meets the specifications listed in on page 10.
2. Tap the App Store icon on the iPhone screen.
3. Type LG Smart AC in the search window and search for the app.
4. Tap the LG Smart AC icon in the search results list
and then tap the FREE button.
5. If asked, enter your Apple iTunes password, and then tap OK to proceed.
6. When the app is finished installing, an OPEN button is dis­played on the screen.
7. If you are ready to begin Smart AC registration, tap OPEN to launch the app.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
User Manual

LG Smart AC Registration

This step can be performed either right after the installation of the
app on your smartphone or after you proceed with the Smart AC module installation on your indoor unit. It is helpful however to sign up as a new user and go through the email verification prior to module installation so that you can proceed easily with app and module communication.
1. From your smartphone, launch the app by tap­ping on the icon.
The LG Smart AC welcome screen will appear.
2. Select your country.
The app will change to the language selected.
3. Next, tap the Sign up button
to begin your registration
process (1).
Each user in the household
can sign up for their own user account and go through email verification.
A household may also share
one account.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
LG Smart AC
4. At the Terms and Conditions screen, accept all the terms, by tapping each “I agree” box and then tap Apply (2).
5. Enter your email address, choose a password; and then retype your password to conrm (3).
6. Enter your name in the elds as
shown. Note that your rst and last
name cannot exceed 15 characters.
7. Enter your phone number as shown and then tap Next to proceed.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
User Manual
8. At the Send E-mail Verication screen, review the information
to be sure everything is correct,
and then tap OK (4).
9. Log into your email and click on the link to confirm your registration through the LG
10. Proceed to LG Smart AC Module Installation section in
this manual.
LG Smart AC Module Installation
Before your app can communicate successfully with your indoor unit(s), you must install the WLAN module. Note that you will need one WLAN module for each indoor unit that you plan to control through your app.

WLAN Module Install

1. Open the LG Smart AC box, and remove the module from the plastic wrapper.
2. Verify that indoor unit is turned off and power is cut
off at the outdoor unit’s input power circuit breaker.
3. Open the front panel of the indoor unit and remove the USB port plastic cap (1) and insert WLAN module (2). Close front panel of unit.
4. Turn power on by turning
back on through the power breaker and then turn indoor
unit on.
5. Optionally, place a WLAN module into each indoor unit
as necessary before proceeding.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
LG Smart AC

WLAN Connection

To use LG Smart AC, the app must be installed on your smart­phone and the WLAN module must be connected to the air conditioning system’s indoor unit. The indoor unit must be turned
on. Follow the instructions for Android or for iPhone for first time pairing of your smartphone to the WLAN module.
The initial connection setup must be done at your home
over your home wireless network.

Initial WLAN Module and Smart AC Connection

This WLAN connection step needs to be performed the rst time the WLAN mod­ule is installed into the indoor unit, so that it can establish communication with the
unit and your home’s wireless network connectivity. Under normal circumstances,
the WLAN Module remains connected to the indoor unit at all times.
1. Tap the LG Smart AC icon.
2. Enter your account and password, then tap Sign In.
3. A product connection error prompt will display. Tap Ok to proceed.
The product connection error
display is normal since you have not registered and paired your connection to the WLAN at this time.
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
User Manual
Initial WLAN Module and Smart AC Connection (Continued)
4. The Register New Air Conditioner screen will display.
Before tapping “Continue” you will have to set the registration
Remote Controller may appear slightly different, depending on your model.
5. Point the remote control at the indoor unit, and press the Jet Mode and Fan
Speed buttons simultaneously for 3
6. Wait for the WLAN light to blink at the indoor unit (this may take a couple of
minutes after the beep).
• If the WLAN light does not start to blink after three minutes,
reset the registration mode again, using the remote controller, as in step 5.
Check the WLAN light once more. If the above pairing process has not been
successful, follow the instruction below:
Turn off the indoor unit, wait 10 seconds and then turn the indoor unit
back on (power up). Then try the above registration steps after waiting three
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specications may change without notication. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
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